

Agostini (Lionardo). Notizie Istorico-Critiche, &c., Scritt. Viniz., 60
Agrippa (Cornelius). Vanity of Human Sciences, 19
Occult Philosophy, ib.
Ames (Joseph). Typographical Antiquities, 52
The same; by Herbert, 66
Anonymiana, 246
Anthologia GrÆca. Dr. Askew's copy upon vellum, 389
Pinelli do. (afterwards Count M'Carthy's), 407
[De] Antiquitate Cantab. Acad., 170
Antonio (Nicolas). Biblioth. Hispana Vet. et Nov., 42
ArchÆologia, 118
Arnold (Richard). His Chronicle, 421, 424
Arthur. Robinson's Life, Actes, and Death of, &c., 374, 403
East's edition of, 422
Copland's do., 422, 450
Ascham (Roger). Works by Bennet, 255
Ashmole (Elias). Theatricum Chemicum, 125, 135, 167, 184, 200, 234, 262, 295
Diary, 293, 294
Way to Bliss, 294
Order of the Garter, 296, 451
Assertio Septem Sacramentorum, &c., 216
AthenÆum, 280, 301
Audiffredi (Jean Baptiste). Editiones RomanÆ, 62
Editiones ItalicÆ, ib.
Baillet (Adrien). Jugemens des Savans, 39, 41, 43, 44, 542
Catalogue des MatiÈres, 44
Anti Baillet, ib.
Bale (John). Scriptores Illustres BritanniÆ, 31, 167, 189
Actes of Englyshe Votaryes, 174, 176
Preface to Leland's Laboryouse Journey, 234, 235
Ballads. Ancient Songs and Ballads. See Evans, in the General Index.
Barbier (Antoine Alexandre). Dictionnaire des Ouvrages AnonymÉs et Pseudonymes FranÇoises, 69
Cat. des Livres de la BibliothÈque du Conseil d'Etat, 78
Barclaii (Johannis). Satyricon, 12
Barclay (Alexander). Egloges, &c., 446

Barnes (Juliana). On Hawking, Hunting, &c., 124, 325
West's copy of the St. Albans' edition of, 382
Mason's copy of do., 422
—— —— of Copland's edition, ib.
Martin's, of Wynkyn de Worde's, 385
Tutet's, of do., 400
Bartholin (Thomas). De Libris Legendis, 43
Bauer (John Jacob). Bibliotheca Librorum Rariorum Universalis, 57, 167
Beloe (Rev. Wm.) Anecdotes of Literature and Scarce Books, 52, 444, 468, 549
Beughem (Cornelius De). Incunabula Typographica, 45
Bibliogr. Erudit. Crit.-Curiosa, ib.
Gallia Erudita, ib.
Beyer (Augustus). MemoriÆ Hist.-CriticÆ Libror. Rarior., 56
Arcana Sacra Bibliothecar. Dresdens, ib.
Biblia Polyglot Complut., 407
Bibliographia Scotica. Ritson's MS. of, 448
Bibliographie Curieuse. See Peignot.
Bibliographie des Pays Bas, 74
Bibliomania, 487, 491, 496, 513, 528
Bibliosophia, 487, 491, 495, 497, 511, 515, 522, 525, 528
Bibliotheca Lusitana, by Machado, 54
Biographia Britannica. An extraordinary copy of, 449
Blount (Sir Thomas Pope). Censura Celebriorum Authorum, 45
Boccaccio (Giovanni), Il Teseide, 389
Decamerone, 526
Bolduanus (Paul). Bibliotheca Historica, 35
Boucher (De la Richarderie). BibliothÈque Universelle des Voyages, 69
Braithwait (Richard). Arcadian Princesse, 133, 286, 299-301
Nursery for Gentry, 299
English Gentleman and Gentlewoman, 299
Braun (Placid). Notitia Hist.-Crit. de libris ab art. typog. inv., 64
Notitia Hist.-Liter. de Cod. MSS. in Bibl. Monast. Ord. St. Bened., &c., 64
Bridgman (Richard Whalley). Legal Bibliography, 472
British Bibliographer, 52, 171, 216, 468
British Librarian, by Savage, 52, 468
Broughton (Hugh). Concent of Scripture—upon vellum, 399
Brunet (J.C.). Manuel du Libraire et de l'Amateur de Livres, 69, 70
Bry (Theodore De). Perigrationes, &c., 410
Brydges (Sir Samuel Egerton, K.J.) Censura Literaria, 348, 358
Bure (Guillaume FranÇois De). Bibliographie Instructive, 24, 58, 137, 145, 161, 166
MusÆum Typographicum, 58
Cat. des Livres de Gaignat, ib.
