
Source.—Gregory's "Chronicle" in the Collections of a London Citizen, pp. 222, 223. (Camden Society.)

This year, about Midsummer, at the royal feast of the Sergeants of the Coif, the Mayor of London was desired to be at that feast. And at dinner time he came to the feast with his officers, agreeing and according unto his degree. For within London he is next unto the King in all manner [of] thing. And in time of washing the Earl of Worcester was taken before the mayor and set down in the midst of the high table. And the mayor seeing that his place was occupied held him content, and went home again without meat or drink or anything, but reward him he did as his dignity required of the city. And took with him the substance of his brethren the aldermen to his place, and were set and served as soon as any man could devise, both of cygnet and of other delicacies enough, that all the house marvelled how well everything was done in so short a time....

Then the officers of the feast, full evil ashamed, informed the masters of the feast of this mishap that is befallen. And they, considering the great dignity and costs and charge that belonged to the city, anon sent unto the mayor a present of meat, bread and wine and many divers subtleties. But when they that come with the presents saw all the gifts and the service that was at the board, he was full sore ashamed that should do the message, for the present was not better than the service of meat was before the mayor and throughout the high table. But his demeaning was so that he had love and thanks for his message and a great reward withal. And thus the worship of the city was kept and not lost for him. And I trust that never it shall, by the grace of God.


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