PLATE I.Fig. 1, A THIN border, very frequently used in illuminating by the Italians; consisting of small blue and pink spaces, ornamented with white lacework over the flat ground. Fig. 2, Are specimens of various flowers, ornamentations, foliage, the arabesque scroll, etc., which are to be met with in the ancient manuscripts. To give anything like a variety, would fill a volume; to classify them would also be an endless task, since any contrivance to do so would be fruitless: my object being to give an insight to some of the leading features observable in the illuminations: these are sufficient for the beginner. To acquire an accurate idea, I must refer the student to the British Museum. I have given here outlines of subjects most frequently met with; these the student can fill up with colours according to his taste, varying them at pleasure; yet, in preference, he should endeavour to sketch them himself, since it is desirable that he should acquire proficiency in these trifles, for as they generally form small details, to relieve the solid parts, Fig. 3, Are compartments to be filled up by various solid colours over which the scrollwork or ornaments are applied, either in white, gold, or colours; when in red, it is called damask-work, the patterns of which can be varied in endless variety. Over the gold, engravings with the agate are highly effective, sometimes forming simple ornamentations, or representing embossed chasing. Fig. 4, Represents a portion of a scroll to be filled in by a solid colour, over which, after being properly shaded, fine threads of gold may be drawn, or thinly dotted in white. In making these or similar scrolls, care should be taken that they are gracefully drawn, and made to run freely throughout the design. Fig. 5, Illustrates fragments of curves with leaves or ornaments which must be ruled-in with the ruling-pen, by the aid of the wooden scroll, the scroll being placed on the pencil-tracing, where a portion of its curve corresponds with the intended design. Fig. 6, Are two straight lines ruled parallel and closely together, so as to show a white thread between. PLATE II,Is the initial letter O, copied from a woodcut. Though the general design is effective and pleasing, it is not accurately This initial is very useful to copy frequently, since it will give freedom to the hand in producing graceful curves. The remaining figures on this plate are various initials, used at the head of texts; they may be variously illuminated. PLATE III,Is an early specimen of Byzantine art, about the eighth century, the principle of the Irish school being here adopted, on which the acanthus foliage of the Roman style is superadded. Some gorgeous specimens of this style are in most of the European libraries; but many valuable specimens of that period must have been lost, since the Iconoclastic fanatics destroyed so many thousands by the flames, from the end of the fifth to the seventh centuries. PLATE IV,Is a specimen of a style of illuminating much in use from the thirteenth century to the beginning of the fourteenth. Many and very varied specimens of this style are in almost every collection in European libraries. Sometimes the bands are alternately solid and transparent; in others, the bands assume a lozenge-fashioned, undulated, or circular shape; but another and more frequently adopted mode is to alternate them, tints, of solid coloured bands, keeping up strict regard as to complement of colour. The following order may be regarded as a lesson:—Crimson, gold, ultramarine, and buff may succeed each other. The ornamentations show best on them when relieved, by placing "casting shadows" under the flowers, scrolls, etc. PLATE V,Is an Italian border of the fourteenth century. The stems of the scrollwork may be, with good effect, painted in gold, and shaded up in burnt sienna, to imitate the bark of trees. Scrolls and foliage may be painted in this specimen in delicate tinted colours, such as greys, light blues, or pinks, softly shaded up, and ornamented with white or gold ornamentations, according to the circumstance of the tint selected. Flowers and leaves, of course, in their natural colours. Various, and always delicate tints for greens in leaves, are essentials in the old Italian border. The "back-ground" here is intended to be gold, though other tints may be substituted, so long as they are not introduced in the ornamentations. PLATE VI,Is a border, to be found in almost every contemporaneous school of the period—the French, the Flemish, the Italian, as well as English and Irish. The ornamentations are not so softly executed, nor is the outline as graceful as in the former. The back-ground is always transparent, containing, sometimes, small figured filigree work. A preponderance of one pervading colour is sometimes its characteristic; but too much similarity in tint should be carefully avoided. PLATE VII,Is the same style precisely as above, with the peculiarity of the ornamentation springing from the immediate border surrounding the text. The grotesque animal, twining itself in a curious manner, is also typical of the illuminations of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. PLATE VIII."THE MODEL OUTLINE." I have ventured to give a specimen of a modern style of illumination, based upon no principle whatever which could furnish the student with any instructive hints, or enable him to produce original ideas of his own. As a whole, it represents snatches of ornamentations, jumbled together without order or arrangement, and vanishing at both ends into space. Scrollwork, having neither beginning, middle, or termination, and presenting a series of flourishes, which may be said to give this class of outline a distinctive character, under the generic title of Sign-boarding. It is an attempt at imitating missal, bearing about the same relation to its prototype as the modern to the pure Gothic in architecture, or the ancient Rome of Augustus to that of the present day in civilisation.
