il. = illustrated B. = bibliography THE NATURAL SETTINGGEOGRAPHYWemett, William Marks. Geography of North Dakota. Fargo, Northern School Supply, 1929. 230 p. il. A travel sketch of North Dakota in textbook form. GEOLOGYCampbell, Marius R. Guidebook to the Western United States. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1915. 212 p. (U. S. Geological Survey, Bull. 611.) Part A, Northern Pacific Railway route, with a side trip to the Yellowstone Park. Hard, Herbert A. Soil and Geological Survey of North Dakota; with a history of Barnes County by Katherine Hard, and a chapter on flora of North Dakota by Herbert F. Bergman. Bismarck, Tribune Publishing Company, 1912. o. p. 372 p. il. Sixth biennial report of the State agricultural college geologic survey. Leonard, A. G. North Dakota Geological Survey. Bismarck, Tribune Publishing Company, 1906-27. o. p. V. 2, 3, 4, 5. Reports written and edited by the late Dr. Leonard while he was State geologist. Leonard, A. G. Bismarck Folio. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1912. 8 p. il. (U. S. Geological Survey, Geologic Atlas of the U. S., Folio 181.) Simpson, Howard E. Geology and Ground Water Resources of North Dakota. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1929. 312 p. (U. S. Geological Survey.) Contains, besides a general summary survey, a detailed description of each county. Upham, Warren. Glacial Lake Agassiz. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1895. 658 p. il. (U. S. Geological Survey, v. 25.) A description of the glacier which once covered North Dakota, and the results it had upon the surface of the State; also tells of plant and animal life in the Red River Valley. Willard, Daniel Everett and Hall, Charles M. Casselton-Fargo Folio. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1905. 9 p. il. (U. S. Geologic Atlas of the U. S., Folio 117.) Willard, Daniel Everett. Jamestown-Tower Folio, Jamestown, Eckelson and Tower Quadrangles. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1909. 10 p. il. (U. S. Geological Survey, Geologic Atlas of the U. S., Folio 168.) Willard, Daniel Everett. Story of the Prairies. St. Paul, Webb Publishing Company, 1909. 265 p. il. Study of geology and physical characteristics of the State by a former professor of geology at the agricultural college. PALEONTOLOGYHornaday, W. T. Tales from Nature's Wonderland. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1924. o. p. 235 p. il. Paleontology written for children. Also contains stories of strange animals on earth today. Lucas, Frederic A. Animals of the Past. New York, printed for the American Museum of Natural History, 1916. 266 p. il. 4th edit. (Handbook Series No. 4.) An account in story form of some of the creatures of the ancient world. Williams, Henry Smith. Survival of the Fittest. New York, Robert M. McBride and Company, 1932. 231 p. il. Vivid descriptions of some of the animals which once roamed the plains of North Dakota. NATURAL RESOURCESBurns and McDonnell Engineering Company. Report of Missouri Dam and Diversion Project in North and South Dakota. Minneapolis, 1933. For a discussion of the means of conservation of the water and soil resources of the State see pp. 23-25. North Dakota. State Geological Survey. Report on Clay Resources in North Dakota. Grand Forks, 1906. 324 p. il. (Fourth Biennial Report.) North Dakota. State Geological Survey. Report on Lignite Resources in North Dakota. Grand Forks, 1902. 262 p. il. (Second Biennial Report.) North Dakota. State Planning Board. Second Progress Report to National Resources Committee. Bismarck, June 15, 1935. 3 v. in ms. North Dakota. State Planning Board. The Mineral Resources of North Dakota; bentonite. University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, July 15, 1935. (Circular Report No. 6.) Dr. Irvin Lavine, Consultant. North Dakota. State Planning Board. The Mineral Resources of North Dakota; gold. University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, July 10, 1935. (Circular Report No. 7.) Dr. Irvin Lavine, Consultant. North Dakota. State Planning Board. The Mineral Resources of North Dakota; activated carbon. University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, July 1935. (Circular Report No. 9.) Dr. Irvin Lavine, Consultant. North Dakota. University. Division of Mines and Mining Experiments. Geology and Natural Resources of North Dakota. Grand Forks, University Press, Jan. 1930. 79 p. (Departmental Bull. 11.) A brief description of the State with special references to the lignite and clay deposits. FloraBergman, Herbert Floyd. Flora of North Dakota. Bismarck, Tribune Publishing Company, 1917. o. p. 372 p. A technical study of plant life in North Dakota. Clements, Frederic Edward and Clements, Edith Schwartz. Rocky Mountain Flowers. New York, H. W. Wilson Company, 1920. 392 p. il. Field edit. A guide for plant-lovers and plant-users, with black and white and color plates. Schmidt, C. C. Nature Study and Agriculture. Chicago, D. C. Heath, 1933. 508 p. il. Discussion by a University of North Dakota professor of education, based on appreciation of nature. Stevens, O. A. Wild Flowers of North Dakota. North Dakota Agricultural College, Fargo, May 1933. 51 p. il. (Bull. 269.) FaunaAudubon, Maria R. and Coues, E. Audubon and His Journals. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1897. o. p. 1086 p. 2 v. A description of Audubon's trip along the Missouri River, with zoological notes by Elliott Coues. Bailey, Vernon. Biological Survey of North Dakota. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1926. o. p. 226 p. (U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bull. 49 in North American Fauna.) A study of North Dakota fauna. Job, Herbert K. Among the Water-Fowl. New York, Doubleday, Page and Company, 1903. o. p. 224 p. il. A popular narrative account of waterfowl in the northern and middle States and lower Canada, east of the Rockies. Judd, Elmer T. List of North Dakota Birds. Cando, N. Dak., published by author, 1917. 29 p. Birds in the Big Coulee, Turtle Mountain, and Devils Lake regions, as noted during the years 1890 to 1896 and verified in subsequent years. Larson, Adrian. Birds of Eastern McKenzie County, North Dakota. Wilson Ornithological Club, Sioux City, Iowa, 1928. 19 p. Reprinted from Wilson Bulletin, March 1928, June 1928. Reid, Russell and Gannon, Clell. Birds and Mammals Observed by Lewis and Clark in North Dakota. Bismarck, 1927. 24 p. Reid, Russell and Gannon, Clell. Natural History Notes on the Journal of Alexander Henry. Bismarck, 1928. 168 p. Reprinted from North Dakota Historical Quarterly. Stevens, O. A. Making Use of Our Birds. Fargo, Dec. 1930. 30 p. (North Dakota Agricultural College, Bull. 241.) Taylor, Joseph Henry. Beavers and Their Ways. Twenty Years on the Trap Line. Privately printed, n. d. o. p. 178 p. il. Animal studies by an old time trapper and student of natural history. Williams, H. V. Birds of the Red River Valley of Northeast North Dakota. Wilson Ornithological Club, Sioux City, Iowa, 1926. 37 p. Reprinted from the Wilson Bulletin, March-June 1926. Wood, Norman A. A Preliminary Survey of the Bird Life of North Dakota. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, 1923. 96 p. il. Discussion of North Dakota birds with illustrations by Russell Reid. INDIANS AND THEIR PREDECESSORSBeede, Aaron McGaffey. Toward the Sun. Bismarck, Tribune Publishing Company, 1916. o. p. 199 p. Written by a pioneer missionary among the Indians of North Dakota with commentary notes by Melvin R. Gilmore. Byrne, Patrick E. Soldiers of the Plain. New York, Minton, Balch and Company, 1928. o. p. 260 p. Sympathetic account of red man's side in treaty negotiations, touches remarkable military work of Indians, presents "high qualities" of the Indian "as a factor in civilized life." Catlin, George. Boys' Catlin. My Life Among the Indians. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1909. 380 p. il. An abridged book for school use, telling of the manners, customs, and conditions of the North American Indians in the early 1800's. Catlin, George. North American Indians. Edinburgh, John Grant, 1926. o. p. 701 p. 2 v. il. Letters and notes on manners, customs, and conditions of North American Indians written during his travels of 1832-39. Chandler, Katherine. The Bird Woman of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. New York, Boston, Silver, Burdett and Company, 1905. o. p. 109 p. il. A supplementary reader for first and second grade children. Crawford, Helen. Sakakawea, the Bird Woman. North Dakota Historical Quarterly, Apr. 1927, v. I: pp. 6-15. The story of the Bird Woman in reference to the statue erected on the grounds of the State capitol, Bismarck. Defenbach, Byron. Red Heroines of the Northwest. Caldwell, Idaho, The Caxton Printers, Ltd., 1930. 296 p. il. Stories of several Indian women including Sakakawea. Denig, Edward Thompson. Indian Tribes on the Upper Missouri. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1930. Pp. 375-628 il. (Smithsonian Institution, U. S. Bureau of American Ethnology, 46th annual report.) Densmore, Frances. Chippewa Customs. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1929 204 p. il. B. (Smithsonian Institution, U. S. Bureau of American Ethnology, Bull. 86.) Densmore, Frances. Chippewa Music. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1910-13. 541 p. 2 v. il. (Smithsonian Institution, U. S. Bureau of American Ethnology, Bull. 45.) Contains the music of Chippewa songs. Densmore, Frances. Mandan and Hidatsa Music. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1923. 192 p. il. (Smithsonian Institution, U. S. Bureau of American Ethnology, Bull. 80.) Indian music from both tribes. Densmore, Frances. The American Indians and Their Music. New York, The Women's Press, 1926. o. p. 143 p. il. B. Includes music for Indian songs and material on social life and customs among the Indians. Dixon, Joseph K. The Vanishing Race. Garden City, New York, Doubleday, Page and Company, 1913. o. p. 231 p. il. A record of the last great Indian council participated in by Indian chiefs from nearly every Indian reservation in the United States, with the stories of their lives as told by themselves. Part 4 describes the Battle of the Little Big Horn. Eastman, Charles A. Indian Boyhood. New York, Little, Brown and Company, 1902. 289 p. il. Tales of Dakota Indian children. Eastman. Charles A. Smoky Day's Wigwam Evenings. Boston, Little, Brown and Company, 1910. o. p. 148 p. il. B. Indian legends written for children. Fiske, Frank B. The Taming of the Sioux. Bismarck, Tribune Publishing Company, 1917. o. p. 186 p. il. An account of the Custer massacre with descriptive material on Indian life, dress, and customs. Garland, Hamlin. Book of the American Indian. New York, Harpers, 1923. 