
Boldface figure indicates main reference of item

Abercrombie, 195
Absaroke Indians (see Indians, Hidatsa)
Accommodations, xviii
Acton Hall, 188
Agrarian revolt against Eastern capitalism, 4, 51-53, 55-56;
agricultural belts, 60;
agricultural experiments, 140;
among Indians, 25-26;
bonanza farming, 59, 62-63, 134, 185, 193, 197, 249, 278, 308;
cattle, 67, 272, 328;
dairying, 293;
experiment stations, 235, 291, 296, 312;
expositions, 70-71, 273;
farm ownership, 63;
farm produce, 129;
farms, size of, 59, 60, 63;
first white agricultural community in State, 60, 186;
flax, 65;
grain marketing, 73, 74;
grain production, 65, 66;
hogs, 66-67;
homesteading, 60-61, 64;
miscellaneous agricultural products, 65-68;
potatoes, 65-66, 188, 189, 191, 221;
poultry, 67-68, 211, 221, 254;
ranching, 64, 65, 224, 225-26, 254, 275, 298, 299-300, 318, 323, 330;
rural life, 69-71;
rural population, 60;
seed, 118;
sheep, 67;
soil conservation, 11, 59, 68;
sugar beets, 66, 188, 220;
wheat, 65
Agriculture and Farm Life, 59-71
Airports, xviii, 98
Bismarck, 111;
Dawson, 286;
Dickinson, 296;
Fargo, 126, 194;
Grand Forks, 145;
Minot, 158;
Pembina, 187
Akra, 234
Alexander, 220
Alice, 279
Alkabo, 12
Allen, J. D., Taxidermist Shop, 291
Allin, Roger, 52, 145, 201, 281
Altamont Moraine, 6, 256, 276, 285, 287
Ambrose, 219
American Fur Company, 39, 269, 270, 271, 319, 336
American Legion, 93
Amidon, 12, 223
Amlie, Thomas R., 309
Amphion Male Chorus, 130, 143
Anamoose, 273
Anderson, Maxwell, 155, 283
Angelus Bell (Walhalla), 245
Anson Northrup (steamer), 196
Antelope, 294
Archeological Sites, 169, 210, 213, 216, 217, 227, 231, 248, 288, 304, 305, 310, 314, 319, 334, 335, 336
Archeology, 16-17, 282
Architecture, 102-5
Rammed earth construction, 104, 324
Ardoch, 189
Argusville, 194
Arikara (see Indians)
Armstrong, Moses, 46, 47, 49
Arnegard, 179, 221
Arrowood Migratory Refuge, 205
Artesian Wells, 11
Arvilla, 248
Arvilla Academy, 248
Arvold, A. G., 139
Ashley, 286
Ashtabula, 281
Assiniboin (see Indians)
Assiniboine Island, 289
Assumption Abbey (Richardton), 294
Auburn, 188
Audubon, John James, 39
Babcock, E. J., 75, 156, 295
Bacon, J. D., 150
Badlands, 6, 174-78, 222, 297, 323, 329, 330
Badlands, battle of, 43
Bagg, F. E., Farm, 197
Balfour, 274
Bank of North Dakota (Bismarck), 55-56, 125
Bankside Theatre (Grand Forks), 157
Bantry, 254
Barlow, 205
Barnard, Alonzo, 99
Bathgate, 233
Bartlett, 250
Baukol-Noonan Lignite Strip Mine (Noonan), 242
Beach, 303
Beadle, W. H. H., 90
Bear Den Hillock, 304
Beaver Creek Store, 212
Belcourt, 236
Belcourt, George Antoine, 88, 92, 236, 238, 245
Belden, 215
Belfield, 222, 296
Belknap, William W., 116
Belmont, 192
Benson County Agricultural School, 91
Bentonite, 3, 12, 295
Berthold, 255
Berwick, 253
Beulah, 320
Bicknell, Thomas W., 229
Bierens, G. C., 199
Big Butte, legend of, 241
Big Game Hunting, 322
Big Mound, battle of, 42, 285-86
Big White's Mandan Village, 336
Binford, 311
Birch Creek Historic Site, 303
Bird-banding Stations, 199, 209
Bird Island Game Reserve, 311
Bird Woman (see Sakakawea)
Birdzell, L. E., 54
Birkbough, Elias Konrad, 79
Bismarck, 111-26
Map, 112;
miscellaneous references, 48, 49, 209, 289
Bismarck Capital (newspaper), 118
Bismarck-Deadwood Trail, 232
Bismarck Sun (newspaper), 116
Bismarck Tribune (newspaper), 99, 115, 116, 118
Bison (see Buffalo)
Black Building (Fargo), 140
Black Butte, 6, 9, 224
Legend of, 224-25