Appel aux Savans, ib.
Reponse À une Critique de la Bibl. Instr., 58, 59
Bure (G.F. De Fils). Cat. des livres du Duc de la Valliere, 97
Burnet (George). Specimens of English Prose Writers, 159, 255
Burnet (Gilbert). Hist. of the Reformation, 151, 228, 229, 232, 236, 238, 318
Burton (Robert). Anatomy of Melancholy, 286
Bury (Richard De). Philobiblion, sine de Amore Librorum, 29, 185, 186
Byddell (John). Maner and Forme of Confession, 224
Bysshop (John). Beautifull Blossomes, 453

Caballero (R.D.). De prima Typog. Hist. Ætat. Specimen, 48
CÆsar. De Bell. Gall., 106, 165
Caille (Jean De La). Hist. de l'Imprimerie et de la Librarie, 48
Cailleau. Dictionnaire Bibliographique, 42, 62, 67, 68, 97
Caillot (Antoine). Roman Bibliographique, 145, 487
Camden (William). Remaines, 10, 168
Annales, 106, 116
Camus (Amurand Gaston). Observations sur la distribution, &c., des livres d'une BibliothÈque, 65
Additions aux mÊmes, ib.
Memoires sur une livre Allemand (Teurdanckhs), 65
Addition aux mÊmes, ib.
Memoire, &c., sur le Polytypage et Stereotype, ib.
Rapport sur la Continuation, &c., des Hist. de France, ib.
Notice d'un Livre imprimÉ À Bamberg, ib.
Memoire sur la Collection des grands et petits Voyages, ib.
Voyage dans les dÉpartmens rÉunis, 68
Cardona (J.B.) De reg. Sanct. Lament. bibliotheca, 33
De Bibliothecis, &c., ib.
De expurgandis HÆreticorum propr. nom., ib.
De Dypthicis, ib.
Casaubon (Meric). A Relation concerning Dee and some spirits, 262
Casiri (Michael). Biblioth. Arab. Hisp. Escurial., 42
Catalogues: Foreign.
Augsbourg, 72, 73
Aurivillius, 73
Badenhaupt, ib.
Baluze, ib.
Barberini, ib.
Barthelemy, 74
Bern, 98
Bibliog. des Pays Bas., 74
Bonnier, 75
Boutourlin, ib.
Boze, ib.
BozÉrian, ib.
Bulteau, ib.
Bunau, 75
Bunneman, ib.
Caillard, ib.
Cambis, 77
Camus De Limare, ib.
Catalogue des Livres Rares
par De Bure, ib.
fait sur un plan nouveau, ib.
Catalogus Librorum Rarissimorum, ib.
Ceran, 78
Clement-Vatican, ib.
Colbert, 78, 162
Conseil d'Etat, 78
Cordes, ib.
Cotte, 79
Couvay, ib.
Crevenna, 48, 55, 79
Crozat, 80
Damme [Van], ib.
Dubois, ib.
Elzevir, ib.
Fagel, ib.
Faultrier, ib.
Favier, ib.
Fay [Du], ib.
Fresne [Du], 81
Gaignat, 81, 162
GenÈve, 81
Goez, ib.
Golowkin, ib.
Gouttard, ib.
Guyon, ib.
Heinsius (Nic.), 82
Hohendorf, ib.
Hoym, ib.
Hulsius, 82, 552
Jena, 82
Jesu-Soc., 83
Just (St.), ib.
Krohn, ib.
