AAbhidhana-chintama?i, 433 Abhidhana-ratnamala, 433 Aborigines, 113, 152, 161, 387 Absolute, the, 220 Abstract deities, 100–102 Accent, Vedic, 53–54 AchÆmenid dynasty in India, 408 AÇoka, 310, 412; Actors, Greek, 414 AÇvaghosha, 319 AÇvalayana, 52, 191, 274; Adbhuta Brahma?a, 210 Æsop, 420 Agni, 70, 71, 74, 93–97, 102, 105, 124, 125, 135, 172, 214 Agohya, 106 Agriculture, 166 Aharga?a, 426 Ahi budhnya, 110 Ahura, 112 Aitareya Ara?yaka, 51, 208, 211; AjataÇatru, 222 Ala?a, 434 Alexander the Great, 1, 2, 8, 13, 18, 150, 154, 165, 365, 410, 413, 414 Allegorical play, 367 Alphabet, arrangement of the Sanskrit, 17 Al-Razi, 427 AmarakoÇa, 433 Amaru, 342 Anaxagoras, 422 Ancestor worship, 257 Anekartha-sam?graha, 433 Anekartha-samuchchaya, 433 Animals, domestic, 149; Aniruddha, 394 Anthologies, 379 Anthropology, 126 Anthropomorphism, 71, 72, 84, 86, 94 Anudatta accent, 54 Anukrama?is, 39, 52, 267, 271–272, 274 Anvar-i-Suhaili, 418 Apastamba, 246, 258–259, 302; Apastambas, 176 Apollonius of Tyana, 415 Arabian Nights, 368 Arabs, 1, 421, 424, 425, 426, 427 Ara?yani, 111 Ardha-magadhi, 27 Argumentum ex silentio, 16, 150 Arithmetic, Indian, 424 Arjuna MiÇra, 290 Army, divisions of, 165 Arnold, Sir Edwin, 427 Arsheya Brahma?a, 209 Arsheya-kalpa, 245 Art, Indian, 436–437 Aryabha?iya, 435 Aryan civilisation, 9; Aryans, home of Rigvedic, 145 Aryas, 152 Aryavarta, 23 Asat, 136 Ash?angah?idaya, 436 Asiatic Society of Bengal, 3 Astronomers, Indian, 13, 425, 426, 434–435; Astronomy, Greek and Indian, 425 Asuras, 182 Asuri, 215 Atharvaveda, 30, 31, 185–201, 206; Atharvangirasah?, 189 Atharvans, 189 Avanti dialect, 27 Avesta, 12, 43, 55, 63, 67, 68, 87, 88, 99, 100, 108, 110, 112, 113, 118, 141, 165, 216, 253 Avicenna, 427 BBabrius, 420 Balaki Gargya, 222 Balhikas, 195 Balibandha, 347 Ba?a, 20, 288, 318, 321, 332, 362, 413, 421, 429 Banyan, 147 Bardesanes, 423 Barlaam and Josaphat, 419, 420 Barley, 145 Barygaza, 415 Barzoi, 417 Battle of ten kings, 154 Baudhayana, 246, 259; Bear, 148 Benfey, Prof. Theodor, 173, 420 Bhagavadgita, 2, 283, 288, 405 Bhagavata Pura?a, 402; Bhagavatas, 402 Bhaguri, 273 Bhakti, 403 Bharadvaja, his Çrauta Sutra, 246; Bharata-manjari, 290 Bharati, 155 Bhart?ihari, 1, 329, 340, 378, 381, 382, 431 Bhasha, 22 Bhaskaracharya, 435 Bha??a Naraya?a, 365 Bha??ikavya, 329 Bha??oji, 432 Bha??otpala, 435 Bidpai, fables of, 417 Bilha?a, 339 Birch bark MSS., 18 Black Yajurveda, 177, 179, 180 Blackskins, 152 Bloomfield, Professor, 186, 189 Boats, 167 Bodleian Library, 18 BÖhtlingk, Otto von, 379, 431, 433, 434; Bopp, Franz, 4 Brahma, 133, 205, 219, 220, 223 Brahma, 32, 182, 195, 401, 402 Brahma, 93, 101, 102, 194, 285, 401, 402 Brahma (priest), 102, 161, 