PLATE 2 PLATE 3 PLATE 4 PLATE 5 PLATE 6 PLATE 7 PLATE 8 CATALOGUE AND LIST OF COLOURS FOR Illuminating and Missal Painting. MANUFACTURED AND PUBLISHED BY D. LAURENT DE LARA. (Illuminating Artist to the Queen.) 3, TORRINGTON SQUARE, RUSSELL SQUARE, Wholesale Agents for Laurent de Lara's publications,
E. FULLER & Co, 168, Portland Road, N.W. D. LAURENT DE LARA'S SERIES OF OUTLINES FOR Illuminating and Missal Painting, DESIGNED BY D. L. DE LARA.
Or may be had in separate Numbers, Price 1s. Plain, 2s. partly Coloured. The great demand made for Outlines by the daily increase of the chaste and beautiful Art of Illuminating, originally induced their publication by Mr. De Lara, and, although he has numerous imitators he confidently recommends them to the notice of the Public, both as aids and instructors in the study of Missal Painting; every care having been taken faithfully to reproduce for the Student's enlightenment, adaptations of the style of the best and purest Masters.
? Title and Presentation Plate may be had to complete this Series; or, elegantly bound in cloth, antique gilt. Dedicated to Viscountess Combermere, with Title and Presentation Plate. Plain 25s., partially Coloured, 45s. Published by Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts.
SCRIPTURAL TEXTS AND CROSSES. Half Sheet Imperial. "Glory to God in the Highest," etc. Two Christmas Texts, plain each 2s. 6d., and 4s. part Coloured. LONG TEXTS, 28 BY 7 INCHES.—PLAIN 1s. 6d. COLOURED 3s.
Crosses, 4to. Imperial 1s. 6d. plain, 3s. part Coloured.
Fourth Series, Quarto Royal, 1s. plain, 2s. part Coloured. THREE SACRED MONOGRAMS, 1, 2 AND 3; AND THREE CROSSES, 1s. AND 2s. PLAIN AND COLOURED.
Illuminated in Chromo-Lithography, Half Sheet Royal, in Gold and 10 Colours, Price 5s. each. THE LORD'S PRAYER, and THE CREDO. From an old Psalter of Henry VIII., in the collection of E. Offor, Esq. (Dedicated by permission to Viscountess Forbes), and published by Henry Hering, (Late Hering & Remington), 137, Regent Street. The Same Subject in outline, price 1s. 6d. plain, and 3s. partly coloured. ALSO THE TEN COMMANDMENTS, 4to Imperial. An original design, richly illuminated in Chromo-Lithography, price 5 s. (Dedicated to her Majesty the Queen.) Outlines of the above, 4to Imperial. 2s. plain, and 3s. 6d. partly Illuminated. AND THE ROYAL CHESS BOARD. In Outline 22½ inches square, with Four Illustrations, viz.:—"First Move," "Stale Mate," "Check Mate," and "Mated." Price, 5s. plain, 8s. partly coloured, and on the finest Italian Vellum, 31s. 6d. SHEET OF FIFTEEN BOOK-MARKERS. 4to Imperial, with Scriptural Mottoes, 5s. plain, and 8s. partially Illuminated. SHEET OF MEDIÆVAL ALPHABETS, 4to Imperial, 1s. plain, 3s. 3d. partially Illuminated. THE PRIZE "BEATITUDES," for 1860. (Outlines) awarded by the I. A. U. L.
