
complete list of books and articles dealing more or less directly with the subjects discussed in this book would be too extended for use here. For the past ten or twelve years many of the medical and biological journals have contained articles in almost every issue, discussing these subjects in some of their phases. I have selected only a few of the more important of them, and these only the English ones, confining myself mostly to those that I have personally consulted, and giving brief annotations. Many of these will be found to include very full bibliographies of the particular subject treated.

In order to avoid repetition, references are given under one head only although many might properly be included in other sections as well.


Braun, Max. Animal Parasites of Man. Translated by Pauline Falcke and edited by L.W. Sambon and F.V. Theobald. Third edition, 1906. A chapter on the general subject of parasitism and a description of parasites of all classes. Bibliography.

Leuckart, R. The Parasites of Man and the Diseases Induced by Them. Eng. transl., London, 1886.

Neuman, Theo. Entoparasites and Hygiene. Trans. Vassar Bros. Institute, VII, 1895. A general discussion of parasitism; life-history of some common parasites that infest man.

Neumann, L.G. Treatise on the Parasites and Parasitic Diseases of the Domesticated Animals. Eng. transl. by Fleming, 1892.

Ransom, B.H. How Parasites Are Transmitted. Year Book U.S. Dept. Agric., 1905, pp. 139–166 (pub. 1906). Discusses the ways in which parasites of all classes are transmitted.

Sambon, L. The Part Played by Metazoan Parasites in Tropical Pathology. Jour. Trop. Med. & Hyg., Vol. XI, Jan. 15, 1908. A comprehensive discussion of this subject.

Shipley, A.E., and Fearnsides, E.G. Effects of Metazoan Parasites on Their Hosts. Jour. Econom. Biology, Vol. I, 1906, pp. 41–62. Discusses injury due to mere presence of parasite in host; to the migration of the parasite; loss to host by feeding of parasites; injury by certain toxins.

Stiles, C.W. Diseases Caused by Animal Parasites. Osler's Mod. Med., Vol. I, 1907, p. 525. General discussion; Trematodes; Cestodes; Roundworms; Acariasis; Parasitic Insects; Myiasis.

Van Beneden, P.J. Animal Parasites and Messmates. 1889. Contains much that is interesting.

Ward, Henry B. Influence of Parasitism on the Host. Proc. Amer. Assn. for Advancement of Science, Vol. 56, 1907. A comprehensive statement of this subject. List of literature.


Calkins, G.N. The Protozoa. Osler's Mod. Med., Vol. I, 1907, p. 353. General notes on the Protozoa; classification; reproduction; life-cycle of various forms. Regards Protozoa as subkingdom and the four great divisions as phyla.

Calkins, G.N. ProtozoÖlogy. N.Y., 1909. Chapters on parasitism, pathogenic Protozoa, etc.

Clarke, J.J. Protozoa and Disease. London, 1903, Pt. I. Discusses the various protozoa that cause disease, and refers frequently to those that are transferred from host to host by insects.

Clarke, J.J. Protozoa and Disease. London, 1908. Part II, comprising sections on the causation of smallpox, syphilis and cancer. Notes on parasitic Protozoa, tropical diseases, ticks, piroplasmosis, etc.

Daniels, C.W. Persistence of the Tropical Diseases of Man Due to Protozoa. Jour. Trop. Med. & Hyg., 12, Aug. 2, 1909, pp. 232–234. Same in Lancet, II, 1909, p. 460. Good summary of present knowledge of the subject.

Minchin, E.A. Protozoa. In Albutt and Rolleston's System of Medicine, II, 1907, pp. 9–122. A comprehensive chapter on Protozoa. Many parasitic forms are figured and described. Bibliography.

Minchin, E.A. The Sporozoa. In Lankester's Treatise on ZoÖl., Pt. I, pp. 150–360, 1903. Best account of this group, list of Sporozoan hosts. Bibliography.


Flexner, Simon. Relation of Bacteria and Sporozoa to Disease. Science, N.S., Vol. 27, No. 682, pp. 133–136. On these pages discusses relation of bacteria and Protozoa to human diseases.

Jordan, Edwin O. General Bacteriology. Philad., 1898. A good general treatment of the subject.

Levy, Ernst, and Klemperer, Felix. Elements of Clinical Bacteriology for Physicians and Students (transl. by A.A. Eschner), Philad., 1909. Morphology and biology of bacteria; infection; immunity; specific diseases of bacterial origin, etc.

Muir, Robt., and Ritchie, Jas. Manual of Bacteriology. N.Y., 1903. Contains chapter on the relation of bacteria to diseases and discussion of several bacterial diseases.

Sternberg, G.M. A Manual of Bacteriology. N.Y., 1893. Part III is devoted to pathogenic bacteria.


Herms, W.B. Medical Entomology, Its Scope and Methods. Jour. of Eco. Ento., Vol. 2, No. 4, 1909, pp. 265–268.

Howard, L.O. Insects as Carriers and Spreaders of Disease. Year Book U.S. Dept. Agric., 1901, pp. 177–192. Good review of the subject.

Howard, L.O. How Insects Affect Health in Rural Districts. U.S. Dept. Agric., Farmers' Bulletin, No. 155, 1902. Discussion of city and county conditions; protection from typhoid, malaria and yellow fever.

Howard, L.O. Economic Loss to the People of U.S. Through Insects That Cause Disease. Bull. 78, U.S. Dept. Agric. Bur. of Ent., 1909. A comprehensive discussion and summary of the subject. Discusses mosquitoes, flies, the Panama Canal, epidemic diseases and the progress of nations.

Kellogg, V.L. Insects and Disease, Chap. XVIII, in American Insects, pp. 615–654, 1905. Discusses Mosquitoes and malaria; yellow fever and filariasis.

King, H.H. Report on Economic Entomology of Khartoum, in Third Rept. of Wellcome Research Lab., 1908. Discusses insects injurious to man: mosquitoes, blood-sucking insects other than mosquitoes, etc.

Mason, C.F. The Spread of Diseases by Insects, with Suggestions Regarding Prophylaxis. International Clinics, Vol. II, 1904, pp. 1–21. A brief summary of the subject.

McCrae, John. Recent Progress in Tropical Medicine. International Clinics, Vol. II, 1904, pp. 22–36. Discusses several diseases, some of which are transmitted by insects.

Nuttall, G.H.F. On the RÔle of the Insects Arachnids and Myriapods as Carriers in the Spread of Bacterial and Parasitic Diseases of Man and Animals. A critical and historical study. Johns Hopkins Hospital Reports, Vol. 8, 1899, pp. 1–154. A review of all the literature up to this date. Important article.

Nuttall, G.H.F. Insects as Carriers of Disease. Recent advances in our knowledge of the part played by blood-sucking arthropods (exclusive of mosquitoes and ticks) in the transmission of infectious diseases. Bericht Über den XIV. Intern. Kongress fÜr Hygiene und Dermogrophic. Berlin, 1907, pp. 195–206. Discusses protozoan and bacterial diseases.

Stiles, C.W. Insects as Disseminators of Disease. Virginia Medical Semi-monthly, Vol. 6, No. 3, May 10, 1901, pp. 53–58. Good statement of subject with list of recent workers.

Wherry, W.B. Insects and Infection. Cal. State Jour. of Med., Nov., 1907. Discusses the rÔle of insects, ticks, etc., in the transmission of infectious diseases.

Symposium on Yellow Fever and Other Insect-borne Diseases. Science, N.S., Vol. 23, Nos. 584–585, 1906. The Protozoan Life-cycle, G.N. Calkins. Filariasis and Trypanosome Diseases, H.B. Ward. The Practical Results of Reed's Findings on Yellow Fever Transmission, J.H. White. Difficulties of Recognition and Prevention of Yellow Fever, Q. Kohnke. The Practical Side of Mosquito Extermination, H.C. Weeks. Without Mosquitoes There Can Be No Yellow Fever, Jas. Carroll. Estivo-autumnal Fever, Cause, Diagnosis, Treatment and Destruction of Mosquitoes Which Spread the Disease, H.A. Veazie.


Balfour, Andrew, and Staff. Second Report of the Wellcome Research Laboratories at the Gordon Memorial College, Khartoum, 1906. Includes reports on work on mosquitoes and other noxious insects.

Boyce, Sir Robert W. Mosquitoes or Man? The Conquest of the Tropical World. N.Y., 1909. Reviews medical and sanitary work in the tropics and discusses the relation of insects to various tropical diseases.

Busch, August. Report on a Trip for the Purpose of Studying the Mosquito Fauna of Panama. Smith. Miscell. Coll., Vol. 5, Pt. I, 1908, p. 49. Work that is being done in Panama to control the mosquitoes. Annotated list of species.

Felt, E.P. Mosquitoes or CulicidÆ of New York State. In N.Y. State Museum Bull. 79, Entomology 22, 1904. Discusses distribution, migration and life-history of various species of mosquitoes and mosquito diseases. Bibliography.

Giles, Geo. M. A Handbook of Gnats or Mosquitoes, Giving the Anatomy and Life-History of the CulicidÆ. London, 1902. Whole subject treated very fully.

Grubbs, S.B. Vessels as Carriers of Mosquitoes. Pub. Health and Mar. Hospt. Ser. Bull. II, Mar. 3, 1903. Believes that mosquitoes may come aboard when the vessel is lying at anchor one-half mile from shore, and that under favorable conditions they may come aboard when the vessel is fifteen miles from shore.

Howard, L.O. Mosquitoes. Osler's Mod. Med., Vol. I, p. 370, 1907. General notes on classification and habits particularly in relation to diseases.

Howard, L.O. Notes on Mosquitoes of the United States. U.S. Dept. Agric., 1900. Div. of Ento. Bull. No. 25, N.S. Account of the structure; biology; remarks on remedies.

Howard, L.O. Concerning the Geographic Distribution of the Yellow Fever Mosquito. Public Health Rept., Pub. Health and Mar. Hospt. Ser., Nov. 13, 1903. The same revised to Sept. 10, 1905.

Howard, L.O. Mosquitoes: How They Live; How They Carry Disease; How They Are Classified; How They May Be Destroyed. N.Y., 1901. One of the best popular books on mosquitoes.

McCracken, I. Anopheles in California, with a Description of a New Species. Entomological News, Vol. 15, Jan., 1904. Records of three species, their breeding-places, habits, etc.

Mitchell, Evelyn G. Mosquito Life. N.Y., 1907. A good popular account of the mosquitoes and their relation to disease. The appendix treats of mosquitoes and their possible relation to leprosy.

