PAGE "Feeling that I had come to the end of things in Chicago mighty quick" 12 "I believe she would have let me kiss her had I wanted to then" 24 "Earning mighty little but my keep" 25 "'I guess she don't want much to see you'" 30 "'I want you to take this'" 34 "'Ma Pierson's'" 38 "The Enterprise Market" 44 "'That's Strauss!'" 49 "'Do you hear?' the Irishman roared" 58 "My part was to drive a wagon for Dround at fifteen a week" 59 "'What do you know about sausage?' he asked" 65 "'All right,' he called out, 'we'll take his deal'" 71 "His long arms twitched with horror" 78 "From another man it might have been just slobber, but Henry I. Dround meant it, every word" 88 "'My! I tell you I'll be glad to get home to-night'" 94 "Big John was one of the first to welcome me back" 96 "The door of the inner office was pulled back and Strauss himself walked into the room" 102 "'Why, of course, you are the Mr. Harrington who—But you have changed!'" 106 "She was reading me like a book of large print" 116 "'I have been offering your young man some advice, Sarah'" 119 "I could see that they would come together very soon" 126 "'You aren't much troubled with scruples, Van!'" 137 "'I paid the right people ninety-five hundred dollars. Now what are you going to do about it?'" 142 "'Young feller, do you reckon you can buck up against me and the Strauss crowd with that one-horse rig?'" 153 "'I think you could put up the right kind of a fight,' she remarked quietly" 160 "That comedy took place on the court-house steps according to law" 172 "I pointed out the great currents of world trade" 181 "The black rocks starting right out of the water" 189 "'When the time comes that you want help, when you cannot go on alone—'" 194 "He undertook to give me a lesson then and there on the rights of the anarchist" 208 "'You have done something the taste of which will never get out of your mouth'" 223 "'When a man comes out of the alley and puts a pistol in your face, and asks for all the money you have on you, you don't wait to see where you hit him, do you?'" 228 "'Only this,' I said slowly, 'I don't sell out to you'" 234 "'Couldn't you find any one else to do your dirty work but your own brother?'" 242 "Somehow years had gone by in that evening" 249 "'No, child, you are wrong! There is no truth in your cruel words'" 259 "To-day I should like to slip back once more to the bum that landed in Chicago—unattached, unburdened, unbound" 271 "It was a messenger boy with a delayed telegram" 275 "'For this is the last ditch, sure enough!'" 278 "'If you grasp them in a strong hand, they will become diamonds'" 284 "'There isn't enough money coined to bring me to him'" 292 "'And we are the crowd that's got the combination to the safe'" 312 "Men paused to read the bulletin, and I stopped, too" 321 "'He's the man who sold scraps and offal to the Government for canned beef—'" 322 "'So you see there is nothing, Van, that you can give me that I should want to take'" 333 "'Do you remember how I used to wash while you wiped, when we wanted to get out buggy-riding, May?'" 341 "'It was good sausage, Slo! At least it was when we made it'" 350 Chapter heading |