ETHNOLOGICAL RESULTS OF THE POINT BARROW EXPEDITION. ETHNOLOGICAL RESULTS OF THE POINT BARROW EXPEDITION. (2) ETHNOLOGICAL RESULTS OF THE POINT BARROW EXPEDITION. (3) The body of the article has been divided into three segments (see table of contents) of about equal size. This preliminary section includes the full Contents, List of Illustrations, and Index. All parts are fully interlinked. In the body text, each heading links back to the next higher heading, and so on back to the top of each file. Orthography is briefly described early in the article. Note in particular the vowels ɐ and ǝ (inverted a and e); both are rare. The inconsistent use of ĸ and ρ, especially in material quoted from other sources, is not explained. The letter ĸ (kra) is equivalent to q in modern (ICI) orthography; ρ (Greek rho) may represent r or voiced/nasalized q. Contents pages 19-150 (separate file) |