Black Cat's Village, 336
Black Hills Expedition, 97, 323
Black Hills Gold Rush, 116
Black, "Mustache" Maude, 317
Blaisdell, 256
Bliss, Col. Paul S., 324
Blue Buttes, 259
Bodmer, Carl, 39
Bohemians, 83
Bolley, H. L., 140
Bonanza Farms (see Agriculture)
Bonza, Pierre, 38, 186
Bottineau, 238
Bottineau, Pierre, 43, 238, 310
Boulder Rings, 17
Bowbells, 276
Bowen, A. C., 54
Bowesmont, 187
Bowman, 225, 326
Boyce, W. D., 305
Boy Scout Building and Park (Lisbon), 305
Boy Scout Camps, 216, 240, 263, 265
Boyer, Alden Scott, 325
Breien, 313
Briggs, Frank, 52
Brinsmade, 204
Bruce, Andrew, 53
Bruflat Academy (Portland), 201
Brushy Banks, 323
Buchanan, 205
Bucyrus, 325
Bones, 73, 324;
hunts, 186, 246-47, 273;
last hunt in State, 323-24;
parks, 189, 232;
miscellaneous references, 197, 233, 244, 268, 68, 69, 189, 254, 268, 275, 276, 285, 286, 311
Constitutional Convention,

Contemporary North Dakota, 3-4
Cooke, Jay, & Co., 44
Cooperatives, 4, 74, 201, 215, 240, 262, 273
Cooperstown, 309
Corliss, Guy C. H., 50
Coteau des Prairies, 5
Coteau du Plateau du Missouri, 6, 219
County Seat Controversies, 46-47, 162, 193, 200, 273, 306, 309
Court, Ignatius, 266, 268
Adams County (Hettinger), 325;
Barnes County (Valley City), 281;
Burleigh County (Bismarck), 124;
Emmons County
(Linton), 210;
Grand Forks County (Grand Forks), 152;
Hettinger County (Mott), 230;
McIntosh County (Ashley), 287;
Mountrail County (Stanley), 256;
Richland County (Wahpeton), 198;
Ward County (Minot), 164-65
Crawford, Lewis, 40, 53
Crazy Man's Coulee, 262
Cream of Wheat, 150, 250
Andrews, 330;
Apple, 288;
Ash Coulee, 330;
Bald Hill, 308;
Beicegel, 331;
Burnt, 217, 337;
Chaloner, 178;
Charlie Bob, 332;
Cherry, 332;
Douglas, 335;
Elk, 332;
Garrison, 211, 334;
Government, 180, 330;
Hans, 333;
Hay, 327;
Hidden Wood (Flat), 323;
Knutson, 330;
Jim's, 332;
Jones, 180;
Juel, 180, 330;
Little Beaver, 8, 327;
Little Muddy, 220, 259;
Magpie, 331;
Oak, 238;
Paddock, 180, 330;
Redwing, 331;
Sheep, 330;
Snake, 335;
Spring, 319;
Square Butte, 318, 337;
Squaw, 179;
Stony, 259;
Thirty Mile, 230;
Tobacco Garden, 258, 332;
Wannagan, 330
Creel City, 250
Creel's Bay, 264
Crosby, 243
Crow Flies High Butte, 257
Crow Indians, 213, 214
Crucifix, 188
Crystal Springs, 285
Crystal Springs Stock Farm, 249
Cummings, 192
Cusac Springs Farm, 259
Custer, Gen. Geo. A., 42, 44-46, 97, 116, 144, 171-72, 266, 294, 296
Custer Black Hills Expedition, 97, 323
Custer Hill, 296
Custer, Tom, 171, 316
Custer Trail Ranch, 301
Customs Regulations, xviii
Czechs, 189, 313
Dakota Freie Presse (newspaper), 118
Dakota, meaning of, 36
Dakota State Journal (newspaper), 164
Dakota Territory
Creation, 35;
government, 46-48;
size, 46-47
Dalrymple Bonanza Farm, 62, 278
Danes, 78, 83
Danzig, 286
Davis, Hannah E., 154
Dawson, 286
Dazey, 308
Dead Man's Gulch, 321
Deapolis, 336
Democratic Party, 51-52, 53, 57
de Mores, Marquis, 74, 117, 298, 299, 300-1
de Mores State Park, 300-1
de Mores Storage Plant (Bismarck), 125
Denbigh Reforestation Project, 254
Densmore, Frances, 22
de Remer, Joseph Bell, 119
Der Staats Anzeiger (newspaper), 118
Des Lacs, 255
Des Lacs Lake Migratory Waterfowl Project, 276
Des Lacs River, 272
De Smet, J. P., 292, 312
Devil's Ears, 268
Devil's Heart, 265
Devils Lake, 6, 204, 250, 263, 264
Devils Lake (city), 250-51, 263
Devil's Tooth, 268
Devine, Joseph M., 52
DeVolne Flats (Fargo), 142
Dewitt Spring, 243
