LOCUSTA (RUTIDODERES) DUX.Plate XLIV. Order: Orthoptera. Section: Saltatoria. Family: GryllidÆ (Locustaires, Latr. &c.) Genus. Locusta. Gryllus (Locusta), Linn. Acrydium, Latr. Subgenus: Rutidoderes, Westw. Locusta (Rutidoderes) Dux. Thorace carinato scabro; elytris viridibus, alis rufis fusco-maculatis. (Expans. 7 unc. 9 lin.) Syn. Gryllus dux, Drury, App. vol. 2. Oliv. Encycl. MÉth. No. 4. (Acrydium D.) Fabr. Ent. Syst. 2. 47. 4. Serville Revis. Orthopt. 92. Habitat: Bay of Honduras (Drury). Brazil (Serville). Head dusky yellowish olive. Eyes prominent. AntennÆ black, and of equal thickness throughout; consisting of twenty-seven articulations, being a little longer than the thorax, which is of a dusky olive, and ending upwards in a sharp ridge, which is dentated and uneven. Tegmina dusky green, with a great many faint dark spots on them. Wings red, and edged with black; having a great number of dark spots on them of different shapes and sizes, many of which appear like beards of arrows. Abdomen large and green. Thighs reddish brown, chequered with white. Legs the same, the spines being black. |