A Supplementary List, July, 1895. |
Corrections and further information are earnestly requested. Address Miss Louise Manly, care B.F. Johnson Publishing Company, Richmond, Va. Afflick, Mrs. Mary Hunt | | Ky., Tex. | Gates Ajar, and other Poems. | Alexander, Archibald, 1772-1851 | Pr. cl., edu. | Va., N.J. | Distinguished American Clergymen, History of the Presbyterian Church in Virginia (1854), and many theological writings. | Alexander, Joseph Waddel, 1804- | Pr. cl., edu. | Va., N.J. | Biography of Dr. Archibald Alexander, Family Worship, and theological writings. | Anderson, Archer | soldier | Va. | Addresses: Battle of Chickamauga, Robert E. Lee, &c. | Anderson, L.B. | | Va. | Biographies of Virginia Physicians of Olden Times (1891). | Andrews, Garnett | | Ga. | Reminiscences of an Old Georgia Lawyer (1870). | Archer, Branch T. | | Va., Tex. | Addresses, Essays, &c. | Avery, I.W. | | Ga. | History of Georgia (1881). | | Bachman, Catherine Louise | | S.C. | Life of John Bachman (her father). | Badger, Mrs. E.M. | | Fla., Tex. | Silent Influence, and other poems. | Barbour, Benjamin Johnson, -1895 | | Va. | Addresses. | Barton, W.S. | | Va. | Diocese of Virginia. | Bartram, William, 1739-1823 | botanist | England. | Travels through Carolina, Georgia, Florida, &c. (1791). | Battle, Kemp Plummer, 1831- | edu. | N.C. | History of Raleigh, Benjamin Smith, Z.B. Vance, General Sumner, and other addresses, essays, &c. | Beale, Maria | | N.C. | Jack O’Doon. | Beckwith, Paul | | Mo. | History of the Beckwith Family (1891), Creoles of St. Louis (1893). | Bedinger, Henry, 1810- | | Va. | Poems. | Bell, J.M. | | Va. | Life of Ex-Governor William Smith (1891). | Bennet, W.W. | cl. | Va. | The Great Revival in the Southern Army, Methodism in Virginia. | Berney, Saffold | | Ala. | Industrial History of Alabama. | Bernheim, G.D., 1827- | Luth. cl. | N.C. | German Settlement and Lutheran Church in N.C. and S.C. | Bickley, G.W.L. | | Va. | History of Tazewell County. | Biggs, Joseph, 1776-1844 | Bapt. cl. | N.C. | Kehukee Baptist Association (1837, continuation of Burkitt’s History). | Bigham, Robert Williams, 1824- | M.E. cl. | Ga. | Vinny Leal’s Trip, Uncle Viv’s Story, Gold Field Scenes, Joe a Boy in the War Times. | Billon, Frederick L. | | Mo. | Annals of St. Louis (1886). | Bishop, P.P. | Bapt. cl. | N.Y., Fla. | The Psychologist (novel), Heart of Man, American Citizen. | Bouldin, Powhatan | | Va. | Reminiscences of John Randolph of Roanoke (1878), The Old Trunk. | Boyd, C.R. | | Va. | History of Washington County, Geological Treatises. | Bradley, Mary E. | | Va. | Douglas Farm. | Branch, William, Jr. | | Va. | Life, and other poems (1819). | Brent, Frank P. | | Va. | Eastern Shore of Virginia (1891). | Broaddus, Andrew, 1770- | Bapt. cl. | Va. | History of the Bible, Sermons, Letters, &c. | Broadhead, Garland C. | edu. | Mo. | Missouri Geological Survey Reports, and many scientific and historical papers. | Brown, B. Gratz, 1826- | lawyer | Mo. | Geometry Old and New (1879), State Papers. | Brown, George William, 1812-1890 | jurist | Md. | Baltimore and the 19th of April, 1861, Life of Thomas Donaldson, Origin and Growth of Civil Liberty in Maryland, &c. | Brown, John, 1771-1850 | | Ger., Va. | Sermons (1818). | Brown, Mrs. Mary Mitchel | | Conn., Mo., Tex. | School History of Texas, Burial of Governor Henry Smith, The Golden Wedding, To Ex-President Jefferson Davis, and other poems. | Brown, Samuel, 1769- | phys. | Va. | Description of a Cave on Crooked Creek. | Browne, Alexander | | Va. | Genesis of the United States (1891). | Browne, Henry | | Va. | Captives of Abb’s Valley, The Great Supper. | Bruce, Philip A. | | Va. | Virginia Historical