274 p. il. Fifteen true Indian stories, including one of Sitting Bull. Gilmore, Melvin R. Ethnobotany of the Great Plains Area; Uses of Plants by the Indians of the Missouri River Region. Reprinted. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1919. 154 p. il. (Smithsonian Institution, U. S. Bureau of American Ethnology, 33d annual report.) Gilmore, Melvin R. Prairie Smoke. New York, Columbia University, 1929. 208 p. Appreciatively written collection of Indian lore by former curator of State historical society. Godfrey, Captain E. S. Custer's Last Battle. Century Magazine, Jan. 1892. 29 p. il. One of Custer's troop commanders gives an authentic account of the campaign which culminated in this battle. Graham, W. A. Story of the Little Bighorn. New York, Century Company, 1926. o. p. 174 p. il. A historical narrative describing the Custer massacre. Hans, Frederic M. The Great Sioux Nation. Chicago, M. A. Donahue and Company, 1907. o. p. 575 p. il. A history of Indian life and warfare. Hebard, Grace R. Sacajawea. Glendale, California, A. H. Clark Company, 1933. 341 p. il. A story of the life of the Bird Woman and her family. Hodge, Frederick Webb. Handbook of American Indians. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1912. 1992 p. 2 v. il. (Smithsonian Institution, U. S. Bureau of American Ethnology.) Hoffman, W. J. The Mide'wimin or Grand Medicine Society of the Ojibwa. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1891. Pp. 143-300. il. (Smithsonian Institution, U. S. Bureau of American Ethnology, 7th annual report.) An accurate account of Indian customs. Holley, Frances C. Once Their Home. Chicago, Donahue and Henneberry, 1890. o. p. 405 p. il. Interesting account of early Dakota, stressing relations between white and red men. Kelly, Mrs. Fannie. Narrative of My Captivity Among the Sioux Indians. Chicago, Donnelley Gassette and Loyd, 1880. o. p. 285 p. il. Personal experiences of the author among the Indians, and an account of the Sully expedition. McLaughlin, Major James. My Friend the Indian. Chicago, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1910. o. p. 404 p. A sympathetic account of Indian life. McLaughlin, Mrs. Marie L. Myths of the Sioux. Bismarck, Tribune Publishing Company, 1916. o. p. 200 p. il. Thirty-eight myths related by wife of Major McLaughlin, herself one-fourth Sioux. Missionary Register. Northwest American Indians. London, L. B. Seeley & Son, 1826. o. p. 637 p. A report of missionary work among the Indians of the Red River Valley. Radin, Paul. Story of the American Indian. New York, Boni and Liveright, 1927. 372 p. il. Contains an interesting description of the Mandan Indian villages. Riggs, Rev. S. R. Grammar and Dictionary of the Dakota Language. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1893. 239 p. (Smithsonian Institution, U. S. Bureau of American Ethnology.) Sarett, Lew. Many, Many Moons: Indians of North America: Slow Smoke. New York, H. Holt and Company, 1925. 104 p. Poems of Indians and prairie life. Schultz, J. W. The Bird Woman, the Guide of Lewis and Clark. Chicago, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1918. o. p. 235 p. il. The story of Sakakawea as told to the author by the daughter of a Mandan chief. Seymour, Flora W. The Indians Today. Chicago, Benj. H. Sanborn Company, 1927. o. p. 235 p. il. Well-written, intended for boys and girls. Standing Bear, Luther. My People, the Sioux. New York and Boston, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1928. 288 p. il. The social life and customs of his people described by a Sioux chief. Vestal, Stanley. Happy Hunting Grounds. Chicago, Lyons and Carnahan, 1928. 220 p. il. Story of warfare between Mandan and Cheyenne Indians. Vestal, Stanley. New Sources of Indian History. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press. 1934. 351 p. il. Description of the Dakota Indians, especially of their Ghost Dance, and a biography of Sitting Bull. Vestal, Stanley. Sitting Bull. Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1932. 350 p. il. B. An interesting biography of this famous Sioux chief. Vestal, Stanley. Warpath. Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1934. 291 p. il. B. A true story of Chief White Bull and his connection with Dakota Indian wars. Walker, J. E. Campaigns of General Custer in the Northwest, and Final Surrender of Sitting Bull. London, Jenkins, 1881. o. p. 139 p. il. The story of the Custer massacre prefaced with a history of the military life of General Custer. Wall, Oscar G. Diary. Published by the author, 1909. o. p. 282 p. Recollections of the Sioux massacre, Yellow Medicine incident with its important battles, and the Sibley expedition. Warren, William A. Minnesota Historical Society Collections. St. Paul, 1885. Vol. V. pp. 21-394. A history of the Ojibway Indians. Wemett, William Marks. The Indians of North Dakota. Fargo, Northern School Supply, 1927. 