THE ADORATION OF THE MAGI. 4to Imperial. (A splendid Missal with 12 figures). 2s. 6d. plain, and 4s. part Coloured. ? All the above Subjects are also published on the finest Italian Vellum, from 8s. to 10s. 6d. each. The following Illuminations, executed by Lady Artists, are ready for Sale or hire.
And other Subjects from Psalm CXIX., &c., &c., are in progress, and may be always had. JUST PUBLISHED Miniature Outlines for Illuminating, Plain 9d.; Partially coloured, 1s. 6d. each. Or in Handsome Wrappers containing Eight Subjects. 6s. and 12s. These "Miniature Outlines" are so delicately executed, and in detail so perfect, that they afford the Student an admirable opportunity of acquiring a most delicate touch before venturing on the larger subjects; and the universal satisfaction they have given, has induced Laurent de Lara to re-produce the whole of his numerous publications in this form. At the same time he most earnestly enjoins the Student not to use other than "Cake Illuminating Colours" in these, as indeed in all Illuminations where delicacy and effect is desirable. THE "BEATITUDES," (Eight Subjects.) Fac-simile, half the size of the 4to Royal. The Same Subject, one sixth the original size, 6d. and 1s. each. THE LORD'S PRAYER; THE CREDO. The Same Subjects, one sixth, 9d. plain, 1s. 6d. coloured. Illuminating Art Circulating Library, 3, TORRINGTON SQUARE, RUSSELL SQUARE. Subscribers are entitled to two Illuminations at a time, to be exchanged for fresh subjects, as frequently as desired. Terms of Subscriptions. Annually £4 4s. 0d. Half Yearly £2 12s. 6d. Quarterly £1 11s. 6d. A Select assortment of Vellum Illuminations are constantly kept in stock for sale or hire, of which pencil outlines are published at 6d., 9d., 1s., 1s. 6d., & 2s. each. THE LORD'S PRAYER, 4to. Imperial, 4to. Royal, Miniature, and small Miniature. Two designs. THE APOSTLES' CREED, ditto. Two designs. SONNET.—"It is a Dream." DAVID WITH THE HEAD OF GOLIATH. THE 67th PSALM. SMALL CREDO. THE 119th PSALM. Twenty-two Subjects, with Title and Presentation Plate. THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT. Twenty-two Subjects, with ditto. THE ADORATION OF THE MAGI. ST. JOHN WRITING THE GOSPEL. POESY. Sonnet. THE PROVERBS, Alphabetically arranged. Large text 24 subjects. THOMPSON'S SEASONS. (Two Subjects). THE COMMANDMENTS. (Dedicated to her Majesty). THE COMMANDMENTS. (Byzantine School). THE "BEATITUDES." (Eight Subjects, complete). THE PRIZE "BEATITUDES." (Three Subjects), awarded by the I. A. U. L. for 1860. MEDIÆVAL ALPHABETS, 4to. Imperial. 25 DIFFERENT BOOK-MARKERS, 10 for the reception of Photograph vignettes. Small and large size. THE ROYAL CHESSBOARD. Folio Imperial, 22½ inches square. 18 DIFFERENT CROSSES. 