194, 195, 217 Brahmacharin, 200 Brahma-mimam?sa, 400 Brahmans, 17, 23, 73, 122, 183, 197, 409, 411, 415, 425, 430 Brahma?a, 161 Brahma?as, 31, 32, 33, 48, 49, 73, 81, 88, 93, 96, 99, 101, 105, 107, 112, 117, 133, 145, 156, 162, 189, 190, 195, 196, 202–218 Brahmanism, 7 Brahma Sphu?a-siddhanta, 435 Brahma-vidya, 195 Brahmodya, 131 B?ihadara?yaka Upanishad, 213, 219, 221, 222, 223, 224, 234–238 B?ihaddevata, 272, 273, 281, 378 B?ihadratha, 230 B?ihajjataka, 435 B?ihaspati, 102; B?ihatkatha, 376 B?ihatkatha-manjari, 376 Broach (town), 415 Bronze, 151 Buddha, 11, 13, 15, 24, 215, 225, 308, 309, 362, 387, 406, 421; Buddhacharita, 319 Buddhism, 7, 11, 25, 115, 215, 223, 230, 322, 369, 386, 390, 395–396, 397, 412, 414, 427 Buddhist councils, 15, 308, 369, 413; Buddhists, 184, 286, 287, 308, 411 BÜhler, Professor, 6, 15, 16, 17, 186, 259, 290, 322, 376 Bunder-log, 149 Burial, 125 Çabara Svamin, 400 ÇaÇvata, 433 Çaka era, 413 Çakas, 286, 322, 323, 412, 413 Çakuntala, 3, 216, 283, 301, 348, 350, 352, 353, 354–358, 416 Çakyas, 215 Calderon, 367 Çambavya Sutra, 249 Ça??ilya, 213 Çankara, 240, 242, 289, 394, 402; (Çiva) 182 Çankha and Likhita, 262 Çankhayana Brahma?a, 205, 206; Çankhayanas, 252 ÇantiÇataka, 378 Çarn?gadhara’s Paddhati, 379 Çarvavarman, 432 Caste, 20, 21, 33, 34, 133, 152, 160, 161, 184 Catalogues of MSS., 6 Çatapatha Brahma?a, 49, 53, 54 n., 107, 108, 110, 144, 155, 172, 179, 180, 188, 191, 203, 206, 212–217 Çauraseni dialect, 27 Cha?akya-Çataka, 378 Cha??a-kauÇika, 366 Chandra, 432 Chandragupta, 365, 410, 411, 412, 413, 415 Charaka, medical writer, 426, 427, 435, 436 Charaka school, 215 Charaka-sam?hita, 436 Chara?as, 245 Charitravardhana, 328 Chaturvarga-chintama?i, 430 ChaurapanchaÇika, 339 Chhandas (metre), 264 Chhandogya Brahma?a, 210 Chhandogya Upanishad, 189, 210, 221, 223, 224, 228, 229, 420 Chinese works, 369; Christianity, 414 Chronological strata, 179, 188, 203 Chronology, absence of, 10; ÇiÇupalavadha, 320 Çilha?a, 378 Çiva, 74, 89, 153, 178, 181, 182, 217, 234, 300, 411 Çloka-varttika, 400 Coinage, transition to, 167 Colebrooke, H. T., 3, 4, 429, 430 Copperplate inscriptions, 18, 19 Corn, 145 Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum, 14, 319 Cosmical illusion (maya), 221, 395, 401, 402 Cosmogonic hymns, 135–137, 200 Cosmogony, 132 Cosmology, 300 Cow, 68, 85, 98, 102, 108, 109, 110, 125, 149, 167 Cowell, Prof. E. B., 432 Cowkiller, 149 Çraddha, 100 Çraddha-kalpa, 257 Çrauta Sutras, 36, 191, 244–249, 424 Çravasti, 309 Creation, song of, 136–137 Çridharadasa, 379 Çriharsha, 330 Crime, 163 Ç?ingara-Çataka, 340–341 Çudraka, 361 Çukasaptati, 375–376 Çunah?