Society Papers, Plantation Negro as a Freeman, &c. | Bruce, Thomas | | Va. | Historical Sketches of Roanoke, Cupid and Duty, That Bruisin’ Lad o’ Greystone Lodge, &c. | Bryan, W.S. | publisher | Mo. | History of Pioneer Families of St. Louis. | Bryant, Edgar S. | lawyer | Ark. | Orations. | Buchannan, —— | cl. | Ark. | The World and the Book (1893). | Burgwyn, C.P.E. | | Va. | The Huguenot Lovers, and other poems. | Burkitt, Lemuel, 1750-1807 | Bapt. cl. | N.C. | Kehukee Baptist Association (with Jesse Read, 1803, and 1850, “earliest volume issued in the State on any part of her history”). | Burk, John Daly, -1808 | | Ireland, Va. | History of Virginia, 1804-1816 (3 volumes by Burk, the 4th by Louis Hue Girardin and Skelton Jones), Poems, Dramas, and other works. | Burwell, Letitia McCreery | | Va. | A Girl’s Life in Virginia before the War, Poems, &c. | Burwell, William McCreery, 1809-1888 | ed. | Va. | White Acre against Black Acre, Exile and Empire, Essays on Economics, Politics, &c., (editor of “De Bow’s Review”). | Bushnell, J.E. | | Va. | Baptism, Consecrated Giving, Deaconess Work (1889). | | Cabell, Ellen Mayo | | Va. | An Odd Volume of Fact and Fiction (1852). | Cabell, Mrs. I.C. | | Va. | Historical and Biographical Sketches, &c. | Cabell, Mrs. Margaret Couch [Anthony], 1814-1883 | | Va. | Recollections of Lynchburg. | Caldwell, Howard Hayne, 1831-1858 | lawyer | S.C. | Oliata (1855), Poems (1858), Prose Articles. | Caldwell, Mrs. M.M. | | Ga. | The Tie that Binds (1895). | Cameron, John | | N.C. | Hand-book of North Carolina. | Campbell, Alexander, 1786-1866 | cl. | Ireland, W. Va. | Sermons (Founder of the Church of the Disciples). | Campbell, Jesse H., 1807- | Bapt. cl. | Ga. | Georgia Baptists (1847). | Campbell, John Lyle, 1818- | | Va. | Geology of James River Valley (1892), Agriculture. | Campbell, John Poage, 1767- | | Va. | The Passenger (1804), Vindex (1806), Answer to Jones (1812), &c. | Campbell, John Wilson | | Va. | History of Virginia to 1781 (1813). | Carter, St. Leger Landon | | Va. | Nugae by Nugator (Poems). | Carter, William Page | | Va. | Poems. | Caruthers, Eli W., -1865 | | N.C. | Life of Rev. David Caldwell, D.D., Revolutionary Incidents in the “Old North State.” | Carwile, John Brown, 1825- | banker | S.C. | Reminiscences of Newberry. | Casselberry, Evans | lawyer | Mo. | Spanish Laws, Missouri Land Laws, &c. | Chappell, Absalom Harris, 1801-1878 | lawyer | Ga. | Miscellanies of Georgia (1874). | Charlton, Thomas U.P. | jurist | Md., Ga. | Life of Major-General James Jackson (1809). | Child, Jacob | ed. | Mo. | The Pearl of Asia (1892). | Clayton, Augustine Smith, 1783- | | Va. | Crockett’s Life of Van Buren. | Claytor, Graham | | Va. | Otterdale, Among the Hills, Pleasant Waters. | Clark, Walter, 1846- | jurist | N.C. | Editor Records of North Carolina (after 1776), historical and legal papers. | Clark, —— | | Mo. | History of William Jewell College. | Clarke, William | | Va. | Lewis and Clarke Expedition (with Lewis). | Cleland, John, 1709-1789, (son of Colonel Cleland, Will Honeycomb of the Spectator). | Tombo-Chiqui (1758). | Clover, Lewis P. | P.E. cl. | Va. | Old Churches in Virginia. | Cocke, Philip St. George, 1808-1861 | | Va. | Plantation and Farm Instruction (1852). | Coghill, James H. | | Va. | Abroad (1867), Family of Coghill, 1379 to 1879. | Coles, J.J. | | Va. | Africa in Brief (1886). | Colwell, Stephen, 1800-1871 | | Va. | Foreign Commerce, New Themes for the Protestant Clergy, Politics for American Citizens, Christianity in the United States, The South, &c. | Conant, A.J. | | Mo. | Footprints of Vanished Races (1878). | Cook, Mrs. Mary Louisa [Redd], -1891 | | Ga. | Ante Bellum, or