Buz! buz! buz! Over blossoms heavy laden with their treasures; Hear its music as it rifles From the flowers their seeming trifles; We may watch it in the sunshine at our leisure. bees with wheelbarrows and carts full of honey and pollen "Hearty toil." See! their secrets it espying In their tinted depths while prying, As it works thro' the long summer day; "Be in earnest in your quest, Hearty toil brings well-earned rest," Seems the burden of its light-hearted lay. Bees eating honey and smoking pipe "Well-earned rest." Lessons here of self-reliance, And "defence but not defiance," As Volunteers are taught by the Bee. As it works on active wing, Self-protected with its sting, 'Tis a grand working model, good to see; bee sitting on flower playing a trumpet ". . . Its music as it rifles." Pointing out how each is sharing In the common task, and bearing His just portion; where no idler is seen: All are busy in the hive Where these happy workmen thrive, And they're loyal, every one, to their Queen. Kitten looking at beetle at dish of milk beetle sitting in corner
"This poor Black-Beetle's ill!." |