
I. Official Correspondence, Treaties and Other Documents

AlbÈri. Relatione degli Ambasciatori Veneti. 3 series, 9 vols. Venice, 1839–63.

Ameer Ali, Syed. Mohammedan Law. Compiled from authorities in original Arabic. Calcutta, 1893–4. 3 vols. Also A Critical Examination of the Life and Teachings of Mohammed, London, 1873.

Aristarchi Bey, G. LÉgislation Ottomane ou Recueil des lois, rÈglements, ordonnances, traitÉs, capitulations, etc. de l’Empire Ottoman. Constantinople, 1873.

Brown, H. Calendar of State Papers in Venice. London, 1898.

Bradford, W. Correspondence of the Emperor Charles V and his ambassadors of the courts of England and France. London, 1850.

CharriÈre, E. Correspondence, MÉmoires, et Actes Diplomatiques. Paris, 1848–60. NÉgociations de la France dans le Levant, ou des Ambassadeurs de France À Constantinople et À Venice.

GÉvay, Anton von. Urkunden und ActenstÜcke zur Geschichte der VerhÄltnisse zwischen Oesterreich, Ungarn und der Pforte im XVI und XVII Jahrhunderte. 3 vols. Wien, 1840.

Koran. Sales’ translation. Palmer’s translation.

Monumenta Hungariae Historica. Pesth, 1847.

Noradunghian, G. Actes Internationaux de l’Empire Ottoman. Paris, 1897.

Parliamentary Papers. Slave Trade, 1860 (London).

Sanuto, M. I Diarii di Marini Sanuto. 50 vols. Venice, 1879–1903.

Suleiman I. Letters of Victory. Mejmoua Menshaat el Selatin.

Testa, Baron I de. Recueil de TraitÉs de la Porte Ottomane. 10 vols. Paris, 1864–1901.

Tomasseo. Relations des Ambassadeurs VÉnÉtiens sur les Affaires de France au XVI siÈcle. Paris, 1846.

Van Dyck. Consular report on the Capitulations of the Porte. Cairo, 1881.

Young, George. Corps de Droit Ottoman. 5 vols. Oxford, 1905.

II. Travels and Accounts of Turkish Customs

Albrecht, W. Grundriss des Osmanischen Staatsrechts. Berlin, 1905.

Baudier, M. The History of the Imperial Estate of the Grand Seigneur. Trans. by E. Grimeston. London, 1635.

Busbequius. Travels in Turkey, 1557. Ambassades et Voyages, 1557. Life and Letters of O. G. de Busbecq, by C. B. Forster and F. H. S. Daniel. London, 1881.

D’Ohsson, Mouradjea. Tableau GÉnÉral de l’Empire Ottoman. Paris, 1788–1824.

Fatma Alieh Hanum. Les Musulmanes Contemporaines. Trois ConfÉrences traduites de la langue turque par NazimÉ RoukiÉ. Paris, 1894.

Marsigli. Stato militare dell’ Imperio Ottomano. 2 vols. Hague, 1732.

Nicolai, Nicolo de. Le Navigationi e Viaggi fatti nella Turchia, 1580.

Pouqueville. Travels in Greece and Turkey, 1798. Trans. London, 1880.

Postel, G. De la RÉpublique des Turcs et des moeurs et loy de tous Muhammedists. Poictiers, 1560.

Roberts, Robert. Familien, Sklaven und Erbenrecht im Koran. Leipzig, 1907.

Tavernier, I. B. Nouvelle Relation de l’Interieur du Serail du Grand Seigneur. Paris, 1675.

Tott, Baron de. Memoirs of the Turks and the Tartars. Trans. from the French. London, 1785.

Snouck Hurgronje. Mekka. Haag, 1899.

VambÉry. Das TÜrkenvolk. Leipzig, 1885.

III. Histories, General and Particular

Abdurrahman Sheref. Tarih Osmanieh (Ottoman History). Stambul, 1895.

Armstrong, Edward, The Emperor Charles V. London, 1892.

Brosch, Moritz. Geschichten aus dem Leben Dreier Gross-viziere. Gotha, 1899.

Burg. The Height of the Ottoman Power. Cambridge Modern Hist. vol. i, p. 700–705; also vol. ii, p. 782–785.

Brown, Horatio. Venice. An Historical Sketch of the Republic. London, 1893.

Cambridge Modern History. Vol. II, The Reformation.

Cahun, LÉon. Introduction À l’Histoire de l’Asie Centrale. Les Turcs et les Mongols. Paris, 1898.

Cantimir, S. A. S. Demetrius. Histoire de l’Empire Ottoman. Translated by JoncquiÈres. Paris, 1743.

Coxe, William, History of the House of Austria. London, 1899.

Driault, E. La Question d’Orient. Paris, 1900.

Ellesmere, F. L. G. E. Earl of. The Sieges of Vienna by the Turks. From the German of K. A. Schimmer, and other sources. London, 1879.

Hammer, J. von. Histoire de l’Empire Ottoman. Both in the German, and in a French translation. 18 vols. Paris, 1837.

Hill, David J. History of Diplomacy. Vol. I. New York, 1905.