Southern Life as It Was, A Woman’s Perils, Poems, &c. | Cooke, Philip St. George, 1809- | soldier | Va. | Scenes and Adventures in the Army (1856), Conquest of New Mexico and California (1878). | Corbin, Mrs. Diana Fontaine Maury | | Va. | Life of Matthew F. Maury (her father). | Cox, Edward Travers, 1821- | | Va. | Geological and Scientific Treatises. | Coxe, Henry Carlton, 1785- | | Va. | Liberty and Necessity, The Will. | Coyner, —— | | Va. | The Lost Trappers (sequel to Lewis and Clarke Expedition). | | Dabney, Heath H., 1859- | | Va. | History of the French Revolution (1889). | Dannelly, Mrs. Elizabeth O. [Marshall] | | Ga., Tex. | Cactus; or Thorns and Blossoms (poems). | Davis, John A.G., 1801-1840 | lawyer | Va. | Legal Treatises. | De Graffenreidt, Christopher | baron | Switzerland, N.C. | Narrative (of the colony of Swiss at New Bern, N.C.). | Derry, Joseph T. | edu. | Ga. | Story of the Confederate States, School History of the United States. | Dixon, Sam Houston | | Tex. | Poets and Poetry of Texas. | Doddridge, Joseph, 1769-1826 | P.E. cl. | W. Va. | Notes on Virginia and Pennsylvania, Logan. | Dove, John | phys. | Va. | Edited Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Masons from 1773 to 1822, History of the Grand Lodge in Virginia, &c. | Du Bose, John Witherspoon, 1836- | ed. | S.C., Ala. | Mineral Wealth of Alabama, Life and Times of William L. Yancey (1892). | Du Bose, —— | edu. | Tenn. | Soteriology. | Dudley, Thomas U. | P.E. bishop | Va., Ky. | A Nice Discrimination the Church’s Need, A Sunday School Question Book. | Dugan, Mrs. George E. (“May Myrtle”) | | Mo. | Myrtle Leaves (poem, 1885). | Dugger, Shepherd Monroe | | N.C. | Balsam Groves of the Grandfather Mountain. | Duke, R.T.W., Jr. | | Va. | Poems. | Duncan, R.S. | Bapt. cl. | Mo. | History of Baptists in Missouri (1882). | Durrett, Reuben Thomas, 1824- | | Ky. | Life of John Filson, the first historian of Kentucky, Essays, &c. | | Early, Mrs. Mary Washington [Cabell], 1846- | | Va. | Sambo’s Banishment, Virginia before the War, and other Sketches, Stories, and Essays. | Efnor, Mrs. Lottie | | Tex. | Poems, Sketches, and other writings. | Elliott, Stephen, 1771-1830 | nat. | S.C., Ga. | Botany of South Carolina and Georgia (1821). | Elliott, —— | P.E. bishop | S.C., Ga. | Religious writings. | Elliott, Charles, 1792- | ed., M.E. cl. | Ireland, Mo. | Southwestern Methodism (1868), and other works. | Elliott, Richard Smith | | Mo. | Notes on St. Louis (1883). | Ellison, Matthew, 1804- | Bapt. cl. | Va. | Dunkerism, a Plea for the Union of Baptists. | Evans, Lawton B., 1862- | edu. | Ga. | History of Georgia (1884). | Ewell, Alice Maud | | Va. | The White and the Red (1889), Stories and Sketches. | Ewing, Finis, 1773- | cl. | Va. | Lectures on Divinity (1839). | Ezekiel, H.C. | | Va. | The Book Buyer and Seller (1892). | | Festetits, Mrs. Kate Neely, 1837- | | Va. | Ellie Randolph, and other stories for children. | Fielder, Herbert | | Ga. | Life and Times of Joseph E. Brown (1883). | Filhive, Don Juan | | Spain, Ark. | Description of Hot Springs, Arkansas (in Spanish, 1796). | Fitzhugh, William | | Va. | History of the Northern Neck of Virginia. | Fitzhugh, William Henry, 1792- | | Va. | African Colonization (essays). | Floyd, N.J. | | Va. | Thorns in the Flesh (1886). | Folsom, James M. | | Ga. | Heroes and Martyrs of Georgia (1864). | Forest, William S. | | Va. | Historical and Descriptive Sketches of Norfolk. | Fowke, Gerard | | Ky., Va. | Archeological Investigations in James and Potomac Valleys (1894). | Fox, Norman, 1836- | edu., Bapt. cl. | Mo. | A Layman’s Ministry, A life of Hon. Nathan Bishop, Preacher and Teacher, A life of President