Smith, J.B. Mosquitoes Occurring Within the State of New Jersey. Report of the New Jersey State Agric. Exper. Station upon the mosquitoes occurring within the State. Trenton, N.J., 1904. Habits, development, relation to disease, checks and remedies; systematic.

Smith, J.B. The General Economic Importance of Mosquitoes. Popular Science Monthly, 70, 1907, pp. 325–329. Mosquitoes affect not only the health and comfort of the people, but hinder development of agriculture and thus affect land values.

Smith, J.B. The New Jersey Salt-marsh and Its Improvement. New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin, 207, 1907. Shows that the increased value of the land drained in the antimosquito crusade more than pays for the cost of the drainage.

Theobald, F.V. Monograph of CulicidÆ of the World. Four Vols. and one Vol. of plates. London, 1901 to 1907. Vol. I contains 96 pages on structure, life-history, habits, etc. Vol. II contains a bibliography. Vol. Ill contains a list of species that carry disease.

Theobald, F.V. Mosquitoes or CulicidÆ. In Albutt and Rolleston's System of Medicine, II, 1907, pp. 122–168. Structure, life-history, habits, distribution and classification of mosquitoes. Bibliography.


Berkeley, Wm. M. Laboratory Work with Mosquitoes. N.Y., 1902. Chapters on development, anatomy, dissection, malarial parasites, filarial disease, yellow fever.

Dimmock, Geo. Anatomy of the Mouth-parts and Suctorial Apparatus of Culex. Psyche, 3, pp. 231–241, Sept., 1881. Good.

Imms, A.D. On the Larval and Pupal Stages of Anopheles maculipennis. Journal Hygiene, Vol. 7, No. 2, April, 1907. Morphology.

Imms, A.D. On the Larval and Pupal Stages of Anopheles maculipennis. Parasitology, Vol. I, No. 2, June, 1908. Continuation of article in Jour. Hyg., Vol. 7, No. 2. Continues discussion of morphology.

Nuttall, Geo. F., Corbett, Louis, and Strangeways-Pig, T. Studies in Relation to Malaria. Pt. I, The Geographical Distribution of Anopheles in Relation to the Former Distribution of Ague in England. Jour. Hyg., Vol. I, No. 1, Jan., 1901.

Nuttall, Geo. F., and Shipley, Arthur E. Studies in Relation to Malaria. Pt. II, Structure and Biology of Anopheles, Jour Hyg., Vol. I, No. 1, Jan., 1901: The Egg and Larva; Bibliography. Pt. II, cont, Vol. I, No. 2, April, 1901: The Pupa. Pt. II, cont., Vol. I, No. 4, Oct., 1901: Adult External Anatomy. Pt. II, cont., Vol. 2, No. 1, Jan., 1902: Ætiology of Adult. Pt. II, cont., Vol. Ill, No. 2, April, 1903: Anatomy of Adult.

Thompson, Millett T. Alimentary Canal of the Mosquito. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. 32, No. 6, 1905, pp. 145–202. Good summary of recent investigations.

Wesche, W. The Mouth-parts of Nemocera and Their Relation to the Other Families of Diptera. Royal Microscopic Soc. Jour., 1904, pp. 28–47. Discussion with illustrations of the mouth-parts of various Diptera.


Ayers, E.A. The Secrets of the Mosquito. A guide to the extermination of the prolific pest. World's Work, 1907, Vol. 14, pp. 8902–8910. Notes on life-history and methods of control.

Jordan, E.O., and Hefferan, Mary. Observations on the Bionomics of Anopheles. Jour. Infec. Diseases, II, 1905, pp. 56–69. Occurrence, breeding-places, habits, etc.

Morgan, H.A., and Dupree, J.W. Development and Hibernation of Mosquitoes. Bull. 40, N.S., Div. of Ento., pp. 88–92, 1903. Results of observation on five genera of mosquitoes in the vicinity of Baton Rouge, La.

Ross, E.H. The Influence of Certain Biological Factors on the Question of the Migration of Mosquitoes. Jour. Trop. Med. & Hyg., 12, 1909, pp. 256–258, Sept. 1. Only fecundated females feed on blood, and must be fertilized after each batch of eggs. This determines largely the time and place of breeding.

Smith, J.B. Concerning Migration of Mosquitoes. Science, 18, Dec. 11, 1903, pp. 761–764. Observations on the migrations of mosquitoes, particularly C. sollicitans.


Celli, Angelo. The Campaign Against Malaria in Italy. Transl. by J.J. Eyre. Jour. Trop. Med. & Hyg., XI, Apr. 1, 1908, pp. 101–108. Includes a good discussion of the effectiveness of destroying the mosquitoes in controlling malaria.

Felt, E.P. Mosquito Control. In Report of the N.Y. State Entomologist for 1905, pp. 109–116. Notes on importance and methods of control of various species.

Goldberger, Jos. Prevention and Destruction of Mosquitoes. Public Health Reports, Pub. Health and Mar. Hospt. Ser., July 17, 1908. Life-histories and methods of fighting larvÆ, pupÆ and adults.

Le Prince, J.A. Mosquito Destruction in the Tropics. Jour. Amer. Med. Assn., LI, p. 26, Dec. 26, 1908. Occurrence and habits of Anopheles, methods of destruction. Results of anti-malarial work on the isthmus. Discussion by various doctors.

Quayle, H.J. Mosquito Control Work in California. Bull. No. 178, Calif. Agric. Ex. Sta., pp. 1–55, 1906. Habits and life-history of California species, with an account of experiments to control the salt-marsh species.

Rosenan, M.J. Disinfection Against Mosquitoes with Formaldehyde and Sulphur Dioxid. Hyg. Lab. Pub. Health and Mar. Hospt. Ser., Bull. 6, 1901.

Ross, Ronald. Mosquito Brigades and How to Organize Them. New York, 1902.

Ross, Ronald. Logical Basis of the Sanitary Policy of Mosquito Reduction. Science, N.S., Vol. 22, No. 750, Dec. 1, 1905, pp. 689–699. Important article dealing with the methods of control.

Smith, J.B. Salt-marsh Mosquitoes. New Jersey Agric. Exper. Stn. Special Bulletin T, 1902. Breeding-places and methods of control of this species.

Smith, J.B. Mosquitocides. Bull. 40, New Series U.S. Dept. Agric., Div. of Ento., pp. 96–108, 1903. Results of experiments with a number of substances, several of which were found to be effective and some cheap enough to permit of their use to a limited extent.

Smith, J.B. The New Jersey Salt-marsh and Its Improvement. Bull. No. 207, Nov. 14, 1907, New Jersey Agric. Exper. Stn. Results of draining the marshes to get rid of mosquitoes.

Smith, J.B. The House Mosquito: a City, Town and Village Problem. N.J. Agric. Ex. Stn. Bull. 216, 1908. Work done on salt-marshes since 1904 practically eliminated the migratory species, so that C. pipens, the house mosquito, is now the problem. Life-history and methods of combating.

Underwood, W.L. Mosquitoes and Suggestions for Their Extermination. Pop. Sci. Mo., Vol. 63, 1903, pp. 453–466. Life-history, habits and methods of control.

Underwood, W.L. The Mosquito Nuisance and How to Deal with It. Boston, 1903.

First Antimosquito Convention, 1903. Pub., Brooklyn, 1904. Contains articles on what railroads, government and laws should do toward mosquito extermination; mosquito work in Havana; how state appropriations should be used, etc.

National Mosquito Extermination Society. Bulletin No. 1, 1904. Object of Society; brief sketches of Ross, Reed, and others. Reprints of a few articles on mosquito extermination.

American Mosquito Extermination Society. Year Book for 1904–05. N.Y., 1906. Containing reports of meetings and discussions of various problems. Several interesting papers, among them "Criminal Indictment of the Mosquito," F.W. Moss. "Mosquito Work at Panama Canal," W.C. Sorgas. "Diversities Among New York Mosquitoes," E.P. Felt. "Mosquito Extermination in New Jersey," J.B. Smith. "The Mosquito Question," Quitman Kohnke.

Antimalarial Work in the Panama Canal Zone. Editorial in Jour. Trop. Med. & Hyg., XI, Aug. 15, 1908, p. 251. Notes on the success of the measures adopted there.


Doty, A.H. The Mosquito, Its Relation to Disease and Its Extermination. New York State Journal of Medicine, May, 1908.

Finlay, Chas. Mosquitoes Considered as Transmitters of Yellow Fever and Malaria. Med. Record, May 27, 1899, pp. 737–739. Review of his theory in regard to mosquitoes and disease and the probable necessary changes in view of recent discoveries.

Howard, L.O. Mosquitoes as Transmitters of Disease. Review of Reviews, XXIV, 1901, pp. 192–195. A review of the work of various investigators.

Smith, J.B. Sanitary Aspect of the Mosquito Question. Medical News, Mar. 7, 1903. Note on mosquitoes and their relation to disease.

Taylor, J.B. Observations on the Mosquitoes of Havana, Cuba. Reprint from La Revista de Medicina, June, 1903, p. 27.


Banks, C.S. Experiments in Malarial Transmission by Means of Myzomyia ludlowii. Phil. Jour. Sci., B. 2, 1907, pp. 513–535. Breeding-places of mosquitoes, life-histories of the species; mosquitoes and malaria.

Craig, C.F. Malarial Fevers. Osler's Mod. Med., Vol. I, p. 392, 1907. Historical; distribution; malarial parasites; classification; development; malarial mosquitoes; pathology; treatment, etc.

Craig, C.F. Studies in the Morphology of Malarial Plasmodia after the Administration of Quinine and in Intracorpuscular Conjugation. Jour. Infec. Diseases, VII, No. 2, 1910. See also same, IV, 1907, pp. 108–140. Gives the evidence upon which he bases his theory of the meaning of intracorpuscular conjunction.

Craig, C.F. The Malarial Fevers, Hemoglobinuric Fever and the Blood Protozoa of Man. N.Y., 1909. A thorough consideration of the subject of malaria and good discussion of the other subjects noted in title. Bibliography.

Deaderick, W.H. Malaria. Philad., 1909. The chapter on Ætiology treats of the transmission by mosquitoes.

Harris, S. Prevention of Malaria. Jour. Amer. Med. Assn., 53, Oct. 9, 1909, pp. 1162–67. Effects of malaria, transmission by mosquitoes, etc. In the discussion of the paper J.H. White summarizes the fight against yellow fever in New Orleans.

