1. The amorous and tragical Tales of Plutarch, whereunto is annexed the History of Cariclea and Theaginis and the Sayings of the Greeke philosophers. Translated by Ja. Sanferd. 1567. 8o 2. An Aethiopian Historie written in Greek by Heliodorus: very vvittie and pleasaunt, Englished by Thomas Vnderdoune. With the Argument of Euery Booke, sette before the whole Worke. Licensed to Caldecocke, 1568/9. 4o BL Reprinted: Corrected and Augmented, 1577; 1587; 1605; 1606; 1622; [Tudor Translations] 1895. American Reprint: [Introduction by C. Whibley] New York, 1895. 3. The beginning of Heliodorus his Aethiopical History. [In A. Fraunce, The Countesse of Pembrokes Ynychurch] 1591. 4o 4. The Faire Aethiopian. Dedicated to the King and Queene. By their Maiesties most humble Subiect and Seruant, William L'isle. 1631. 4o Reprinted: [“augumented”] 1638. [pg 057]5. The Aethiopian History of Heliodorus in Ten Books. The first Five translated by a Person of Quality; the last Five by N. Tate. To which are prefixed, The Testimonies of Writers, both Ancient and Modern, concerning this work. 1685. 8o Reprinted: 1687. 6. The Adventures of Theagenes and Chariclia. 2 vol. 1717. 7. The Ethiopics: or, adventures of Theagenes and Chariclea ... trans. from the Greek, with notes, by R. Smith. [1848?]. 8o [Bohn] |