

Arctic Sledge-Journey Frontispiece.
The Souffleur Rock, Mauritius 52
Lighthouse and Waterspout 65
Australian Sea-Bears 117
The Boats of H.M.S. "Trent" attacked by Walruses 131
Penguins 142
Subaqueous Life—Sticklebacks and Nest 195
Russian Official collecting AlgÆ 392


Map of the Globe, showing the direction of the Ocean Currents, Cotidal Lines, &c. facing page 3.


Aphrodita, or Sea-Mouse, 264
Nereis, 263
Serpula, attached to a Shell, 266
Beachy Head, 5
Bell Rock Lighthouse, 86
Albatross, Wandering, 163
Auk, 168
Great, 151
Avoset, 144
Barnacle Goose, 146
Cormorant, common, 155
Curlew, 143
Eider Duck, 146
Flamingo, 142
Gannet, common, 156
Great Crested Grebe, 150
Guillemot, Black, 165
(winter plumage), 167
Herring Gulls, 158
Hooded Merganser, 404
Pelican, 116, 154
Penguins, 152
Petrel, Broad-billed, 160
Fork-tailed, 160
Stormy, 162
Plover, 144
Puffins, 165, 167
Red-breasted Merganser, 149
Scissor-bill (Rhynchops nigra), 144
Sheldrake, 148
Skimmer, Black, 144
Snow Goose, 146
Speckled Diver, 145
Tailor-bird, 143
Birds of Passage, 171
Bones of the Anterior Fin of a Whale, 96
Alcyonidium elegans, 363
AstrÆa, 373
Caryophyllia, 370
Chrysaora hysoscella, 357
CoryniadÆ, 358
Ctenophora, 360
Diphyes appendiculata, 353
Grey Sea-Pen, 365
Isis hippuris, 369
Jelly Fishes, 349, 350, 351
Lucernalia auricula, 352
MedusÆ, 349, 350, 351
Physalia caravella, 355
Physophora Philippii, 356
Red Coral, 367
Sertularia tricuspidata, 347
Stone Corals, 373, 374
Tubipora Musica, 370
Velella, 354
Virgularia mirabilis, 365
Vogtia pentacantha, 353
Compound Foraminiferous Protozoon, magnified, 380
American Sand-Crab, 252
Balanus ovularis, and group of, 2 244
Barnacle, 101, 244
Calling-Crab of Ceylon, 251
Chelura tenebrans, 247
Diogenes Hermit-Crab, 254
Dromia vulgaris, 249
Jamaica Land-Crab, 250
King Crab, 246
Large-clawed Calling-Crab, 250
Limnoria lignorum, 247
Metamorphosis of Carcinus Moenas, 258
Pea-Crab, 253
Phyllosoma, 258
Pinna Augustana, 253
Sandhopper, 246
Seyllarus equinoxialis, 248
square facets of, 247
Spotted Fin-Crab, 252
Spotted Mantis-Crab, 256
Stenopus hispidus, 261
Whale-Louse, 101
Crustaceans and Oysters, 256
Dental Apparatus of the Sea-Urchin, viewed from above, 339
Ear, Human, 196
Ear of the Perch, 196
Cross-Fish, common, 334
Eatable Trepang, 340
Goniaster, 336
Lily-Encrinite, 330
Sand-Star, 332
Sea-Urchin, 337
Edible, 338
Mammillated, 338
Warted Euryale, 333
Eddystone Lighthouse, 84
Esquimaux in his Kayak, 120
Fingal's Cave, 47
Ammodyte, or Launce, 230
Anabas of the dry tanks, 192
Anchovy, 214
Angler, 203
Bonito, 223
Cod, 215
Conger Eel, 228
Diodon, 205
Dory, 242
Electric Eel, 202
European Sly, 203
Fierasfer, 340
File-Fish, 232
Flounder, 238
Flying Fish, 156, 206, 224
Frog-Fish, 192
Gar-Fish, 223
Globe-Fish, 232
Gurnard, 197, 414
Haddock, 215
Halibut, 236
Herring, 101, 208
Lamprey, 231
Ling, 215
Mackerel, 222
Mullet, Grey, 415
Red, 197, 415
Myxine, 231
Perch, internal ear of the, 196
Picked Dog-Fish, 200
Pilchard, 212
Pilot-Fish, 225
Plaice, 238
Porcupine-Fish, 232
Salmo Rossii, 220
Salmon, 415
Sand-Eel, 415
Saw-Fish, 201
Sea-Horse, 234, 344
Shark, Blue, 200
Hammer-headed, 199
White, 198
Short Sun-Fish, 232, 422
Sole, 237
portion of skin of, highly magnified, 190
Sturgeon, common, 217
Surgeon-Fish, 205
Swimming Pegasus, 207
Sword-Fish, 99, 201
Thornback, 240
Torpedo, 201
Toxotes Jaculator, 203
Trunk-Fish, 232
Tunny, 221
Turbot, 237
Wolf-Fish, 197
Foraminifera, various forms of, 381
Ammonite, 437
Belemnite, 437
Ichthyosaurus communis, 172, 438
Pentacrinus Briareus, portion of, 330
Plesiosaurus, 438
Trilobite, 436
Hill at the Rapid on Bear Lake River (North-West Territory, North America), 23
H.M.S. "Resolute" lying to in the North Atlantic, 24
Ice-Bear approachi ng the "Dorothea" and "Trent", 137
Japan Junks, 63
Licmophora flabellata, 403
Dolphin, 107
Dugong, 117
female, of Ceylon, 119
Manatee, 117
Polar Bear (Ursus maritimus), 134
Porpoise, 108
Rorqual, 101
Sea-Otter, 140
Seal, 119, 123, 135
Greenland, 123
Walrus, 129, 135
Whale, common, 97
Whale, Spermaceti, 102, 115
Argonaut, 280
Ascidia mammillata, 322
Banded Dipper, 141
Bivalve deprived of its shell, to show its various openings, 300
Botryllus, 324
Bulla, 294
Calamary, 272
Carinaria, 287
Cellularia, 319
Chelyosoma Macleayanum, 323, 327
Chinese Wentle-trap (Scalaria pretiosa), 289
Chiton squamosus, 285
Clavellina producta, 322
Clio borealis, 98
Cockle, common, 303, 306
Cuttle-Fish (Sepia), 104, 275
Diazona violacea, 324
Donax, 301
Edible Mussel, 307
Edible Oyster, 308
Eolis, 284
Eschara cervicornis, 318
Gorgeous Doris, 235
Haliotis, 287
Harp-shell, 288
Hippopus maculatus, 315
Ianthina communis, 290
Leaf-like Sea-mat,


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