Herrick, G.W. Relation of Malaria to Agriculture and Other Industries of the South. Economic losses occasioned by malaria; malaria responsible for more sickness among the white population than any other disease; relation to mosquitoes. Pop. Sci. Mo., Vol. 62, Apr., 1903, pp. 521–525.

Jones, Ross, Ellett. Malaria. London, 1907. Small book, introduction by Ross. Malaria in Greece and Italy; shows how this disease contributed to the downfall of great nations.

Mannaberg, Julius. Malaria. In Nothnagel's Encyclopedia of Practical Med., Amer. Ed., 1905, pp. 17–494. A very comprehensive discussion of the disease and the relation of mosquitoes to the malarial parasite.

Manson, Patrick. The Mosquito and the Malaria Parasite. Brit. Med. Jour., Vol. II for 1898, pp. 849–853. History of the parasite in the human and insect host; observations of Ross and others and their meaning.

Manson, Patrick. Experimental Demonstration of the Mosquito-malarial Theory. Brit. Med. Jour., Vol. 2 for 1900, pp. 949–951, also Lancet, II, 1900, pp. 923–925. Infected mosquitoes sent from Rome allowed to bite men in England who had not been in malarial regions. Malarial fever followed.

Manson, Patrick. Malarial Fever. Appendix to Vol. IX of T.C. Albutt's System of Med., 1900. Relation of the malarial parasite to the disease and to mosquitoes.

Robertson, E.W. Renaming of Malaria—Anophelesis. Va. Medical Semi-monthly, Sept. 10, 1909. Considers malaria a misnomer and gives reasons for suggesting new name.

Ross, Ronald. On Some Peculiar Pigmented Cells Found in Two Mosquitoes Fed on Malarial Blood. Brit. Med. Jour., 1897, Dec. 18, p. 1786. Records in his experiments in feeding mosquitoes on blood of malarial patients. Records finding the parasites in some of them. Important article.

Ross, Ronald. Pigmented Cells in Mosquitoes. Brit. Med. Jour., 1898, Feb. 26, p. 550. Further notes on them.

Ross, Ronald. The Mosquito Theory of Malaria. Report dated Calcutta, Feb. 16, 1899. Reprinted in Pop. Sci. Monthly, Vol. 56, Nov., 1899, pp. 42–46. Tells of his investigations in India and their results.

Ross, Ronald. The Relationship of Malaria and the Mosquito. Lancet, II, 1900, July 7, p. 4880. Observation on the transmission of malaria.

Ross, Ronald. Malaria Fever, Its Cause, Prevention and Treatment. London, 1902. Chapters on malaria, mosquitoes, prevention and treatment.

Ross, Ronald. Parasites of Mosquitoes. Jour. of Hyg., VI, No. 2, Apr., 1906. Brief review of several of his earlier papers on this subject with additional notes.

Simpson, W.J.R. Recent Discoveries Which Have Rendered Antimalarial Sanitation More Precise and Less Costly. Brit. Med. Jour., 1907, II, pp. 1044–46. Discussion of the various factors in mosquito control.

Stephens, J.W.W., and Christophers, S.R. The Practical Study of Malaria and Other Blood Parasites. London, 1908. Chapters on mosquitoes, flies and ticks and their relation to diseases.

Sternberg, G.M. The Malarial Parasite and Other Pathogenic Protozoa. Pop. Sci. Mo., Vol. 50, 1897, pp. 628–641. Account of the discovery of the malarial parasite and more recent studies on it.

Sternberg, G.M. Malaria. Smith. Rept., 1900, pp. 645–656. Review of the experimental evidence in support of the mosquito-malaria theory.

Malarial Fever. Jour. Trop. Med. & Hyg., II, Mar. 16, 1908, pp. 96–98. A list of literature mostly for the years 1906 and 1907.


Adams, S.H. Yellow Fever, a Problem Solved. The battle of New Orleans against the mosquito. McClure's Magazine, Vol. 27, June, 1906, p. 178. An interesting popular article.

Carroll, James. Yellow Fever. Osler's Mod. Med., Vol. II, 1907, p. 736. History, Ætiology, treatment. A good review of the work of the Yellow Fever Com. and the results of their work.

Carroll, James. The Transmission of Yellow Fever. Amer. Med. Assn., 40, 1905, pp. 1429–33. Shows the relation of the mosquito to the disease.

Carroll, James. Yellow Fever. Lessons to be learned from the present outbreak of yellow fever. Jour. of Amer. Med. Assn., Vol. 45, 1905, pp. 1079–81. Among other things recommends that mosquitoes be kept from patients.

Chaille, S.E. The Stegomyia and Fomites. Amer. Med. Assn., 40, 1903, pp. 1433–40. Concludes that the mosquito is the only proven disseminator of yellow fever. Extended discussion by various physicians.

Dastre, A. The Fight Against Yellow Fever. Smith. Rept., 1905, pp. 339–350. History of the yellow fever epidemics, its geographical distribution, and the work that is being done to control it.

Doty, A.H. On the Mode of Transmission of the Infectious Agent in Yellow Fever and Its Bearing upon the Quarantine Regulations. Med. Record, Oct. 26, 1901, pp. 649–653. Review of older theories in regard to the spread of yellow fever. Believes that the quarantines are now unnecessary.

Finley, Chas. The Mosquito Theory of the Transmission of Yellow Fever and Its New Development. Med. Record, Jan. 19, 1901. Refers to his early observations on the subject, giving extracts from some of his earlier papers to show that he had long held the mosquito responsible for the dissemination of yellow fever.

Goldberger, Jos. Yellow Fever, Ætiology, Symptoms and Diagnosis. Yellow Fever Inst. Bull. 16, Pub. Health and Mar. Hospt. Ser., 1907. Includes discussion of the relation of mosquitoes to the disease.

Guiteras, John. Experimental Yellow Fever at the Inoculation Station of the Sanitary Department of Havana. Amer. Med., Vol. II, No. 21, 1901, pp. 809–817. Experiments show that all types of the yellow fever from mild to severe may be produced by the bite of the mosquito.

McFarland, Joseph. Life and Work of James Carroll. Memoir read at the fifth annual meeting of the Soc. of Tropical Med., 1908. Early life of Carroll and his work with the Yellow Fever Com.

Parker, H.B., Beyer, G.E., and Pothier, O.L. Rept. of Working Party No. 1, Yellow Fever Institute. Bull. 13, Pub. Health and Mar. Hospt. Ser., 1903. As a result of their studies they believe that the disease is caused by a protozoan parasite which they name and describe. Discuss the relation of mosquitoes to the disease.

Reed, Walter; Carroll, James; and Agramonte, A. Experimental Yellow Fever. Amer. Med., July 6, 1901, pp. 15–23. Records of certain experiments and their results.

Reed, Walter; Carroll, James; and Agramonte, C.A. The Ætiology of Yellow Fever. A preliminary note presented at the Amer. Pub. Health Assn. Philad. Med. Jour., Oct. 27, 1900, pp. 790–796. Also an additional note in Jour. Amer. Med. Assn., 36, pp. 431–440, 1901. Records of their experiments and a summing up of the data in regard to yellow fever and the mosquito.

Reed, Walter, and Carroll, James. The Prevention of Yellow Fever. Med. Record, Oct. 26, 1901, pp. 441–449. History of the disease, especially in U.S., results of the work of Yellow Fever Com. description, life-history and habits of the mosquito, its relation to yellow fever, methods of control. Important paper.

Reed, Walter. Recent Researches Concerning the Ætiology, Propagation and Prevention of Yellow Fever by U.S. Army Com. Jour. Hyg., 2, 1902, pp. 101–119. Review of work of the Yellow Fever Com. and the importance of the results. Bibliography.

Rosenan, M.J., Parker, H.B., Francis, E., and Beyer, G.E. Rept. of Working Party No. 2, Yellow Fever Institute. Experimental studies in yellow fever and malaria at Vera Cruz, Mex. U.S. Pub. Health and Mar. Hospt. Ser., May, 1904. Includes experiments and observations on mosquitoes.

Rosenan, M.J., and Goldberger, Jos. Report of Working Party No. 3, Yellow Fever Institute. Yellow Fever Inst. Bull. 15, Pub. Health and Mar. Hospt. Ser., 1906. Unsuccessful attempts to grow the yellow fever parasite. Negative results in the experimental study of the hereditary transmission of the yellow fever in the mosquito. Appendix A gives a translation of Marchoux and Simonds' report in which they report positive results in their experiments along the same line.

Sternberg, G.M. Transmission of Yellow Fever by Mosquitoes. Smith. Rept., 1900, pp. 657–673. Review of the early theories in regard to yellow fever and the work and findings of the yellow fever commission.

White, J.H. Yellow Fever and the Mosquito. Jour. Amer. Med. Assn., LI, No. 26, Dec. 26, 1908. Considers both S. calopus and C. pungens. Results of early mistakes. Necessity of destroying mosquito. Methods of destroying mosquito. Habits of mosquito.

Abstract of the Report of the French Yellow Fever Com. at Rio de Janeiro, 1903. Pub. Health Report, Pub. Health and Mar. Hospt. Ser., Vol. 19, Pt. I, p. 1019. A summary of their findings and conclusions to the date of report.

de Ybarra, A.M.F. Yellow Fever Again in Cuba. Jour. Trop. Med. & Hyg., XI, Mar. 2, 1908, pp. 73–78. Cites a number of cases of yellow fever within the last few years and uses them as evidence to show that the disease may be transmitted in other ways than by the mosquito. A strong summing up of the arguments against the mosquito theory. Reprint of editorial in Tex. Med. Jour., Oct., 1907, also follows this article.

The Extinction of Yellow Fever at Rio de Janeiro. Lancet, II, 1909, p. 404. A review of a French publication giving the results of the work from 1903 to present time. In 1903 before work was begun there were 584 deaths from yellow fever. In 1908 only 4, and none so far in 1909. Success accredited to mosquito work and general sanitation.

A Pioneer in Research on Yellow Fever. Editorial in Brit. Med. Jour., May 30, 1908, p. 1306. Refers to the work of L.D. Beauperthuy, who, in 1853, set forth the theory that yellow fever was transmitted by mosquitoes.


Ashburn, P.M., and Craig, C.F. Experimental Investigations Regarding the Ætiology of Dengue Fever. Jour. Infec. Diseases, Vol. V, 1907, pp. 440–475. Conclude that the disease is spread only by mosquitoes.

Coleman, Thomas D. Dengue. Osler's Mod. Med., Vol. II, 1907, p. 489. Ætiology, pathology, etc.; possibility of Culex fatigans disseminating the disease.