Diamond C Ranch, 321
Dickinson, 11, 295
Dickinson Fire and Pressed Brick Company, 296
Dickinson State Normal School, 296
Dickinson Sub-station, 296
Dodge, 320
Dog Tooth Buttes, 232
Donnybrook, 275
Dovre Moraine, 310
Dovre Ski Slide (Fargo), 143
Doyon, 250
Drake, 273
Drayton, 188
Drift Prairie, 5-6, 10, 233, 248, 276
Driscoll, 287
Dude Ranch, 301
Dunkers (Dunkards), 93, 203
Dunn Center, 321
Dunseith, 237
Dutch, 78, 83, 210
Dwight, 197
Eagle Pits, 224
Eagle Rock, 322
Eaton Dam, 254
Eaton, Howard, Ranch, 301, 331
Eckelson, 282
Edgeley, 206
Edmunds, 205
Edmunds, Newton, 47
Education (see Schools)
Edwinton, 114
Eielson, Carl Ben, 79, 202
Elbowoods, 214, 334
Eldridge, 285
Elephant's Pass, 322
Elgin, 230
Elkhorn Ranch, site of, 330
Elk River, 10
Elk River Valley Farm, 249
Ellendale, 206
Elmer, O. H., 133
Enabling Act, 49, 89
Epping, 259
Epping-Springbrook Dam, 259
Equity Exchange, 53-54
Expansion, 334
Fairmount, 199
Fancher, Frederick B., 52
Fargo, 126-44
Map, 127;
miscellaneous references, 48, 194, 278
Fargo, William G., 131, 136
Fargo College, 143
Fargo Express (newspaper), 99, 136
Fargo Forum (newspaper), 99, 136
Faribault, Alexander, 197
Farmers' Alliance, 51-52
Farming (see Agriculture)
Farmers' Union, 4, 163, 262
Far West (steamer), 45, 115, 172
Father Genin Mission House, 134
Fauna, 12, 14-15, 177
Federal Buildings
Bismarck, 125;
Fargo, 141;
Grand Forks, 151
Fessenden, 273
Finns, 83, 215, 230, 307
First White Child Born in State, 38, 186
Fishing, xviii-xix, 106, 263, 265
Fisk, Capt. James L., Expeditions, 43, 273, 281, 310, 326
"Five Thousands", 291
Five Villages, 319
Fjelde, Jacob, 198
Fjelde, Paul, 79, 201, 281
Flasher, 232
Flat Top Butte, battle of, 302
Flaxton, 276
"Flickertail State", 15
Flint Quarries, 16, 294
Flora and Fauna, xviii-xix, 12-15, 176-77
Foley, James W., 118, 173
Folklore, 84-87
Holiday observances, 84-41, 191, 248
Grand Forks County Farm and Hospital (Arvilla), 248
Grand Forks Herald (newspaper), 100, 150, 151
Grand Forks Plaindealer (newspaper),

100, 150
Grand Forks Silver Fox Farm, 190
Grandin, 193
Grandin Bonanza Farm, 193-94
Grandmother's Lodge, site of, 213, 334
Grand Rapids, 306
Grant, President U. S., 48, 117, 144
Granville, 254
Grass, John, 324
"Grasshoppering", 333
Grassy Butte, 222
Gray, Mrs. W. H., 209
Great Northern Railway, 44, 97, 135, 147, 150, 160, 163, 220, 226, 261, 274
Great Northern Railway High Trestle, 255
Grenora, 12, 226
Griggs, Alexander, 40-41, 148, 149
Grinnell, George, 260-61
Grinnell, Josephine, 260-61
Gronna, A. J., 55, 191
Gros Ventres (see Indians, Hidatsa)
H T Butte, 224
Hagan, John, 56
Hagedorn, Herman, 174
Hague, 211
Hair Hills (see Pembina Mountains)
Half-breeds, 84, 245-47, 273, 308
Half Moon Indian Village Site, 216
Halliday, 321
Hallson, 234
Hamilton, 188, 233
Hancock, John M., 158
Hankinson, 199
Hanks, 225
Hanna, L. B., 53, 318
Hannaford, 308
Hansboro, 203
Hansbrough, Henry C., 50, 203
Harvey, 273
Harwood, 194
Hastings, 304
Hatton, 201-2
Havelock, 229
Hawksnest, 272
Haymow Theater (Langdon), 235
Haynes, 324
Hazelton, 210
Hazen, 319
Headquarters Hotel, site of (Fargo), 144
Heart Butte, 231
Heart River, 17, 18, 169, 231, 290, 291
Hebron, 293
Hebron Brick Plant, 293
Hector Airport (Fargo), 194
Heerman, Capt. Edward, 251
Height of Land, 6, 207, 303, 307
Hell's Hole, 180
Henry, Alexander, Jr., 37-38, 60, 147, 186
Site of trading post, 245
Hensel, 234
Herman Beach, 279
