List of Southern Writers.


This list is not complete. It is my desire to make it so, and I shall be greatly obliged for information as to names, dates, residence, and works of Southern writers. Correction of mistakes is urgently and respectfully solicited, as well as fuller details in regard to the names here given, which lack some of the above particulars.

Communications may be addressed to Miss Louise Manly, care B.F. Johnson Publishing Company, Richmond, Virginia.

Valuable aid has been most kindly and generously rendered by Prof. B.F. Meek, University of Alabama; Prof. Howard N. Ogden, University of West Virginia (now of the University of Chicago); Mr. Charles Weathers Bump, Ph. D., Johns Hopkins University; Prof. Charles W. Kent, Linden-Kent Professor of English, University of Virginia; Dr. James Wood Davidson, Washington, D.C.; Prof. B.F. Riley, University of Georgia; Mr. Alfred Holt Stone, Greenville, Mississippi; Prof. R.H. Willis, Arkansas University; Prof. F.C. Woodward, South Carolina University; Prof. C.V. Waugh, Florida State College; Miss Sara Hartman, Editor of The Gulf Messenger, San Antonio, Texas; Mr. F.A. Sampson, Sedalia, Missouri; Mr. William F. Switzler, Editor of The Missouri Democrat, Boonville, Missouri; Mr. Fay Hempstead, Little Rock, Arkansas; Mr. Leonard Lemmon, Editor of The School Forum, Sherman, Texas; Prof. E.M. Davis, University of Tennessee (now of Hampden-Sidney, Va.), and other professors and scholars.

Those marked * are to be found in the body of the book. The following abbreviations are used:

Bapt., Baptist. M.E., Methodist Episcopal.
c. e., civil engineer. nat., naturalist.
cl., clergyman. P.E., Protestant Episcopal.
ed., editor. phys., physician.
edu., educator. Pr., Presbyterian.
jour., journalist. R.C., Roman Catholic.
Luth., Lutheran. sci., scientist.

ragons and Other Stories (1888), Virginia of Virginia (1888), The Quick or the Dead? (1888) and other novels and dramas.
Chapman, John A. S.C.
The Walk (poem), History of South Carolina (for schools).
Charlton, Robert M., 1807-1854 lawyer Ga.
Leaves from the Portfolio of a Georgia Lawyer, Sketches, Poems.
Chaudron, Louis Ala.
Madame La Marquise, and other comedies.
Chittenden, William Lawrence, 1862- N.J., Tex.
(called “Poet-Ranchman”) Ranch Verses.
Clack, Mrs. Marie Louise La.
Our Refugee Household (1866).
Claiborne, John Francis Hamtranck, 1809-1884 jour. Miss.
Life and Times of General Sam. Dale, Life of J.A. Quitman (1860), History of the War of Secession.
Clarke, Mrs. Kate Upson, 1851- Ala., N.Y.
That Mary Ann, and other writings.
Clarke, Mrs. Mary Bayard [Devereux], 1830- N.C.
Wood-Notes, Mosses from a Rolling Stone, Reminiscences of Cuba, Stories, Sketches, Poems.
* Clay, Henry, 1777-1852 statesman Va., Ky.
Addresses at the Bar and in Congress.
Clemens, Jeremiah, 1814-1865 Ala.
Rivals, Mustang Gray, and other novels.
Cleveland, Henry Ga.
Alexander H. Stephens (1866).
Clingman, Thomas Lanier, 1812- statesman, soldier N.C.
Speeches, Mountains of North Carolina, Follies of the Positive Philosophy.
Cobb, Joseph Buckham, 1819-1858 Ga., Miss.
Creole, Mississippi Scenes, Leisure Labor.
Cobb, Thomas Read Rootes, 1823-1862 lawyer Ga.
Law of Slavery, Laws of Georgia, Addresses, Poems.
Coleman, Charles Washington, Jr Va.
Poems, Literature in the South.
Collens, Thomas Wharton, 1812-1879 lawyer La.
Martyr Patriots (drama), Humanics, Eden of Labor.
Collins, Clarence B. Fla.
(Called “Sand-spur Philosopher”) Tom and Joe, (a story of the war).
Connelly, Emma M. Ky.
Story of Kentucky, Tilting at Windmills.
Conway, Moncure Daniel, 1832- Va.
Idols and Ideals, Wandering Jew, Pine and Palm, Prisons of Air, Life of Paine, and other works.
Cook, E., colonial times Va., Md.
Sot-Weed [Tobacco] Factor.