18 SUBJECTS FROM "SHAKSPEARE." (Quite new). D. LAURENT DE LARA'S COLOURS AND MATERIALS FOR Illuminating & Missal Painting. The necessity for improvements to be made in the Ordinary Water Colours, too often palmed off on the unwary by Artists' Colourmen, has induced Mr. de Lara to give the Subject his most earnest and careful attention, and as a result, they have acquired a reputation for the richness and brilliancy of their Tints, surpassing even those manufactured in Paris; and their peculiar fitness when applied to Illuminating on Vellum, or for Miniatures, proves them, in these respects, to be unrivalled. THE TWENTY FIVE SHILLING BOX CONTAINS Twelve Colours, Gold and Aluminium Shells, Enamel White, Agate Burnisher Pencils, Sable Brush, Parallel Rules, Ruling Pen, Compasses. THE GUINEA & A HALF BOX CONTAINS Eighteen Colours, Gold and Aluminium Shells, Enamel White, and fuller fittings than above. THE TWO GUINEA BOX CONTAINS Fourteen Double and Four Half Cakes, Gold and Aluminium Shells, and complete Fittings. THE TWO GUINEA & A HALF BOX CONTAINS Eighteen Whole Cakes, and additional materials. THE THREE GUINEA BOX Same Colours and superior and additional Fittings. In calling the attention of the Public to this Box, D. Laurent de Lara feels it incumbent on him to remark, that whatever costliness and expense may be bestowed on material, nothing further is required for the successful practising of this Art. Illuminating Box of Moist Colors for Fruits and Flowers, 12s. 6d. each. Box of Opaque Tints, 12s. each. ALWAYS ON HAND An Assortment of Prepared Italian Vellum, ready Mounted, 3s. 6d., 6s., and 8s. each. Whole Skins from 7s. 6d. to £3 3s. each. GOLD, PLATINA, AND ALUMINIUM SHELLS, 10s. 6d. PER DOZEN. Best Water Gold-Size in Pots 2s. each, for raised Gilding. Real French Tracing Paper, 1s. 6d. the Sheet. MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS 21s. OR 31s. 6d. THE CASE. ? Instruction in the Art of Illuminating by personal Lessons or by correspondence—the Course, £3 3s.—with employment afterwards, if desired by special contract. ANOTHER EDITION OF THE 119th PSALM, WILL BE REPUBLISHED FOR THE FORTHCOMING SEASON, DEDICATED TO VISCOUNTESS COMBERMERE, WITH PRESENTATION AND TITLE PLATE.
LONDON: LONGMAN, GREEN, LONGMAN, ROBERTS AND GREEN, PATERNOSTER ROW, AND ALL BOOKSELLERS. JUST PUBLISHED MISCELLANEOUS PIECES, Plain 1s. 6d.; part Coloured 3s. 12 Nos. OF THE ROYAL PSALTER, DEDICATED TO THE (COUNTESS DOWAGER OF LICHFIELD.) Adapted from the famous missal the Hours of Anna of Brittany. (Floral and Fruit Borders.) "A SWARM OF BEES WORTH HIVING, OR BEES WITHOUT STINGS." "GIVE ALL THINE EAR, BUT FEW THY VOICE," (from an old book in the Stow Library) dedicated to the late Marquis of Breadalbane. TWO SUBJECTS FROM ISAIAH LIII. 1s. 6d. and 3s. each. Published on the 10th of March, 1863, on the occasion of the Marriage of H.R.H. the Princess Alexandra and the Prince of Wales. Price 1s. 6d. and 3s. part Coloured. THE ROYAL MONOGRAM AND CORONET, AND THE ODE "HAIL ALEXANDRA, STAR OF DENMARK," ETC., (Poetry and Designs by D. Laurent de Lara.) The originals of these beautiful and characteristic designs, were presented to Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales on the occasion of her marriage. Completely Illuminated price £2 2s. each. JUST PUBLISHED. "THE BEAUTIES OF SHAKSPERE," BEING CHOICE EXTRACTS OF THE GREAT DRAMATIST, PICTORIALLY ILLUSTRATED, CONTAINING TEXT IN THE CENTRE. First Series, 6s. plain; 12s. partly illuminated. Six Subjects from the "Tempest."
Second Series, 6s. plain; 12s. coloured. Six Subjects from the "Merchant of Venice."
Six Subjects from "Hamlet."
