1. The Hystories of the most famous and worthy Cronographer Polybius: Discoursing of the warres betwixt the Romans & Carthaginenses a riche and goodly Worke, conteining holsome counsels & wonderfull deuises against the incombrances of fickle Fortune. Englished by C. W[atson]. 1568. 8o BL 2. The History of Polybius the Megalopolitan. The fiue first Bookes entire: With all the parcels of the subsequent Bookes vnto the eighteenth, according to the Greeke Originall. Also the manner of the Roman encamping, extracted, from the discription [pg 105] Reprinted: 1634; 1634. 3. The Story of the War between the Carthaginians and their own Mercenaries. Sir Walter Raleigh. 1647. 4o 4. Polybius' History, [translated by] Sir H. S. [Henry Shears] [Preface on Polybius and his writings by John Dryden] 2 vol., 1693. 8o Reprinted: 2 vol., 1699. 5. A Fragment out of the Sixth Book of Polybius ... translated from the Greek with notes. By a Gentleman. [Edward Spelman] 1743. 8o 6. A Parallel between the Roman and British Constitutions; comprehending Polybius's curious discourse of the Roman Senate. With a preface, wherein his principles are applied to our government. 1747. 8o [Greek-English] 7. History. Translated by C. W. [Christopher Watson] 1747. 8. The General History of Polybius ... Translated by Mr. Hampton. 1756. Reprinted: [Selections from Book VI] 1764; 2 vol., 1772; 3 vol., 1809; 1812; 2 vol., 1823. 9. Polybius. Translation of a fragment of the Eighteenth Book, discovered at Mt. Athos. 1806. 8o 10. Histories of Polybius. Translated by Evelyn Shirley Shuckburgh. 2 vol. 1889. 8o |