* Cooke, Philip Pendleton, 1816-1850 Va.
Froissart Ballads and other Poems (1847), John Carpe, Crime of Andrew Blair, and other stories.
* Cooke, John Esten, 1830-1886 Va.
Virginia Comedians, Surry of Eagle’s Nest, and other novels.
Courmont, FÉlix de La.
Le Morne Vert, L’Amour, Le Dernier des CaraÏbes.
* Craddock, Charles Egbert (Miss Murfree) Tenn.
Prophet of the Great Smoky Mountains, &c.
Crafts, William, 1787-1826 lawyer S.C.
Raciad, and other poems, essays, &c.
Crane, William Carey, 1816-1885 Bapt. cl., edu. Va. Tex.
Life of General Sam Houston.
Crawford, J. Marshall Va.
Mosby and His Men (1867).
Crawford, William Harris, 1772-1834 statesman Ga.
Crawford, Nathaniel Macon, 1811-1871 Bapt. cl., edu. Ga., Ky.
Christian Paradoxes.
Creswell, Mrs. Julia [Pleasants], 1827-1886 Ala.
Callamura, Apheila, Poems.
“Crim, Matt” Ga.
Adventures of a Fair Rebel, In Beaver Cove and Elsewhere, Elizabeth: Christian Scientist.
* Crockett, David, 1786-1836 soldier, hunter Tenn.
Autobiography, &c.
Cross, Mrs. Jane Tandy [Chinn], 1817-1870 edu. Ky.
Heart Blossoms, Azile, Six Months Under a Cloud (Prison Life).
Crozier, Robert Haskins cl. Miss.
Confederate Spy.
Cruse, Mary Ann Fauquier, Francis, 1720-1768 colonial governor of Va.
Raising Money for the War.
Ficklen, Mrs. John R. La.
Dream Poetry.
Field, Joseph M., 1810-1856 (“Straws”) actor Mo.
Drama of Pokerville.
Field, Kate, 1840- ed. “Kate Field’s Washington Mo., D.C.
Charles A. Fechter, Planchette’s Diary, Ten Days in Spain, Dickens’ Readings, Hap-Hazard.
Field, Miss L.A. Ga.
History of the United States.
Filley, Mrs. C.I. Mo.
Chapel of the Infant Jesus.
Filson, John, 1747-1788 explorer Ky., O.
Discovery, Settlement, and Present State of Kentucke.
Finley, John, 1797-1866 Va., Ind.
Hoosier’s Nest and other poems.
* Fisher, Miss Frances C. (see Reid, Christian)
Fitzhugh, George, 1807-1881 Va., Tex.
Sociology for the South, Cannibals All.
Flash, Henry Lynden, 1835- La., Cal.
What She Brought Me, and other poems.
Fontaine, Lamar Va., Tex.
(One of the reputed authors of “All Quiet Along the Potomac”), In Memoriam (poems).
Foote, Henry Stuart, 1800-1880 statesman Va., Tenn.
Texas and Texans, War of the Rebellion, Bench and Bar of the South-West, Personal Reminiscences.
Foote, William Henry, 1794-1869 cl., edu. Conn., Va.
Presbyterian Church in Virginia, Sketches of Virginia, Sketches in North Carolina.
Ford, Mrs. Sally Rochester, 1828- Ky., Mo.
Grace Truman, Morgan and His Men, May Bunyan, Ernest Quest, and other religious stories.
Fortier, Florent La.
La Salle.
Fortier, AlcÉe edu. La.
Histoire de la LittÉrature franÇaise, Sept Grands Auteurs du Dix-neuviÈme SiÈcle, Gabriel d’Ennerich, Louisiana Studies (1894).
Forwood, William Stump, 1830- phys. Md.
History of Harford County, La Fayette’s Passage through Harford County in 1781, Mammoth Cave of Kentucky.
Fraser, Charles, 1782-1860 artist S.C.
Reminiscences of Charleston, Addresses, &c.
Freeman, Mrs. (Mary Forrest)
Women of the South Distinguished in Literature.
FrÉmont, John Charles, 1813-1890 soldier Ga., the West.
FrÉmont’s Explorations, Memoirs of My Life.
FrÉmont, Mrs. Jessie Benton, 1824- Mo.
Story of the Guard, Life of Thomas Hart Benton, Souvenirs of My Times.
French, Benjamin Franklin, 1799- Va., La.
Historical Annals of North America, Historical Collections of Louisiana.