This beautiful publication of which already three successive editions have been issued, will be followed by "As you like it" and other popular Plays, at short intervals. R. ACKERMANN, MANUFACTURER OF ILLUMINATING COLOURS, Which are strongly recommended for their brilliancy of Tint, may be had separately or in Boxes price 21s. and 42s. Gold, Silver Aluminium, and Platina, In Shells, Saucers, and Cakes. A large assortment of the best Prepared Drawing Vellum. Vellum Paper, and the best Drawing Boards. TRACING AND TRANSFER PAPERS. A GREAT VARIETY OF Laurent de Lara's Outlines for Coloring Scrolls and Texts, WITH The best Works of Instruction. BOOKS OF ALPHABETS AND ALL ILLUMINATED WORKS. GOLD SIZE, AND ALL ARTICLES CONNECTED WITH THE Art of Illuminating and the Fine Arts. 191, REGENT STREET, W. Catalogues by post, free on application. JAMES NEWMAN, MANUFACTURER OF Illuminating Colours in Oil or Water. Boxes of Colours fitted up with Burnishers, Brushes, Shells, &c., very complete. PURE GOLD AND ALUMINIUM POWDER IN SHELLS, HALF SHELLS, OR CAKES, LIKE WATER COLOURS. Prepared Vellum and every Article used in Illuminating. ORNAMENTAL ALPHABETS AND WORKS ON ILLUMINATING BODY COLOUR WHITE. Sizing preparation to prepare the Surface of many Materials and give hardness to the Colours. See NEWMAN'S Harmonious Colouring, &c., Price 1s. NEWMAN'S SUPERFINE WATER COLOURS. Newman's Improved Moist Colours & Chinese White. MANUFACTURER OF Every Description of Artist's Materials of the Best Quality. 24, SOHO SQUARE, LONDON, W. REEVES & SONS' Colours & Materials for Illuminating & Missal Painting. Water Colours Prepared for Illuminating, in Cakes or Moist in Pans, Half Cakes or Half Pans. Whole Cakes, 1s., Half Cakes, 6d. each.
Whole Cakes, 1s. 6d., Half Cakes, 9d. each.
Whole Cakes, 2s., Half Cakes, 1s. each.
Whole Cakes, 3s., Half Cakes, 1s. 6d. each.
Whole Cakes, 5s., Half Cakes, 2s. 6d. each.
Whole Cake, £1 1s., Half Cake, 10s. 6d., Quarter Cake, 5s. 6d. each. Powder Colours for Illuminating, In Bottles, Ready prepared for use with the admixture of Water only. Prices same as Whole Cakes. 1½ Guinea Box. Boxes of Colours for Illuminating and Missal Painting. Half-Guinea Box. French Polished Mahogany Slide-top Box, containing Six Half Cakes of Colours—Crimson Lake, Scarlet Vermilion, French Ultramarine, Emerald Green, Pale Chrome, and Burnt Sienna, Tube of Enamel White, Gold and Aluminium Shells, Four Siberian Brushes, Burnisher, and Indian Ink. One Guinea Box. Mahogany French Polished Lock Box, containing (in a Japanned Tin Box) Crimson Lake, Scarlet Vermilion, Cobalt, French Ultramarine, Cadmium Yellow, Lamp Black, Emerald Green, Burnt Sienna, Bottle of Enamel White, Prepared Gum Water, China Slab, Water Glass, Liquid Ox Gall, Saucer of Gold, Saucer of Aluminium, Agate Burnisher, Cumberland Lead Pencil, Sable Brushes, and Gummed Gold Paper. One Guinea and a Half Box. Mahogany French Polished Lock Box, containing (in a Japanned Tin Box) Crimson Lake, Scarlet Vermilion, Cobalt, French Ultramarine, Cadmium Yellow, Lamp Black, Emerald Green, Burnt Sienna, Rose Madder, Gamboge, Vandyke Brown, and Pale Chrome Yellow, Bottle of Enamel White, Prepared Gum Water, Liquid Ox Gall, Gold Ink, Saucer of Gold, Saucer of Aluminium, China Slab, Water Glass, Pot of Water Gold Size, Agate Burnisher, Cumberland Lead Pencil, Six Sable Brushes, and Gummed Gold Paper. Materials for Illuminating and Missal Painting. Two Guinea Box. Mahogany French Polished Lock Box, containing (in a Japanned Tin Box) Crimson Lake, Scarlet Vermilion, Cobalt, French Ultramarine, Cadmium Yellow, Lamp Black, Emerald Green, Burnt Sienna, Rose Madder, Gamboge, Vandyke Brown, Pale Chrome, Carmine, Green Oxide of Chromium, Permanent Red, Brown Madder, Lemon Yellow, and Violet Carmine, Bottle of Enamel White, Prepared Gum Water, Liquid Ox Gall, Gold Ink, Saucer of Gold, Saucer of Aluminium, Six-Division China Slab, Water Glass, Pot of Water Gold Size, Agate Burnisher, Cumberland Lead Pencil, Eight Sable Brushes, and Gummed Gold Paper. Three Guinea Box. Rosewood Caddy Lid French Polished Box with Plated Fittings, containing Colours, &c., as above, and a most complete Set of Materials.