Çepa, legend of, 207 Curlew, 150 Çush?a, 114 Çutudri (Sutlej), 93, 140, 142, 154 ÇvetaÇvatara Upanishad, 221, 233–234, 405 Cyrus, 408 DDaÇakumara-charita, 332 DaÇarupa, 434 Dahlmann, J., 286 Daksha, 132 Dakshi?a, 149 Damodara MiÇra, 366 Dancing, 169 Da??in, 320, 321, 329, 330, 332, 361, 376, 434 Daughters, undesirable, 163, 208 Dayabhaga, 430 Debt, 163 DeÇinamamala, 433 Demetrios, 412 Demigods, 106–108 Democritus, 422 Deva, 68 DevaÇravas, 155 Devanagari, 17 Devatadhyaya Brahma?a, 211 Devavata, 155 Devayana, 224 Dhammapada, 379 Dhanam?jaya, 434 Dhanvantari, 324 Dharma-nibandhas, 429 Dharma-ratna, 430 Dharma Sutras, 37, 193, 194, 258–262, 428 Dhat?i, 101 Dhatupa?ha, 431 Dhavaka, 362 Dialects of Sanskrit, 22, 23; Dialogues in Rigveda, 119 Didactic hymns, 127–129 Dignaga, 324 Dinakara MiÇra, 328 Dio Chrysostomos, 414 Dioskouroi, 84 Directorium humanÆ vitÆ, 417 Diseases, 196 Distillers, 165 Dogmatic textbooks, 205 Dogs of Yama, 117 Drahyaya?a, his Çrauta Sutra, 245 Drama, arrangement of, 351–352; Draupadi, episode of, 295 Dravidian dialects, 28 Dress, 164 D?ishadvati, 141, 142, 155, 174, 210 Dya Dviveda, 378 Dyavap?ithivi, 104 East India House, 5 Eastward migration, 214 Eclecticism, 405 Eggeling, Professor, 212, 431, 432, 433, 434, 437 Elephant, 148 Elizabethan drama, 350 Encyclopoedia of Indo-Aryan Research, 5, 6, 428 Enigmas, 131 Epigraphia Indica, 14 Epigraphy, importance of, 14, 15 Ethical poetry, 377–384 Etymology, 264 Eudemos, 410 Eukratides, 412 Euthydemos, 412 Exaggeration, 278 Ezour Vedam, 1 FGGambler’s lament, 127–128 Gambling, 168 Ga?apa?ha, 431 Ga?aratna-mahodadhi, 431 Ganas, 171 Gandarewa, 108 Gandharva, 107, 108; Ga?eÇa, 251 Ganges, 9, 24, 93, 142, 156, 157, 174, 176, 295, 316, 410, 411, 413 Gargya, 268 Gatha dialect, 26 Gau?a style, 303 Gaurjari dialect, 27 Gautama’s Dharma Çastra, 260–261 Gautamas, 215 Generation, reciprocal, 132 Geographical data in Rigveda, 139–144 Geometry, Greek and Indian, 424–425 Ghanapa?ha, 51 Gha?akarpara, 339 Goat, sacrificial, 125 Goats of Pushan, 80 Gobhila Sutra, 250 Goblins, 97 Gods, character of, 72, 73; Gold, 151 Gomati (Gomal), 140 Gopatha Brahma?a, 195, 203, 217–218 Gotama, 405 Gotama Rahuga?a, 214 Govindaraja, 429 GrÆco-Bactrian kings, 412, 415 GrÆco-Indian period, 412 Grammar, 39, 50, 264, 267, 268, 430–432 Grammarians, influence of, 21 Grantha (book), 19 Great Bear, 109 Greeks, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14, 286, 307, 308, 325; G?ihya ritual, 251–257 G?ihya Sutras, 37, 185, 189, 192–193, 249–251 Gujarat, 19, 147, 173, 175, 411, 412, 415 Gupta era, 320 HHala, 344 Halayudha, 433 Hanuman-na?aka, 366 Hanumat, 312 Haravijaya, 330 Haridas, 399 Harivam?