Rambaut. | Franklin, Willie | | Tenn., Tex. | “Al Lannee,” and other poems. | | Garland, Landon Cabell, 1810- | edu. | Va., Ala., Tenn. | Trigonometry, Addresses, &c. | Garnett, Alexander Yelverton Peyton, 1820- | surgeon | Va. | Potomac Marshes, Epidemic Jaundice, &c. | Garrett, Thomas E. | ed. | Mo. | Masque of the Muses (poem, 1883). | Garrison, George P. | | Ga., Tex. | “Solitude,” and other poems and sketches. | Gerald, Florence | | Tex. | Lays of the (Texas) Republic, and other poems. | Gilleland, William M. | | Tex. | Burial March of General Thomas Green, In Memory of General Ben. McCulloch, and other poems. | Gillespie, Mrs. Helena [West] | edu. | Tenn., Tex. | Tennyson’s Picture, and other poems. | Gilman, Mrs. Caroline Howard, 1794- | | Mass., S.C. | Recollections of a Southern Matron, and many other writings, sketches, essays, &c. | Goode, George Brown | sci. | Va., D.C. | Virginia Cousins, Descendants of John Goode of Whitby, Va., (“replete with incidents and pictures of Southern life”), and scientific writings. | Goodloe, Daniel Reaves, 1814- | | N.C. | Birth of the Republic, Reminiscences of Washington (1894), and other writings. | Gordon, Mrs. John N. | | Va. | Scene in the Vale of Tempe (1891). | Graham, William Alexander, 1804-1875 | | Governor of N.C. | Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence, Thomas Ruffin, George E. Badger, A.D. Murphey, and other addresses and State papers. | Grasty, John S. | M.E. cl. | Mo. | Memoirs of Rev. Samuel B. McPheeters (1871). | Green, Thomas Marshall | jour. | Ky. | Historic Families of Kentucky (1889), The Spanish Conspiracy (1891), and other works. | Green, William | jurist | Va. | Legal Treatises and Essays. | Greene, Mrs. Mary | | Mo. | Life of Rev. Jesse Greene (1852). | Greenway, J.R. | | Va. | Here and There (1892). | Gregory, Edward S. | cl. | Va. | Sketch of Petersburg, Poems. | Griffin, Mrs. T.M. | | Ala., Tex. | The Fountain, Haunted, Drifting, and other poems. | Gunter, Bessie E. | | Va. | Housekeeper’s Companion (1889). | | Haines, Hiram, (“Stranger”) | | Va. | Buds and Blossoms (poems). | Hallum, John, 1833- | lawyer | Tenn., Ark. | History of Arkansas (1887), Diary of an Old Lawyer (1895), Life on the Frontier. | Hallum, Mattie A., 1872- | | Mo., Ark. | Clay (a story in verse) and other poems. | Hambach, G. | edu. | Mo. | Missouri Geological Survey Reports, scientific papers, &c. | Hamlett, Mrs. Lizzie | | Miss., Tex. | Death of Rusk, Pleasures of Home, and other poems. | Hamner, Salley B. | | Va. | Now That You Are Married (1892). | Harby, Mrs. Lee Cohen | | S.C., Tex., N.Y. | Thanksgiving Ode (1881), A South Carolina Village, Old Stone Fort at Nacogdoches, City of a Prince, Earliest Texas, The Tejas Nation, Poems, Stories, &c. | Harden, Edward Jenkins, 1813-1873 | lawyer | Ga. | Life of Geo
rge M. Troup (1859), Notes of a Short Northern Tour (translated into Latin). | Harris, Mrs. Louisa | | Mo. | Behind the Scenes; or, Nine Years at the Four Courts (1893). | Harris, Thaddeus M. | | Ga. | Memorials of Oglethorpe (1841). | Harrison, Gessner, 1807-1862 | edu. | Va. | Laws of Latin Grammar, Greek Prepositions. | Hartshorne, Joseph, 1779- | phys. | Va. | The Bones, and other medical works. | Hatton, John W. | | Mo. | Battle of Life (poem, 1882). | Hayden, Horace Edwin | P.E. cl. | Va., Pa. | Virginia Genealogies, and other writings. | Heath, James, ca. 1812- | lawyer | Va. | Edgewood (novel of the Revolution, 1838). | Henderson, John B. | lawyer, statesman | Mo. | Speeches. | Hening, William Waller, died 1828 | lawyer | Va. | American Pleader (1811), New Virginia Justice (1825). | Henkel, Paul, 1754-1825 | Luth. cl. | N.C., Va. | Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, German