Graham, H. "The Dengue"; a Study of Its Pathology and Mode of Propagation. Jour. of Trop. Med. & Hyg., July 1, 1903, p. 209. Experiments which seem to show that dengue is transmitted by Culex fatigans.

Leichtenstern, O. Dengue. In Nothnagel's Encyclopedia of Practical Med., Amer. Ed., 1905, pp. 720–743. Consideration of the disease and its transmission.

Ross, E.H. The Prevention of Dengue Fever. Amer. Trop. Med. & Parasit., Vol. II, No. 3, July 1, 1908, pp. 193–195. A successful campaign against the mosquitoes in Port Said in 1906 stopped the outbreaks of malaria and dengue.

Dengue and Sand-flies. Jour. Trop. Med. & Hyg., 12, 1909, pp. 172–173. A note on these pages refers to the work of Dr. R. Doerr, who suspects that dengue may be carried by sand-flies, Phlobotomus, as well as by mosquitoes.


Christophers, S.R. What Is Really Known of the Cause of Elephantiasis. Ind. Med. Gaz., Nov., 1907, p. 404. Questions Manson's theory in regard to the disease being caused by filaria.

Manson, Patrick. Tropical Diseases. London, 1908, pp. 594–648. A most comprehensive chapter on filariasis and elephantiasis.

Phalen, J.M., and Nichols, H.J. Filariasis and Elephantiasis in Southern Luzon. Phil. Jour. Sci., Sept., 1908. Culex microannulatus regarded as the carrier of the filaria.

Prout, W.T. On the RÔle of Filaria in the Production of Disease. Jour. Trop. Med. & Hyg., Apr. 1, 1908, p. 109. Discussion of same in same journal, June 1, 1908.

White, Duncan. Filarial Periodicity and Its Association with Eosinophilia. Jour. Trop. Med. & Hyg., 12, July 15, 1909, pp. 175–183. Among other things he discusses the relation of mosquitoes to filarial diseases.


Brinckerhoff, W.R. A Note upon the Possibility of the Mosquito Acting in the Transmission of Leprosy. Pub. Health and Mar. Hospt. Ser. (general publications), 1908. Suggests the possibilities of such transmission, but concludes that the probabilities are against it.

Goodhue, E.S. The Bacillus LeprÆ in the Gnat and Bedbug. Ind. Med. Gaz., Vol. XLI, Aug., 1906, p. 342. Has found this bacillus in mosquitoes and bedbugs, but believes the latter is more concerned in transmitting the disease.

Goodhue, E.S. Mosquitoes and Their Relation to Leprosy in Hawaii. Amer. Med., N.S., 2, 1907, p. 593. Suggests that mosquitoes may carry the disease, also warns against danger from flies and bedbugs.

Hutchinson, J. Mosquitoes and Leprosy. Brit. Med. Jour., Dec. 22, 1906, Vol. II, p. 1841. Evidence against the insect theory of transmission of leprosy.

Mugliston, T.C. On a Possible Mode of Communication of Leprosy. Jour. Trop. Med., Vol. VIII, July 15, 1905, p. 209. Suggests that the itch-mite may be the carrier of leprosy. Studies on 77 lepers led him to this conclusion.

Smyth, W.R. Leprosy. Brit. Med. Jour., Dec. 8, 1906, Vol. II, p. 1670. Believes that bedbugs or some similar wingless parasite conveys the disease.


Brannerman, W.B. Spread of Plague in India. Jour. of Hyg., Vol. 6, No. 2, Apr., 1906, pp. 179–211. A digest of experiments made in India. Discusses various ways in which the disease may be spread. Review of the evidence that insects may be concerned. Bibliography.

Calvert, W.J. Plague. Osler's Mod. Med., Vol. II, 1907, p. 760. History; bacteriology; pathology; plague among animals; transmission, etc.

Ham, B. Burnett. Report on Plague in Queensland, 1900–1907. P. 153 discusses the rat-flea theory of dissemination of bubonic plague, summing up the evidence of various observers, including the Indian Advisory Com. and others. Considers the evidence conclusive that P. cheopis and possibly C. fasciatus transmit plague. Other pages discuss various rat fleas and their relation to plague in rats.

Hankin, E.H. On the Epidemiology of Plague. Jour. Hyg., 5, 1905, pp. 48–83. A comprehensive discussion of the disease and its spread, several pages devoted to rats and fleas; evidence for and against the theory that rats and fleas are the principal carriers of the disease.

Herzog, Max. The Plague, Bacteriology, Morbid Anatomy & Histopathology, Including the Consideration of Insects as Plague Carriers. Biological Laboratory Bureau of Govt. Laboratories, Manila, Oct., 1904. Reviews the evidence regarding the possibility of fleas carrying plague; describes a new rat flea (Pulex philippinensis); records experiments with fleas and cites a case of bubonic plague in a child in which the infection was possibly carried by Pediculi.

McCoy, G.W. Plague Bacilli in Ectoparasites of Squirrels. Pub. Health Reports, Pub. Health and Mar. Hospt. Ser., Vol. XXIV, No. 16, Apr. 16, 1909. Experiments with fleas and lice from infected squirrels demonstrating presence of plague bacilli.

McCoy, G.W. The Susceptibility of Gophers, Field-mice and Ground-squirrels to Plague Infection. Jour. of Infec. Diseases, Vol. 6, 1909, No. 3, pp. 283–288. Gophers highly resistant, field-mice moderately susceptible and ground-squirrels very susceptible to plague.

Mitzmain, M.B. Insect Transmission of Bubonic Plague: a Study of the San Francisco Epidemic. Ento. News, 19, No. 8, 1908, pp. 353–359. Fleas obtained in examination of 1,800 rats. Attempt to locate source of rat and flea introduction.

Morton, F.M. Eradicating Plague from San Francisco. Report of the Citizens' Health Com. and an account of its work. San Francisco, 1909. Discusses the epidemics, methods of transmission, methods of fighting, etc.

Rucker, W.C. Plague Among Ground-squirrels in Contra Costa Co., Cal. Pub. Health Reports, Pub. Health and Mar. Hospt. Ser., Aug. 27, 1909. Reports of human cases supposed to be connected with plague among ground-squirrels. Plague among squirrels; habits, methods of fighting, etc.

Rucker, W.C. Fighting an Unseen Foe. Sunset Mag., XXII, No. 2, Feb., 1909. Story of the fight against plague in San Francisco.

Shipley, A.E. Rats and Their Animal Parasites. Jour. Eco. Biology, Vol. III, No. 3, Oct. 28, 1908. List of species of ecto- and endoparasites.

Simpson, W.J. A Treatise on Plague. Cambridge Univ. Press, London, 1906. Deals with historical, epidemiological, clinical, therapeutic and preventive aspect of the disease.

Thompson, J.A. The Mode of Spread and Prevention of Plague in Australia. Lancet, Oct. 19, 1907, p. 1104. Rat fleas the essential factor in transmitting plague, and preventive methods should be directed against the rats.

Thompson, J.A. On the Epidemiology of Plague. Jour. Hyg., Vol. VI, No. 5, Oct., 1906. Methods of infection, spread, relation of rats to the disease and a review of the rat-flea theory. Bibliography.

Verjbitski, D.T. The Part Played by Insects in the Epidemiology of Plague. Jour. Hyg., 8, 1908, No. 2, pp. 162–208. Record of extensive experiments with fleas. Fleas communicated plague for three days, bedbugs for five days. Interrelation of fleas, rats, dogs, cats, and man. An important article translated from Russian.

Wherry, W.B. Further Notes on the Rat Leprosy and on the Fate of the Human and Rat Leper Bacillus in Flies. Jour. Infec. Diseases, Vol. 5, No. 5, 1908. Discussion and references, experiments with flies, summary, etc. More than 1,115 lepra-like bacilli were counted in a single fly-speck.

Wherry, W.B. Plague Among the Ground-squirrels of California. Jour. Infec. Diseases, Vol. 5, No. 5, 1908, pp. 485–533. How the plague was first discovered among rats, records of cases and a discussion of the possible relation of this to human plague cases.

Eradicating Plague in San Francisco; Report of the Citizens' Health Committee, 1909. An account of the recent outbreaks and the methods of fighting them.

Report of the Indian Plague Commission, Vol. V, pp. 75–77, 1901. In these pages the Commission considers the question of the transference of plague by suctorial insects. It considers Simonds' claims and others and believes that "suctorial insects do not come under consideration with the spread of plague."

Reports on Plague Investigations in India Issued by the Advisory Committee Appointed by the Sec. of State for India, the Royal Society and the Lister Institute. The reports include the reports of the Working Commission appointed by the Advisory Committee and reports on various contributory investigations. They are published in the Jour. of Hygiene as "Extra Plague Numbers." All these reports deal very largely with the relation of the rat and flea to plague, and are commonly referred to as "Reports of Indian Plague Commission." The first number, Vol. VI, Sept., 1906, contains articles on "Experiments upon the Transmission of Plague by Fleas." "Note on the Species of Fleas Found on Rats, Mus rattus and Mus decumanus in Different Parts of the World." "The Physiological Anatomy of the Mouth-parts and Alimentary Canal of the Indian Rat Flea, Pulex cheopis," and other papers on the relation of rats to plague. The second number, Vol. VII, July, 1907, contains articles on "On the Significance of the Locality of the Primary Bubo in Animals Infected with Plague in Nature," "Further Observations on the Transmission of Plague by Fleas with Special Reference to the Fate of Plague Bacillus in the Body of the Rat Flea," "Experimental Production of Plague Epidemics Among Animals," "Experiments in Plague Houses in Bombay," "On the External Anatomy of the Indian Rat Flea and Its Differentiation from Some Other Common Fleas," "A Note on Man as a Host of the Indian Rat Flea," and others on the relation of rats to plague. The third number, Vol. VII, Dec., 1907, contains articles on "Digest of Recent Observations on the Epidemiology of Plague" (Bibliography), "Epidemiological Observations in Bombay City," "Epidemiological Observations in the Villages of Wadhala, Parel, Worli in the Neighborhood of Bombay Village," "General Considerations Regarding the Spread of Infection, Infectivity of Houses, etc., in Bombay City and Island," "Epidemiological Observations in the villages of Dhand and Kasel (Punjab)." The fourth number, Vol. VIII, May, 1908, contains articles on "The Part Played by Insects in the Epidemiology of Plague" (see also ref. under D.T. Verjbitski), "Observations on the Bionomics of Fleas with Special Reference to P. cheopis," "The Mechanism by Means of Which the Flea Cleans Itself of Plague Bacilli," "On the Seasonal Prevalence of Plague in India."

