

Acacia, the, 11, 39, 40, 45
Accadians, the, 2, 4, 6, 111, 133
Acis, metamorphosis of, 81
Adonis, 11, 75, 81, 159
Aesculapius, laurel sacred to, 37
Alexander the Great, and the flower-maidens, 60;
and the Persian tree-oracles, 99
Ama-ravati, Buddhist sculptures at, 14
Ambrosia, 126
America, tree-worship in, 16, 17
Amrita, 125
Aphrodite, 30, 32, 46, 81, 88;
apples sacred to, 37;
myrtle sacred to, 37
Apollo, 47, 76, 98, 99;
and Daphne, 77;
laurel sacred to, 36, 47, 50, 77
Apples, sacred to Aphrodite, 37;
of Hesperides, 119
Arabia, the Jinni of, 24, 52, 54, 94;
tree-oracles in, 99, 102;
tree-worship in, 45
Argo, oracular beam of the, 98
Armenia, tree-oracles in, 99;
use of branches in, 49
Artemis, 49, 76;
a vegetation deity, 29, 88;
sacred tree of, 45, 49
AshÊra, the, 8, 88, 96
Assyria, tree-worship in, 5, 6, 88
Astarte, 8, 30, 87;
the cypress sacred to, 40
Athena, 152;
the olive sacred to, 38
Athens, festivals at, 48, 151
Atlantis, the lost, 139
Atlas, Mount, 110, 119, 135, 136
Attis, a tree-god, 11, 75, 80, 81, 154, 159
Auxerre, sacred tree of, 20
Avalon, the isle of, 140
Babylonia, tree-worship in, 6;
mountain worship in, 112;
world-tree of, 111
Banian, the, 42, 64, 76
Basil, Holy, of India, 43
Baucis and Philemon, metamorphosis of, 79
Bavaria, Whitsuntide custom in, 159
Beech, the sacred, 46
Bharhut, Buddhist sculptures at, 15, 40, 42
Bo-tree, the, 40, 116
Bodhi-trees of the Buddhas, 40
Borneo, tree-worship in, 16
BÖtticher, general conclusion of, regarding tree-worship, 21
Brahma, 14, 43, 115
Branches forced into flower at Christmas, 170;
religious use of, 13, 36, 37, 38, 47, 48, 91
Brittany, use of laurel branch in, 91
Buddhas, the Bodhi-trees of the, 40
Buddhism, tree-worship and, 14, 40, 110, 116, 142
Burma, tree worship in, 16;
tree-spirits of, 65
Canaan, tree-worship in, 3, 8, 88;
tree-oracles in, 95
Canute forbids tree-worship, 20
Carinthia, Green George of, 157
Cedar, the sacred, 7, 39, 40, 99, 95
Centaurs, the, 55, 56
Ceres, sacred grove of, 63
Chaldaea, cosmogony of, 113;
demons of, 53;
divination in, 105;
illustrious mounds of, 112;
oracles of, 95, 99;
tree-worship in, 4, 6;
world-tree of, 111
Charlemagne destroys the IrmensÛl, 120
China, divination in, 105;
legends of, 83;
paradise legends of, 133;
tree-worship in, 15;
world-tree of, 118
Christmas observances, 162 et seq.
Christmas-tree, introduction into England of, 165;
origin in Germany of, 165
Churches, decoration of, at Christmas, 164
Circassia, pear-tree worshipped in, 153
Clymene, the daughters of, 78
Clytia, metamorphosis of, 80
Columbus and the earthly paradise, 141
Cronos, 163;
a vegetation deity, 29
Cybele, 12, 30, 75, 81
Cyclops, the, 55, 56
Cypress, the sacred, 5, 13, 17, 39, 40, 51, 89, 131
Damaras, creation legend of the, 74
Daphne, 94;
metamorphosis of, 77
Daphnephoria, the, 47
Delphi, sacred laurel of, 36, 47, 50, 77, 98;
oracle of, 36, 50, 77, 94, 98, 102
DidÛ, the, emblem of Osiris, 34, 117
Dionysus, fruit-tree dressed as, 31, 33;
sacred tree of, 27;
a tree deity, 11, 12, 31, 32, 39, 48, 49, 57, 126, 159
Divination in Germany, 102;
by leaves, 107;
by roots, 106;
in Sarmatia, 102;
in Scythia, 102;
in Sweden, 105
Divining rod, the, 103 et seq.
Dodona, oracular oak of, 28, 36, 93, 96, 98, 102
Druids, the, 20, 35, 103, 105, 161, 164
Dryads, the, 55, 58, 63
Dusares and the vine, 40
Ea, 7, 95, 111;
sacred cedar of, 40, 131
Eddas, the, account of man’s origin in, 73;
description of Yggdrasil in, 112
Egypt, sacred sycamores of, 9, 25, 27, 44, 45;
tree-demons of, 55;
tree-worship in, 9, 10, 25, 45;
world-tree of, 110, 117
Eiresione, the, 48, 151, 173;
addressed as a person, 153
Elves, 24, 52, 63, 65
England, Christmas-tree in, 165;
May celebrations in, 144 et seq.;
tree-worship in, 20
Esdras, paradise of, 131
Esthonia, tree-worship in, 19, 44;
world-tree of, 122
Fairies, the, 65
Fauns, the, 55, 58
Faunus, grove oracles of, 100
Fertility, the tree as genius of, 87, 153
Ficus ruminalis, the, 76, 86
Fig-tree, the, associated with the silvani, 58;
carved as Pan, 33;
spirit of, 58
Finland, tree-spirits of, 70;
tree-worship in, 19;
world-tree of, 120
Flower-maidens, the, 60
France, divination in, 105;
harvest custom in, 150;
tree-worship in, 19
Gautama, 14, 41, 43, 76, 116;
and the Indian shot, 82
Germany, autumn festival in, 163, 166, 170;
Christmas-tree in, 165;
divination in, 102, 105;
May customs in, 150, 155;
tree-demons of, 11, 40, 159
Palestine, tree-demons of, 54;
tree-worship in, 7, 8
Palm-tree, the, 5, 45, 49, 88, 99
Pan, a tree-god, 31, 33, 46, 56;
the pipe of, 81
Paradise, 128 et seq.;
an artificial, 143;
the earthly, 136;
trees of, 131, 142, 170
Paradise-plays, mediaeval, 169, 171
Patagonia, tree-worship in, 17
Pear-tree, the, worshipped in Circassia, 153
Permians, trees worshipped by the, 19
Persia, creation legends of, 23, 130;
haoma ritual of, 123;
tree-oracle in, 99;
tree-worship in, 13, 123;
use of branches in, 49;
world-tree of, 115, 142
Peru, wood-ghost of, 71
Pfingstl, the, 159
Phyllis, metamorphosis of, 79
Pine, the sacred, 28, 31, 56, 58, 59, 80;
venerated by the Semites, 39
Pippala, the, associated with Brahma, 14;
with Gautama, 41
Plane-tree, the, of Armavira, 99;
its connection with Pelops, 86;
with Persian kings, 13
Poland, tree-worship in, 19
Pomegranate, the, 5, 30, 80
Poplar, the, sacred to Dis, 39;
Zeus born beneath, 76
Puritans, denunciation of May-poles by, 21, 146
Robin Hood, king of the May, 158
Rome, grove oracle in, 100;
tree-worship in, 17, 28, 47
Romove, sacred oak of, 44
Russia, tree-demons of, 19, THE END

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