riots in, 405-6; struggle of Assembly in, 409-14. Bern, 152, 154, 156. Bible, Metternich's view of, 6. Bini, Carlo, 55. Blasendorf, 312-14. Blum, Robert, first appearance, 92; sympathy with Ronge, 95; victory of, 96; sympathy with Poland, 192; in March rising, 223-5; influence in Preparatory Parliament, 293, 295; hinders May rising, 361; view of Truce of MalmÖ, 374-5; action in Frankfort riot, 375-6; difference with Hecker, 376-7; his republicanism, 377-8; in Vienna, 393-7; his death and its effects, 397-8. Blumenthal, Major von, 412-13. Bohemia, division of classes in, 204; national feeling in, 206; history of in 17th and 18th centuries, 250-3; revival of language in, 253-4; March rising in, 254-60; race difficulties in, 289-92; effect on of May rising, 308, 310; peculiarity of its position, 333; feeling towards Italy, 335; triumphed over by Frankfort Parliament, 363; Deputies of in Viennese Parliament, 387, 392; Deputies at OlmÜtz, 415-16; at Kremsier, 416; treatment of in Constitution of 1849, 455. See also Slavs, Prague, Rieger. Bologna, in 1830, 6 39540-h@39540-h-10.htm.html#Page_428" class="pginternal">428, 429; Roman feeling towards, 427; abdication, 429-30. accession, 41; appeal to Charles Albert, 42; system of government, 43; treatment of Mazzini, 59; conspiracy against, 61. ---- VI. of Germany, treatment of Serbs, 282. Christian VIII. of Denmark, policy of in 1846, 163-4; in 1848, 371-2. Chrzanowski, 428. his suppression of clerical conspiracy, 145; his demands for reform, 178; desires Lombard war, 339. Civita Vecchia, 467, 471, 472-3. Coblenz, resistance to King of Prussia, 412. Cologne, Archbishop of, quarrel of with Frederick William III., 93; released, 94. ---- socialism in, 403. Como, 189; March rising in, 268. Concordat of Seven, 152, 155. Confalonieri, Federigo, position and work, 25-6; in 1821, 36; imprisoned, 44-6; effect of death, 144. attitude in 1816, 29; in 1820, 82; goes to Laybach, 34-5; treachery of, 39; tyranny, 44. his birthday, 173; concessions, 177-8; joins Lombard war, 338; jealousy of Charles Albert, 346; May coup d'État, 352-3; re-conquers Sicily, 468-70. ---- of Spain, tyranny, 30; in 1820, 31. ---- of Tuscany, 53. Ferrara, Austrian claim to, 3; first Austrian occupation, 146-50; expulsion of Austrians from, 354; second occupation, 368; third attack on, 466; capture of, 477; vote of, 477. Ferrari, 349. Ferrero, action in 1821, 40. Ficquelmont, 186, 261, 302. Filangieri, 29. Fischhof, on March 13th, 235-9; appeals about Press Law, 304; tries to save Latour, 391-2; at Kremsier, 416. Fiume, 461. Florence, 180, 424-5, 468. Forli, 138, 422. Foscolo, Ugo, early career, 23; writes "Jacopo Ortis," 24; "Il Conciliatore," 26. Fossombroni, his policy, 53-4; effect of his death, 128. Mazzini in, 68-9; sympathy with Poland, 129; relations with Poland, 129; with Cracow, 131; in 1848, 215-238, 248-9, 292-4, 407, 415; relations of to Vienna, 209; to Bohemia, 295-302; feeling in to Italy, 335, 346; relations of with Prussia, 376, 378; effect on, of fall of Vienna, 398, 400; fall of liberties of, 484-5. Germany, South, 218-22, 232. Gervinus, in 1837, 92. Gioberti, writes for "Young Italy," 69; early career, 122-3; "Il Primato," 123-5; quarrel with Jesuits, 122, 125; affected by Pius IX.'s election, 138; plans for restoring Pope, 425. Giskra, 307-8. Gizzi, Cardinal, 140-2. Goegg, 220. Goethe, influence on