See also under Fleas.


Baker, C.F. Fleas and Disease. Science, N.S., Vol. 22, No. 559, Sept. 15, 1905, p. 340. Discusses the possibility of fleas transmitting leprosy.

Doane, R.W. Notes on Fleas, Collected on Rat and Human Hosts in San Francisco and Elsewhere. Can. Ento., 40, 1908, pp. 303–304. Shows that Ceratophyllus fasciatus and Pulex irritans are common on both man and rats.

Fox, Carroll. The Flea in Its Relation to Plague, with a Synopsis of the Rat Fleas. The Military Surgeon, 24, June, 1909, pp. 528–537. Review of the work of the Indian Plague Commission and others. Key for identification of rat fleas.

Galli-Valerio. The Part Played by Fleas of Rats and Mice in the Transmission of Bubonic Plague. Jour. Trop. Med., Feb., 1902. Attacks the theory that plague can be conveyed from rats to men by fleas because rat fleas do not bite men.

McCoy, G.W. Siphonaptera Observed in the Plague Campaign in California with a Note upon Host Transference. Pub. Health Report, Pub. Health and Mar. Hospt. Ser., Vol. XXIV, No. 29, July 16, 1909. Lists of species from various hosts. Report on experiments in transferring rat fleas to squirrels and squirrel fleas to rats.

McCoy, G.W., and Mitzmain, M.B. An Experimental Investigation of the Biting of Man by Fleas Taken from Rats and Squirrels. Public Health Report, XXIV, No. 8, Feb. 19, 1909, pp. 189–194. Rat and squirrel fleas will bite man.

Mitzmain, M.B. Insect Transmission of Bubonic Plague. A Study of the San Francisco Epidemic. Entomological News, Oct., 1908. Source and distribution of species of fleas and brief notes on work of Indian Plague Commission.

Mitzmain, M.B. How a Hungry Flea Feeds. Entomological News, Dec., 1908.

Mitzmain, M.B. Some New Facts on the Bionomics of the California Rodent Fleas. Annals Ento. Soc. Amer., III, pp. 61–82, 1910.

Shipley, A.E. Rats and Their Animal Parasites. Jour. of Economic Biology, Vol. 3, No. 3, Oct. 28, 1908. List of species ecto- and endoparasites.

See also reports of Advisory Commission under Plague.


Anderson, J.F. The Differentiation of Outbreaks of Typhoid Fever Due to Water, Milk, Flies and Contact. Amer. Jour. Pub. Health, 19, pp. 251–259. Discusses flies and typhoid.

McCrae, Thomas. Typhoid Fever. Osler's Mod. Med., Vol. II, p. 70, 1907. A full discussion of this disease.

Reed, Walter; Vaughan, V.C., and Shakespeare, E.O. Abstract of Report on the Origin and Spread of Typhoid Fever in the U.S. Military Camps During the Spanish War of 1898. Washington, Govt. Printing Office, 1900. Shows among other things that "flies undoubtedly served as carriers of infection."

Roseman, M.J., Lumsden, L.L., and Kastle, J.H. Report on Origin and Prevalence of Typhoid Fever in D.C. Including reports by Stiles, Goldberger and Stimson. Bull. 35 of Hygienic Laboratory of U.S. Public Health and Mar. Hospt. Ser., 1907. (Second report in Bull. 44, 1907, includes nothing about insects.)

Veeder, M.A. Typhoid Fever from Sources Other Than Water Supply. Med. Record, 62, pp. 121–124, July 26, 1902. Cites several instances where flies might act as the carriers of the disease.

Whipple, Geo. C. Typhoid Fever, Its Causation, Transmission and Prevention. N.Y., 1908. Considers that house-flies and probably fruit-flies carry typhoid bacilli.


Felt, E.P. Observations on the House-fly. Jour. Eco. Ento., III, No. 1, Feb., 1910, pp. 24–26. Shows that it does not breed freely in darkness.

Griffith, A. The Life-history of House-flies. Public Health (London), 21, No. 3, 1908, pp. 122–127. Study of life-history. Flies require water frequently, eggs hatch in twenty-four hours, larval stage four days. Each female may lay four batches of eggs. Destroy manure and rubbish.

Hamer, W.H. The Breeding of Flies Summarized. Am. Med., 3, 1908, p. 431. Habits of flies and experiments to show that they may carry the germs of various diseases.

Hepworth, John. On the Structure of the Foot of the Fly. Quar. Jour. Micro. Sci., II, 1859, pp. 158–563. One plate showing feet of different flies. A review of the older theories of how a fly was able to walk on smooth surfaces.

Herms, W.B. The Essentials of House-fly Control. Bull. of Berkeley Board of Health, Berkeley, Cal., 1909. Recommends removing manure as soon as possible and keeping it in tight bins until removed. No very satisfactory insecticides have been found for use in treating manure piles.

Herms, W.B. The Berkeley House-fly Campaign. Cal. Jour. of Technology, Vol. XIV, No. 2, 1909. Discusses the methods that have been used in fighting the fly in Berkeley, Cal. Removing manure regularly or keeping it in closed bins recommended.

Hewitt, C.G. A Preliminary Account of the Life-history of the Common House-fly. Mem. and Proc. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc., 1906, Vol. 51, pp. 1–4.

Hewitt, C.G. On the Bionomics of Certain Calyptrate MucidÆ and Their Economic Significance with Especial Reference to Flies Inhabiting Houses. Jour. Econ. Biol., 1907, Vol. II, pp. 79–88. Character and importance of group and notes on many species.

Hewitt, C.G. Structure, Development and Bionomics of the House-fly, Muca domestica. Part I, Quar. Jour. Micro. Sci., 1907, p. 395, on anatomy, external and internal, and bibliography. Part II, same; 1908, p. 495. Breeding-habits, development and anatomy of larvÆ, bibliography. Part III, same; 1909, pp. 347–414. The bionomics, allies, parasites, and the relations to human disease. The best article on the house-fly.

Howard, L.O. Further Notes on the House-fly. Bull. 10, U.S. Dept., Agric. Div. of Ento., p. 63, 1898. Experiments to kill larvÆ in manure.

Howard, L.O. House-flies. U.S. Dept. of Agric., Bureau of Ento., Circular No. 71, revised ed., 1906. Methods of control of house-fly and related species.

Howard, L.O., and Marlatt, C.L. Bull. 4, U.S. Dept. Agric., Div. of Ento., pp. 43–47, 1896. General account with methods of controlling.

Jepson, F.P. The Breeding of the Common House-fly During the Winter Months. Jour. Econ. Biol., 4, 1909, pp. 78–82. Records of certain experiments which show that the flies will breed in winter under favorable conditions.

Newstead, R. Preliminary Report on the Habits, Life-cycle and Breeding-places of the Common House-fly as Observed in the City of Liverpool, with Suggestions as to the Best Means of Checking Its Increase. Liverpool, Oct. 3, 1907.

Newstead, R. On the Habits, Life-cycle and Breeding-places of the Common House-fly. Ann. Trap. Med. Para., Vol. I, No. 4, Feb. 29, 1908, pp. 507–520. Final report on this subject. Sums up notes on life-history, habits, breeding-places, etc. Important article.

Packard, A.S. On the Transformation of the Common House-fly with Notes on Allied Forms. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. XVI, 1874, pp. 136–140. Life-history and anatomy.

Wilcox, E.V. Fighting the House-fly. Country Life in America, May, 1908. Methods of controlling this pest.


Austen, E.E. The House-fly and Certain Allied Species as Disseminators of Enteric Fever Among the Troops in the Field. Jour. Roy. Army Med. Corps, June, 1904. Suggests that it may carry enteric fever and other diseases; method of control.

Felt, E.P. The Typhoid or House-fly and Disease. In 24th Rept. of State Ento. in N.Y. State Museum Bull., No. 455, 1909. A general discussion with complete bibliography.

Firth, R.H., and Horrocks, W.H. An Inquiry Into the Influence of Soil, Fabrics, and Flies in the Dissemination of Enteric Infection. Brit. Med. Jour., Vol. II, 1902, pp. 936–942. House-flies carry enteric bacilli. They may pass through digestive tract and remain virulent.

Hamilton, Alice. The Fly as a Carrier of Typhoid. Jour. Amer. Med. Assn., 40, 1903, pp. 576–83. A study of a typhoid outbreak in Chicago gives good evidence that the flies were important factors in the spread of the disease.

Hewitt, C.G. The Biology of House-flies in Relation to Public Health. Royal Inst. Pub. Health Jour., Oct., 1908.

Howard, L.O. A contribution to the Study of the Insect Fauna of Human Excrement. Proc. Wash. Acad. Sci., 2, 1900, pp. 541–600. Special reference to the house-fly and typhoid fever.

Howard, L.O. Flies and Typhoid. Pop. Sci. Mo., Jan., 1901, pp. 249–256. A popular account of several species of flies that may be concerned in carrying typhoid.

Klein, E. Flies as Carriers of B. typhus. Brit. Med. Jour., Oct. 17, 1908, pp. 1150–51. In cultures made from flies he found great numbers of B. coli communis and B. typhosus, showing that flies may carry these germs.

Martin, A. Flies in Relation to Typhoid and Summer Diarrhea. Public Health, 15, 1903, pp. 652–653. Believes that the house-fly is largely responsible for these diseases.

Reed, Walter. War Dept. An. Rept., 1899, pp. 627–633. Flies the cause of a typhoid outbreak in army in 1899.


Buchanan, R.A., Glasg, F.F., and M.B. The Carriage of Infection by Flies. Lancet, 173, 1907, pp. 216–218. Flies carry various germs on their feet and distribute them where they walk. Must protect food from contamination.

Brewster, E.T. The Fly. The Disease of the House. McClure's Magazine, XXXIII; No. 5, Sept., 1909, pp. 564–568. Proposes to make use of tropisms for ridding the houses of flies.

Castellani, Aldo. Experimental Investigation on Framboesia tropica (Yaws). Jour. of Hyg., Vol. VII, 1907, pp. 558–599. On pages 566–568 he discusses the part played by insects in transmitting the disease. Gives detail of experiments conducted and concludes that under certain conditions yaws may be conveyed by flies and possibly other insects.

Cobb, J.O. Is the Common House-fly a Factor in the Spread of Tuberculosis? Amer. Med., 9, 1905, pp. 475–477. Believes that the bacilli may enter the system through the digestive tract and that flies carry them to our food.

