Oh, dear! Oh, dear! I sadly fear This poor Black-Beetle's ill; And to him now No use, I trow, Is the cleverest doctor's skill. man looking at beetle on its back on table "No medical sage His pain can assuage." No medical sage His pain can assuage. You can see at a glance how bad He's made himself, All thro' his pelf: Isn't it dreadfully sad? lots of beetles climbing up on to table while cook sleeps in a chair "When the cook was asleep." For wandering wide On the floor he spied, Last night when the cook was asleep, And rejoiced to find Some cucumber rind, And now no more he will creep! beetle on cucumber "Cucumber at night." Yes! sad though it be, This little "B-B" Would follow his own appetite; He could never say "no," When it tempted him; so His epitaph is, "Serve him right!" And thus tearfull-ee, He begs you and me His case as a warning to mind; Cucumber at night To regard with affright, And never to eat up the rind. bugs caught in web in flowering cherry tree Lots of spiders making webs
"Spiders,—heugh!" |