For the last twenty years the housewives of our country have been more and more depending upon the bakers for the bread used in the homes. In some of our cities the home-baked loaf is hardly known. Although the commercial bread has been of great variety and of excellent quality, it has never been an economical method of serving the family with the staff of life. By depending upon ready-baked bread we have come to consider it a difficult process to make good yeast bread and almost a hardship to try to have home-made bread. I had fallen into the habit of buying my bread; my family was so small that it hardly seemed necessary to insist that bread should be made in my kitchen when good bread could be bought at a reasonable price. The result was that when the call came to conserve the wheat, I resorted almost entirely My first experiments were failures and I was discouraged because, instead of saving food, I was wasting it, and yet I was unwilling to acknowledge myself defeated by the little square of leaven that came to me so attractively done up in tinfoil. After careful consideration I decided that I had rushed into undue intimacy with a force of which I had very little understanding and that I might do better if I cultivated the acquaintance by degrees. My next experiments were made with a very simple sponge of whole wheat flour, water, and yeast, which I allowed to rise for about four hours. I divided it into four parts, and to one I added scalded corn meal and rye flour; to the second, raw corn meal and whole wheat flour; to the third, barley flour In giving the results of my summer’s work I have tried to make the recipes so simple and yet explicit that the most inexperienced cook can follow them. Amy Littlefield Handy