Dickenson, G.K. The House-fly and Its Connection with Disease Dissemination. Med. Record, 71, 1907, pp. 134–139. Summary; bibliography.

Esten, W.M., and Mason, C.J. Sources of Bacteria in Milk. Starr's Agric. Ex. Stn., Conn. Bull., 51, 1908. Shows how flies may carry bacteria to milk. Table showing number of bacteria on flies from various sources.

Felt, E.P. The Economic Status of the House-fly. Jour. Eco. Ento., Vol. 2, No. 1, Feb., 1909, pp. 39–45. A summary of the charges, possibilities, proofs, etc. Discussion.

Gudger, E.W. Early Note on Flies as Transmitters of Disease. Science, N.S. Vol. 31, Jan. 7, 1910, pp. 31–32.

Hamer, W.H. Nuisance from Flies. London County Council Rept. No. 1,138, pp. 1–10, and No. 1,207, pp. 1–6, 1908. Observations on various flies and their relation to diseases.

Hayward, E.H. The Fly as a Carrier of Tuberculosis Infection. N.Y. Med. Jour., 80, 1904, pp. 643–644. Tubercular bacilli pass through the digestive tract of flies and remain virulent.

Howard, L.O. The Carriage of Disease by Flies. Bull. 30, N.S., pp. 39–45, U.S. Dept. Agric, Div. of Ento., 1901. Discussion of flies as carriers of disease.

Howard, L.O. House-flies. U.S. Dept. of Agric., Bureau of Ento., Cir. No. 71, revised ed., Sept. 21, 1906. Notes on the various species visiting houses; habits; methods of control; regulations for controlling flies in cities.

Hutchinson, Woods. The Story of the Fly That Does Not Wipe Its Feet. Sat. Evening Post, March 7, 1908.

Jackson, Daniel D. Conveyance of Disease by Flies Summarized. Bost. Med. & Surg. Jour., 1908, p. 451. Disease and flies prevail at same time; records over 1,000,000 bacteria to each fly caught on swill-barrels.

Jackson, Daniel B. Pollution of New York Harbor as a Menace to Health by the Dissemination of Intestinal Diseases Through the Agency of the Common House-fly. Account of experiments and deductions. Pamphlet issued July, 1908, by Merchants' Assn. of New York.

Leidy, Joseph. Flies as a Means of Communicating Contagious Diseases. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., 23, 1871, p. 297. Believes that flies may carry disease; refers to flies in connection with gangrene and wounds.

Lord, F.T. Flies and Tuberculosis. Bost. Med. & Surg. Jour., 1904, pp. 651–654. Fly-specks may contain virulent tubercular bacilli for at least fifteen days.

Mays, Thos. J. The Fly and Tuberculosis. N.Y. Med. Jour. & Phila. Med. Jour., 82, 1905, pp. 437–438. Believes that J.O. Cobb's data as given in Amer. Med. Jour. is not at all conclusive.

Nash, J.C.T. A Note on the Bacterial Contamination of Milk as Illustrating the Connection Between Flies and Epidemic Diarrhea. Lancet, II, 1908, pp. 1668–69. Experiments show that milk left exposed to flies soon contains many more germs than that protected from them.

Nash, J.C.T. The Ætiology of Summer Diarrhea. Lancet, 164, 1903, p. 330. Believes house-fly carries this disease because the two appear and disappear together.

Robertson, A. Flies as Carriers of Contagion in Yaws. Jour. Trop. Med. & Hyg., 11, 1908, No. 14, p. 213. As a result of examinations the author concludes that the house-fly is capable of carrying the virus of yaws.

Sandilands, J.E. Epidemic Diarrhea and the Bacterial Control of Food. Jour. Hyg., 6, 1906, pp. 77–92. Believes that house-flies convey these diseases from the excrement of infected infants.

Sibthorpe, E.H. Cholera and Flies. Brit. Med. Jour., Sept., 1896, p. 700. Flies considered scavengers, think they thus help abate the disease.

Smith, T. The House-fly as an Agent in Dissemination of Infectious Diseases. Amer. Jour. Pub. Hyg., Aug., 1908, pp. 312–317. Points out that flies on account of their habits, are dangerous sources of contamination.

Smith, Theobald. The House-fly at the Bar. Merchants' Assn., New York, 1909, pp. 1–48. Letters from various authorities giving their opinion; quotations from various authors. Bibliography.

Veeder, M.A. Flies as Spreaders of Sickness in Camps. Med. Record, 54, 1898, pp. 429–430. Flies feed on typhoid excreta and pass to food. Cultures made from fly tracks and excreta show many bacteria present.

Veeder, M.A. The Relative Importance of Flies and Water Supply in Spreading Disease. Med. Record, 55, 1899, pp. 10–12. Reasons for believing that flies spread disease in many instances. Burial of infected typhoid material no protection but a menace.

Dangers from Flies. E.P.W. Nature, Vol. 29, pp. 482–483. Review of an article by Dr. B. Grassi in regard to flies and various diseases. Opthalmia is discussed. Flies may ingest and pass unharmed eggs of various human parasites including tapeworm.


Allen, Chas. H. Demonstration of Locomotion in the LarvÆ of the ŒstridÆ. Proc. Amer. Assn. Adv. Set., Vol. 24, 1875, pp. 230–236. LarvÆ taken from flesh of child, one had moved thirty-six inches and one six inches.

French, G.H. A Parasite the Supposed Cause of Some Cases of Epilepsy. Canad. Ento., 32, 1900, pp. 263–264. LarvÆ of Gastrophilus or Dermatobia in the alimentary canal supposed to have caused spasms in young boy.

Gilbert, N.C. Infection of Man by Dipterous LarvÆ with Report of Four Cases. Archives of Internal Med., Oct., 1908. Historical; various kinds sometimes found in man; good summary of subject. Bibliography.

Harrison, J.H.H. A Case of Myiasis. Jour. Trop. Med. & Hyg., XI, Oct. 15, 1908, p. 305. Over 300 larvÆ of Lucilia macellaria removed from face of negro woman.

Humbert, Fred. Lucilia macellaria Infesting Man. Proc. U.S. Nat. Museum, 6, 1883, pp. 103–104. Records several cases in which the screw-worm infested patients.

Jenyus, Leonard. Trans. Ento. Soc., London, Vol. II, 1839, pp. 152–159. Notice of a case in which the larvÆ of a dipterous insect, supposed to be Anthomyia canicularis, Meig., were expelled in large quantities from the human intestines.

Kane, E.R. A Grub Supposed to Have Traveled in the Human Body. Insect Life, II, 1890, pp. 238–239. Larva of bot-fly taken from face of boy. It had been traveling under the skin for about five months.

McCampbell, E.F., and Cooper, H.J. Myiasis intestinalis Due to Infection with Three Species of Dipterous LarvÆ. Jour. Amer. Med. Assn., 53, Oct. 9, 1909, pp. 1160–62. General notes on this subject and a report on a case in which larvÆ of three different species of flies were obtained from one patient.

Meinert, Fr. Lucilia nobilis Parasitic on Man. Insect Life, II, 1892, pp. 36–37. Two larvÆ from the ear of a man proved to be the above species.

Murtfeledt, M.E. Hominivorous Habits of the Screw-worm in St. Louis. Insect Life, IV, 1891, p. 200. Many larvÆ of this species removed from the nasal passages of a patient.

Nelson, J.B. Insects in the Human Ear. Insect Life, VI, 1893, p. 56. Two cases in which blow-fly larvÆ are reported as coming from the human ear.

Riley, W.A. A Case of Pseudoparasitism by Dipterous LarvÆ. Canad. Ento., 38, 1906, p. 413. Several larvÆ, species undetermined, removed from back of patient.

Say, Thomas. On a South American Species of Œstrus Which Inhabits the Human Body. Tr. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., Vol. 2, 1822, pp. 353–360. Extended notes on various dipterous larvÆ infesting man.

Snow, F.H. Hominivorous Habits of Lucilia macellaria "The Screw-worm." Psyche, 4, 1883, pp. 27–30. Cites observations made by himself and others.

Williston, S.W. The Screw-worm Fly Compsomyia macellaria. Psyche, 4, 1883, pp. 112–114. Notes on this species with a translation of a Spanish article by Anibalzaga in which instances of this fly infesting human beings are recorded.

Yount, C.E., and Sudler, M.T. Human Myiasis from the Screw-worm Fly. Jour. Amer. Med. Assn., Vol. 49, No. 23, 1907, p. 1912. Several cases giving reference to literature, symptomatology, diagnosis.


Austen, E.E. Blood-sucking and Other Flies Known or Likely to Be Concerned in the Spread of Disease. In Albutt's and Rolleston's System of Med., 2, 1907, pp. 169–186. A descriptive list of these flies. Bibliography.

Austen, E.E. Illustrations of African Blood-sucking Flies Other Than Mosquitoes and Tsetse-flies. London, 1909.

Newstead, R. On the Life-history of Stomoxys calcitrans. Jour. Econom. Biology, Vol. I, 1906, pp. 157–166. Describes habits and life-history of larvÆ and adults. Important article.

Stephens, J.W.W., and Newstead, R. The Anatomy of the Proboscis of Biting Flies. Part II, Stomoxys. Ann. of Trop. Med. & Parasit., Vol. I, No. 2, June 15, 1907, pp. 171–182. Good anatomical paper. Part I (Glossina) was published in mem. XVIII, 1906, Liverpool School Trop. Med.

Tullock, F. Internal Anatomy of Stomoxys. Proc. Roy. Soc., London, 77, Series B, 1906, pp. 523–531. Descriptions and drawings comparing with Glossina.


Austen, E.E. A Monograph of the Tsetse-flies. Published by order of the Trustees of the British Museum, 1903.

Manson, P. Tsetse-flies. In Trop. Diseases, p. 174. Description of genus; table of species; distribution; reproduction, habits.

Minchin, E.A. Report of Anatomy of the Tsetse-fly (Glossina palpalis). Proc. Roy. Soc., London, 76, Series B, 1905, pp. 531–547. Good account of internal anatomy of this fly, important because of its relation to trypanosomiasis.

Minchin, E.A. The Breeding-habits of the Tsetse-fly. Nature, Oct. 25, 1906, p. 636.