French, Mrs. L. Virginia [Smith], 1830-1881 Md., Tenn.
Wind Whispers, Iztahlxo, Legends of the South.
Fuller, Edwin Wiley, 1847-1876 N.C.
Angel in the Cloud (poem), Sea-Gift (novel).
Furman, Richard, 1816-1886 Bapt. cl. S.C.
Pleasures of Piety and other poems, Description of Table-Rock.
Gadsden, Christopher Edwards, 1785-1852 P.E. bishop S.C.
Prayer-Book As It Is, Bishop Dehon, Sermons, &c.
Gallagher, William Davis, 1808- jour. O., Ky.
Wreck of the Hornet, Errato, Miami Woods, and other poems.
Garden, Alexander, 1685-1756 P.E. cl. Scot., S.C.
Letters to Whitefield, Sermons.
Garden, Alexander, 1730-1791 phys., nat. S.C.
Botanical Writings (Gardenia, or Cape Jessamine, named in his honor).
Garden, Alexander, 1757-1829 soldier S.C.
Anecdotes of the Revolutionary War.
Gardener, H.H. (see Mrs. Smart).
Garland, Hugh A., 1805-1854 lawyer Va., Mo.
Life of John Randolph of Roanoke.
Garnett, James Mercer, 1770-1843 publicist Va.
(Founder and first president of the U.S. Agricultural Society), Female Education, Articles on Agriculture.
Johnson, William, 1771-1834 jurist S.C.
Life and Correspondence of Major-General Greene.
Johnson, Joseph, 1776-1862 phys. S.C.
Traditions and Reminiscences of the Revolution.
Johnson, William Bullien, 1782-1862 Bapt. cl. S.C.
Memoir of N.P. Knapp, and other works.
Johnston, Joseph Eggleston, 1807-1891 soldier Va.
Narrative of Military Operations during the Late War.
* Johnston, Richard Malcolm, 1822- Ga., Md.
Dukesborough Tales, &c.
Johnston, William Preston, 1831- edu. Ky., La.
Life of General Albert Sidney Johnston, Shakspere Studies, My Garden Walk (poems).
Jones, Buehring H., 1823- soldier W. Va.
The Sunny Land, or Prison Prose and Poetry.
Jones, Charles Colcock, 1804-1863 Pr. cl. Ga.
Religious Instruction for Negroes, Church of God.
* Jones, Charles Colcock, Jr., 1831-1893 lawyer Ga.
History of Georgia, &c.
Jones, Hugh, 1669-1760 P.E. cl. Eng., Va.
Present State of Virginia.
Jones, John Beauchamp, 1810-1866 ed. Md., Pa., Va.
Books of Visions, Rural Sports (poem), Western Merchant, Wild Western Scenes, Rival Belles, Adventures of Col. Vanderbomb, Monarchist, Country Merchant, Freaks of Fortune, Rebel War Clerk’s Diary at the Confederate States Capital (1866).
Jones, John William, 1836- Bapt. cl. Va.
Army of Northern Virginia, Christ in the Camp, Personal Reminiscences of R.E. Lee, Davis Memorial Volume, &c.
Jones, Joseph Seawell, 1811-1855 N.C.
Revolutionary History of North Carolina, Memorials of North Carolina.
Jordan, Mrs. Cornelia Jane [Matthew], 1830- Va.
Richmond, Corinth, Flowers of Hope and Memory.
Jordan, Thomas, 1819- soldier Va., Tenn.
Campaigns of Lieut.-Gen. Forrest.
Joynes, Edward Southey, 1834- edu. Va., S.C., Tenn.
Study of the Classics, Modern Languages, Text-books, &c.
Kavanaugh, Benjamin Taylor, 1805-1888 Ky.
Great Central Valley of North America, Notes of a Western Rambler, Electricity the Motor Power of the Solar System.
Keiley, Anthony M. Va.
In Vinculis, or the Prisoner of War (1866).
Kendall, George Wilkins, 1809-1867 ed. La., Texas.
(Founder of the N.O. Picayune), Santa FÉ Expedition, War between the United States and Mexico.
Kenly, John Reese, 1822- soldier Md.
Memoirs of a Maryland Volunteer.
* Kennedy, John Pendleton, 1795-1870 Md.
Horse-Shoe Robinson, &c.
Kennedy, William, 1799-1849 English consul Scot., Texas.
Rise, Progress, and Prospects of the Republic of Texas, Texas, its Geography, Natural History, and Topography.
Kenney, Martin Joseph, 1819-1861 ed., lawyer Md.
