Assumed name. The spirit of the party. Against good manners. Disguised. In person. A man of various learning. Masterpiece. Churchmen. Pupil. A learned man. Between ourselves. Slip of the tongue. Pretended. As it should be. A nice morsel Willing or not. I have read of a bishop who, on coming to his bishopric, ordered a Greek inscription to be written over his palace gate. It was meant to say, “Gate be thou ever open to, and never shut against a good man.” But when finished, it said, “Gate be thou always shut against, and never open to a good man.” And as the bishop was so well versed in Greek, that he could not find out the blunder, he was for his learning deposed. I give this as a hint to Hugh Latimer. I must remain in my present sentiments. Tiresomeness. The republic of letters. A fit man. Three united in one. Winding up. Common phrases By what authority. With what intention. To ensnare the vulgar. What harm will it do. The law of retaliation. See a speech by a minister. (Lectures, page 177) Like master like man. Thou that teachest others, teachest thou not thyself. Wonderful to tell. Indispensable pre-requisite. The truth without fear. Without over bashfulness. I do not wish to be made a bishop. Sudden enterprise. Burden of proving. Bradbury. Jesus Christ has informed us, John iii. 16, 18, “that God has displayed his love to the world in sending his Son, not to condemn the world, but to save it.” Hugh Latimer tells us, page 6, “that the perpetuity of punishment in vindictive justice, (which by the way is a contradiction in terms), is the emanation of love to the universe.” There is no method of reconciling these plain contradictions, but by allowing him to be acquainted with those sublime mysteries with which Christ was wholly unacquainted. A foolish argument. Deputy. Said for nothing. With the whole heart. Truth conquers. The guardian of morality. As in a looking glass. Improper fondness of writing. Substitute. For decency sake. Over much bashfulness. For the public good. Face to face. By word of mouth. Theological tracts, preface, page 19. Molineux’s Familiar Letters, page 163. Bishop Horne. |