Scoresby.—The Arctic Navigators.—Ross.—Parry.—Sufferings of Franklin and his Companions on his Overland Expedition in 1821.—Parry's Sledge-journey to the North Pole.—Sir John Franklin.—M'Clure.—Kane.—M'Clintock.—South Polar Expeditions.—Bellinghausen.—Weddell.—Biscoe.—Balleny.—Dumont d'Urville.—Wilkes.—Sir James Ross.—Recent Scientific Voyages of Circumnavigation 496

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Description of the Frontispiece.


The sledge plays a very conspicuous part in the history of arctic discovery, as it enables the bold investigators of the icy wildernesses of the North to penetrate to many places, impervious to navigation, to establish dÉpÔts of provisions for future emergencies, or even becomes the means of saving their lives when their ship has been lost or hopelessly blocked up. Whenever dogs can be had, these useful animals are made use of for the transport. Our plate represents one of these sledging parties threading its way through blocks of ice, and gives a good idea of the difficulties they have to encounter.

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