Foscolo, 24; opinion of Manzoni, 25. Goito. See Battles. Goldmark, on March 13th, 237; Jesuits, attacks on in Saxony, 95; Gioberti's quarrel with, 122, 125; influence at Rome, 126; in Tuscany, 128, 148; in Switzerland, 156, 157; expulsion of from Rome demanded, 178; from Turin, 181; hatred of in Vienna, 211; in Bavaria, 222; Anfossi's hostility to, 263; attacks on in Brescia, 268; propaganda of against Greek Church, 282; hatred of Rossi, 419. John, Arch Duke. See Arch Duke. Joseph I. of Germany, his treatment of Serbs, 282. ---- II. of Germany, his policy, 5; his agrarian reforms, 81; Germanising attempts of, 89-90; reforms in Transylvania, 110-11; policy in Bohemia, 253; denounced by Hungarians, 460. JozipoviÇ, 104-5. Jungmann, 254. Kikinda. See Velika Kikinda. Kiss, victory over Serbs, 385-6; struggle with Russians, 491-2. Klapka, captures Komorn, 490; his defence of it, 494. Klausenburg, 316, 441, 444, 446. Knicsanin, 320, 385. Kollar, 254, 283. Kolowrat, relations with Metternich, 206, 241; founds College of Censorship, 214; mistakes in March, 231-2; attitude to Bohemians, 260; in March Ministry, 302. Komorn, 490, 494. Kossuth, 51; character and early career, 83-4; imprisoned, 85; released, 86; starts "Pesti Hirlap," 100; attacks Slavs, 153, 154, 159. See also Guizot. Lucca, political position, 52; relations of with Tuscany, 149, 150. LÜders, General, 448. Luzern, 152, 153-4, 156, 160, 162. Lychnowsky, his death, 376. Maestri, 366. Magyars, their relations with other races, 96-7; Metternich's hostility to them, 99; their hostility to Croats, 99-102, 107; 1st settlement in Hungary, 108; position in Transylvania, 108, 114; relations with Roumanians, 110, 112, 442-3; opposition to Roth, 115-16; relations with Slovaks, 276; with Slavs, 278, 281-2, 284-6, 310-20; attitude in May, 309; quarrel with Bohemians, 332, 387-8; attitude towards Italy, 335-6; relations with Vienna, 387-9, 395, 397. Mailath, Anton, 86, enthusiasm for in Berlin, 370; in Sicily, 469; in Baden, 485. Mihacsfalva, 317. Milan, grain riots in 1847, 144; demonstration at, 146-7; government of in February 1848, 182-6; Provincial Congregation, 189; smoking riots, 196-8; Metternich's concessions to, 199; effect of Sicilian revolution in, 199-200; March rising, 262-9; government of, in Lombard war, 336-7; Mazzini's visit to, 342, 349-50; contrasted with Venice, 343-4; May rising in, 356-7; fall of, 365-7. Military frontier, 281, 319, 455. Minto, Lord, 147, 177. Modena, political position, 52; Austrian occupation, 150; insurrection in, 337; defended by Durando, 345; Radetzky's policy in, note to 380. See also Francis IV. and V. Moga, General, hesitations, 396; defeat, 396-7; deposition, 433. Moltke, 374. Moncenigo, 195-6. Montanara, 365. Montanelli, promotes unity in Italy, 138; brings pressure on Pius IX., 148; his scheme of constituent Assembly, 419; joins provisional Government, 424; offered place in Triumvirate, 468. Montecuccoli, 236-9. Monti, Vincenzo, 22, 23. Moravia, relations of with Bohemia, 258, 289, 290, 291; demands of in Slav Con 65" class="pginternal">65. amnesty, 141; popular belief in, 142-3; reforms, 145; conspiracy against him, 145; uncertainties, 147; effect of his reforms, 169; concessions at end of 1847, 179; hesitations, 335; dragged into Lombard war, 338; confusion of his position, 339; Encyclical of April 29th, 346-7; accepts Mamiani, 