I. The Lake Front in Chicago 1
II. The Harrison Street Police Court 12
III. Jasonville, Indiana 19
IV. The Piersons 37
V. A Man's Business 53
VI. First Blood 61
VII. The Bomb 74
VIII. The Trial of the Anarchists 82
IX. Another Boost 98
X. Love 104
XI. Marriage 124
XII. An Honorable Merchant 134
XIII. The Will of a Woman 149
XIV. The First Move 167
XV. The Atlas on the Floor 175
XVI. The Struggle 185
XVII. No Gospel Game 196
XVIII. The Strike 204
XIX. Denounced 211
XX. Treachery 219[Pg viii]
XXI. A Squeeze 230
XXII. Judgments 237
XXIII. Happiness 252
XXIV. War 265
XXV. The Last Ditch 276
XXVI. Victory 288
XXVII. Doubts 293
XXVIII. A New Ambition 304
XXIX. The Senatorship 315
XXX. The Cost 327
XXXI. Further Cost 336
XXXII. The End 347


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