Ça, 282, 283, 287, 288, 294, 299, 300, 301 Harshacharita, 318, 332, 334, 362 Hartmann, E. von, 424 Hastings, Warren, 2 Ha?hayoga, 398 Heaven, 116 Heaven and earth, 104, 106, 132 Heavens and hells, 390 Heliokles, 412 Hells, 117 Henotheism, 71 Herbs and charms, 196 Herder, 3 Hero (geometrician), 424 Himalaya, 9, 18, 23, 24, 141, 144, 145, 148, 410 Hindu Kush, 139 Hindustan, 141 Hiouen Thsang, 13, 18, 26, 413 Hippokrates, 426 Hira?yakeÇin, 259; HitopadeÇa, 3, 373–374, 378, 380, 381, 382 Holtzmann, Prof. Adolf, 287 Homer, 414 Horse, 109, 149; Hu?as, 323 Hunting, 166 IIÇa Upanishad, 238 IÇvara K?ish?a, 393 Identifications of gods, 70 Iliad, 414 Immortality, acquired, 71, 98, 99; Incantations, 121 India of Alberuni, 418 Indika of Megasthenes, 411 Indische SprÜche, 379 Indo-European period, 104, 126, 185, 263 Indo-Iranian period, 43, 87, 100, 110, 118, 170, 253, 263 Indra, 74, 84–87, 99, 105, 108, 114, 119, 152, 153, 172, 183, 411; Indra?i, 119 Indus, 9, 24, 140, 141, 142, 143, 147, 151, 155, 174, 409, 410, 411, 412 Industries, 167 Initiation, rite of, 252–253 Ink, 19 Inscriptions, 14; Interpretation, Vedic, 59–64 Iravati (Ravi), 140 Irrigation, 166 Jacobi, Professor, 12, 304, 307, 312, 313 Jagati metre, 57 Jaimini, 399 Jaiminiya Brahma?a, 203 Jaiminiya-nyaya-mala-vistara, 400 Jaiminiyas, 209 Jain inscriptions, 26 Jainism, 25, 386, 390, 395, 396 Jatakas, 306–307, 369, 376, 377, 421 Ja?apa?ha, 51 Javanese translation of Mahabharata, 290 Jayaditya, 432 Jimutavahana, 430 Jina, 395 Jolly, Professor J., 428 John of Capua, 418 John of Damascus, 419 Jyotisha, 264 KKa (a god), 101 KaÇi (Benares), 222 KaÇika V?itti, 432 Kadambari, 332 Kaiya?a, 431 Kala, 200 KalaÇoka, 308 Kalapas, 175 Kalha?a, 430 Kalidasa, 108, 216, 301, 318, 320, Kalilah and Dimnah, 370, 417, 419 Kalpa, 264 Kalpa Sutras, 244 Kama, 101, 200, 415; Kamaduh, 110 Kamandaka, 374 Kam?savadha, 347 Kant, 221 Kapish?hala-Ka?ha-Sam?hita, 176 Kara?a, 435 Karikas, (ritual) 271, (grammatical) 431 Karmapradipa, 270 Kashmir, 144, 175, 186, 412, 413, 430, 433 Kashmiri dialect, 27 Katantra, 432 Ka?ha school, 175, 176, 212, 215 Ka?haka section of Taittiriya Brahma?a, 212 Ka?haka Sam?hita, 54 n., 176, 285; Kathasaritsagara, 362, 376, 377, 382 Kathenotheism, 71 Katiya Sutra, 250 Katyayana, 23, 178, 191, 267, 273, 274, 275, 431; KauÇika Sutra, 251 Kaushitaki Ara?yaka, 209; Kaushitakins, 210 Kautsa, 61 Kaviraja, 331 Kavyalam?kara-v?itti, 434 Kavya-prakaÇa, 434 Kavyas, 278, 281, 310, 318; Kekayas, 213 Khadira Sutra, 250 Khilas in the Rigveda, 51 Kielhorn, Professor, 6, 367, 431, 432 Kings, 158; Kipling, Mr. Rudyard, 149 Kiratarjuniya, 329 K?ish?a, 157, 165, 301–302, 405, 411, 414 K?ish?a MiÇra, 366 Kriyayoga, 398 Krumu (Kurum), 140 Kshapa?aka, 324 Kshemendra Vyasadasa, 290, 376–377 KshemiÇvara, 366 Ktesias, 