429, 549
Rymeri (Thomas). Foedera, 15, 190
Sandford (Francis). Genealogical History, 492
Savile (Sir Henry). Scriptores post Bedam, 244
Saxius (Christopher). Onomasticon Literarium, 43, 62
Schelhorn (J.G.) Amoenitates LiterariÆ, &c., 48, 528, 529
Amoenitates Hist. Ecclesiast. et Lit., 48
Schoepflin (John Daniel). VindicÆ TypographicÆ, 58
Scholtzius. Icones Bibliopolorum et Typographorum, 48
Thesaurus Symbolorum et ac Emblematum, ib.
Schottus (Andreas). De Bibl. et claris. Hisp. Viris, 35
Scott (Reginald). Discovery of Witchcraft, 492
Scott (Walter). Hunting Song, 130
Marmion, 461
Lady of the Lake, 157
Edition of Dryden's Works, 181, 323
Edition of the Somers Tracts, 549
Seemiller (Sebastian). Bibl. Ingolstad. Incunab. Typog., 63
Seiz (John Christopher). Annus Tertius SÆcular. Inv. Hist. Typog., 47, 48
Senebier (Jean). Catalogue des MSS. de GenÈve, 36, 81
Serna Santander. Catalogue des Livres de, 42, 45, 94
Diction. Bibliogr. Choisi du XV. Siecle, 67, 161
Sevin Seages, The, 448
Shakspeare. Edit. 1803, 225, 523
Early editions of in Wright's collection, 402
in Smyth's ditto, 403
in Farmer's ditto, 425
in Steevens's ditto, 430-436
Steevens's own edition of, 427
The edition of 1803, ib.
Portrait of, 428
Ritson's manuscript notes relating to, 448
Reed's collection of tracts relating to, 455
Ship of Fools, 206, 424, 486
Skelton (John). Works of, Martin's set of, 386
Wright's ditto, 401
Pearson's ditto, 405
Steevens's ditto, 429
Woodhouse's ditto, 445
Smith (John). Printer's Grammar, 529
Snelling (Thomas). Works upon the Coinage, 399
Speculum Christiani, 169
Chauncy's copy of, 416
Mason's copy of, 420
Speed (John). Hist. of Great Britain, 233
Spizelius (Theophilus). Infelix Literatus, 26, 122, 547
Stapleton (Thomas). Translation of Bede's Ecclesiastical History, 168
Counterblast to Horne's Vayne Blaste, 215
Stowe (John). Chronicle, or Annals, 166, 167, 200, 217, 305
Struvius (Gottlieb). Bibliotheca Librorum Rariorum, 50
Bibliotheca Historica, ib.
cura Meusel, ib.
Bibliotheca Hist. Selecta, 51
Bibliotheca Saxonica, ib.
Strype (Rev. John). Life of Cranmer, 222, 229, 232, 248, 249, 304
Ecclesiastical Memorials, 229, 230, 232
Annals of the Reformation, 238
Life of Parker, 246, 256, 259
Stubbes (Philip). Anatomy of Abuses, 279, 654
Supplicacion of Beggars, 228
Tanner (Thomas, Bishop of St. Asaph). Edition of Wood's AthenÆ Oxonienses, 46
Bibliotheca Britan. Hibernica, 52, 181, 190, 192
Teisser (Anthony). Bibliotheca Bibliothecarum, 41
Terentianus (Maurus). Dr. Askew's copy of, 391
Tewrdanckhs. A book so called, 65, 390
Dr. Askew's copy of—upon vellum, 390
Tutet's copy of, 400
Thomson (James). Winter, 105;
Autumn, 481
Tiraboschi (Girolamo). Letteratura Italiana, 61
Toderini (Giambatista). Letteratura Turchesca, 60
Todd (Rev. Henry John). Illustrations of Gower and Chaucer, 15, 242, 246, 320
Treatise of Treasons, 236
Trefler (Florian). Disposition des Livres dans une BibliothÉque, 32
Troie, Recueil of the Histories of, 446
Turner (Mr. Sharon). History of the Anglo Saxons, 170
Tusser (Thomas). Five Hundred Points of good Husbandry, 529
Twyne (Bryan). Antiquit. Acad. Oxon., 179, 181
Tyndale (William). The Practice of Popishe Prelates, 176, 226
Tyrrel (Sir James). Hist. of England. Daly's copy of, 414
Universal Historical BibliothÉque, 16
Vallans. Tale of Two Swannes, 256
Valois. Discours sur les BibliothÉques Publiques, 54
Van Praet (Joseph), 68
Virgilii Opera (1470), upon vellum; do. (1472); do., 417
Vita et Processus, &c., ThomÆ À Becket, 177
Vives (Ludovicus). Instruction of a Christian Woman, 152, 283
Vogler. Universalis in notit. cuj. generis bonor. Scriptor. introd., 43
Vogt (John). Catalogus Librorum Rariorum, 31, 32, 33, 35, 56, 161, 522
Walks in Powles, 278
Walton (Izaak). Complete Angler, 9, 125, 126, 500
Warton (Joseph). Hist. Engl. Poetry, 118, 175, 178, 179, 186, 187, 194, 204, 226, 241, 425
Wasse. Bibliotheca Literaria, 51
Watson. History of the Art of Printing, 52
Webbe (William). Discourse of English Poetrie, 404, 430
Weekly Memorials for the Ingenious, 16
Wendler (John Christian). Dissertatio de var. raritat. libror. impress. causis, 55
Werburge (St.). Life of. Martin's copy of, 385
Pearson's do., 405
Woodhouse's do., 446
Wharton (Henry). Anglia Sacra, 171
Withers (George). Emblems, 305
Wolfius (John Christian). Monumenta Typographica, 48
Bibl. Aprosiana, 123
Wolfius (John). Lectiones Memorabiles, &c., 110, 125
Wordsworth (Rev. Christopher, D.D.). Ecclesiastical Biography, 221, 227, 239, 290
Works of the Learned, 16
Wood (Anthony). AthenÆ Oxonienses, 46, 51
Hist. and Antiq. of the Colleges and Halls of Oxford, 192, 235
Annals of the University of Oxford, 46, 179, 181, 187, 192, 193, 278, 315
Wurdtwein (Stephen Alexander). Bibliotheca Moguntina, 64
Ximenes (Cardinal Francis). Bibl. Polyglot. Complut., 160, 407
Missale Mozarabicum, 160
Breviarum Mozarabicum, ib.
Zapf (George William). Annales Typog. Augustan., 48