LETTER I. TO THE EDITOR OF THE WINDSOR EXPRESS. LETTER II. TO THE EDITOR OF THE WINDSOR EXPRESS. LETTER III. TO THE MEDICAL SOCIETY OF WINDSOR. This text does not refer to epidemic cholera. The term "cholera morbus" was used in the 19th and early 20th centuries to describe both non-epidemic cholera and gastrointestinal diseases that mimicked cholera. The term "cholera morbus" is found in older references but is not in current scientific use. The condition "cholera morbus" is now referred to as "acute gastroenteritis." Spelling variations and inconsistencies have been retained to match the original text. Only such cases which strongly indicated the presence of inadvertent typographical error have been corrected; a detailed list of these corrections can be found at the end of this text. This ebook consists of two separate parts. The first from 1831 ("LETTERS ON THE CHOLERA MORBUS.") contains Letters I-X; and the second from 1832 ("LETTERS ON THE CHOLERA MORBUS, &c. &c. &c.") contains Letters I-III and a Postscript. For ease of navigation in the HTML document, the notations "Pt_1" and "Pt_2" have been added directly above original page numbers. LETTERS |