Histories and Biographies for school use.
Kercheval, S. Va.
History of the Valley of Virginia (1833, 1850).
Ketchum, Mrs. Annie Chambers, 1824- edu. Ky., Tenn.
Lotus-Flowers (poems), Rilla Motto (novel), Nellie Bracken, Benny, Teacher’s Empire.
* Key, Francis Scott, 1780-1843 lawyer Md.
Star-Spangled Banner, and other poems.
King, Mrs. Sue Petigru S.C.
Busy Moments of an Idle Woman, Lily, Sylvia’s World, and other novels.
* King, Grace La.
Balcony Stories, History of Louisiana, &c.
Kinloch, Francis, 1755-1826 statesman S.C.
Letters from Geneva, Eulogy on George Washington.
Knott, James Proctor, 1830- statesman Ky.
Duluth Speech.
Kouns, Nathan Chapman, 1833- Mo.
Arius the Libyan, Dorcas the Daughter of Faustina.
Kroeger, Adolph Ernst, 1837-1882 ed. Mo.
Minnesingers of Germany.
La Borde, Maximilian, 1804-1873 edu. S.C.
History of South Carolina College, Story of ">S.C.
Duties of Christian Masters, Catechism, History of the Methodist Discipline.
* Madison, James, 1751-1836 statesman, fourth President Va.
State papers.
Madison, Mrs. Dorothy [Payne] [Todd], 1772-1849 N.C., Va.
Letters (edited by her grand-niece).
Maffit, John Newland, 1795-1850 M.E. cl. Ala., Ark.
Pulpit Sketches, Poems, Autobiography.
Magill, Mary Tucker, 1832- Va.
The Holcombes (novel), Chronicle of the Late War, History of Virginia.
Magruder, Allan Bowie, 1755-1822 statesman Ky.
Cession of Louisiana, Character of Jefferson, Indians (unfinished).
Magruder, Allan B. Va.
Life of John Marshall.
Magruder, Julia, 1854- Va.
Across the Chasm, At Anchor, Honored in the Breach, Magnificent Plebeian, A Beautiful Alien, and other stories.
Mallary, Charles Dutton, 1801-1864 Bapt. cl. S.C., Ga.
Memoir of Jesse Mercer, Life of Edmund Botsford.
Mangum, A.W., 1834- M.E. cl. N.C.
Myrtle Leaves, Safety Lamp.
Mann, Ambrose Dudley, 1801- diplomate Va.
Marean, Mrs. Beatrice Fla.
Tragedies of Oakhurst, Her Shadowed Life, &c.
Marigny, Bernard de La.
La Politique des Etats-Unis.
Marks, Elias, 1790-1886 edu. S.C.
Elfreide of Guldal, and other poems.
Marr, Frances Harrison, 1835- Va.
Heart Life in Song, Virginia, and other poems.
* Marshall, John, 1755-1835 jurist Va.
Life of Washington, Decisions of the Supreme Court.
Marshall, Charles, 1830- lawyer Va.
Life of R.E. Lee.
Marshall, Humphrey, 1756-1841 statesman Va., Ky.
History of Kentucky.
Marshall, Thomas Francis, 1801-1864 orator, lawyer Ky.
Martin, Mlle DÉsirÉe La.
Le Destin d’un Brin de Mousse.
Martin, FranÇois Xavier, 1764-1846 jurist N.C., La.
History of North Carolina, History of Louisiana.
Martin, Joseph Hamilton, 1825-1887 Pr. cl. Tenn., S.C., Va., Ky.
Historical poems: Smith and Pocahontas, Declaration of Independence, &c.
Martin, Luther, 1748-1826 lawyer N.J., Md.
Defence of Captain Cresap, Modern Gratitude, Speeches.
Martin, Mrs. Margaret Maxwell, 1807- edu. S.C.
Heroines of Early Methodism, Scenes in South Carolina, Day-Spring, Christianity in Earnest, Poems.
Martin, Mrs. Sallie M. [Davis] S.C., Ga.
Lalla de Vere, Women of France.
Marvin, Enoch Mather, 1823-1877 M.E. bishop Mo.
Work of Christ, To the East by Way of the West.
Mason, George, 1725-1792 statesman Va.
Mason, Emily Virginia, 1815- Ky., Va.
Life of R.E. Lee, Edited Southern Poems of the War.
Mason, Otis Tufton scientist D.C.
Woman’s Share in Primitive Culture (1894).