Hersey, H. T., 249
Hettinger, 325
Hickson, 195
Hidatsa (see Indians)
Highlanders' Frolic, 238
Hi-Line Bridge, 281
Hill, James J., 44, 97, 148, 150, 192, 193, 249, 259
Hillsboro, 193
Historic Sites (see by name)
History, 35-58
Early history, 35;
exploration, 36;
settlement, 39;
military posts, 41;
Indian wars, 41-46;
army and railway surveys, 43;
territorial era, 46-49;
admission to Union, 49;
early statehood, 49-53;
rise of Nonpartisan League, 51-55;
recent events, 56-58
Hoffman, Nicholas, 148
Holding Eagle Farm, 212
Hollanders, 78, 83, 210
Holmes, D. M., 150
Holy Hill of the Mandans, 314
Homesteading, 60-61, 64
Hoople, 189
Hope, 309
Houston, D. H., Farm, 279
Hudson's Bay Company, 37, 39, 135, 149, 152, 186, 192, 200, 233, 246
Huff, 292
Hull, 211
Hungry Gulch, 258
Hunt, Jerome, 266, 268, 269
Hunting, XIX, 106-7, 203, 315
Big game, 322
I. O. O. F. Home (Devils Lake), 251
Icelanders, 83, 234-35
Immigration, 78
"Imperial" Ward County, 162
Independent Voters Association, 55, 56, 57
Indian Agencies
Fort Totten, 31-34, 265-69;
Standing Rock, 32-34, 312, 314-17, 323;
(see also Indian Reservations)
Indian Earth Lodges, 26-27, 113, 123, 169-70
Indian Fairs, 34, 107, 237, 315, 316
Indian Handicraft, 267
Indian Legends, 22-23, 28-30, 177, 213, 214, 216, 227, 264, 265, 268, 272, 282, 290, 292, 294, 302, 304, 305, 311, 314-15, 316, 322, 334, 335
Indian Linguistic Stocks, 20
Indian Musical Instruments, 267
Indian, Reservations
Fort Berthold, 32-34, 211-15, 332;
Turtle Mountain, 32-34, 236-37;
Sisseton, 200;
(see also Indian Agencies)
Indian Resettlement Tract, 267
Agricultural tribes, 18, 20-27;
Arikara, 18, 19, 20, 23, 30, 34, 212, 213, 216, 319, 335, 336;
as racial group, 84;
Assiniboin, 16, 19, 31, 36;
Cheyenne, 16, 18, 19, 20, 30, 204, 305, 306;
Chippewa, 19, 20, 23, 29, 31, 34, 197, 233, 237, 246, 250, 252, 267;
Crow, 213, 214;
Hidatsa, 19-20, 21, 30, 32-34, 38, 212, 214, 216, 319, 334, 335;
Mandan, 17-27, 30, 32-34, 36-38, 95, 102, 169, 212, 213, 216, 288, 292, 319, 335, 336;
Messiah craze, 315;
Sioux, 16, 19, 23-24, 27-29, 30, 31, 34, 95, 303, 307
Lake George Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, 285
Lake Region Ski Slide, 266
Lake Souris, 10, 207, 233, 244, 248, 253, 276
Lake Superior and Puget Sound Company, 114, 131, 133
Ardoch, 189;
Arrowood, 205;
Beaver, 286;
Carpenter, 256;
Court, 268;
Crystal Springs, 285;
Des Lacs, 276;
Devils, 6, 204, 250, 263, 264;
Fertile Valley No. 2, 226;
George, 285;
Green, 286;
Gravel, 236;
Hiawatha, 272;
Hoskins, 286;
Ibsen, 252;
Isabel, 286;
Jessie, 263;
Jessie (Binford), 310;
Lac Aux Mortes, 204;
Long, 209;
Long (Turtle Mountains), 236;
McKone, 12;
Metigoshe, 240;
Miller, 12;
Minnekosh, 259;
North, 12;
Oak, 236;

Pesheck, 221;
Pleasant, 252;
Pursian, 287;
Red Willow, 311;
Regent, 229;
Rock, 203;
Salt, 285;
Sibley, 310;
Snyder, 203;
Spiritwood, 282;
Stump, 6, 311;
Sweetwater, 251;
Upsilon, 236;
Wildwood, 216, 337;
Wood, 265
Lakewood Park, 264
Lakota, 250
LaMoure, 306
LaMoure, Judson, 51, 306
Langdon, 235
Langer, William, 55, 57, 58, 80, 278
Laramie Treaty, 292
Larimore, 249
Larpenteur, Charles, 271
Larson, 242
Larson Indian Village Site, 216
la Salle, Sieur de, 35
Leader (newspaper), 118
Leeds, 252
Lehigh, 295
Lehigh Briquetting Plant, 295
Leith, 231
Lemke, William, 56
Le Page, Baptiste, 329
le Raye, Charles, 39, 320
Leroy, 246
Lewis and Clark Bridge, 220