409 Kubha (Kabul), 140 KuÇikas, 155 Kumarila, 260, 261, 262, 271, 289, 400 Kuntapa hymns, 188 Kuru-Panchalas, 174, 207, 213, 214 Kurus, 156, 157, 175, 216, 283, 285 Kushanas, 413 Kusumanjali, 405 LLa Fontaine, 418 Laghu-jataka, 435 Laghu-kaumudi, 432 Lalitavistara, 26 Language of the Brahma?as, 203; Lassen, Prof. Christian, 311 La?yayana, his Çrauta Sutra, 191, 245 Law-books, 428–430 Legends in Brahma?as, 207 LÉvi, Sylvain, 433 Lexicography, 433 Libraries, Sanskrit, 20 Light of Asia, 427 Lightning, 74, 85, 90, 96, 99, 328, 336; LinganuÇasana, 432 Liquor, 165 Love, god of, 101 Love-story, oldest Indo-European, 119 Lullaby, 120 Lute, 169 Lyrics in drama, 350 MMaÇaka, his Çrauta Sutra, 245 Madhava, 275, 276, 400, 406, 407 Magadhi dialect, 27 Magha, 329 Magic, 97 Magical hymns, 120 Mahabharata, 153, 154, 156, 157, 165, 175, 193, 216, 278, 281, 282–298, 299, 300, 301, 303, 309, 325, 354, 367, 378, 380, 383, 392, 394, 396, 398; Mahabhashya, 189, 322, 347, 414, 431 Mahakavyas, 330 Mahanaraya?a Upanishad, 211 Maharash?ri dialect, 27 Mahaviracharita, 364 Mahav?ishas, 195 MaheÇvara, 433 Maitraya?a Upanishad, 212, 230, 231 Maitraya?i Sam?hita, 54 n., 176, 180, 183, 212 Maitreyi, 222 Malatimadhava, 363 Malavikagnimitra, 353, 354, 360 Malayalam, 28 Mallinatha, 324, 327, 328, 330 Mamma?a, 434 Manava Çrauta Sutra, 246; Ma??ukas, 52 Ma??ukya, 241 Man-eating tiger, 148 Mankha-koÇa, 433 Manoravasarpa?a, 144 Mantra and Brahma?a, 180 Mantra-brahma?a, 250 Mantrapa?ha, 250 Manu, 108, 156, 175, 216, 261, 262, Manyu, 101 Mara, 225 Marriage ritual, 162, 254, 263–264 Mashi (ink), 19 Materialists, 405–407 Mathematics, 434–435 Mathura, 26, 27, 175, 322, 323, 411 Maues (Moa), 412 Maurya dynasty, 410 Max MÜller, Professor, 6, 12, 276, 322, 323 Mechanical formulas, 183 Medhatithi, 429 Medicine, Greek and Indian, 426–427; Megasthenes, 13, 148, 158, 286, 308, 411, 416 Menander, 412 (king), 416 (poet) Metre, 267; Milinda, 412 Milk and soma, 98 Mitakshara, 424 Mithila, 214 Mithra, 68 Mitra-Varu?a, 104 Mixed castes, 184 Moabite stone, 16 Mohamudgara, 378 Moon (Soma), 100 Moral philosophy, 384 Mountains, 114 Mudra, 399 Mugdha-bodha, 432 Muhammadan conquest, 9, 13, 18, 26, 413, 430 Muhammadans, 7 Mujavat, 144 Musicians, 170 Mutiny, Indian, 110 Nachiketas, story of, 212, 225, 232 Nagananda, 362 Nagari, 17 Nagas, 111 Nagojibha??a, 431 Naigeya school, 174 Naishadhiya, 330 Nala, episode of, 296–298 Narada, 208 Narada-sm?iti, 429 Narmada (Nerbudda), 144, 176, 177, 415 Nasatyau, 61 Natha, 327 Nature in the drama, 354; Na?ya-Çastra, 433 Naubandhana, 144 Navaprabhram?