256 p. il. A history of Indian life written especially for school children. Will, George Francis. Archaeology of the Missouri Valley. Anthropological Papers of American Museum of Natural History, v. 22: pp. 291-341. New York, 1924. A scientific discussion of the Missouri Valley. Will, George Francis. Arikara Ceremonials. North Dakota Historical Quarterly, July 1930, v. 4: pp. 247-263. An interesting paper on Arikara life. Will, George Francis and Hyde, George E. Corn Among the Indians of the Upper Missouri. St. Louis, Missouri, William Henry Miner Company, Incorporated, 1917. o. p. 323 p. il. A description of agriculture among the Indians. Will, George Francis. Magical and Sleight of Hand Performances by the Arikara. North Dakota Historical Quarterly, Oct. 1928, v. 3, pp. 50-65. Unusual description of Indian "magic." Will, George Francis. The Mandans. North Dakota Historical Quarterly, Oct. 1930, v. 5: pp. 38-48. A revision and condensation of an article on the life and language of these agricultural Indians, originally written for the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology. Also includes the story of the Mandan earth lodge on the grounds of the State capitol, Bismarck. Will, George Francis and Spinden, H. J. The Mandans. Cambridge, Massachusetts, Peabody Museum, 1906. o. p. 219 p. il. A study of the culture, archeology, and language of the tribe. Wilson, Gilbert L. Indian Hero Tales. Chicago, American Book Company, 1916. o. p. 203 p. il. Tales of the Abnaki, Micmacs, and Algonquins retold, with a section on Indian folklore in general. Wilson, Gilbert L. Myths of the Red Children. Chicago, Ginn, 1907, o. p. 154 p. il. A collection of Indian legends. Wilson, Gilbert L. Waheenee; An Indian Girl's Story. St. Paul, Webb Publishing Company, 1921. o. p. 189 p. il. Story of Arikara woman, wife of the tribal chieftain Son-of-the-Star, as told by herself to the author. Wilson, Thomas. The Antiquity of the Red Race in America. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1897. See pp. 1039-1045. (Smithsonian Institution, U. S. Bureau of American Ethnology.) Deals with the origin and history of North American Indians. Wissler, Clark. Costumes of the Plains Indians. Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History, v. 17: pp. 39-91. 1915. Part II describes the costumes and adornments of various North American tribes. Wissler, Clark. North American Indians of the Plains. New York, The American Museum of Natural History, 1927. 172 p. Authoritative discussion of society and culture of North American Indians. HISTORYArmstrong, Moses K. The Early Empire Builders of the Great West. St. Paul, E. W. Porter, 1901. o. p. 456 p. il. Early history of Dakota Territory by a pioneer surveyor of Yankton, Dakota Territory. Arnold, Henry V. Early History of Ransom County (with references to Sargent County). Larimore, H. V. Arnold, 1918. o. p. 105 p. Historical sketches based on newspaper articles. Arnold, Henry V. Forty Years in North Dakota. Larimore, H. V. Arnold, 1921. o. p. 96 p. A short history of the State in relation to Grand Forks County. Arnold, Henry V. History of Old Pembina. Larimore, H. V. Arnold, 1917. o. p. 82 p. An entertaining sketch of the first settlement in the State from the coming of the Hudson's Bay Company to 1872. Band, John Wesley. Minnesota and Its Resources. New York, Redfield, 1854. o. p. 412 p. il. Appendage includes notes on a trip from St. Paul to Pembina and the Selkirk settlement on the Red River of the North. Black, Norman Fergus. A History of Saskatchewan and the Old Northwest. Regina, Saskatchewan, North West Historical Company, 1913. 605 p. il. A Black, R. M. A History of Dickey County. Ellendale, Dickey County Historical Society, 1930. o. p. 331 p. il. Characteristic stories of early times in the county with a chapter on each town and township. Brady, Cyrus Townsend. American Fights and Fighters. New York, Doubleday, Doran and Company, 1928. o. p. 326 p. il. Includes vivid description of Northwest Indian wars, especially those engaged in by the Sioux. Brininstool, E. A. A Trooper With Custer. Columbus, The Hunter-Trader-Trapper Company, 1925, o. p. 214 p. il. (Frontier Series, v. 1.) The story of a soldier in the Little Big Horn campaign. Buffalo Bill (William Cody). The Adventures of Buffalo Bill. New York, Harpers, 1927. o. p. 35 p. il. An authentic history of many events in the exploration, settlement, and development of the western plains. Burdick, Usher L. Last Battle of the Sioux Nation. Stevens Point, Wisconsin, Worzalla Publishing Company, 1929. 164 p. il. A story of Indian wars written by a North Dakota congressman. Burdick, Usher L. Marquis De Mores at War in the Badlands. Fargo, privately printed, 1929. 24 p. il. Explains the enmity between the young nobleman and his western neighbors, and gives an account of his trial for the murder of a cowboy. Burgum, Jessamine Slaughter. Zezula, or Pioneer Days in the Smoky Water Country. Valley City, Getchell and Nielsen, 1937. 195 p. il. B. Early history of Dakota Territory along the Missouri River. Chardon, Francis A. Chardon's Journal at Fort Clark. Pierre, South Dakota, privately printed, 1932. 