Lamoignon, 83, 84
Lancelot, 84
LemariÉ, ib.
Lomenie De Brienne, 84, 85
Macarthy (Ct.), 85
Magliabechi, 85, 86
Mark (St.), 87
Medici-Lorenzo, ib.
Manarsiana, ib.
Menckenius, ib.
Meon, ib.
Mercier, 88
Merigot, ib.
Michael (St.), ib.
Mirabeau, ib.
Miromenil, 89
Montfaucon, ib.
Morelli, ib.
Paris, 90
Petau and Mansart, ib.
Pinelli, 91, 406, 407
Pompadour, 91
PrÉfond, 91
Randon de Boisset, ib.
Reimannius, ib.
Renati, ib.
Revickzky, 92
Rive, ib.
Roi (Louis XV.), 92, 93, 186
RÖver, 93
Rothelin, 9
Sarraz, ib.
Sartori, ib.
Schalbruck, ib.
Schwartz, ib.
Scriverius, ib.
Serna Santander, 94
Solger, 95, 162
Soubise, 96
Tellier, ib.
Thuanus (De Thou), ib.
Uffenbach, ib.
Valliere (Duc de la), 97, 162
Vienna, 97
Volpi, 98
Voyage de deux FranÇois, &c. ib.
Zurich, ib.
Catalogues: English.
Ames (of Engl. Heads), 500
Askew, 388
Beauclerk, 394
Bernard (Dr. F.), 316
Boucher, 450
Bodleian, 74, 75
Brand, 452
Bridges, 362
Britton, 333
Chauncy, 416
Collins (Anthony), 363
(Concannon), 446
Corpus Christi (Cambr.), 98
Cotton, 86, 267
Crofts, 396
Dalrymple, 458
Daly, 414
Dodd, 403
Dormer, 375
Farmer, 423
Fillingham, 403
Fletewode, 386
Folkes, 367
Gough, 460
Harley (Earl of Oxford), Walk through Southampton, 288
Example of Sertu, 403
Fabricius (John Albert). Bibliotheca GrÆca, 49
Bibliotheca Latina, ib.
Bibliographia Antiquaria, ib.
Bibliotheca Ecclesiastica, ib.
Bibl. Lat. MediÆ et Inf. Ætatis, 49, 174
Sylloge Opusc. Hist. Cat. Lit. J.A. Fabricii, 222
Hist. BibliothecÆ FabricianÆ, 49, 222
Ferriar (John), M.D. Comments upon Sterne, 487
The Bibliomania, 487, 491, 496, 513, 528
Festiuall, The Boke that is called, 177
Fischer (Gotthelf). Essai sur les Monum. de Typog. de Gutenberg, 68
Descriptions de RaretÉs Typographique, &c., 68
Fishing. Books upon, 305, 452, 454
Fontaine (John De la), Contes de la—Manuscript de Mons. Paris, 410
Fontanini (Giusto). Biblioteca del Eloquenza Italiana, 60
Fossius (Ferdin). Cat. Biblioth. Magliabechi, 85, 86, 121
Fournier (FranÇois J.) Dict. Portatif de Bibliographie, 38, 57, 69, 167
Fournier (Pierre Simon). Dissertation sur l'origine, &c., de graver en bois, 57
De l'Origine et Productions de l'Imp., &c., en bois, ib.
TraitÉ sur l'Origine, &c., de l'Imprimerie, ib.
Observations, &c., sur les VindicÆ TypographicÆ, ib.
Epreuves de caractÈres nouvellement gravÉs, ib.
Manuel Typographique, ib.
Fox (John). Book of Martyrs, 197, 228, 239
Fresnoy (N.C. Du). Methode pour etudier l'Histoire, 53
Freytag (F.G.). Analecta Literaria, 56
Adparatus Literarius, ib.