Minchin, E.A., Gray, A.C.H., and Tullock, F.M.G. (Sleeping Sickness Com.) Glossina palpalis in Its Relation to Trypanosoma gambiense and Other Trypanosomes (Preliminary Report). Proc. Roy. Soc., Vol. 78, 1906, pp. 242–258. Report on certain experiments in feeding these flies on infected animals and in allowing supposedly infected flies to feed on various animals.

Novy, F.G. The Trypanosomes of Tsetse-flies. Jour. Infec. Dis., III, 1906, pp. 394–411. Notes on the various species.


Bruce, David. Trypanosomiasis. Osler's Mod. Med., Vol. I, 1907, p. 460. A discussion of Trypanosoma lewisi, evansi, brucei, gambiensi, and the diseases caused by them.

Dutton, J.E., Todd, J.L., and Harrington, J.W.B. Trypanosome Transmission Experiments. Am. Trop. Med. & Parasit., Vol. I, No. 2, June 15, 1907, pp. 201–229. Sections on attempts to transmit trypanosomes by tsetse-flies; by other blood-sucking Arthropods, etc., conclude that trypanosomes may be mechanically transmitted by the bite of blood-sucking Arthropods.

Hooker, W.A. Descriptions of Certain Trypanosomes, and Review of the Present Knowledge of the RÔle of Ticks in the Dissemination of Disease. Jour. Econ. Ento., Vol. I, No. 1, 1908, pp. 65–76. Good review, tables and literature.

Minchin, E.A. Investigations on the Development of Trypanosomes in Tsetse-flies and Other Diptera. Quart. Jour. Micro. Sci., 1908, pp. 159–260.

Musgrove, W.E., and Clegg, M.T. Trypanosomes and Trypanosomiasis, with Special Reference to Surra in the Philippine Islands. Biological Lab., Bull. No. 5, Manila, 1903. Discuss flies, fleas, mosquitoes, lice and ticks as possible disseminators of the disease.

Novy, T.G., McNeal, M.J., and Torry, H.M. The Trypanosomes of Mosquitoes and Other Insects. Jour. Infec. Diseases, IV, 1907, pp. 223–276. These parasites are often found in mosquitoes and other insects. Bibliography.

Nuttall, G.H.F. The Transmission of Trypanosoma lewisi by Fleas and Lice. Parasitology, Vol. I, No. 4, Dec., 1908, pp. 296–301. This rat trypanosome is transmitted by fleas and lice.

Old, J.E.S. Contribution to the Study of Trypanosomiasis and to the Geographical Distribution of Some of the Blood-sucking Insects, etc. Jour. Trop. Med. & Hyg., 12, Jan. 15, 1909, pp. 15–22. Notes on blood-sucking Diptera and ticks.

Rogers, Leonard. The Transmission of the Trypanosoma evansi by House-flies and Other Experiments Pointing to the Probable Identity of Surra of India and Nagana or Tsetse-fly Disease of Africa. Proc. Roy. Soc., Vol. LXVIII, 1901, pp. 163–170.

Thimm, C.A. Bibliography of Trypanosomiasis; embracing original papers published prior to April 1909, and references to works and papers on tsetse-flies. London, 1909.

Todd, J.L. A Note on Recent Trypanosome Transmission Experiments. Jour. Trop. Med. & Hyg., 12, Sept., 1909, p. 260. Show that they develop in G. palpalis when taken from their mammal host at the proper stage of development.

Woodcock, H.M. The HÆmoflagellates: a Review of Present Knowledge Relating to the Trypanosomes and Allied Forms. Quar. Jour. Micro. Sci., Vol. 50, 1906, pp. 151–331. Characteristics; mode of infection; effects on host; biological considerations; life-cycle, etc. SpirochaetÆ; bibliography. Important article.

Trypanosomiasis and Sleeping Sickness. Jour. Trop. Med. & Hyg., II, pp. 146–147, 162, 179–180, 196. List of recent literature.


Bagshawe, A.G. Recent Advances in Our Knowledge of Sleeping Sickness. Lancet, II, 1909, pp. 1193–97. A summing up of the important discoveries of the preceding year.

Hearsey, H. Sleeping Sickness. Jour. Trop. Met. & Hyg., 12, Sept. 1, 1909, pp. 263–264. Report on work accomplished particularly in relation to the distribution of Glossina and other biting flies.

Jarvis, C. Sleeping Sickness. Internat. Clinics, Vol. II, 1904, pp. 37–44. Shows the relation of the tsetse-fly to this disease.

Lankester, E.R. The Sleeping Sickness. Quar. Review, July, 1904, p. 113. Discovery and early history; the fly, the parasite; other related parasites. Relation of parasites to their hosts.

Minchin, E.A. The Ætiology of Sleeping Sickness. Nature, Nov. 15, 1906, pp. 56–59.

Wollaston, A.F.R. Amid the Snow Peaks of the Equator: a Naturalist's Explorations Around Ruwenzori, with an Account of the Terrible Scourge of Sleeping Sickness. Nat. Geo. Mag., XX, No. 3, Mar., 1909. Abstracted from "From Ruwenzori to the Congo" by above author.

Reports of the Sleeping Sickness Com. of the Royal Society, I to IX, 1903 to 1908. Studies and experiments with the trypanosomes and flies concerned in this disease. Later articles by this commission are to be found in the Pro. Royal Soc., Series B, LXXXI and LXXXII.

Sleeping Sickness Bureau Bulletins, 1 to 14, 1908–1910. Records of studies and experiments with trypanosomes and tsetse-flies, etc.

Transmission of Sleeping Sickness. Editorial in Jour. Amer. Med. Assn., 53, Oct. 2, 1909, pp. 1104–05. Reviews recent experiments and studies.


Anderson, J.F. Spotted Fever (Tick Fever) of the Rocky Mountains. Hyg. Lab. Pub. Health and Mar. Hospt. Ser., Bull. 14, 1903. Distribution, Ætiology, etc. Believes that ticks are responsible for the transmission of the disease.

Cooley, R.A. Preliminary Report on the Wood-tick. Bull. 75, Mont. Ex. Stn., 1908. Sums up Ricketts' finding; notes on life-history in laboratory and field.

King, W.W. Experimental Transmission of Rocky Mountain Fever by Means of the Tick. Preliminary note. Pub. Health and Mar. Hospt. Ser., 21, July 27, 1906, pp. 863–864. Conveyed this fever from one guinea-pig to another by means of the tick.

Ricketts, H.T. The Transmission of Rocky Mountain Fever by the Bite of the Wood-tick (Dermacentor occidentalis). Jour. Amer. Med. Assn., Vol. 47, Aug., 1906, p. 358. Guinea-pig successfully inoculated by means of tick.

Ricketts, H.T. The RÔle of the Wood-tick (Dermacentor occidentalis) in Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Jour. Amer. Med. Assn., Vol. 49, July 6, 1907, pp. 24–27. Notes on experiments conducted and studies made. Takes position that these experiments connect the tick with the transmission of the fever.

Robinson, A.A. Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Med. Rec., Nov. 28, 1908. Occurrence and distribution of the disease; review of the various theories in regard to its transmission. P.E. Jones of Salt Lake believes it is transmitted by mosquitoes.

Stiles, C.W. A ZoÖlogical Investigation Into the Cause, Transmission and Source of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Hyg. Lab. Pub. Health and Mar. Hospt. Ser., Bull. 20, 1905. Does not find the parasite that had been recorded by others, and finds no evidence to indicate that the ticks transmit the disease.

Wilson, L.B., and Channing, W.M. Studies in Pyroplasmosis hominis (Spotted Fever or Tick Fever of the Rocky Mountains). Jour. Infec. Diseases, 1, 1904, pp. 31–57. Evidence that the disease is transmitted solely by means of the ticks.


Banks, Nathan. Tick-borne Diseases and Their Origin. Jour. Eco. Ento., Vol. I, No. 3, 1908, pp. 213–215. Shows how ticks may become important disease-carriers by changing their hosts as the normal host is exterminated, or for other reasons.

Banks, Nathan. A Revision of the Ixodoidea or Ticks of the United States. Tech. Series No. 15, Bull. of Bureau of Ento., U.S. Dept. Agric., 1908. Structure, life-history, classification, catalogue, bibliography.

Barber, C.A. The Tick Pest in the Tropics. Nature, 52, 1895, pp. 197–200. Direct and indirect effects of ticks on their hosts.

Christy, C. Ornithodoros moubata and Tick Fever in Man. Brit. Med. Jour., Vol. II, 1903, p. 652. Relation of the tick to Filaria perstans.

Dutton, J.E., and Todd, J.L. The Nature of Human Tick Fever in the Eastern Part of the Congo Free State with Notes on the Distribution and Bionomics of the Tick. Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. Memoir, 17, Nov., 1905, pp. 1–18.

Hooker, W.A. A Review of the Present Knowledge of the RÔle of Ticks in the Transmission of Disease. Jour. Eco. Ento., Vol. I, No. 1, 1908, p. 65. Review of the subject; table showing zoÖlogical position of parasites transmitted by ticks. Table showing zoÖlogical position of ticks.

Hooker, W.A. Life-history, Habits and Methods of Study of the Ixodoidea. Jour. Eco. Ento., Vol. 1, No. 1, 1908, p. 34. Notes on several species, especially M. annulatus. Host relationship; adaptations as factors in host relationship; mating; geographical distribution; methods of breeding, etc.

Hooker, W.A. Some Host Relations of Ticks. Jour. Eco. Ento., Vol. 2, No. 3, 1909, p. 251. Notes on ticks found on various hosts.

Hunter, W.D., and Hooker, W.A. Information Concerning the North American Fever Tick with Notes on Other Species. Bull. 72, Bureau of Ento., 1907. Life-history, host relation, etc., of fever tick; classification and notes on other species; bibliography divided into sections.

Lounsbury, C.P. Habits and Peculiarities of Some South African Ticks. Rept. of the Brit. Assn. for the Advancement of Sci., 1905 (South Africa), pp. 282–291.

McCrae, Thomas. Relapsing Fever. Osler's Mod. Med., Vol. II, p. 245, 1907. Ætiology, symptoms, treatment, etc. (Apparently communicated by blood-sucking insects.)

Newstead, R. On the Pathogenic Ticks Concerned in the Distribution of Diseases in Man. Brit. Med. Jour., II, 1905, pp. 1695–97. Classification and habits, particularly of Ornithodoros moubata.

Nuttall, G.H.F. The Ixodoidea or Ticks. Jour. of Roy. Inst. of Pub. Health, 1908. List of disease-bearing ticks. Position of ticks, classification. Biology. Preventive measures.