348; suspicions of King of Naples, 354; attitude in June 1848, 417-18; appoints Rossi, 418; accepts democratic Ministry, 421; flight to Gaeta, 422; denounces Charles Albert, 425. Poerio, Carlo, 177. Poland, insurrection of 1830, 50; relations of exiles with Italy, 69-71; weakness of, 80; feelings of Liberals to, 129; proposals about in Frankfort Parliament, 306; its share in Slav Congress, 321, 323, 327. Pollet, 243. Portugal, 48. Posen, Blum's feeling to, 129; March movement in, 248-9; > insurrection of, 317-18; struggles of in September and October, 439-46, 448; feelings of to Constitution of 1849, 456; Kossuth's concessions to, 457. Rovigo, relations of with Venice, 344. Ruffini, Jacopo, his suicide, 69. Ruggiero, Settimo, 176, 469-70. Russia, position of in Europe, 7, 10; policy of to Cracow, 130; hatred of in Vienna, 238; feeling of German Liberals to, 296; of Palacky to, 297; fear of in Berlin, 404; invades Transylvania, 448; defeat of by Bem, 449; conquers Transylvania, 491-2. ---- Czar of. See Alexander, Nicholas. Ruthenians, demands of in Slav Congress, 323. St. Gallen, 152, 158. Saaz, rivalry with Prague, 291. appeal for a Constituent Assembly, 432; made Triumvir, 464; helps in preserving order, 464-5. Salmen, 315. Salvotti, 46. Sand, Ludwig, 15. relations with Charles Albert, 40; policy, 42-3; final defeat, 43. ---- Pietro di, 181. Sardinia, position of. See Piedmont. Sarner Bund, 152-3. Savelli, 139. Savoy, invasion of in 1834, 69-71; House of, see Victor Amadeus, &c. Saxons, position of in Transylvania, 108-10, 441; relations of to Roumanians, 110, 112, 15; zeal for constitution, 16. Stephen. See Arch Dukes. Sterbini, denounces Rossi, 419; Rossi's feeling to, 420; appointed Minister, 421; in provisional government, 423; opposition to Roselli, 482. StratimiroviÇ, character and position, 286; burns CrnojeviÇ's letter, 311; finds allies for Serbs, 312, 319; overthrow by RajaciÇ, 385-6; counteracted by RajaciÇ, 482. Strobach, 323, 392. at Heidelberg, 233; his fifteen proposals, 294-5; heads September rising, 377-8. SuplikaÇ, 312, 386. Switzerland, struggles in, 151-63; attacks of Austria on, 214; effect of on Baden, 220. Swornost, 308-9, 321, 323, 328. SzabÒ, 491. Szaffarik, work for Slovaks, 254; effect on Serbs, 283; summons Slav Congress, 301; in Slav Congress, 321; 8" class="pginternal">8; effect on of Ferdinand's accession, 206-8; double position of, 209; movements in, 210-14, 225-6; March rising in, 229-47; its effect in Bohemia, 259; in Milan, 262; in Venice, 271; relations of with Prague, 325-6; July Parliament in, 378-80; relations of with Hungary, 380, 384, 387; with Bohemia, 379, 392; with Italy, 379-80, 387; October rising in, 390-7; fall of, 397-9; effect of fall on Prussia, 408. ---- Concluding Act of, 17-18. ---- Decrees of 1834, 90, 221. ---- Treaty of, 3, 8, 17, 130, 146, 149, 151, 155, 160, 164. See also Congress. Vilagos, 493-4. Villamarina, 135. Waizen, declaration of, 438-9. Wallachia, rising in in 1821, 46-7. Wallacks. See Roumanians. Warsaw, trade with Cracow, 130; insurrection in, 131. Wartburg, Feast of, 14-15. Weimar, Duke of, his policy, 13-16. Welden, General, besieges Bologna, 368-9; cruelty of in Pavia, 426. Wellington, his opinion of Navarino, 49; small effect of his rule, 50. Wesselenyi, position and influence, 79; speech at Presburg, CHISWICK PRESS:—C. WHITTINGHAM AND CO., TOOKS COURT, |