Lewis and Clark Expedition, 30, 38-39, 114, 122, 208, 215, 260, 319, 330, 335, 336
Lewis, Sinclair, Farm, 189
Liberty Memorial Bridge, 289, 337
Liberty Memorial Building (Bismarck), 121
Libraries, 69, 91
Alfred Dickey Memorial (Jamestown), 284;
Bismarck Public, 124;
Carrington Municipal, 205;
first in State, 91;
James Memorial (Williston), 259;
Leach (Wahpeton), 198;
Minot Public, 165;
Tofthagen Library and Museum (Lakota), 250
Lien, O. W., 143
Lignite (town), 241
Lignite (see Mineral Resources)
Lilac Hedge Farm (Grand Forks), 150
Lindberg, N. P., 253
Linton, 210
Liquor, control of, 57, 58
Lisa, Manuel, 39, 334, 335
Lisbon, 305
Literature, 4
Little Badlands, 220
Little Beaver Dome, 328
Little Big Horn, campaign of, 30-31, 44-46, 115, 172, 292, 315
Little Country Theater (Fargo), 131, 139
Little Heart Butte, 313
Little Missouri, site of, 301
Little Missouri River (see Rivers)
Grand Canyon of, 179, 331
Little Muddy, 260
Logging Camp, site of, 224
Lonetree, 162, 255
Long, Maj. Stephen H., Military Expedition, 199
Long Turkey Ranch, 254
Looking Village, 217, 337
Lookout Point, 245, 325
Loon, August, 148
Louisiana Lottery, 51, 205
Louisiana Purchase, 35
Lounsberry, Col. C. A., 45, 99, 115, 173, 286
Lower Souris Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, 240
Ludden, 307
Maddock, Walter, 56
Malo, John, 236
Maltese Cross Ranch, 123, 299
Mandan, 290-91, 312
Mandan Indians (see Indians)
Manitou, 257
Mannhaven, 335
Manuel Rock, 334
Manvel, 189
Mapes, 250
Maple River, 278
Mapleton, 278
Marmarth, 8, 12, 327
Marsh, Grant, 40, 45, 115, 172, 333
Martin, 273
Marty, Martin, 296
"Martyrs of St. Joe", 245
Masonic Grand Lodge Museum (Fargo), 142
Masons' Island, 240
Matoti, 304
Matthews, Robert, 260, 262
Mauvaise Coulee, 251
Max, 208
Mayville, 200
Mayville State Teachers College, 201
Maza, 204
McCanna, 249
McCanna Farm, 249
McCumber, P. J., 53, 199
McKenzie, 288
McKenzie, Alexander, 51, 113, 124, 126, 220, 288, 305
McLaughlin, Maj. James, 312, 323
McPhail's Butte Historic Site, 285
Meat Packing, 74, 190, 278, 290
Medicine Butte, 231
Medicine Hill, 320
Medicine Hole, 322
Medicine Lodge Hill, 262
Medicine Lodge Spring, 262
Medina, 285
Medora, 297-300, 330
Medora-Deadwood Stage Line, 298-99
Melville, 205
Menoken, 288
Merrifield, Webster, 52, 155, 235
Messiah Craze, 315
Metis, 84, 245-47, 273, 308
Mexicans, 66, 84, 220
Michigan City, 250
Midland Continental Railroad, 283
Miles, Gen. Nelson A., 144, 315
Miller, Edgar, 120
Miller, John, 49, 197
Mills, Walter Thomas, 54
Miner, Hazel, Memorial, 318
Mineral Resources
Bentonite, 9, 12, 295;
cement, 235;
clay, 9, 11, 293, 296;
fuller's earth, 235;
lignite, 8, 9, 11, 73, 75, 118, 160, 164, 208, 209, 211, 228, 230, 242, 248, 274, 275, 295, 318, 319-20, 326;
natural gas, 241, 328;
oil, 12, 258, 328;
sodium sulphate, 12, 76, 226, 256;
others, 12;
(see also Industry and Labor)
Minnesota Massacre, 30, 42, 196, 206
Minnewaukan, 204, 251
Minnie H (steamer), 251
Minitari (see Indians, Hidatsa)
Minot, 158-65
Map, 159;
miscellaneous references, 207, 255, 274
Minot Daily News (newspaper), 164
Minot, Henry D., 160
Minot Optic Reporter (newspaper), 164
Minot Rustler-Tribune (newspaper), 161, 164
Minot State Teachers College, 164
Minto, 189
Missionaries, 88, 92, 187, 197, 245, 265, 266, 268, 292
Missouri Escarpment, 6, 8
Missouri Fur Company, 335
Missouri Plateau, 6, 8, 233, 248, 259, 285
Missouri River (see Rivers)
Missouri River Diversion Project, 251, 264