Çana, 144 Navasahasanka-charita, 331 Nearchos, 19 Nidana Sutra, 273 Nigama-pariÇish?a, 275 Nigha??u-Çesha, 433 Nirukta of Yaska, 269–270, 273, 281 Nirva?a, 395 Nishka, 167 NitiÇataka, 378 NitiÇastra, 374 Nitimanjari, 378 Nitisara, 374 North, Sir Thomas, 418 Northern Buddhists, 26 Nyaya system, 403–405 Nyaya-sutra, 405 OPPada (metrical unit), 55 Paddhatis, 271 Padmagupta, 331 Padmapura?a, 295 Paippalada recension of Atharvaveda, 186 Pahlavas, 286 Pali, 25; Palm-leaf MSS., 18 PanchaÇikha, 393 Pancharatras, 402 Pancha-siddhantika, 435 Panchatantra, 368–373, 377, 378, 381, 382, 384, 419 Panchavim?Ça Brahma?a, 203, 210 Panegyrics, 127 Pa?ini, 17, 22, 36, 39, 265, 268, 269, 279, 309, 310, 326, 407, 430, 431, 433 Panjab, 9, 139, 140, 143, 145, 150, 160, 175, 410, 415 Panjabi dialect, 27 Paper MSS., 18 ParaÇara, 262 ParaÇara-sm?iti, 429 Paradox, 132 Paraskara G?ihya Sutra, 250, 429 Parchment, 19 Paribhashendu-Çekhara, 431 PariÇish?as, 186, 270, 274, 275 Parrots, 150 Parsis and Haoma, 146 Parush?i (Ravi), 140, 154, 155 Pa?aliputra (Patna), 13, 308, 410, 411, 415, 434 Patanjali, 22, 23, 175, 189, 265, 308, 396, 397, 400, 431 Path of the fathers and of the gods, 117 Pauravas, 410 Pavamana hymns, 43 Peahens, 150 Peepul tree, 146 Persians, 7 Phallus worship, 153 Philosophical poems, 131–138 Philosophy, Greek and Indian, 421–423 Philostratus, 415 Phi?-Sutras, 432 PiÇachas, 114 Pigeon, 117 Pingala, 267 Pippalada, 240 Pischel, Professor, 361, 432, 434 Plants deified, 111 Plays in inscriptions, 367 Plotinus, 423 Plough deified, 112 Poetical skill in Rigveda, 66 Poetics, 433–434 Political organisation, 158 Popular spells, 185 Porphyry, 423 Porus, 410 Prabodha-chandrodaya, 366, 367 PraÇna Upanishad, 240 Pragatha metres, 58 Prajapati, 77, 101, 102, 132, 133, 136, 137, 181 Prakrit, 22, 23, 25, 310, 322; Prak?ita-prakaÇa, 432 Prakriya-kaumudi, 432 Pra?a, 200 PratiÇakhyas, 38, 46, 50, 51, 188, 265, 266 Prau?ha Brahma?a, 210 Pravaradhyaya, 275 Prayogas, 271 Priest, domestic, 159, 193, 195 Prometheus, Indian, 108 Prose, 187, 202, 203, 207, 278; Ptolemy II., 415 Punishment, future, 116 Pura?as, 52, 138, 194, 281, 299–302, 325, 388, 394, 395, 430 Purukutsa, 154 Purus, 153, 154, 156, 157, 158 Purushottamadeva, 433 Pythagoras, 422 RRaghavapa??aviya, 331 Rahu, 114 Rain, 90 Rain-god, 91 RajaÇekhara, 366 Rajatarangi?i, 430 Rajayoga, 398 Rakshases, 114 Rakshohan (Agni), 97 Ram Charit Manas, 317 Rama, 312; Ramachandra, 432 Ramananda, 316 Ramaya?a, 22, 133, 175, 216, 230, 281, 288, 295, 302–317, 325, 327, 414; Ramaya?a-champu, 304 Ramaya?a-kathasara-manjari, 303 Ra?ayaniyas, 173 Ratnakara, 330 Ratnavali, 361–362 Rava?a, 312 Rava?avadha, 331 Renaissance theory, 323 Rhazes, medical writer, 427 Rhinoplasty, 427 Rice, 145 ?ich, 30 ?iÇyaÇ?inga, legend of, 295 Riddles, 130–131 Rigveda, 5, 16, 30; Rigveda