Janssen, J. History of the German People to the Close of the Middle Ages. London, 1896.

Jorga. Geschichte des Osmanischen Reichthums. Gotha, 1908–10.

Karamsin. Histoire de Russie. Paris, 1819–25. Trans. by St. Thomas and Jauffret.

Kemalpaschazadeh. Histoire de la Campagne de Mohacz. Trans. by Pavet de Courteille. Paris, 1859.

Khalifeh, Haji. History of the Maritime Wars of the Turks. Translated by Mitchell. London, 1831.

Knolles. History of the Ottoman Empire. London, 1603.

Kretchmayr, H. Gritti. Wien, 1896.

Kupelwieser, Leopold von. Die KÄmpfe Oesterreichs mit den Osmanen bis zur Schlacht bei Mohacz, 1526. Ibid., vom Jahre 1526 bis 1537. Wien and Leipzig, 1899.

Lamartine. Histoire de l’Empire Ottoman. Paris, 1899.

Lane-Poole, S. The Story of Turkey. New York, 1888.

Lavisse et Rambaud. Histoire GÉnÉrale du 4me siÈcle À nos jours. Paris, 1893–1901.

Menzies, Sutherland. Turkey Old and New. London, 1883.

Mignot. Histoire de l’Empire Ottoman. Paris, 1771.

Muir, Sir William. Life of Mohammet. London, 1894.

Osmanzadeh. Hedekatul Vuzara (Garden of Vizirs). Stambul, 1271 A. H.

Pastor, Ludwig. Geschichte der PÄpste. Freiburg, 1889.

Petchevi. Tarih (History). Stamboul, 1570.

Rambaud. Histoire de Russie. Paris, 1873.

Ranke, Leopold. The Turkish and Spanish Empires in the Sixteenth Century. Leipzig, 1877.

Ricaut, M. le Chevalier. Histoire de l’Empire Ottoman. Hague, 1709.

Robertson, Wm. Charles the Fifth. New York, 1829.

Sandys. History of the Ottoman Empire. London, 1610.

Solakzadeh. Tarih Misr (History of Egypt). Constantinople, 1729.

Sadullah SÄid. 1862. Constantinople.

Soleymannameh, Bulak, 1872. Anon.

Stratford de Redcliffe. The Eastern Question. London, 1881.

Urquhart, David. The Military Strength of Turkey. Turkish Question Pamphlets. London, 1869.

Ursu, J. Politique Orientale de FranÇois Premier. Paris, 1908.

Zinkheisen, J. W. Geschichte des Osmanischen Reiches in Europa, Gotha, 1854.

Zeeller, J. La Diplomatie FranÇaise vers le milieu du XVI siÈcle. Paris, 1880.

IV. Special Articles

Columbia Law Review, vol. vii, 1907. A Historical Sketch of Mohammedan Jurisprudence. Abdur Rahim.

Edinburg Review, vol. 203. Venetian Diplomacy of the Sublime Porte during the Sixteenth Century. London, 1906.

Extrait du livre d’Abou-l-Hosain Ahmed el Kodouri sur le Droit. Sur la Guerre avec les InfidÈles. Trans. by Ch. Solvent, Paris, 1829.

Hakluyt’s Voyages. Edition of 1812.

Introduction to Vol. XLIX, Sixteenth Century. Joseph Barbaro.

Travels to Tana and Persia. Joseph Barbaro.

Travels of a merchant in Persia.

Narrative of the most noble Vincente d’Allessander.

Report of Master Anthony Jenkinson from Aleppo.

Early Voyages and Travels in the Levant. A brief relation of the siege and taking of Rhodes, from the French to English by Lord Thomas Dockway, 1624. The Fardle of Facions. William Watreman, 1555, London.

Journal Asiatique. First Series, vol. iv. Paris, 1824 J. von Hammer. Sur l’Histoire Ottoman de Prince Cantimir. Also vol. x, series I. Memoirs sur les Relations de FranÇois I avec la Porte.

Journal Asiatique, vol. xvi, 1897. Le Voyage du Levant de Phillippe du Fresne-Canaye 1573. H. Hansen.

Revue Historique, vol. lxxvi-lxxvii, 1901. L’Ambassade de la Forest et de Marillac À Constantinople 1535–1538. Bourilly.

Revue d’Histoire Diplomatique, vol. xv, 1901. Le Voyage d’un Ambassadeur de France en Turquie au 16me siÈcle. Jean de la Forest.

Zeitschrift der MorgenlÄndischen Gesellschaft, vol. xv. Kogabey’s Abhandlung Über den Verfall des osmanischen StaatsgebaÜdes seit Sultan Suleiman dem Grossen.

Zeitschrift der MorgenlÄndischen Gesellschaft, vol. xii, 1858. Geschichte Suleimans des Ersten. Th. Noldecke.

Zeitschrift der MorgenlÄndischen Gesellschaft, vol. xiv. Das Sklavenwesen in der TÜrkei. Leipzig, 1860.

Original Narrative of the Adventures of the Count Christopher von Zedlitz in the Turkish camp. Ed. by Ellesmere.


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