Hymns, Zeitvertreib (poem). | Henning, Julia R. | edu. | Va. | Geography of Virginia, Songs (with the music). | Hereford, Mrs. Elizabeth J. | | Ky., Tex. | Rebel Rhymes, and other poems. | Hill, Benjamin Harvey, 1823-1882 | | Ga. | Notes on the Situation, Orations, &c. | Hill, Britton A. | lawyer | Mo. | Liberty and Law (1873), Absolute Money, Specie Resumption (1876). | Hobby, Alfred M. | | Fla., Tex. | Frontier from the Saddle, Sentinel’s Dream of Home. | Hodgson, Joseph | | Ala. | Cradle of the Confederacy (1876). | Hogg, Thomas E. | | Tex. | The Fate of Marvin (poem). | Holbrook, John Edwards, 1794-1871 | sci. | S.C. | American Herpetology, Southern Ichthyology. | Holcombe, James Philemon, 1820- | | Va. | Literature and Letters, &c. | Holding, Mrs. Elizabeth E. | edu. | Mo. | Joy the Deaconess (novel). | Holmes, George Frederick, 1820- | edu. | British Guiana, Va. | Comte’s Philosophy, and other essays, History of the United States, Readers, and other text-books. | Hooper, William, 1782-1876 | | N.C. | Fifty Years Since (1859), and other addresses. | Houston, Mrs. Margaret Moffett [Lea], -1867 | | Ala., Tex. | To My Husband [General Sam. Houston], and other poems. | Howard, Overton | | Va. | Life of the Law. | Hubbard, Fordyce Mitchell, 1809-1888 | | N.C. | Life of W.R. Davie, Richard Caswell, The Harvey Family, &c. | Hughey, G.W. | cl. | Mo. | The Liquor Traffic (1882), Catechism on Beer (1884), Ingersoll and Ingersollism (1883), Resurrection of the Dead, Christian Side of Faith, &c. | Hunt, James H. | | Mo. | The Mormon War in Missouri, 1844 (with G.W. Westbrook). | Hutchins, James H. | | N.C., Tex. | My Native Town, Funeral Odes, and other poems. | Hutson, Charles Woodward | | Ga., Miss. | Beginnings of Civilization, Story of Beryl. | | Irby, Richard | | Va. | Sketch of the Nottoway Grays. | Irving, John B. | | S.C. | Essays. | | James, Benjamin, 1768-1825 | jurist | Va., S.C. | Statute and Common Law of Carolina (1814). | Jamison, David F., 1810-1860 | planter, soldier | S.C. | Memoir of Bertrand du Guesclin. | Jeffries, Fayette, 1820- | | Va. | Crippled Fayette, an autobiography. | Jett, James | | Va. | A Virginia Tragedy, and other stories. | Jewell, Horace | cl. | Ark. | History of Methodism in Arkansas (1893). | Johnson, John, 1829- | c.e., P.E. cl. | S.C. | Defense of Charleston Harbor (1890). | Johnston, Frederick, 1811-1894 | | Va. | Old Virginia Clerks (1888). | Jones, Charles Edgeworth, 1867- | lawyer | Ga. | Education in Georgia (1889), Divisions of Georgia (1892). | Jones, John P. | | Mo. | Spanish Expedition to Missouri in 1719, Early Travel in Missouri, Missouri River and Indians, &c. | Jones, Joseph, 1833- | phys., edu. | Ga., Tenn., La. | Aboriginal Remains of Tennessee (1876), Medical and Surgical Memoirs, &c. | Jones, Wiley | | Va. | Gospel of the Kingdom. | Jones, William Hite | | Va. | Federal Taxes and State Expenses. | Josselyn, Robert, 1810-1884 | jour. | Mass
on, 1779- | lawyer | Va. | Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court, 1821-8. | Raymond, W.M. | | Va. | Citronaloes (1889). | Reavis, L.U. | | Mo. | The New Republic (1867), St. Louis the Future Great City (1870), Thoughts for Young Men (1873), Life of Horace Greeley, Life of General Harney (1878), Commercial Destiny of the Mississippi Valley (1880), The Isthmian Passage (1882), Manhood of America (1880), and other works. | Reichel, Levin Theodore, 1812-1878 | Moravian bishop | N.C. | The Moravians in North Carolina (1857). | Reilly, J.S. | | N.C. | Wilmington: Past, Present, and Future. | Reynolds, Thomas C. | | Governor of Mo. | Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Discovery of the Upper