Source.—Gregory's "Chronicle" in the Collections of a London Citizen, pp. 226, 227. (Camden Society.) Now take heed what love may do, for love will not nor may not cast no fault nor peril in nothing. That same year, the first day of May, our sovereign lord the King Edward IV. was wedded to the Lord Rivers' daughter; her name is Dame Elizabeth that was wife unto Sir John Grey.... And this marriage was kept full secretly long and many a day, that no man knew it; but men marvelled that our sovereign lord was so long without any wife, and were ever feared that he had been not chaste of his living. But on All Hallows' day at Reading there it was known, for there the King kept his common council, and the lords moved him and exhorted him in God's name to be wedded and to live under the law of God and Church, and (that) they would send into some strong land to inquire a queen of good birth according to his dignity. And then our sovereign might no longer hide his marriage, and told them how he had done, and made that the marriage should be opened unto his lords.