LIBELLULA LUCIA.Plate XLV. fig. 1. Order: Neuroptera. Section: Subulicornes. Family: LibellulidÆ, Leach. Genus. Libellula, Auct. Libellula Lucia. Thorace olivaceo lineis duabus lateralibus apiceque flavis, alis hyalino-subflavis, strig subcostali maculÂque versus basin fasciÂque triangulari medi fuscis, stigmate albo, nigro terminato. (Expans. Alar. 2 unc.) Syn. Libellula Lucia, Drury, App. vol. 2. Libellula variegata, Fabr. Ent. Syst. 2. 382. 40. (nec Linn. Syst. Nat. 904. 18. ex Indiis.) Pal. Beauv. Ins. d'Afr. et d'Amer. Neur. pl. 2. fig. 4. Habitat: Sierra Leone. Front of the head green. Eyes contiguous. Thorax dark green; being striped obliquely on the sides with two yellow streaks, and another on the top. Abdomen yellowish green, with two dark stripes running longitudinally on the sides. Legs dark green. Wings transparent, with a slender white streak near the tips of each, and a small black spot joining thereto, which are placed on the anterior edges; from the small edges, near the middle of each wing, a small dark cloud arises that crosses the wings, those of the superior running lowest. Near the body another small cloud is placed, being largest and strongest in the superior wings; the fore part of which is embellished with two slender black streaks running parallel, and near to the anterior edges. AGRION CAIA.Plate XLV. fig. 2. Order: Neuroptera. Section: Subulicornes. Family: LibellulidÆ, Leach. Subfamily: Agrionides. Genus. Agrion, Fabr. Calepteryx, Leach. Libellula p. Drury. Agrion Caia. Cuprea, abdomine nigro, alis hyalinis basi sanguineis, posticis etiam macul parv apicali sanguineÂ. (Expans. Alar. 2 unc. 3 lin.) Syn. Libellula Caia, Drury, App. vol. 2. Habitat: South America. Front of the head blueish black. Eyes distant. Thorax copper gold-coloured. Abdomen black and slender. Legs black. Wings transparent, but next the body are of a fine lively red; the posterior having a small spot of that colour placed at their tips. This insect is nearly allied to Agrion Brightwelli, Kirby (Linn. Trans. vol. 14. t. 3. fig. 5.) which is also an inhabitant of Brazil. LIBELLULA MARCIA.Plate XLV. fig. 3. Order: Neuroptera. Section: Subulicornes. Family: LibellulidÆ, Leach. Genus. Libellula, Auct. Libellula Marcia. Coerulea aut Ænea nitida, alis albido-flavis, anticis maculis duabus apiceque fuscis, posticis strigis duabus basalibus, fasci undat anali, maculis tribus apiceque fuscis, basi flavis. (Expans. Alar. 2 unc. 9 lin.) Syn. Libellula Marcia, Drury, App. vol. 2. Libellula Murcia, Fabr. Ent. Syst. 2. 376. 11. Habitat: The Island of Johanna, near Madagascar. Head black. Eyes contiguous. Thorax and abdomen dark blue, but now much faded. Wings transparent and of a yellowish hue, with a small dusky cloud on each tip. The anterior having two small brown spots (almost black) on each; one at the middle of the anterior edge, the other near the body. Posterior wings broad and deep; the anterior edges next the body being finely ornamented with dark brown spots and clouds, that extend along that part for about half an inch: two small dusky spots are placed near the centre of each; and at the abdominal corners is a long waved spot of a fine dark brown, extending along the posterior edges; the space between it and the anterior edges being of a deeper yellow than the other parts of the wings. LIBELLULA DOMITIA.Plate XLV. fig. 4. Order: Neuroptera. Section: Subulicornes. Family: LibellulidÆ, Leach. Genus. Libellula, Auct. Libellula Domitia. Luteo-rufescens, abdomine maculis dorsalibus flavis, alis fulvis stigmate nigricanti. (Expans. Alar. 1 unc. 9 lin.) Syn. Libellula Domitia, Drury, App. vol. 2. Habitat: Jamaica. Front of the head yellow. Eyes contiguous. Thorax and abdomen pale reddish brown; the former striped obliquely with green on its sides, the latter spotted with yellow on the top. Legs dusky yellowish green. Wings brownish yellow, with a small dark streak (almost black) placed on the anterior edges of each, near the tips. AGRION TITIA.Plate XLV. fig. 5. Order: Neuroptera. Section: Subulicornes. Family: LibellulidÆ, Leach. Subfamily: Agrionides. Genus. Agrion, Fabr. Calepteryx, Leach. Libellula p. Drury. Agrion Titia. Atra; dimidio basali alarum anticarum fusco, plag magn intern sanguineÂ, apice fusco; posticis fuscis macul hyalin subapicali. (Expans. Alar. 2 unc. 6 lin.) Syn. Libellula Titia, Drury, App. vol. 2. Habitat: Bay of Honduras. Head, thorax, and abdomen black. Eyes distant. Legs black. Anterior wings next the body red; which is surrounded, except on the posterior edges, with dark brown, occupying half the wings; the other half is transparent, with a dusky spot at the tips. When the insect is placed on a dark ground, the transparent parts of the wings appear to be surrounded with a small narrow edging of a grey colour. Posterior wings dark brown, with a transparent spot on each, situated about an eighth of an inch from the tips. |