Froissart (Sir John). Chronicles, 421, 493
Fuller (Rev. Thomas), D.D. Church History, 182, 232, 236, 260
Gaddius (James). De Scriptoribus non Ecclesiastices, 39
Gale (Thomas), D.D. Rerum Anglicar. Script. Vet., 173, 245, 269
Gallois (John). TraitÉ des plus belles BibliothÈques, 40
Gascoigne (George). Works, in Steevens's Collection, 428
in Reed's Collection, 455
Gentleman's Magazine, 249, 334, 413, 423, 427, 460, 471
Georgius. Lexicon Literarium, 566
Gerdes (Daniel). Florilegium Hist.-Crit. Libror. Rarior., &c., 56
Gesner (Conrad). Bibliotheca, seu Catalogus Universalis, 30
PandectÆ, 31, 130
Geyler (John). Navicula sive Speculum Fatuorum, 486, 514
Gibbon (Edward). Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, 28
Posthumous Works, 334
Gildas's Epistle, 11
Girald Barri. Sir Richard Colt Hoare's edition of, 178
Goddard (William). Satyrical Dialogue, betweene Alexander, &c., and Diogenes, 13
Godwyn (Francis). Catalogue of the Bishops of England, 174, 187, 200
Annales of England, 245
Gomez, or Gomecius (Alvarez). De rebus gestis Cardinalis Ximines, 160
Googe (Barnabe). His works in Steevens's Collection, 428
Gough (Richard). British Topography, 118, 334
Goujet (Claude Peter). BibliothÈque FranÇois, &c., 52
Gower (John). Confessio Amantis, 181
Grafton (Richard). Chronicles, 256
Gunton (Simon). Hist. of Peterborough Abbey, 178
Gutch (Rev. John). Collectanea Curiosa, 150, 225, 254
Hallevordius. Bibliotheca Curiosa, 30
Hardyng (John). Chronicle, 421
Harpsfield (Nicholas). Hist. Eccles. Anglicana, 205
Harrison. Seven Triumphal Arches, 445
Harwood (Rev. Edward), D.D. View of the various editions of the Greek and Roman Classics, 67
Haym (Nicolas Francis). Biblioteca Italiana, 60
Hearne (Thomas). Johan. Ros. Hist. Angl. Regum, 170
Thom. Caii Vindic. Antiq. Acad. Oxon., 170, 244, 289, 331
Antiquities of Glastonbury, 172, 194, 195, 326, 335, 341, 382
John. Confrat. Mon. de Rebus Glastoniens., 178, 251, 262
Adam de Domerham de rebus Gest. Glaston., 118, 239, 382
Guil. Neubrig. Hist., 178
Curious Discourses by Eminent Antiquaries, 183, 201, 251
Benedictus Abbas, 189, 269, 280, 335
Robert de Avesbury, 216
Guliel. Roperi vita D.T. Mori, 221, 327, 331, 335, 341
Robert of Glocester, 248, 333, 335
Peter Langtoft's Chronicle, 10, 302
Tit. Liv. Foro-Juliensis, 250, 344, 371
Annals of Dunstaple Priory, 289
Liber Niger Scaccarii, 304
Hist. Vit. et Regni Ricardi II., 317, 318
Walt. Hemingford Hist., 328, 341, 343, 344, 366, 383
Heming. Wigorens. Chartular., 328, 329, 333
Thomas de Elmham, 335, 341
Alured de Beverley, 335, 344
Heinecken (Baron). Nachrichten von Kunstlern, &c., 63
IdÉe Generale d'une Collection d'Estampes, 63, 205
Dictionnaire des Artistes, 63
Henry (Rev. Robert), D.D. History of Great Britain, 146, 165, 166, 167, 173, 179, 199
Herbert (William). Typographical Antiquities, 67, 239, 248, 438, 439
Heures de Notre Dame, 90
Heylin (Rev. Peter), D.D. Life and Death of Archbishop Laud, 297
Hirschius (C.C.). Librorum ab Anno I. usque ad Annum L. Sec. xvi., 48
Horatius. Carmen, lib. i., &c., 106
Jacob (Louis). TraictÉ des plus belles BibliothÈques, 39, 113
BibliothÈque Universelle, 39
Bibliotheca Parisina, 39
Jansen. De l'Invention de l'Imprimerie, 58
John Bon and Mast. Person, 240
Johnson. Upon English Bibles, 248
Kalender of Shepherds, 204
Kennet (White, D.D., Bishop of Peterborough). Parochial Antiquities, 493
Knight (Rev. Samuel), D.D. Life of Colet, 218, 445
Life of Erasmus, 223, 445
Koenigius (George Matthias). Biblioth. Vet. et Nov., 43
Kollarius (Adam Francis). His edition of Lambecius's Commentarii, &c., 41, 42
Labbe (Philip). Bibliotheca Bibliothecarum, 40
Bibliotheca Nummaria, 41
Mantissa Suppellectilis, ib.
