FIG. | | 1. | One of the prolegs of a caterpillar. Cossus. (Lyonet.) a. Its coronet of spines. Vol. III. p. 134. | 2. | One of the spiracles of ditto. (Ibid.) Vol. IV. p. 37—. | 3. | Three of the hexagonal lenses of a bee's eye, with their prisms. (Swamm.) Vol. III. p. 496. | 4. | Trunk of a flea with the head removed, showing that all the legs are attached to the former. Ibid. p. 656. | 5. | Alitrunk of Dytiscus marginalis, exhibiting the wings as they are folded when unemployed. | 6. | Part of ditto, with the scutellum and apex of an elytrum, to show the alula. Vol. II. p. 343; III. 557. | 7. | Anterior and posterior prolegs of Tanypus maculatus. (De Geer.) a. Posterior proleg. b. Anterior ditto. Vol. II. p. 275; IV. p. 363. | 8. | Posterior extremity of a pupa, to show the cremastrÆ, or hooks by which it is suspended. a. Hooks. Vol. III. p. 209, 255; IV. p. 363. | 9. | Another specimen, in which the hooks are more numerous. a. Hooks. | 10. | Pulex penetrans, or the Chigoe. Vol. I. p. 49, 102. | 11. | Mandible of the larva of Myrmeleon Formicaleo. (Reaum.) Vol. III. p. 121. | 12. | Anal spinneret of ditto. (Ibid.) | 13. | Branching palpus, or feeler of Trombidium holosericeum. | 14. | Part of the tarsus of a spider, to show the simple and pectinated claws. (De Geer.) Vol. III. p. 690. | 15. | A pair of spinners of a spider. (Leeuwenh.) Vol. III. p. 392. | 16. | A mammula or teat of ditto. Vol. III. p. 391. | 17. | Anus of ditto. | 18. | Stilt-legs of a dipterous larva. (De Geer.) |