DEDICATED BY KIND PERMISSION TO THE LADY HARRIET ASHLY. PREFACE TO THE SEVENTH EDITION. ON STYLE AND THE ARRANGEMENT OF COLOURS. ON RAISED GOLD ORNAMENTATIONS. JUST PUBLISHED. LAURENT DE LARA'S SHAKSPERIAN PROVERBS, FROM HIS PLAYS. Quarto Imperial, price 1s. 6d. Plain; 3s. Partly Coloured. 1. All the World's a Stage. 2. Rich Gifts wax Poor. 3. Suspicion always Haunts. 4. Fast Bind, Fast Find. 5. Sweet are the uses of Adversity. 6. There is no Vice so simple. 7. Virtue itself turns Vice. 8. Come what, come may, Time. 9. O it is excellent to have a Giant's strength. 10. There's a Divinity that shapes our ends. 11. One Touch of Nature makes the whole World kin. 12. Life's but a walking Shadow. 3. Shakspere "In Memoriam," with Vignette Portrait. 2s. and 3s. 6d. 4. The Christian Martyr. "Be thou faithful," &c. With Photograph, 2s. plain; 3s. 6d. partly coloured. CROSSES. 1. No Cross, No Crown, &c. Imperial 4to, 14½ by 10½, 1s. 6d. plain; 3s. partly coloured. 2. Take up thy Cross and follow me. 18 by 7½, 1s. 6d. plain; 3s. partly coloured. The Parables of Our Lord. The Miracles of Our Lord. Maxims and Precepts of the Saviour. Sermon on the Mount. The Book of Ruth, The Good Shunammite. Sentiments and Similes of Shakspeare. LONDON: THE Albert Lithographic Printing Office, Established to promote Female Employment, 168, GREAT PORTLAND STREET, OXFORD STREET, E. FULLER & CO., ARE PREPARED TO EXECUTE Every description of Chromo-Lithography, ALSO COPPER-PLATE & LETTER-PRESS PRINTING, WITH PROMPTNESS AND DESPATCH, At Twenty per Cent. lower than any other House. 1000 CIRCULARS ON GOOD PAPER FOR 21s. Lithographic Fac-simile Circulars, and all kinds of Commercial Printing EXECUTED FOR THE TRADE ON LIBERAL TERMS. The artistic Branch of Lithography wholly carried out by Females. ELEMENTARY INSTRUCTION |