Adams, S.H., 132.
Advisory Committee, 146.
Agramonte, Dr. Aristides, 123.
Alimentary canal, fly larvÆ in, 49.
Amoeba, 19.
adults, 91;
eggs, 92;
habits of adults, 94;
larvÆ, 78, 79, 93;
pupÆ, 93;
resting position, 92;
species in U.S., 92.
Anthrax, 44;
and flies, 70.
Arthropoda, 26.
Asexual reproduction, 111.
anthracis, 44;
icteroides, 124;
leprÆ, 171;
pestis, 150.
Bacillus carriers, 66.
Back-swimmers, 100.
Bacteria, 15;
saprophytic and parasitic, 17;
effect on host, 18;
dissemination, 18.
Bedbugs, 54, 147.
Banks, Nathan, 34.
Bell-animalcule, 22.
Berne, 51.
Birds as enemies of mosquitoes, 99.
Black-flies, 46.
Blackheads, 35.
Blow-flies, 48.
Blue, Dr. Rupert, 143.
Blue-bottle flies, 48.
Bot-flies, 50.
Break-bone fever, 169.
Breeze-fly, 44.
Buffalo-gnats, 46.
Calliphora vomitoria, 48.
Camphor, for mosquitoes, 102.
Cancer, 36.
Carroll, Dr. James, 123.
Castor-bean tick, 27.
Cattle tick, 29.
Cedar oil, for mosquitoes, 102.
faciatus, 153;
acutus, 156.
Cesspools, 72.
Chigger, 53.
Chigger-flea, 53.
Chigo, 30, 39.
Chigoe, 53.
Cholera, 68.
Chrysomyia macellaria, 47.
lectularis, 54;
rotundatus, 173.
Contagious diseases, 8.
Conjugation, 20.
Cooley, Prof. R.A., 33.
Craig, Dr. C.F., 118.
canis, 154;
felis, 154.
fatigans, 96, 170;
pipiens, 98.
Dengue, 169.
Dermatobia cyaniventris, 51.
Dermatophilus penetrans, 53.
Diarrhea, 69.
Diptera, 43.
Diving beetles, 100.
Dragon-flies, 99.
Dysentery, 20.
of flies, 63;
of mosquitoes, 77;
of Anopheles, 92.
Egyptian opthalmia, 52.
Elephantiasis, 164.
Enemies of mosquitoes, 97.
Enteritis, 69.
Euglena, 21.
Eye-worm, 12.
Face-mite, 35.
Fighting mosquitoes,
adults, 101;
larvÆ, 103.
Fiji Islands, Anopheles in, 117.
Filaria bancrofti, 164.
Finlay, Dr. Charles, 124.
Fish, 100.
Flagella, 20.
Fleas, 52;
and plague, 142, 145, 147;
structure and habits, 151;
common species, 153;
on ground squirrels, 156;
remedies for, 157.
Flies, 43;
and typhoid, 65;
specks, 66;
and various diseases, 68.
Flesh-flies, 48.
Fumigating for mosquitoes, 102.
Gad-fly, 43.
Glossina palpalis, 163.
Golgi, Camillo, 109.
Grassi, Prof. G.B., 118.
Gray-flies, 47.
Ground squirrels and plague, 155.
Guinea-worm, 11.
HÆmamoeba, 109.
HÆmatobia, 45.
HÆmosporidiida, 24.
HÆmotopinus spinulosus, 55.
Harvest-mite, 37.
Havana, yellow fever in, 131.
Hawaii, mosquitoes in, 98.
Hemiptera, 54.
Homalomyia canicularis, 49.
Hoplopsyllus anomalus, 156.
Horse bot-flies, 50.
House-flies, 57;
structure, 59;
how they carry bacteria, 62;
life-history and habits, 63;
fighting, 71;
and typhoid, 65.
Horse-flies, 43.
Howard, Dr. L.O., 59, 73.
Hyperparasitism, 3.
Immunity, 5.
Indian Plague Commission, 144.
Infectious diseases, 8.
Infusoria, 22.
cause or carry disease, 40;
numbers, 40;
annual loss caused by, 41;
how they carry disease germs, 55.
Irrigating ditches, 104.
Itch-mite, 36.
Jackson, Dr. D.D., 67.
Jennings, 22.
Jiggers, 38, 53.
Jigger-flea, 53.
Kala-azar, 173.
Kerosene, 104.
Koch, 44.
LÆmopsylla cheopus, 153.
Lamprey-eel, 2.
Lancisi, J.M., 107.
of flies, 64;
of mosquitoes, 78.
Laveran, A., 108.
Laverania, 109.
Lazear, Dr. Jessie W., 123.
Leeuwenhoek, Anton von, 22.
Lepra bacillus, 36.
Leprosy, 36, 70, 171.
Lice, 54.
LinnÆus, 76.
Little house-fly, 49.
Lock-jaw, 18.
Low, Dr. A., 118.
Lucilia spp., 48.
Lugger, Prof. Otto, 38.
early theories in regard to, 106;
parasite that causes, 108;
life history of parasite, 109;
parasite in mosquito, 113;
summary, 117;
experiments, 118.
Maggots, 63.
Malta or Mediterranean fever, 171.
Mange, 37.
Manure-fly, 59.
Manson, Sir Patrick, 112, 123.
Mastigophora, 20.
Melanin, 110.
Micrococcus melitensis, 171.
Microbes, 10.
Mites, 26, 35.
Mosquito, 76;
abdomen, 86;
adults, 81;
Anopheles, 91;
how they bite, 84;
effect of bite, 87;
blood, 90;
how they breathe, 89;
classification, 91;
and dengue, 169;
eggs, 77;
and elephantiasis, 164;
enemies, 77;
fighting, adults, 101;
larvÆ, 103;
larvÆ, 78;
and malaria, 106;
malarial parasite in, 113;
mouth-parts, 83;
other species, 96;
pupÆ, 80;
salivary glands, 87;
thorax, 85;
and yellow fever, 94, 120.
of fly, 60;
of mosquito, 83.
norvegicus, 154;