PLATE XXI.[1688] FIG. | | 1. | Part of the interior of Cossus ligniperda. (Lyonet.) a, b. The spinal chord and its ganglions. d. The nerves. e. The bronchiÆ connected with the trachea. | 2. | One of the labial palpi of ditto. (Ibid.) | 3. | Another view of the interior of ditto. (Ibid.) a. Trachea. b. BronchiÆ. c. Œsophagus. d. Ventricle or stomach. e. The lower intestines, f f. The bile vessels. g. Sericterium, or silk reservoir. h. Sialisterium, or saliva vessel. | 4. | Part of one of the tracheÆ of ditto, to show its coats and spiral thread. (Ibid.) Vol. IV. p. 63. | 5. | A portion of the interior of ditto, to show the epiploon, or fat. (Ibid.) a a. Epiploon. Vol. IV. p. 150. | 6. | Leg of ditto laid open. (Ibid.) a a a. Semipenniform muscles of ditto. b. Their lower point of insertion in the claw. c. Muscles of the coxa. Vol. IV. p. 185. | 7. | Nervous system of the grub of Oryctes nasicornis. (Swamm.) a. The first ganglion or brain. c. The remaining ganglions, forming a thick spinal chord. d. The nerves issuing from them. | 8. | —————— of the louse. (Ibid.) a. The brain. c c c. The ganglions. d. Nerves. | 9. | The spinneret, or organ that renders the silk of the Cossus. (Lyonet.) Vol. III. p. 124. |
PLATE XXII.[1689] FIG. | | 1. | Male genital organ of a Bombus. a. The male organ. b. The prehensor. Vol. IV. p. 576, 580. | 2. | Female ditto of the louse. (Swamm.) a. The oviduct with an egg passing through it. b c. The ovaries. d. The colleterium, or varnish secretor. e. The lower extremity of the oviduct. | 3, 4. | LarvÆ as arranged in the body of two species of viviparous flies. (Reaum.) Vol. I. p. 257; IV. p. 170. | 5. | Interior of postpectus. Dynastes. a. Parapleura. b b b. Points of the postfurca. c. Its stalk. | 6. | The medifurca of ditto, a. Base. b. Apex. | 7. | Antefurca of ditto, a. Base. | 8. | Mesothorax. Calandra. | 9. | Mesophragm and appendage. Dynastes. a a. Pieces adjacent. b. Septula. c. The notch for the transmission of the intestines. | 10. | Part of metaphragm, ditto, a. A kind of cupule affording a point of attachment to muscles. d. A deep notch for the intestines. | 11. | Interior of the upper side of alitrunk of ditto. a. The cavity of the chest between the prophragm and mesophragm. b. Ditto between the mesophragm and metaphragm. c. Cupules that afford a point of attachment to some of the wing-muscles. d. Notch of the metaphragm. | 12. | Portion of the alitrunk of Melolontha vulgaris. c. Cupule attached to the axis of the wings. | 13. | Part of the postpectus of Dytiscus marginalis, to show the operculum. Vol. III. p. 578. | 14. | Part of the metathorax of Melolontha vulgaris, to show the metapnystega. Ibid. 572. | 15. | The pseudocardia, or dorsal vessel of Stratyomis ChamÆleon. (Swamm.) | 16. | a.-w. Specimens of scales from the wings of various Lepidoptera. (Reaum., De Geer.) Vol. III. p. 644—. |