“But when I maintain that the meaning of sexual reproduction is to render possible the transformation of the higher organisms by means of natural selection, such a statement is not equivalent to the assertion that sexual reproduction originally came into existence in order to achieve this end. The effects which are now produced by sexual reproduction did not constitute the causes which led to its first appearance. Sexual reproduction came into existence before it could lead to hereditary individual variability [i.e., to the possibility of natural selection]. Its first appearance must, therefore, have had some other cause [than natural selection]; but the nature of this cause can hardly be determined with any degree of certainty or precision from the facts with which we are at present acquainted.”—Essay on the Significance of Sexual Reproduction in the Theory of Natural Selection. English Translation, pp. 281-282. “I am still of opinion that the origin of sexual reproduction depends on the advantage which it affords to the operation of natural selection.... Sexual reproduction has arisen by and for natural selection as the sole means by which individual variations can be united and combined in every possible proportion.”—Nature, vol. xli. p. 322. How such contradictory statements can be reconciled I do not perceive; but they furnish a good example of the extreme laxity with which the term “natural selection” is used by ultra-Darwinians.
“The necessity of a system of double parentage in complex organisations is the immediate consequence of a theory of organic units and germs, as we shall see if we fix our attention upon any one definite series of unisexual descents, and follow out its history. Suppose we select, cut off, and plant the second bud, then after it has grown to maturity we similarly take the second of its buds, and so on consecutively. At each successive stage there is always a chance of some one or more of the various species of germs in the stirp dying out, or being omitted; and of course when they are gone they are lost for ever, and are irreplaceable by others. From time to time this chance must fall unfavourably, and will cause a deficiency in some of the structural elements, and a consequent deterioration of the race. If the loss be vital, this particular line of descent will of course be extinguished at once; but on the more favourable supposition, the race will linger on, submitting to successive decrements in its constituent elements, until the accumulation of small losses becomes fatal.”—loc. cit., p. 333. Galton also points out a further advantage that is secured by “amphimixis,” and one which shows the non-necessity of what remains of Weismann’s theory of polar bodies, thus:— “There is yet another advantage in double parentage, namely, that as the stirp whence the child sprang can only be half the size of the combined stirps of his two parents, it follows that one half of his possible heritage must have been suppressed. This implies a sharp struggle for place among the competing germs, and the success, as we may infer, of the fitter half of their numerous varieties.”—loc. cit., p. 334. |