Missouri Slope, 6, 9, 219, 228, 292, 318
Mix, Tom, 300
Moffit, 209
Mohall, 240
Mohammedans, 93, 256-57
Montana-Dakota Power Plant, 242
Montrose, Archibald, 194
Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War Memorial (Minot), 165;
David Thompson Memorial (Verendrye), 274;
de Mores, Marquis, 300;
Gange, Rolf (Fargo), 284;
City (Larimore), 249;
City (Valley City), 281;
Crosby City Recreation, 243;
Crowley Flint Quarry, 294;

de Mores, 300-1;
Double Ditch Indian Village, 217, 337;
Doyle Memorial, 286;
Ellery (Rugby), 253;
El Zagal (Fargo), 143;
Fort Abercrombie, 197;
Fort Abraham Lincoln, 169-73, 291;
Fort Buford, 270;
Fort Clark, 319;
Fort Dilts, 326-27;
Fort Mandan, 208;
Fort Rice, 292;
Fort Seward, 284;
Harmon Field (Williston), 262;
Homer, 285;
Huff Indian Village, 18, 292;
International Peace Garden, 236, 238;
Island (Fargo), 142;
Island (Mayville), 201;
Klaus (Jamestown), 284;
Lake Metigoshe, 240;
LaMoure County Memorial, 307;
Lincoln (Grand Forks), 153;
Masonic (Pembina), 187;
Mouse River, 241;
Nickeus (Jamestown), 284;
Oak (Minot), 165;
Oak Grove (Fargo), 143;
Pembina, 187;
Pioneer (Bismarck), 217;
Pioneer (Valley City), 281;
Railroad (Mayville), 201;
Recreation (Williston), 262;
Rocky Butte (Dickinson), 296;
Roosevelt (Devils Lake), 251;
Roosevelt (Minot), 165;
Roosevelt Regional, 173-81, 297, 330, 331;
Sandager (Lisbon), 305;
Seeman's (Linton), 210;
Sheyenne River, 195;
Sibley Island, 289;
St. Claude, 236;
Streeter Memorial, 285;
Strong Memorial, 306;
Sully's Hill National Game Preserve, 14, 15, 268;
Tourist (Hazen), 319;
Turtle River, 248;
University (Grand Forks), 153, Verendrye, 288;
Verendrye National Monument, 257;
Walhalla, 245, Washington Memorial (Hazen), 319;
Westlawn (Williston), 262;
Whitestone Hill Battlefield, 206;
Woodland (Hillsboro), 193;
Writing Rock, 227
Paul Wilhelm, Prince of Wurttemberg, 39, 122
Peaceful Valley Ranch, 180, 330
Pembina, 13, 37-38, 39, 60, 72, 88, 92, 95, 185-87
Pembina Buffalo Hunts, 186, 246-47
Pembina Escarpment, 5, 244
Pembina Mountains, 5, 8, 15, 37, 234, 244
Pembina River, 10, 14, 244
Petersburg, 250
Petites Isles Aux Mortes, 252
Petrified Forests, 179, 181, 331
Pierce, Gilbert, 50
Pingree, 205
Pioneer Scout (newspaper), 99
Pipestem River, 272, 284
Pirates of the Missouri, 116
Plants, poisonous, xix
Pleasant Lake (town), 252
Plummer, Col. W. C., 193
Point Pleasant, 114
Poles, 189
Farm, 60;
foreign born, 78;
in 1879, 44;
in 1930, 57
Populist Party, 51, 52
Portal, 276
Portland, 201
Prairie-dog Villages, 15, 177, 180
Prairie Fires, 205, 239
Prairie Sphinx Butte, 325
Prayer Rock, 231
Press and Radio, 99-101
Price, 337
ProcÈs Verbal, 35
Proctor, A. Phimister, 165
Progressive Republicans, 53
Public Health, 94
Quarries, 294, 320
Rabbit's Ears, 224
Racial Groups, 78-85
Bohemians, 83;
Canadians, 82, 187, 195;
Czechs, 189, 313;
Danes, 78;
Finns, 83, 215, 230, 307;
French Canadians, 82, 187, 195;
French Indians (Metis), 84, 245-47, 273, 308;
Germans, 80-82, 118, 273;
Hollanders, 210;
Icelanders, 83, 234-35;
Metis (see above, French Indians);
Mexicans, 66, 84, 220;
Norwegians, 78-80, 137, 151, 308;
Poles, 189;
Russo-Germans, 80-81, 118, 208, 210, 230, 232, 253, 285, 286, 293, 294, 296;
Scotch, 238, Scandinavians, 229, 252, 255, 273;
Swedes, 78, 83;
Syrians, 84, 256-57;
Ukrainians, 83, 209, 222;
others, 83-84
Racial Groups and Folklore, 78-87