458 p. il. Description of life on the Upper Missouri 1834-39. A fur trader's experience with Mandans, Gros Ventres, and their neighbors, especially describing the smallpox epidemic of 1837. Chittenden, Captain Hiram Martin. History of the Fur Trade in the Far West. New York, Harpers, n. d. o. p. 1003 p. 3 v. il. Carefully written history of fur trade in the territory west of the Missouri River with North Dakota forming the background for much of the material. Chittenden, H. M. and Richardson, A. T. Life, Letters and Travels of Father Pierre Jean DeSmet, S. J. 1801-75. New York, Harpers, n. d. o. p. 1600 p. 4 v. il. Edited from the original unpublished manuscript journals of a pioneer missionary. Volume III contains a description of his travels through the Northwest. Cochrane, C. N. David Thompson. Toronto, Macmillan, 1924. 173 p. il. B. A biography of Thompson, explorer and geographer who visited North Dakota in 1797. Coues, Dr. Elliot. History of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. New York, Harpers, 1893. o. p. 1364 p. 4 v. il. B. A detailed history of the expedition, with an essay on Indian policy. Coues, Dr. Elliot. New Light on the Early History of the Great Northwest. New York, Harpers, 1897. o. p. 1027 p. 3 v. Manuscript journals of Alexander Henry and David Thompson. Volume I tells of their experiences in the country around the Red River of the North. Cowie, Isaac. The Company of Adventurers. Toronto, W. Briggs, 1913. o. p. 515 p. il. Interesting narrative of the author's experiences with Hudson's Bay Company in the Northwest during 1867-74. Crawford, Lewis F. History of North Dakota. New York and Chicago, American Historical Society, 1931. o. p. 1911 p. 3 v. il. B. One volume by Crawford on the history of the State, and two volumes of biography by various authors. Crawford, Lewis F. Rekindling Camp Fires. Bismarck, Capital Book Company, n. d. o. p. 324 p. il. B. A narrative of 60 years in the West as an Indian fighter, cowboy, and hunter. Curtis, Carrie. History of Ransom County. Manuscript, privately owned. Written for Federated Women's Club in 1923. Custer, Mrs. Elizabeth B. Boots and Saddles. New York, Harpers, 1885. 312 p. The story of Custer's life in the Dakotas and his Indian wars. Custer, Mrs. Elizabeth B. Following the Guidon. New York, Harpers, 1890. o. p. 341 p. il. Story of Kansas frontier days, including the battle of Washita in which Custer defeated the Cheyennes by tactics similar to those used in the Battle of the Little Big Horn. Cyclorama of General Custer's Last Fight. Boston Cyclorama Company, 1889. o. p. 30 p. il. An account of the Battle of the Little Big Horn with biographies of Custer and Chief Gall, and an interview with Sitting Bull. Fish, Herbert C. and Black, R. M. A Brief History of North Dakota. Chicago, American Book Company, 1925. 244 p. Good reference text written by former curator of the State historical society and former president of the State Normal and Industrial School at Ellendale. Gass, Patrick. Gass Journal of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. Chicago, A. C. McClurg Company, 1904. o. p. 298 p. Gass was a carpenter on the expedition and kept a journal. He later participated in the War of 1812. Hagedorn, Hermann. Roosevelt in the Bad Lands. Chicago, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1930. 475 p. Interesting story of early North Dakota days woven about the life of Roosevelt in the Badlands. Hennessey, William B. History of North Dakota. Bismarck, Tribune Publishing Company, 1910. o. p. 633 p. il. A history of the State from earliest times, including biographies of the builders of the commonwealth. History of the Northwest and Its Men of Progress. Minneapolis, The Minneapolis Journal, 1901. o. p. 592 p. il. Part V contains a historical sketch of North Dakota written by C. A. Lounsberry. History of the Red River Valley. Grand Forks, Herald Publishing Company, C. F. Cooper and Company, Chicago, 1909. o. p. 645 p. 2 v. il. Includes many amusing sketches of pioneer life in the valley. Hughes, Katherine. Father Lacombe, The Black-robed Voyageur. New York, Moffat, Yard and Company, 1911. 467 p. il. A well-written biographical sketch. Illustrated Album of Biography of the Famous Red River Valley of the North. Chicago, Alden, Ogle and Company, 1889. o. p. 845 p. il. Contains biographical sketches of early settlers and residents of eastern North Dakota and western Minnesota. Jarrell, Myrtris and Hewitt, J. N. B. Journals of Rudolph Frederich Kurz. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1937. 382 p. il. (Smithsonian Institution Bureau of American Ethnology, Bull. 115.) Experiences among fur traders and American Indians on the Mississippi and Upper Missouri Rivers during the years 1846-1852. Kelly, Luther S. Yellowstone Kelly. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1926. o. p. 268 p. il. Personal recollections of a famous scout and plainsman told in entertaining style. Kimball, Maria B. A Soldier-Doctor of Our Army: James B. Kimball. New York, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1917. o. p. 192 p. Biography of an Army surgeon who spent ten years in Dakota Army posts, coming to Fort Buford in 1867. Larpenteur, Charles. Forty Years a Fur Trader on the Upper Missouri. New York, 1898. o. p. 430 p. 2 v. Autobiography of a pioneer hunter and fur trader stationed at Fort Union during the 1830's. Edited by Dr. Elliot Coues. Laut, Agnes C. The Blazed Trail of the Old Frontier. New York, R. M. McBride and Company, 1926. 271 p. il. The log of the Upper Missouri Historical Expedition of 1925. Laut, Agnes C. The Conquest of the Great Northwest. New York, Moffat, Yard and Company, 1911. 