CHAPTER I. OUR SPECIAL PRODUCTS . CHAPTER II. OUR CLASSIC GROUND. CHAPTER VI. OUR NATURALIST'S NOTE-BOOK. CHAPTER VII. THE DEMON DOG A YARN. APPENDIX. SOME BOOKS ON NEW ZEALAND. BY "Queen of the seas, enlarge thyself! Send thou thy swarms abroad! For in the years to come,— Where'er thy progeny, Thy language and thy spirit shall be found,— If— —in that Austral world long sought, The many-isled Pacific,— When islands shall have grown, and cities risen In cocoa-groves embower'd; Where'er thy language lives, By whatsoever name the land be call'd, That land is English still." Southey. IN TWO VOLUMES.—Vol. II. LONDON: (All rights reserved.) PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, LONDON AND BECCLES. |