* Maury, Matthew Fontaine, 1806-1873 naval officer, sci. Tenn., Va.
Physical Geography of the Sea, &c.
Maury, Ann, 1803-1876
Memoirs of a Huguenot Family.
Maury, Mrs. Sarah Mytton [Hughes], 1803-1849 Eng., Va.
English Women in America, Statesmen of America, Etchings from the Caracci.
Maury, Dabney Herndon, 1822- soldier Va.
Skirmish Drill, Recollections of a Virginian (1894).
Maxcy, Jonathan, 1768-1820 edu. Mass., S.C.
(First president of South Carolina College), Orations, Sermons, Addresses (ed. by R. Elton, D.D.).
Maxwell, Hu W. Va.
Idylls of Golden Shore, poems.
Maxwell, William, 1784-1857 ed. Va. Historical Register Reichel, Levin Theodore, 1812-1878 Moravian bishop
Moravians in North Carolina (1857).
* Reid, Christian N.C.
Land of the Sky, and other novels, Land of the Sun (1895).
Reid, Sam Chester, 1818- lawyer N.Y., Miss.
McCulloch’s Texas Rangers, Raid of John H. Morgan.
Relf, Samuel, 1776-1823 jour. Va.
Infidelity, or the Victims of Sentiment.
RÉmy, Henri La.
Histoire de la Louisiane.
RenÖ, Itti Kinney, 1862- Tenn.
Miss Breckenridge, An Exceptional Case.
Requier, Augustus Julian, 1825-1887 ed. S.C., Ala.
Legend of Tremaine, Christalline, Old Sanctuary, Spanish Exile, Marco Bozzaris, Ode to Victory, Ashes of Glory (reply to Ryan’s “Conquered Banner”).
Ribaut, Jean, 1520-1565 discoverer France, Florida.
The Whole and True Discovery of Florida.
Rice, David, 1733-1816 Pr. cl. Va., Ky.
To Presbyterians of Kentucky, Divine Decrees, Baptism, &c.
Rice, Nathan Lewis, 1804-1877 Pr. cl. Ky.
Our Country and the Church, &c.
Rich, R. Eng., Va.
Newes from Virginia, 1610.
Riddell, John Leonard, 1807-1867 phys. La.
Flora of the Western States, (Riddellia named in his honor).
Rivers, Richard Henderson, 1814- edu. Tenn., Ala., Ky.
Life of Bishop Paine, Mental and Moral Philosophy.
Rivers, William James, 1822- edu. S.C.
History of South Carolina, Poems.
Rives, William Cabell, 1793-1868 Va.
Life of James Madison, Life of John Hampden, Ethics of Christianity.
Rives, Mrs. Judith Page Walker, 1802-1882 Va.
Souvenirs of a Residence in Europe, Home and the World.
* Rives, AmÉlie (see Mrs. Chanler).
Robertson, John, 1787-1873 jurist Va.
Riego, or the Spanish Martyr, Opuscula (poems).
Robertson, Thomas Bolling, 1773-1828 Va., La.
Events in Paris (1816).
Robertson, Wyndham, 1803-1888 governor of Va.
Pocahontas, alias Matoaka, and her Descendants.
Robinson, Fayette,—d. 1859 Va., N.Y.
Mexico and Her Military Chieftains, California and the Gold Regions, Wizard of the Wave, and other works.
Robinson, Mrs. Martha Harrison Va.
Helen Erskine (novel).
Rogers, James Webb, 1822- lawyer N.C.
Arlington, Lafitte, Madame Surratt (tragedy), Poems.
Rolfe, John, d. 1622 colonist, husband of Pocahontas Va.
Letter to Sir Thomas Dale.
Roman, Alfred La.
Military Operations of General Beauregard.
Rosenthal, Lewis, 1856- jour. Md.
America and France.
Rouen, B. La.
Cent Huit Ans, Rayon de Soleil.
Rouquette, FranÇois Dominique, 1810- La.
Les MeschacÉbÉennes, Fleurs d’AmÉrique.
Rouquette, Adrien Emanuel, 1813-1887 La.
La nouvelle Atala, L’Antoniade, Les Savanes, and other poems.
Rowland, Kate Mason Va.
Life of George Mason of Gunston, Charles Carroll of Carrollton.
Rozier, Firman A. Mo.
History of the Early Settlement of the Mississippi Valley.
Ruffner, Henry, 1789-1861 edu. Va.
Judith Ben-saddi, Fathers of the Desert, Future Punishment.
Rumple, Jethro, 1827- Pr. cl. N.C.
