The Great Bear (Ursa Major) is beginning to rise above the northeast (by north) horizon. The end of the Dipper's handle is hidden. A line from the Pole Star (toward which the Pointers direct the observer) to the Guardians of the pole ( and ? of the Little Bear, Ursa Minor), is now in the position of the minute hand of a clock 27 minutes before an hour. The stars of the Dragon wind round below the Little Bear toward the west, the head of the Dragon with the gleaming eyes ("oblique retorted that askant cast gleaming fire") being low down, a little north of northwest. Above is King Cepheus, and above him his queen, the Seated Lady (Cassiopeia); their daughter, the Chained Lady (Andromeda) being nearly overhead. Low down in the northwest we see the Lyre (Lyra), with the bright Vega; and close by toward the west the Swan (Cygnus), or Northern Cross. The Eagle is setting in the west, and the Little Dolphin nears the western horizon. Toward the southwest (by west) we see the Water Bearer (Aquarius), with his pitcher (, ?, a), close by which is the head of the Winged Horse (Pegasus). In the south, low down, is the absurd Phoenix; above, the Sea Monster, or Whale (Cetus); above him, the Fishes (Pisces); above them, the Ram (Aries); while nearly overhead lies the Triangle, in reality the Triangles (Triangula). The River (Eridanus) occupies the southeasterly sky. The Dove and Great Dog (Columba and Canis Major) are rising in the southeast. The glorious Orion has now come well into view, though not yet so upright as we could wish a knightly hunter to be. He treads on the Hare (Lepus), and faces the Bull (Taurus) above. Due east we find the Crab (Cancer), and Little Dog (Canis Minor) low down; the Twins (Gemini) higher; above them the Charioteer (Auriga), with the bright Capella, and Perseus the Rescuer nearing the point overhead. In the mid-space between Perseus, Auriga, and the two Bears, we find the ridiculous constellation Camelopardus, or the Giraffe. MAP. XII
Stars of the first magnitude are eight-pointed; second magnitude, six-pointed; third magnitude, five-pointed; fourth magnitude (a few), four-pointed; fifth magnitude (very few), three-pointed. For star names refer to page 4. |