
The Dipper lies low, the Pointers a little east of north. They direct to the Pole Star. The Guardians of the Pole ( and ? of the Little Bear, Ursa Minor) lie in a direction from the pole star corresponding to that of the minute hand of a clock about 22 minutes before an hour. Between the Pointers and Pole Star lies the tip of the Dragon's Tail. Sweeping around the Little Bear (Ursa Minor) we find the stars of the Dragon (Draco) curving back by the star d to the Dragon's Head, with the two bright eyes, ? and . Above is the inconspicuous constellation Cepheus; and somewhat higher, the stars of Cassiopeia, a and , marking the top rail of the Seated Lady's Chair.

Low down in the northwest Hercules is setting. Above is the Lyre, with the bright steel-blue Vega; and above that the stars of the Swan (Cygnus), which has sometimes been called the Northern Cross.

Nearly due west we find the Eagle (Aquila), ? and e marking its tail, ? the head. Above the Eagle is the pretty little constellation Delphinus, the Dolphin.

In the southwest, rather low, is the Sea Goat (Capricornus); above and to the south of him the Water Bearer (Aquarius), with his pitcher, marked by the stars, a, ?, and ?. The head of the Winged Horse, Pegasus, now upside down (in fact, he is seldom otherwise), is just above this group. The "Square of Pegasus" will be noticed high up, due south. The star a of Andromeda, one of the corners of this square, used to be also called d of Pegasus.

Much attention need not be directed to the Phoenix, low in the southern horizon. The River Eridanus is coming well into view; and the great Sea Monster (Cetus) now shows finely, his head at a and ?, his paddles at ? and t. The Fishes (Pisces) are above; the Ram (Aries) above them and eastward, lying toward the southeast; then the Triangle (Triangula, or the Triangles, according to modern maps), and the Chained Lady (Andromeda) too nearly overhead to be very pleasantly observed. The great nebula in which the new star recently appeared is near the point overhead.

The grand giant Orion is rising in the east; above him the Bull (Taurus) with the Pleiades. Low down in the northeast the Twins (Gemini) are rising; above is the Charioteer (Auriga), and above him the Rescuing Knight (Perseus), "of fair-haired Danae born." The Camelopard is hardly worth noticing, except as marking a barren region of the heavens.


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