History of Davidson College, of Rowan County, of the Presbyterians in North Carolina.
Russell, Irwin, 1853-1879 Miss.
Dialect Poems (1888).
Rutherford, Mildred Ga.
English Authors, American Authors (1894).
Rutledge, John, 1739-1800 La.
Golden Wedding, Christmas Gifts, Carlotta’s Intended, Camelia, Ricardo, and others.
Stuart, Alexander Hugh Holmes, 1807- statesman Va.
Narrative of Virginia in 1869.
Summers, Thomas Osmond, 1812- M.E. cl. Eng., Va., Tenn.
Commentary on the Gospels and Acts, Talks Pleasant and Profitable, Golden Censer.
Swain, David Lowry, 1801-1868 edu., statesman, governor of N.C.
British Invasion of North Carolina, Revolutionary History of North Carolina.
Swain, Margie P. Ala.
Lochlin (published 1864, Selma, Ala.)
Switzler, William F. ed. Mo.
Illustrated History of Missouri.
Tabb, John B. Md.
Tailfer, Patrick colonist in 18th Century Ga., S.C.
Colony of Georgia in America, 1741.
Talley, Susan Archer (see Mrs. Von Weiss)
Taney, Roger Brooke, 1777-1864 jurist Md.
Autobiography, Supreme Court Decisions, (one of them being in the Dred Scott Case).
Tardy, Mrs. Mary (“Ida Raymond”) Ala.
Southland Writers, Living Female Writers of the South.
Taylor, Alexander Smith, 1817-1876 S.C., Cal.
First Voyage to California, Grasshoppers and Locusts of the United States.
Taylor, George Boardman, 1832- Bapt. cl. Va., Italy.
Oakland Stories, Walter Ennis, Letters, &c.
Taylor, James Barnett, 1819-1871 Bapt. cl. Eng., Va.
Life of Lot Cary, Lives of Virginia Baptist Ministers, Memoir of Luther Rice, &c.
Taylor, John, 1750-1824, (“Arator”) Va.
New View of the Constitution, Construction Construed, Tyranny Unmasked, Agricultural Essays.
Taylor, Richard, 1826-1879 (son of Zachary Taylor) La.
Destruction and Reconstruction.
Taylor, William Herron, 1838- Va.
Four Years with General Lee.
Taylor, Zachary, 1784-1850 twelfth President Va.
* Terhune, Mrs. Mary Virginia [Hawes] Va., N.Y.
(“Marion Harland”), Alone, Hidden Path, Mary the Mother of Washington, &c.
Testut, Charles La.
Les Echos (poems), Le Vieux Salomon, Les Filles de Monte Cristo (novels).
Tevis, Mrs. Julia edu. Ky.
Tharin, Robert Seymour Symmes, 1830- lawyer S.C.
Arbitrary Arrests in the South, Political Situation (1871).
Thierry, Camille La.
Les Vagabondes, and other poems.
Thom, William Taylor, 1849- Va.
Shakespeare and Chaucer Examinations (1887), Course of Shakespeare Historical Reading.
Thomas, Ebenezer Smith, 1780-1844 edu. Mass., S.C.
Reminiscences of the last Sixty-five years, Reminiscences of South Carolina.
Thomas, Frederick William, 1811-1866 ed. S.C., Md., Ala.
“’Tis Said that Absence Conquers Love,” and other lyrics, Emigrant, East and West, &c.
Thomas, Lewis Foulke, 1815-1868 Md., Ky., Mo.
Inda and other Poems, Osceola, Cortez, (dramas).
Thomas, Martha McCannon, 1823- Md.
Life’s Lessons, Captain Phil (story of the Civil War).
Thomas, Mary Von Erden, 1825- S.C.
Winning the Battle.
Thompson, John, 1777-1799 (“Casca,” “Gracchus”)
Letters of Curtius.
* Thompson, John Reuben, 1823-1873 ed. Va.
Poems, Editorials, &c.
Thompson, Maurice, 1844- c. e., lawyer Ga., La., Ind.
Tallahassee Girl, Creole Literature, Story of Louisiana, By-Ways and Bird-Notes, Songs of Fair Weather, At Love’s Extremes, A Banker of Bankersville, Sylvan Secrets, Poems, Essays, &c.
Thompson, Waddy, 1798-1868 S.C., Fla.
Recollections of Mexico (1846).
* Thompson, William Tappan, 1812-1882 ed. O., Ga.
Major Jones’s Cour


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