413 p. 2 v. il. History of the Hudson's Bay Company in Canada and the Northwest. Laut, Agnes C. The Fur Trade of America. New York, Macmillan, 1921. 341 p. A history of the fur trade with a descriptive section on furbearing animals. Laut, Agnes C. Pathfinders of the West. Chicago, Macmillan, 1923. 380 p. il. Account of the explorations of Lewis and Clark. Lewis and Clark. Original Journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition 1804-1806. New York, Dodd, Mead and Company, 1904. o. p. 2758 p. il. 7 v. and atlas. The journals of the famous expedition exactly as written during the journey to the Pacific, with introduction, notes, and index by Reuben Gold Thwaites. Lounsberry, Clement A. Early History of North Dakota. Washington, Liberty Press, 1919. o. p. 247 p. il. Detailed history of State from fur-trading days to twentieth century by a pioneer newspaperman of Bismarck. Maximilian, Prince of Wied. Travels in the Interior of North America. Cleveland, Arthur H. Clark Company, 1905, o. p. 1134 p. 3 v. Translated from the German's original entries, relating his adventures in the Missouri River Valley. Edited with introduction, notes, and index by Reuben Gold Thwaites. Meinzer, Edgar G. Brief History of North Dakota. Fargo, E. S. Elliot, 1915. o. p. 24 p. Miles, General Nelson A. Personal Recollections of General Nelson A. Miles. Chicago, Warner, 1897. o. p. 590 p. il. The author's own experiences in the Northwest. North Dakota Biography. Chicago, George Ogle and Company, 1900. o. p. 1410 p. il. A compendium of biographical sketches of prominent old settlers, and accounts of early settlement, Indian occupancy, Indian history and traditions, and Territorial and State organization. Ordway, Sergeant John. The Journals of Captain Meriwether Lewis and Sergeant John Ordway. Madison, State Historical Society, 1916. 44 p. il. A first-hand account of travel in the Northwest. The People of the Red River Valley. Harpers. Jan. 1859. pp. 169-176. il. An early magazine article on life at old Fort Pembina. Reid, Russell and Gannon, Clell G. Historical and Pictorial Map of North Dakota. Bismarck, Capital Publishing Company, 1930. Historical items by Reid and illustrations by Gannon. Scott, Hugh L. Memories of a Soldier. New York, Century Company. n. d. o. p. 673 p. il. Memoirs of an officer in the campaigns and investigations from 1876-91. Slaughter, Linda. Fortress to Farm. Published as serial in Bismarck Daily Tribune beginning Sept. 30, 1893. o. p. Reminiscences of early days in Burleigh County, North Dakota. Spokesfield, Walter Ernest. History of Wells County. Valley City, printed by the author, 1929. A sketch of North Dakota history, especially Wells County, and the origin of place names. Stanton, Edward M. Expedition from Fort Abercrombie to Fort Benton; a letter from the Secretary of War. U. S. Congress. House. 1862. 37th Congress. Third Session House. (Executive Document No. 80.) State Historical Society of North Dakota Collections. Bismarck, Tribune Publishing Company; Grand Forks, Normanden; 1906-24. 3596 p. 7 v. Edited by Dr. O. G. Libby, secretary of the society. Included in the various volumes are histories of many of the towns and counties in the State, biographies of pioneers, and interesting Indian legends. Taylor, Joseph Henry. Sketches of Frontier and Indian Lives on the Upper Missouri and Great Plains. Bound with Kaleidoscopic Lives. Valley City, E. P. Getchell, 1932. Reprinted by Washburn's 50th Anniversary Committee. o. p. 200 p. il. The story of the author's life in the Dakotas from 1864-89. Trinka, Zena Irma. Out Where the West Begins. St. Paul, The Pioneer Company, 1920. o. p. 432 p. il. Early romantic history of North Dakota. Van de Water, Frederick F. Glory-Hunter. Indianapolis, New York, Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1934. 392 p. il. B. Critical biography of Gen. George A. Custer. Van Osdel, A. Historic Landmarks. Printed by the author, 1915. o. p. 400 p. il. A narrative of the adventures of early traders in the Northwest Territory. Waldo, Edna LaMoore. Dakota: an informal study of Territorial Days. Caldwell, Idaho, The Caxton Printers, Ltd., 1936. 297 p. B. The story of pioneer life in Dakota written from articles in contemporary newspapers. Waldo, Edna LaMoore. Yet She Follows: The Story of Betty Freeman Dearborn. Bismarck, Capital Publishing Company, 1931. 205 p. A pioneer story centering about events in the life of the author's mother. Walsh, Richard J. The Making of Buffalo Bill. Indianapolis, The Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1928. 391 p. A character study. Wellman, Paul I. Death on the Prairie. New York, Macmillan, 1934. 298 p. il. B. A story of life on the plains of the Northwest from 1862-92. Wemett, William Marks. The Story of the Flickertail State. Valley City, printed by the author, 1923. o. p. 315 p. il. Simple, entertainingly written history of the State by the head of the history department of the Valley City Teachers College. Wetmore, Mrs. Helen. Buffalo Bill. Duluth, The Duluth Press Printing Company, 1900. o. p. 267 p. il. The story of Buffalo Bill told by his sister. Wheeler, Olin D. The Trail of Lewis and Clark, 1804-1904. New York and London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1904. o. p. 2 v. il. Includes a description of the old trail based upon actual travel over it, and the changes found a century later. Williams, Mary A. Fifty Pioneer Mothers of McLean County, North Dakota. Washburn, The Leader, 1932. 