Radio, 100, 118, 152, 156, 164, 251, 280, 284, 288, 291;
(see also Press and Radio)
Railroads, 40, 88, 96, 97;
(see also by name)
Rainfall, 59
Rain-in-the-Face, 171, 312, 316, 324
Rainy Buttes, 228
Raleigh, 232
Rammed Earth Construction, 104, 324
Ramstad, Erik, 160, 164
Ranching (see Agriculture)
Ray, 257
Recall of Elective Officers, 55-56
Recreation, 106-8, 277
Recreational Areas, xviii
Red River of the North, 40, 96, 135, 147, 197
Steamboating on, 135, 148, 188, 192
Red River Oxcart (see Transportation)
Red River Valley, 5, 10, 13, 15, 128, 185, 233, 248
Red River Valley Citizen (newspaper), 151
Ree, 334
Reeder, 325
Reeves, Bud, 191, 201
Regent, 229
Religion, 91-93, 117-18, 187, 283
Religious Sects
Baptist, 92;
Dunkard, 93, 203;
Episcopal, 92;
Greek Catholic, 209, 223;
Lutheran, 93;
Mennonite, 93;
Mohammedan, 93, 256-57;
Moravian, 93, 229, 279;
Presbyterian, 92;
Roman Catholic, 93
Remittance Men, 253
Reno, Maj. Marcus A., 172
Republican Party, 51-52, 54
Reynolds, 191
Reynolds, Charlie, poem about, 266
Rhame, 326
River Road, 215, 270
Richardton, 294
Beaver, 331;
Bois de Sioux, 197;
Cannonball, 8, 20, 30, 229, 313;
Des Lacs, 301
Shafer, Charles, 221
Shafer, George F., 56, 80, 221
Shanley, John, 144
Shell Butte, 180
Shell Creek, 215
Shell Deposit (Leith), 231
Shelterbelt Nursery, 254
Sheyenne, 204
Sheyenne (steamer), 135
Sheyenne River (see Rivers)
Shortridge, Eli C. D., 52, 123
Sibley, Gen. Henry H., expedition against Sioux, 30, 42, 195, 272, 280, 281, 285, 289, 303, 304, 305, 308, 309, 310
Signal Rock, 322
Simpson, William, Collection, 258
Sinclair, James H., 309
Sioux (see Indians)
Sioux-Arikara Battle, site of, 208
Sioux-Chippewa Battle, site of, 194
Sisseton Indian Reservation, 200
Sisters of St. Francis, convent and academy of, 199
Sitting Bull
Grave of, 315;
miscellaneous references, 41, 46, 49, 117, 270, 292, 302, 312, 317, 324

Slade, G. L., Lodge and Game Preserve, 286
Slant Village, 169
Slaughter, Mrs. Linda, 41, 114, 115, 117
Slaughter, B. Franklin, 115
Smallpox among Indians, 30, 335
Snakes, poisonous, xix
Snow Cave, 224
Society of Equity, 53, 54
Social Legislation, 93-94
Sodium Sulphate, 226, 256
Solen, 314
Solomon's Temple, 322
Soil Conservation Service, 189
Son-of-the-Star, grave of, 212
Soo Line, 163
Sorlie, A. G., 56, 79, 152, 191
Sorlie Memorial Bridge (Grand Forks), 152
Souris River, 160, 162, 163, 233, 253
Souris River Valley, 272
South Heart, 296
South Roosevelt Regional State Park, 173-78, 180-81, 297, 330
Southwest Fargo, 278
Spanish-American War, 52
Spanish Point, 263
Spanish Woodyard, 263
Sperati Point, 179, 331
Spicer Family, murder of, 317
Spiritwood, 282
Spoilers, The (novel), 113, 305
Sports (see Recreation)
Square Butte, 302
Square Buttes, 216, 337
Squaw Creek Picnic Area, 178, 332
St. Ann, shrine of (Belcourt), 237
St. Ann's Day, 82
St. Anthony, 313
St. John, 236
St. Joseph, 99, 245
St. Mary's Cathedral (Fargo), 130
St. Michael, 268
St. Michael's Mission, 268
St. Thomas, 188
Stage Lines, 298-99
Stair, Edward D., 309
Standing Rock Indian Agency, 32-34, 312, 314-17, 323
Standing Rocks, 304, 316
Stanley, 215, 256
Stanley Expedition, 43, 171
Stanton, 319, 335
State Enterprises, 52, 54, 55, 56, 125, 190-91
State Game and Fish Reserve, 236
State Game Farm (Bottineau), 239
State Historical Society of North Dakota, 121, 169
State Historical Society Museum (Bismarck), 121
State Hospital for Insane (Jamestown), 90, 283
