decoration FIG. | | | PAGE | 1. | } | | | 2. | } | Typical London House | 4, 5 | 3. | } | | | 4. | } | Combined Staircase and Ventilated Lobby | 10, 11 | 5. | } | 6. | | House with Staircase forming Ventilated Cut-off from Kitchen and Lavatory, &c. | 12 | 7. | | Bungalow facing South | 14 | 8. | | Convalescent Home | 16 | 9. | | Stove with Air-inlet Underneath | 17 | 10. | | Ventilating Panel in Door | 17 | 11. | | Bedroom Window | 22 | 12. | } | Cellar Window | 29 | 13. | } | 14. | | Andover Houses and Garden | 35 | 15. | | Garden at Andover | 38 | 16. | | Section of 'Dry-Catch' Privy | 40 | 17. | | Earth-closet with Ventilated Lobby | 46 | 18. | | Section through Earth-closet and Dry Catch | 47 | 19. | | Section of Dry Closet Pan | 48 | 20. | | Urine Filter | 51 | 21. | | Dry Urinal | 57 | 22. | | Plan of Well, showing its relation to Paths and Hedge | 65 | 23. | | Section of Well, showing Concrete Lining and position of Pump | 65 | 24. | | Rustic Arch | 77 | 25. | | Use of Arch for getting Waste Water clear of House | 77 | 26. | | Filtration Gutter | 79 | 27. | | Filtration Gutter on Bank | 80 | 28. | | Kitchen Sink with Duplicated Outside Filter | 82 | 29. | | Arrangement for Small Tenements | 87 | 30. | | Section of Small Tenements | 88 | 31. | | Building Estate | 92 | 32. | } | | | 33. | } | Illustrations of 'Model' By-Laws for Regulation of Buildings | 109 | 34. | } | | | 35. | | Curves of Unmanured and Manured Barley Plots | 139 | 36. | | Map to
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