200 p. il. Historical sketches of the State from the women's point of view. GOVERNMENTBoyle, James E. The Government of North Dakota. New York, American Book Company, 1922. o. p. 320 p. il. A discussion of politics and government in the State. Brigham, Albert Perry. Our Home State and Continent. New York, American Book Company, 1934. 178 p. il. A chapter by Arthur C. Selke and Charles T. McFarlane deals specifically with North Dakota. Brinton, J. W. Wheat and Politics. Minneapolis, Rand Tower, 1931. 270 p. il. A treatise on agricultural credit, wheat trade, and politics, with a chapter on the birth of the Nonpartisan League. Bruce, Andrew A. The Non-Partisan League. New York, Macmillan, 1921. o. p. 284 p. A study of the politics and government of North Dakota and the National Nonpartisan League. Bruce, Andrew A. Property and Society. Chicago, A. C. McClurg Company, 1916. o. p. 150 p. National Social Science serial, edited by F. L. McVey, North Dakota educator. Gaston, H. E. The Non-Partisan League. New York, Harcourt, Brocet, Howe, 1920. o. p. 325 p. The story of the league with a biography of A. C. Townley, its founder. North Dakota Blue Book. 1889-1919 (no books published 1915-17). o. p. Official publication of the Secretary of State of North Dakota. Woods, Almond L. Civil Government for North Dakota. Grand Forks, published by the author, 1910. o. p. 278 p. il. A text on North Dakota government. Young, Clyde L. Civil Government for North Dakota and the Nation. Chicago, American Book Company, 1932. 289 p. il. B. Comprehensive discussion by former chairman of Children's Civil Code Commission. AGRICULTURE AND FARM LIFECoulter, John Lee. Cooperation Among Farmers. New York, Sturgis and Walton Company, 1911. o. p. 281 p. il. A discussion on rural life by a former president of the State agricultural college. Fossum, Paul Robert. The Agrarian Movement in North Dakota. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Press, 1925. o. p. 183 p. il. A thesis on the economic aspects of North Dakota agriculture. Gillette, John M. Constructive Rural Sociology. Chicago, Macmillan, 1928. 165 p. il. B. A study of rural conditions by an internationally recognized authority, a faculty member of the University of North Dakota. Thayer, William M. Marvels of the New West. Norwich, Connecticut, Henry Bill Publishing Company, 1888. o. p. 715 p. il. A history of progress in the West, with an especially good chapter on bonanza farms. INDUSTRY AND LABORCable, Margaret. Pottery from North Dakota Clay. Grand Forks, University of North Dakota, Division of Mines, 1926. il. A discussion of the experiments made by the ceramics department of the university with plastic clays found within the State. Harrower, Henry Draper. The New States. New York and Chicago, Ivison Blakeman and Company, 1889. o. p. 72 p. il. Included in Part I is a sketch of the history and economic development of North Dakota. RACIAL GROUPS AND FOLKWAYSBeck, Richard. Founding of the Icelandic Settlement in Pembina County. North Dakota Historical Quarterly, Jan. 1932, v. 6: pp. 150-164. Beck, Richard. Icelandic Settlement in Pembina County, Largest In United States. The Northwest Pioneer, Aug. 1936, v. 6: pp. 13-15. Bercovici, Konrad. On New Shores. New York and London, Century Company, 1925. 302 p. il. Contains chapters on French settlement at Wild Rice, N. Dak., and on the Russo-Germans of North Dakota. Hofstead, John A. American Educators of Norwegian Origin. Minneapolis, Augsburg Publishing House, 1931. 316 p. A "Who's Who" of Norwegian educators in the United States in which several prominent North Dakotans are included. Qualey, Carlton C. Pioneer Norwegian Settlement in North Dakota. North Dakota Historical Quarterly, Oct. 1930, v. 5: pp. 14-37. SCHOOLS, CHURCHES, AND SOCIAL CURRENTSArvold, A. G. Little Country Theater. Chicago, Macmillan, 1922. o. p. 220 p. il. B. Author is professor of dramatics at State agricultural college and has been recognized as a leader in the promotion of community drama in the United States. Book tells of the origin of the Little Theater in Fargo and of the movement in general. Beck, Richard. Continent's Oldest Icelandic Church. The Northwest Pioneer, Feb. 1936, v. 4: pp. 5-7. Gillette, John M. Current Social Problems. New York, Cincinnati, American Book Company, 1933. 819 p. il. B. A textbook on social problems. Gillette, John M. Family and Society. Chicago, American Book Company, 1914. o. p. 164 p. B. An interesting sociological study. Grassick, Dr. J. North Dakota Medicine Sketches and Abstracts. Grand Forks, North Dakota Medical Association, 1926. 378 p. Contains a roster of members of the association with biographies of pioneer doctors, and unusual incidents encountered in their practices. McFarland, George A. Educational Administration in North Dakota. Quarterly Journal of the University of North Dakota, Jan. 1923, v. 13: pp. 186-207. Norton, Sister Mary Aquinas. Catholic Missions and Missionaries Among the Indians of Dakota. North Dakota Historical Quarterly, Apr. 1931, v. 5: pp. 149-165. Robertson, Edward P. Retrospect After Twenty Years. Quarterly Journal of the University of North Dakota, Apr. 1925, v. 15: pp. 277-279. The story of the founding of Wesley College and its affiliation with the State university, written by the president emeritus of the college. Sullivan, Helen J. Know Your North Dakota. Bismarck, Department of Public Instruction, 1931. 