Statehouse, 102, 112, 118-21
State Library Commission, 121
State Mill and Elevator (Grand Forks), 55-56, 74, 147, 151, 190-91
State Mine, abandoned, 325
State Normal and Industrial School (Ellendale), 206
State Penitentiary (Bismarck), 90, 288
State Planning Board, 58
State Regulatory Department Laboratory (Bismarck), 125
State School for Blind (Bathgate), 90, 94, 233
State School for Deaf (Devils Lake), 90, 251
State School for Feeble-Minded (Grafton), 188
State School of Forestry (Bottineau), 69, 90, 239
State School of Science (Wahpeton), 90, 198
State Sanitarium (San Haven), 90, 238
State Soldiers Home (Lisbon), 305
State Training School (Mandan), 90, 291
State Welfare Board, 58
Stavens, Thorval, Farm, 201
Steamboating (see Transportation)
Steele, 287
Steele, Col. W. P., 287
Stefansson, Vilhjalmur, 155, 235
Stephenson, Stephen G., 235
Sterling, 209
Stevens, I. I., 43
Stevens, R. N., 305
Stevens Survey, 43, 273, 308, 310
Stony Point, 193
Strasburg, 210
Stump Lake, 6, 311
Sublette and Campbell 270, 271
Subsistence Homestead Project (Burlington), 274-75
Sully, Gen Alfred H., campaigns against Sioux, 30, 42-43, 175, 206, 268, 269, 274, 292, 294, 296, 302, 321
Sully's Hill National Game Preserve, 14, 15, 268
Surrey, 255
Svold, 234
Swedes, 78, 83
Sykes, Richard, 206, 272
Sykeston, 272
Syrians, 84, 256-57
Syttende Mai, 138, 151
Tagus, 256
Tanner, James, 92
Tappen, 285
Taylor, 295
Taylor, Joseph Henry, 217
Log cabin of, 208
Telegraph, 97
First in State, 149
Telephone, first use of in State, 278-79
Temvik, 210
Tepee Buttes, 229
Territorial Capital, 117
Territorial Governors, 47-48
Terry, Gen. Alfred H., 266, 304
Thompson, 191
Thompson, David, 37
Memorial, 274
Three Buttes, 232
Three Sisters, 322
Tioga, 257
Tobacco Garden Creek, skirmish at, 258
Tokio, 265
Tooker, Richard, 229
Topography, 5, 6, 277
Tower City, 280
Tower University, 50, 280
Towner, 253
Townley, A. C., 54
Traill Center, 200
Transportation, 95-98
Air lines, xvii, 98;
bus and truck lines, xvii, 98, 163;
highways, xvii;
oxcarts, 95, 185, 190, 234;
railroads, xvii, 40, 88, 96, 97 (see also by name);
steamboating: on Des Lacs Lake, 276;
on Devils Lake, 251;
on James River, 283, 306;
on Missouri, 40, 95, 114, 260, 333, 334, 337;
on Red River, 135, 148, 188, 192;
stage lines, 298-99
Triangle Apartments (Grand Forks), 152
Truax-Traer Lignite Strip Mines
Columbus, 242;
Velva, 274;
Wilton, 209
Tumuli, 16, 248, 304, 305, 310
Tunbridge, 253
Turkeys, 67-68, 211, 221, 254
Turtle Effigies, 17
Turtle Mountain Indian Reservation, 32-34, 236-37
Turtle Mountains, 12, 13, 14, 19, 233, 236
Twin Buttes, 225
Ukrainians, 83, 209, 222
Underwood, 208
University of North Dakota (Grand Forks)
History, 153-56;
description of campus, 156-57;
miscellaneous references, 49, 50, 52, 89, 94, 147, 152, 226
Upham, 240
Upper Souris Migratory Waterfowl Project, 163, 275
U. S. Biological Survey, 199, 203, 205, 209, 240, 275, 276, 285, 311
U. S. Indian School (Wahpeton), 198
U. S. Northern Great Plains Dairy Station, 312
U. S. Northern Great Plains Field Station, 291, 312
U.S. Veterans' Administration Facility, 140
U.S. Weather Bureau (Bismarck), 114, 125, [Pg 372]
[Pg 373]

Transcriber's Notes:

Simple spelling, grammar, and typographical errors were corrected.

Punctuation normalized.

Anachronistic and non-standard spellings retained as printed.


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