PratiÇakhya, 51 ?igvidhana, 274 ?iksha (“star” and “bear”), 109 ?ishis, seven, 109 Ritual, 31; Roger, Abraham, 1 Romans, 11 Rosen, F., 4 Roth, Rudolf von, 5, 60, 63, 64, 102, 117, 141, 186 RÜckert, 345 Rudra, 72, 74, 89, 91, 105, 164, 178, 181 Rudrabha?a, 434 Rudras, 105 Sacerdotalism, 183 Sacraments, 251 Sacred cord, 253 Sacrifice, 159, 407; Sacrificial fee, 159; Sadananda Yogindra, 402 Sadanira (river), 214 Sadukti-kar?am?ita, 379 Saketa, 308 Salt, 150 Salvas, 213 Salvation, doctrine of, 389, 406 Samaveda, 30, 170, 171–174; Samavidhana Brahma?a, 211 Sam?hita, 29; Sam?hita-pa?ha, 209 Sam?hitopanishad, 211 Sankhya system, 133, 137, 215, 230, 231, 234, 390–395, 404, 405, 407, 422, 423, 424 Sankhya-karika, 393 Sanskrit, 21; Sanskrit dictionary, 5; Sanskrit literature, character of, 277–280; SaptaÇataka, 344 Sarasvati, 93, 103, 119, 125, 140, 141, 145, 155, 174, 210, 214 SarvadarÇana-sam?graha, 406, 407 Sarvajna Naraya?a, 291 Sarvanukrama?i, 271–272 Sat, 136 Savit?i, 8, 71, 78–79, 101, 164 Savitri, episode of, 253–255, 296 Saya?a, 59, 61, 62, 174, 186, 259, 270, 275–276, 378, 406 Schiller, Friedrich, 335 Schlegel, Friedrich, 4 Schopenhauer, Arthur, 424 Schroeder, Professor L. v., 176 Second birth, 253 Sectarian systems, 407 Secular hymns, 123 Semitic writing, 16 Sententious tone, 368 Serapion, 427 Serpent, 110; Setubandha, 331 Sha?vim?Ça Brahma?a, 210 Shakespeare, 350, 364, 365, 416 Shaving, 164 Siddhanta-Çiroma?i, 435 Siddhanta-kaumudi, 432 Sim?ha, 147 Sim?hasana-dvatrim?Çika, 375 Sindhi dialect, 27 Singers, 159 Singing, 170 Singhalese, 25 Skanda Pura?a, 295 Skylax, 409 Slaves, 152 Smile, whiteness of, 75 Solar deities, 77–81 Solar race, 157 Solstice, winter, 106 Soma, 29, 30, 65, 68, 71, 74, 87, 92, 97–100, 101, 123, 144, 145, 146, 164, 165, 192, 205, 248 Somadeva, 376 Soul, 19, 115, 222, 390, 391, 395, 404, 405 Southern Buddhism, 25 Sphu?a, 407 Star, morning and evening, 85 Stein, Dr. M. A., 430 Stevenson, missionary, 173 Stevenson, Mr. R. L., 399 Stewart, Dugald, 2 Stilus, 19 Strabo, 151 Strophic metre, 158 Studentship, 253 Style of Vedic poetry, 65 Subhashitavali, 379 Subtilty, fondness for, 65 SuÇruta, 436 SuÇruta-sam?hita, 436 Supar?adhyaya, 204 Sura, 113 Sura, 165 Surya-siddhanta, 434 Sutras, 35, 36, 37, 38, 49, 101, 111 Suttapi?aka, 369 Suvastu (Swat), 140 Svarbhanu, 114 Svarita accent, 54 Swan, wild, 150 Syllogism, 404 TTaittiriya Ara?yaka, 188, 211; Taittiriyas, 176 TakshaÇila, 409 Talavakara Upanishad, 229 Talavakaras, 209 Tamil, 28 Ta??ins, 209 Ta??ya Brahma?a, 210 Thales, 422 Theosophy, 186 Three constituents of matter, 231, 391; Thunder, 85 Towns, 158 Transmigration, 115, 223, 224, 225, 277–278, 383, 387–389, 406, 422 Trasadasyu, 154 