Specimen Nov. Bibl. Manuscript, ib.
Collectio maxima Conciliorum, ib.
Lackman (Adam Herne). Annal. Typog. selecta quÆdam capita, 48
Laire (Franciscus Xavier). Specimen Hist. Typog. Rom., 62
Dissertation sur l'Imprimerie en Franche ComtÉ, 62
Index Libror. ab invent, typog. ad ann. 1500, 62, 84
Lambecius (Pierre). Commentarii de Bibl. CÆsar Vindobon., 41
Lambinet (P.). Recherches, &c., sur l'Origine de l'Imprimerie, &c., 24, 68

Laneham (Robert). Letter of the Entertainment given to Q. Elizabeth at Killingworth Castle, 266, 267
Latimer (Hugh), Archbishop of Canterbury. Sermons, 230, 231
Leibnitz (Godfrey William De). Idea BibliothecÆ PubliÆ, &c., 50
Scriptores Rerum Brunsvicensium, ib.
Leland (John). Collectanea, 150, 200, 244
De Scriptoribus Britannicis, 175
Itinerarium, 193
Le Long (Jacques). Bibliotheca Sacra, 49
BibliothÈque Historique de la France, 49
Lewin. Birds of Great Britain, 445
Lewis (Rev. John). Upon English Bibles, 248
Life off the 70 Archbishop of Canterbury, &c., 258
Lipenius (Martin). Biblioth. Theol. Med. Philos. Jurid., 43
Lipsius (Justus). Syntagma de Bibliothecis, 34
Lloyd (David). Memoirs of the Sufferers, 297
Lomeier (John). De Bibliothecis liber singularis, 40, 113, 167
Lupset (Thomas). Exhortacion to yonge men, 227
Macdiarmid (John). Lives of British Statesmen, 222, 256
Mackenzie (George), M.D. Scottish Writers, 196
Maichelius (Daniel). De PrÆcip. Bibl. Paris, 38, 529
Maittaire (Michael). Annales Typographici, 47, 325, 362
Historia Stephanorum, &c., 47
Historia Typographor. aliquot. Parisiens, 47
Marchand (Prosper). Dict. Historique, ou MÉmoires Critiques, &c., 45, 55, 223, 551
Histoire de l'Imprimerie, 55, 56
Marie Magdalene. Life and Repentance of, 448
Marville. Melanges d'Histoire et de Literature, 490
Masters (Robert). Life of Thomas Baker, 341, 347
Maunsell (Andrew). Catalogue of English Books, 280
Mazzuchelli (Giovanni Maria). Gli Scrittori d'Italia, &c., 60
Meerman (Gerard). Origines TypographicÆ, 57
Memoires de l'Institut National, 25, 32, 42, 50, 526
Memoirs (Old and New) of Literature, 16
Mercier de St. Leger. Supplement Á l'Histoire de l'Imprimerie par Marchand, 61
His bibliographical character, ib.
Catalogue of his books, 88
Middleton (Rev. Conyer), D.D. Dissertation upon the Origin of the Art of Printing, 52
Momoro (Antoine FranÇois). TraitÉ Elementaire de l'Imprimerie, 529
Monstrelet (Enguerand De). Chronicles of, translated by Mr. Johnes, 154
Monthly Mirror, 17
Monthly Review, 16
More (Sir Thomas). Utopia, 220, 228, 301
Mores (Edward Rowe). Of English Founders and Founderies, 501, 528
Morhof (Daniel George). Polyhistor. Literarius, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40,


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