Mississippi, State Papers, &c. | Rhodes, Edward Abesette, 1841-1863 | soldier | Tex. | Poem on death of his father, &c. | Rhodes, Robert H., 1845-1874 | | Tex. | Prayer, Under the Cactus, and other poems. | Rhodes, William Henry, 1822- | | N.C., Tex., Cal. | Theodosia (play), Indian Gallows (poems), Caston’s Book (essays, poems, and sketches). | Rice, Martin | Bapt. cl. | Mo. | Rural Rhymes, Tales of Olden Times, Blue River Association. | Richards, William C., 1818-1892 | cl., sci. | England, Ga., Ill. | Georgia Illustrated (1842). | Richardson, John M., 1831- | | S.C., Tex. | The Whiskey Fiend, Prayer of Mary Queen of Scots, &c. | Riley, Benjamin Franklin, 1849- | Bapt. cl., edu. | Ala., Ga. | History of Conecuh County, Ala., Alabama As It Is, History of the Baptists of Alabama, Baptists in the Southern States East of the Mississippi (in preparation). | Robinson, Conway, 1805- | lawyer | Va. | Early Voyages to America (1848), and legal works. | Robinson, John | | Va. | Forms in the Court of Law of Virginia (1790, 1826). | Robinson Willie Blanche (“Persia”) 1857- | | Tex. | Texas to Jefferson Davis—A Welcome, and other poems. | Rockwell, Elisha F., 1809-1888 | | N.C. | Rowan County in 1774, John Thompson, James Hall, and other historical papers. | Rogers, Mrs. Loula Kendall | edu. | Ga. | Toccoa the Beautiful, Twenty Years an Alien, Musical Drills, Songs, and other poems. | Rose, Victor M., -1893 | | Tex. | Ross’s Brigade, Los Despenadores, The Texas Vendetta, Demara the Comanche Queen, History of Victoria County, Life of General B. McCulloch, Legend of Dixie. | Ross, James, 1801-1878 | | —— | Life and Times of Elder Reuben Ross (his father). | Rothwell, William R. | edu., Bapt. cl. | Mo. | Reading the Scriptures (1889), New Testament Church Order (1890), Addresses. | Rowe, Horace, 1852-1884 | | Tex. | Years of Youth, and other poems. | Royall, Anne, 1769-1854 | b. in Virginia (a prisoner for years among the Indians, then lived in Alabama and Washington, D.C.). | History, Life, and Manners in the United States, The Tennessee (novel), The Black Book, Letters from Alabama, Southern Tour. | Ruffin, Edmund, 1794-1865 | | Va. | Essays on Agriculture, Anticipations of the Future (1860). | Ruffner, William H. | | —— | History of Washington and Lee University, &c. | | Salyards, Joseph H. | edu. | Va. | Idothea, a Poem (1875). | Sampson, Francis Asbury, 1842- | lawyer | Mo. | Natural History of Pettis County (1882), Bibliography of the Geology of Missouri (1890), Mollusca of Arkansas (1893), and other scientific and historical writings. | Saunders, Mrs. Mary [Ingle], 1836- | | England, Tex. | Texas, San Jacinto Day, and other poems. | Saunders, William Lawrence, 1835-1891 | statesman | N.C. | Edited Records of North Carolina to 1776 (8 volumes). | Schenck, David, 1835- | lawyer | N.C. | North Carolina 1780-81, Guilford Court-House, and other historical papers. | Scott, John | | Va. | Partisan Life with Mosby. | Scott, William Cooper, 1817- | | Va. | Genius and Faith. | Scott, Winfield, 1786- | soldier | Va. | Regulations for the Army, Infantry Tactics, Memoir of Lieutenant-General Scott, written by himself (1864). | Semmes, Thomas | | Va. | Poems (by “Collegian”). | Sherwood, Adiel, 1791-1879 | Bapt. cl. | Ga., Mo. | Gazetteers of Georgia, Notes on the New Testament. | Shields, Joseph Dunbar, 1820- | jurist | Miss. | Life and Times of Prentiss (1885). | Shinn, Josiah H., 1849- | edu., jour. | Ark. | Public School and College (1891), The South and Education (1892), History of the American People (1893), Illustrated Arkansas (1893), and other works. | Shumard, Benjamin F. | sci. | Mo. | Geological Reports of Missouri and Texas, &c. | Sibbald, George | | Ga. | <Transcriber's Note Archaic and variable spelling is preserved as printed. Punctuation errors have been repaired. The following amendments have been made: Page 14—312 amended to 311—"Osceola, Leader of the Seminoles, 311" Page 27—Soverignty amended to Sovereignty—"State Sovereignty and Liberty, ..." Page 31—289 amended to 299—"University of Alabama 299" Page 31—entries "University of Mississippi 337" and "Arkansas Industrial University 402" were originally immediately preceding the entry for "Mississippi Industrial Institute ... 