This e-text includes characters that will only display in UTF-8 (Unicode) file encoding, including but not limited to: Ȝ, ȝ (yogh) All but the first three are rare, or occur only in notes. If any of these characters do not display properly, or if the apostrophes and quotation marks in this paragraph appear as garbage, make sure your text browser’s “character set” or “file encoding” is set to Unicode (UTF-8). You may also need to change your browser’s default font. The inverted semicolon ; is represented as an oversized semicolon ;. A half-width space—shown here in red— was used in some selections to separate a main word from its pre fix. It may not display accurately in all browsers. Note that because of font availability, “thorn with stroke” is shown as separate characters, Þ or Þ with combining -. If your browser can display the single-character forms Ꝥ and ꝥ (hex A764 and A765), and you are comfortable editing html files, feel free to replace them globally. A few selections use additional, very unusual letters that will be explained as they appear. The Notes were published in a separate volume, in preparation at the time this e-text was produced (August 2008). For each selection, the paragraph describing the MSS. has been summarized from these Notes; additions or omissions shown by ellipses or brackets according to the usual rules for academic quotation. Errors are marked with mouse-hover popups. Further details about the format of this e-text and the original book, including handling of parallel texts, are at the end of the e-text. SELECTIONS FROM |