Tree, celestial, 116; Tribes, Aryan, 152–158 Trika??a-Çesha, 433 Triku?a, 144 Trinity, earliest Vedic, 95; Trita Aptya, 88 T?itsus, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159 Tulsi Das, 317 TurvaÇas, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157 Tvash??i, 106 Twins, primeval, 118 UVach, 93 Vachaspati MiÇra, 393 Vagbha?a, 436 VaiÇali, 309 VaiÇeshika system, 403–405 VaiÇya, 133 Vaidarbha style, 303 Vaijayanti, 433 Vaikhanasa Çrauta Sutra, 246; Vairagya-Çataka, 378 Vaish?ava Dharma-Çastra, 428 Vaitana Çrauta Sutra, 217, 218, 246–247 Vajasaneya Sutra, 250 Vajasaneyi Sam?hita, 101, 177–179, 181, 184 Vakyapadiya, 431 Vallabhadeva, 379 Valmiki, 295, 305, 306, 310, 316, 317, 327 Vamana, 432 (gram.), 434 (rhetorician) Vam?Ça Brahma?a, 211 Varadaraja, 432 Varaha Mihira, 318, 324, 425, 435 Vararuchi, 324 Vardhamana, 431 Var?a, 86 Varttikas, 431 Varu?a, 70, 75, 76, 77, 78, 102, 105, 113, 119, 125, 145, 169, 201, 207 Vasish?ha DharmaÇastra, 260–261 Vasish?has, 164 Vasavadatta, 332 Vashkalas, 52 Vasubandhu, 325 Vasus, 105 Vatsabha??i, 320 Veda, 29 Vedas and Brahma?as, 33; Vedangas, 264–267 Vedanta, 34, 71, 133, 204, 221, 226, 230, 238, 240, 241, 400–402, 405, 407, 421 Vedanta-sara, 241 Vedic, 29; Ve?isam?hara, 365–366 Vernacular languages, 24; Vetalapanchavim?Çati, 375 Vibhidaka tree, 128 ViÇakhadatta, 365 ViÇpala, myth of, 84 ViÇvanatha Kaviraja, 434 ViÇvaprakaÇa, 433 ViÇvedevas, 106 Vidhana, 192 Vijnana-bhikshu, 394 VijnaneÇvara, 429 Vikram and the Vampire, 375 Vikrama, 320 Vikramaditya, 320, 323, 324, 325, 339 VikramorvaÇi, 108, 353, 354, 358–359 Villages, 158 Vi?a, 169 Vinayakas, 251 Vindhya range, 9, 18, 23, 141, 144, 410 Vish?u, 8, 74, 80–81, 89, 182, 194, 411; Vish?u Pura?a, 194 Vish?u Sm?iti, 428 Vitasta (Jhelum), 140 Vocabulary of Atharvaveda, 196 Voltaire, 1 Vopadeva, 432 V?itra, 72, 84, 85, 86, 110, 114, 312 V?itrahan, 85 V?itta (rhythm), 56 WWackernagel, Prof. J., 430, 432 Warfare, 165–166. Waters deified, 92 Weaving, 168 Weber, Professor, 176, 177, 206, 212, 307, 311, 360, 414, 415, 420 Wedding ceremony, 8; Wednesday (budhavara), 262 White Yajurveda, 177, 179, 206 Whitney, Professor W. D., 186 Wife, position of, 162 Wilkins, Charles, 2 Wilson, Prof. Horace Hayman, 60 Windisch, Prof. E., 415 Wolf, 148 Wood (original matter), 134 World, origin of, 132 Worshippers and gods, 73 Writing, age of, 16; YYadava-prakaÇa, 433 Yajnavalkya, 213, 214, 222, 223; Yajniki Upanishad, 211 Yajurveda, 30, 73, 156, 174–184; Yama, 68, 70, 74, 98, 116, 117, 118, 125, 146, 169, 218, 225; Yami, 117 Yaska, 22, 46, 50, 60, 61, 62, 258, 265, 267, 268, 269, 273, 274 Year, enigma of, 131; Yimeh, 118 Yoga, 232, 396–399, 405, 407, 423 Yueh-chi tribes, 413 |