446". They have been moved to the correct place in the List of Illustrations. Page 98—inflence amended to influence—"... that all attempts to influence it by temporal punishments ..." Page 125—efflulgence amended to effulgence—"... the purity of his private character gave effulgence to his public virtues." Page 139—opprobium amended to opprobrium—"... (that opprobrium, in the opinion of some gentlemen, ...)." Page 243—commere amended to commerce—"... and has proven of immense benefit both to commerce and science." Page 254—Vasconselas amended to Vasconselos—"... Cassique of Kiawah. Vasconselos, [tale of De Soto.]" Page 261—repeated 'of' deleted—"... preceded the final insensibility of the victim." Page 292—repeated 'it' deleted—"... when one half of it is placed under water, ..." Page 341—scarcly amended to scarcely—"His future was so uncertain—that he scarcely alluded to that ..." Page 384—fuchias amended to fuchsias—"... and her fingers toyed with the scarlet fuchsias; ..." Page 391—Maryiand amended to Maryland—"Potomac calls to Chesapeake, Maryland, my Maryland!" Page 432—Pepworth amended to Pebworth—"Farrier Lass o’ Piping Pebworth." Page 441—grand amended to grande—"He went and married la grande demoiselle." Page 448—omitted 2. added—"2. For what was his daughter Evelyn noted?" Page 448—omitted 5. added—"5. When was the Farewell Address written?" Page 448—2. amended to 6.—"6. Who were presidents before Jefferson?" Page 449—Demothenes amended to Demosthenes—"5. Who were Demosthenes, Ossian, Homer, Milton, Rousseau?" Page 449—7. amended to 5.—"5. When was the University established and opened?" Page 450—6. amended to 5.—"5. Where did he die?" Page 452—4. amended to 3.—"3. What other writers edited or wrote for the “Messenger”?" Page 452—6. amended to 5.—"5. Mention some other Confederate soldiers who went to Mexico." Page 452—5. amended to 6.—"6. Where is Magnolia Cemetery?" Page 453—6. amended to 4.—"4. Tell something of James Edward Oglethorpe." Page 454—2. amended to 3.—"3. Learn something of their history." Page 457—entry "R. C., Roman Catholic." moved to appropriate alphabetical place in list of abbreviations. Page 461—Addresss amended to Address—"Berrien, John Macpherson, ... Address in Congress." Page 468—Ninteenth amended to Nineteenth—"War of Ahriman and Ormuzd in the Nineteenth Century, ..." Page 473—Historie amended to Histoire—"Fortier, AlcÉe ... Histoire de la LittÉrature franÇaise, ..." Page 476—Pourqui amended to Pourquoi—"Grisna, E. ... Pourquoi Jean Est RestÉ GarÇon." Page 482—Correspondende amended to Correspondence—"Life and Correspondence of Major-General Greene." Page 486—Self-Governmant amended to Self-Government—"... Civil Liberty and Self-Government, ..." Most references to the death date of St. George H. Tucker in the book give a year of 1863; however, the information about his death on page 329 notes that he died in the Seven Days' Battles around Richmond in 1862. Since an alternative source for the date of his death could not be found, all dates remain as printed. Illustrations have been moved slightly, where necessary, so that they are not in the middle of a paragraph.   |