Nuttall, G.H.F. Piroplasmosis. Jour. Roy. Inst. of Pub. Health, 1908. What piroplasma are; diseases produced by them. Biology.

Nuttall, Geo. F., and co-workers. Canine Piroplasmosis, Parts I to VI. Jour. Hyg., Vol. 4, No. 2, Apr., 1904, to Vol. 7, No. 2, Apr., 1907. A thorough discussion of the disease, the parasite which causes it and the ticks which convey it.

Pocock, R.I. Ticks. In Albutt and Rolleston's System of Med., II, 1907, pp. 187–203. Classification; description of the best-known pathogenic species. Extended bibliography.

Skinner, B. Preliminary Note on Ticks Infecting the Rats Suffering from the Plague. Brit. Med. Jour., Vol. II, 1907, p. 457. Records taking tick on a plague-sick rat and finding bacilli similar to plague bacilli in connection with it.

Smith, T., and Kilborne, F.L. Texas Fever. U.S. Dept. Agric. Bureau of Animal Industry, Bull. No. 1, 1893. Records of the experiments showing disease to be transmitted by ticks.

Wellman, F.C. Preliminary Note on Some Bodies Found in Ticks—Ornithodoros moubata—Fed on Blood Containing Embryos of Filaria. Brit. Med. Jour., July 20, 1907, p. 142. Believes that F. perstans is conveyed from man to tick and from tick to man.


Girault, A.A. The Indian Bedbug and Kala-azar Disease. Sci., N.S., Vol. XXV, 1907, p. 1004. Indian bedbug is C. rotundatus Sig. Its distribution. Summary of Dr. Patton's paper on "Preliminary Report on the Development of the Leishman-Donovan Body in the Bedbug."

Patton, W.S. The Development of the Leishman-Donovan Parasite in Cimex rotundatus. Scientific Mem. of Gov. of India, Nos. 27 and 31, 1907. Traces the development of this parasite; believes that the bedbug is concerned in transmitting this disease.

See also Manson's Tropical Diseases, pp. 178–190.


Abbott, A.C. Hygiene of Transmissible Diseases. Phil., 1899. Causes, modes of dissemination, prevention, treatment of infectious and contagious diseases.

Allbutt, T.C., and Rolleston, H.D. A System of Medicine. London, 1907. Vol. II, Pt. II, contains sections on tropical diseases; animal parasites and the diseases they carry and zoÖlogical articles dealing with Protozoa, mosquitoes, flies and ticks. All articles have bibliographies, some of them quite extensive.

Balfour, Andrew. Review of Recent Advances in Tropical Medicine. Supplement to Third Rept. Wellcome Research Lab., London, 1908. Notes, extracts and references in regard to important articles during the preceding few months.

Daniels, C.W. Studies in Laboratory Work, 2d ed., London, 1907. A good discussion of animal parasites in the blood and blood-plasma; development of malarial parasites in mosquitoes; flies, fleas, lice, bedbugs, ticks, etc.

Jackson, C.W. Tropical Medicine. Phil., 1907. Discusses diseases due to bacteria and the parasites and uncertain causes. Splendid recent summary of the various ways in which the different diseases are disseminated.

Langfeld, Millard. Introduction to Infectious and Parasitic Diseases, Including Their Causes and Manner of Transmission. Phil., 1907. Chapters on infection, animal parasites, avenues of exit and portals of entry of infectious agents and parasites into the body.

Manson, Patrick. Lectures on Tropical Diseases. London, 1905. Delivered at Cooper Medical College, 1905. Discusses several of these diseases. Last chapter on problems in tropical medicine.

Manson, Patrick. Tropical Diseases. London, 1907, Diseases of the tropics discussed in a very comprehensive manner. Considerable attention given to the part played by insects in the transmission of many of the diseases.

Metchnikoff, E. Immunity in Infectious Diseases. (Trans. from the French by F.G. Binnie.) Cambridge, 1905. Splendid discussion of various kinds of immunity. Insects referred to occasionally.

Osler's Modern Medicine. Vol. I, 1907, Pt. VI, Diseases Caused by Protozoa. Part VII, Diseases Caused by Animal Parasites. Vol. II, 1907, Infectious Diseases. Vol. III, Infectious Diseases (cont.). One of the best and most modern text-books; the volumes noted above contain many references to the relation of insects to the particular diseases under discussion.

Park, W.H. Pathogenic Micro-organisms, Including Bacteria and Protozoa. N.Y., 1908. These organisms comprehensively treated.

Ricketts, H.T. Infection, Immunity and Serum Therapy. Chicago, 1906. Chapters on parasitism, infection, contagion, immunity, various diseases, etc.

Scheube, B. The Diseases of Warm Countries: a Handbook for Medical Men. Trans. from Ger. by Pauline Falcke, London, 1903. Sections on general infectious diseases, diseases caused by animal parasites, etc. Good bibliography of each disease treated.

Simpson, W.J.R. The Principles of Hygiene as Applied to Tropical and Subtropical Climates. London, 1908. Occasional references to flies and mosquitoes as carriers of disease. Chapter XV deals with malaria and other diseases caused by mosquitoes.

Wilson, J.C. Modern Clinical Medicine; Infectious Diseases. New York and London, 1905. Chapters on yellow fever, malarial diseases and plague; contains references to the relation of insects to these diseases.


Balfour, Andrew. Further Observations on Fowl SpirochÆtosis. Jour. Trop. Med. & Hyg., 12, Oct. 1, 1909, pp. 285–289. Ticks and lice may carry this disease.

Chittenden, F.H. Harvest-mites or "Chiggers." Circular 77, U.S. Dept. Agric. Bur. Ento., 1906, pp. 1–16. Descriptions of these pests and their habits. Remedies.

Doty, A.H. The Means by Which Infectious Diseases Are Transmitted. Amer. Jour. of Med. Sci., 138, July, 1909, pp. 30–39. Flies and mosquitoes as disseminators of disease briefly discussed.

Duncan, F.M. Industrial Entomology: the Economic Importance of a Study of Insect Life. Jour. Roy. Soc. Arts, May 22, 1908, pp. 688–696. A very interesting review of the subject of insects and disease.

Flexner, Simon. Science, N.S., Vol. 27, No. 682, Jan. 24, 1908, pp. 133–136. On these pages the author discusses relation of bacteria and Protozoa to human diseases.

Goldberger, Jos., and Shamberg, J.F. Epidemic of an Utricaroid dermatitis Due to a Small Mite (Pediculoides ventricosus) in the Straw of Mattresses. Pub. Health Rept., Pub. Health and Mar. Hospt. Ser., July 9, 1909, Vol. XXIV, No. 28. Experiments showed that a certain skin disease occurring during summer was due to this mite.

Gorgas, W.C. The Part Sanitation Is Playing in the Construction of the Panama Canal. Jour. Amer. Med. Assn., 53, Aug. 21, 1909, pp. 597–599. Shows the changes that have been brought about by modern sanitation and the destroying of the mosquitoes' breeding-places.

Howard, L.O. Hydrocyanic-acid Gas Against Household Insects. Circular 46, U.S. Dept. Agric., Div. of Ento., 1902. Directions for handling this dangerous gas.

King, A.F.G. Insects and Disease; Mosquitoes and Malaria. Pop. Sci. Mo., XXIII, 1883, pp. 644–658. Extended article in which the author sums up the observations which led him to believe that malaria and other diseases were transmitted by the mosquito. One of the earliest articles on this subject; refers to an article in New Orleans Med. & Surg. Jour., Vol. IV, 1848, pp. 563–601, by Josiah Nott, who maintained that yellow fever was carried by mosquitoes.

Manson, Patrick. Recent Advances in Science and Their Bearing on Medicine and Surgery. Jour. Trop. Med. & Hyg., XI, pp. 337–338, Sept. 16, 1908. Discussion of parasites and disease and their methods of dissemination.

Newstead, R., Dutton, J.E., and Todd, J.L. Insects and Other Arthropoda Collected in the Congo Free State. Ann. Trop. Med. & Parasit., Vol. 1, No. 1, Feb. 1, 1907, pp. 3–100. An interesting paper giving notes on many insects that cause or carry disease.

Nuttall, G.H.F. SpirochÆtosis in Man and Animals. Jour. of Roy. Inst. of Pub. Health, 1908. Why SpirochÆtes should be regarded as Protozoa. Classification; list of blood-inhabiting forms; relapsing fevers; transmission by ticks and other Arthropods.

O'Connell, M.D. The Oversea Transport of Insect-borne Disease. Jour. Trop. Med. & Hyg., XI, 43, Feb. 1, 1908. Refers to article in same journal (Jan. 15) and points out that malaria is very likely to be transmitted by mosquitoes in this way.

Osborn, Herbert. Insects Affecting Domestic Animals. U.S. Dept. of Agric., Div. of Ento., Bull. No. 5, N.S., 1896. Discusses the various insect pests of man and domestic animals Host lists. Bibliography.

Rickets, H.T., and Wilder, R.M. The Typhus Fever of Mexico. Jour. Amer. Med. Assn., LIV, No. 6, Feb. 5, 1910, p. 463. Believes this disease is transmitted by insects, probably lice.

Ritchie, James. A Review of Current Theories Regarding Immunity. Jour. Hyg., 2, 1902, pp. 215–285, and pp. 452–464. Discussion of various theories. Bibliography.

Shipley, A.E. On the Relation of Certain Cestode and Nematoda Parasites to Bacterial Disease. Jour. of Eco. Biol., 4, 1909, pp. 61–71. Shows that these parasites may often cause serious diseases by opening the way for malignant germs.

Ward, H.B. Spirochetes and Their Relationship to Other Organisms. Amer. Nat., 42, 1908, No. 498, pp. 374–387. Still undecided as to whether they belong with bacteria or Protozoa, probably the latter.

Ward, H.B. The Relation of Animals to Disease. Science, N.S., 22, 1905, pp. 193–203. An interesting, comprehensive review of the subject.

Ward, Henry B. Relation of Animals to Disease. Transactions of Amer. Micro. Soc., Vol. 27, 1907, pp. 5–20. The various ways in which animals may produce or carry disease.

The Oversea Transport of Insect-borne Diseases. Editorial in Jour. Trop. Med. & Hyg., XI, Jan. 15, 1908, pp. 22–23. Points out the danger of yellow fever, plague and other diseases being borne overseas by infected insects.

The Society for the Destruction of Vermin. Editorial in Jour. Trop. Med. & Hyg., XI, Apr. 15, 1908, p. 124. Tells of organization of such society and its purposes.


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