Gold, Silver, Aluminium, &c.
Gold and Silver Ink.
Bessemer's Gold Paint.
Prepared Vellum. PRICE ACCORDING TO SIZE. Small Agate Burnishers. Albata Ferrules and Black Handles, various patterns each 2 0 A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF OUTLINES, COPIES, AND BOOKS ON ILLUMINATING ALWAYS IN STOCK. De Lara's Series of Outlines and Publications, for which see his List. Illuminating Art Union of London (INSTITUTED 1857.) For promoting and encouraging the MediÆval Style of Illuminating on Vellum, adaptable for Modern purposes, either sacred or secular, to hold Annual Exhibitions and distribute prizes for original designs, and to afford employment to the educated gentlewomen of limited means. Annual Subscription £1 1s. For which an "Original Vellum Illumination" executed by the less affluent Members, will be presented annually to the Subscribers. Life Members £12 12s. Patronesses.
Honorary Secretary. MRS. FABER. Honorary Treasurer. CHARLES BOARD, Esq. Manager. D. LAURENT DE LARA, Esq. Prospectuses and Reports may be had of D. Laurent de Lara, Manager, 3, Torrington Square, Russell Square, W.C. LIST OF COLOUR BOXES AND MATERIALS, PREPARED BY GEORGE ROWNEY & COMPANY, FOR Illuminating & Missal Painting. 15s. Mahogany Box, CONTAINING Cobalt, Prussian Blue, Emerald Green, Chrome 2, Crimson Lake, Vermilion, Gold and Silver Shells, Agate Burnisher, and Three Sable Brushes. 21s. Mahogany Lock Box, CONTAINING Cobalt, Fr. Ultra, Emerald Green, Sap Green, Chrome 2, Chrome 4, Crimson Lake, Madder Lake, Lamp Black, Vandyke, Vermilion, and White, Gold, Green Gold, and Aluminium Shells, Agate Burnisher, Sable Brushes, &c., &c. 31s. 6d. Caddy Lid Box, CONTAINING Cobalt, Fr. Ultra, Emerald Green, Sap Green, Chrome 1, Chrome 3, Dragon's Blood, Vermilion, Yellow Oker, Lamp Black, Violet, Carmine, Rose Madder, Carmine, Bt. Carmine, Bottle of Chinese White, Gold, Green Gold and Aluminium Shells, Gold Leaf, Agate Burnisher, Dividers, Sable Brushes, Pot of Water Gold-Size, &c. 2 Guinea Caddy Lid Box with Drawer, CONTAINING Cobalt, Fr. Ultra, Emerald Green, Sap Green, Chrome 1, Chrome 3, Gamboge, Yellow Oker, Bt. Sienna, Vandyke, Sepia, Lamp Black, Crimson Lake, Scarlet Vermilion, Rose Madder, Purple Madder, Madder Brown, Carmine, Bottle of Chinese White, Pot of Water Gold-Size, Two Shells, each as above, Gold Leaf, Extra Brushes, &c. 3 Guinea Rosewood, Caddy Lid, CONTAINING besides the above Eighteen colours, Prussian Blue, Violet Carmine, Cadmium Yellow, Mars Orange, Bt. Carmine, Deep Rose; and every article necessary for all descriptions of Illuminating. Boxes may be obtained, fitted to any arrangement required. A large assortment of Laurent de Lara's outlines, plain, or partly coloured either on fine Card or Vellum. GEORGE ROWNEY & CO., MANUFACTURING ARTIST'S COLOURMEN, 51 & 52, RATHBONE PLACE, LONDON. |