The Self-Plumed Bishop Unplumed / A Reply to the Profound Erudition of the Self-Named Hugh Latimer, in His Doctrine of Endless Punishment Asserted |
THE SELF-PLUMED BISHOP UNPLUMED. A REPLY TO THE PROFOUND ERUDITION OF THE SELF-NAMED HUGH LATIMER, IN HIS DOCTRINE OF ENDLESS PUNISHMENT ASSERTED, BY T. LATHAM, MINISTER AT BRAMFIELD, SUFFOLK. “Let us candidly admit where we cannot refute, calmly reply where we cannot admit, and leave anger to the vanquished, and imputation of bad motives to those who are deficient in good argument.” Rev. W. J. Fox. “Illi sÆviant in vos, qui nesciunt quo cum labore verum inveniatur, et quam difficile caveantur errores. Illi in vos sÆviant, qui nesciunt quam rarum et arduum sit, carnalia phantasmata piÆ mentis serenitate superare. Illi in vos sÆviant, qui nesciunt quantis gemitibus et suspiriis fiat, ut quantulacunque parte possit intelligi Deus. Postremo, illi in vos sÆviant, qui nullo tali errore decepti sunt, quali vos deceptos vident.” St. Augustine. HALESWORTH: PRINTED AND SOLD BY T. TIPPELL; SOLD ALSO BY MESSRS. TEULON AND FOX, 67, WHITE-CHAPEL. Price Sixpence.