96 p. il. B. An interesting and authentic handbook of information about the State. Trinka, Zena Irma. North Dakota of Today. Bismarck, Tribune Publishing Company, 1919. o. p. 259 p. il. A brief study of North Dakota with descriptions of its larger cities and towns. TRANSPORTATIONBriggs, Harold E. Early Freight and Stage Lines in Dakota. North Dakota Historical Quarterly, July 1929, v. 3: pp. 229-261. Briggs, Harold E. Pioneer River Transportation in Dakota. North Dakota Historical Quarterly, Apr. 1929, v. 3: pp. 159-181. Chittenden, Captain Hiram Martin. History of Early Steamboat Navigation on the Missouri River. New York, Harpers, n. d. o. p. 461 p. 2 v. An accurate account of early navigation on the Missouri. Hanson, Joseph M. The Conquest of the Missouri. Chicago, A. C. McClurg Company, 1909. o. p. 436 p. il. Navigation on the Missouri River as Capt. Grant Marsh lived it. Stevens, I. I. Narrative and Final Report of Explorations for a Route for a Pacific Railroad from St. Paul to Puget Sound. Government report on survey of 1885. Contains much interesting information on early North Dakota. ARCHITECTUREEllis, Chas. L. Foundation Problems in the Red River Valley. Quarterly Journal of the University of North Dakota, Jan. 1929, v. 19: pp. 132-147. Simons, Kenneth W. North Dakota State Capitol. Bismarck, Tribune Publishing Company, 1934. il. CITIESArnold, Henry V. Early History of Grand Forks. Larimore, H. V. Arnold, 1918. o. p. 92 p. B. Some interesting sketches of the early settlement of Grand Forks, and the relation of the city to the development of the State. Arnold, Henry V. History of Grand Forks County. Larimore, H. V. Arnold, 1900. o. p. 147 p. A historical outline of the Red River Valley, with emphasis on the first ten years in the history of the city of Grand Forks. LITERATUREBeach, Rex. The Spoilers. New York and London, A. M. Burt and Company, 1930. 315 p. il. A popular novel of Alexander McKenzie, North Dakota politician, and the Klondike Gold Rush. Beede, Aaron McGaffey. Heart in the Lodge. Bismarck, Tribune Publishing Company, 1915. o. p. 61 p. A three-act play based on Whitestone Battle which took place near Ellendale, North Dakota. Beede, Aaron McGaffey. Sitting Bull-Custer. Bismarck, Tribune Publishing Company, 1913, o. p. 50 p. il. B. A picture of the Custer massacre in dramatized form written from the Indian point of view. Bliss, Paul Southworth. Cirrus from the West. Bismarck, The Cirrus Company, 51 p. il. Poems inspired by scenes in North Dakota. Bliss, Paul Southworth. Spin Dance. Chicago, Lakeside Press, 1934. 98 p. il. Nature poems of North Dakota. Bliss, Paul Southworth. The Rye Is The Sea. Bismarck, The Cirrus Company, 1936. il. A collection of nature poems about North Dakota and an account of hunting and fishing experiences of the author. Bojer, John. Emigrants. New York, Century, 1925. o. p. 134 p. A vivid story of pioneer Dakota life translated from the Norse. Borner, Florence. Modern Poems for Modern People. Bismarck, Tribune Publishing Company, 1919. o. p. 158 p. A collection of poems by a North Dakota poetess. Brady, Cyrus Townsend. Britton of the Seventh. Chicago, A. C. McClurg Company, 1914. o. p. 319 p. il. A romance of the Northwest dealing especially with Gen. George A. Custer. Clark, Badger. Sun and Saddle Leather. Boston, Gorham, n. d. 56 p. il. Poems by a South Dakota poet who writes spiritedly of cowboy and frontier days. Collins, Hubert Edwin. Warpath and Cattle Trail. New York, W. Morrow and Company, 1928. 296 p. il. A story of ranch life, with preface by Hamlin Garland. Cowdrey, Mary Boynton. The Checkered Years. Caldwell, Idaho, Caxton Printers, Ltd., 1937. 265 p. il. The diary of the author's grandmother, presenting an interesting account of life in eastern North Dakota during bonanza farm days. Crawford, Lewis F. Badlands and Bronco Trails. Bismarck, Capital Book Company, 1926. o. p. 114 p. il. The adventures of Ben Arnold Conner, an Indian fighter, gold miner, cowboy, hunter, and Army scout who came up the Missouri with his regiment after the Civil War, told in an entertaining manner. Dye, Eva. The Conquest. Chicago, A. C. McClurg Company, 1902. o. p. 443 p. Historical novel of Lewis and Clark expedition. Foley, James W. Boys and Girls. New York, E. P. Dutton and Company, 1913. o. p. 239 p. il. Verses of a North Dakota poet, reprinted from periodicals. Foley, James W. Friendly Rhymes. New York, E. P. Dutton and Company, 1918. o. p. A book of light verses. Foley, James W. Prairie Breezes. Boston, R. B. Badger, 1905. o. p. 103 p. A book of verses which appeared originally in the Bismarck Tribune, New York Times, and Century Magazine, mostly about Dakota. Foley, James W. Tales of the Trail. New York, E. P. Dutton and Company, 1914. o. p. 170 p. il. Sketches of the West done in verse. Foley, James W. The Verses of J. W. Foley. Bismarck, R. D. Hoskins, 1914. o. p. 239 p. 3 v. A collection of poems by the North Dakota poet. Gannon, Clell G. Songs of the Bunch Grass Acres. Boston, Badger, 1924. o. p. 96 p. il. Thirty-eight poems of prairie life. Garland, Hamlin. The Moccasin Ranch. New York and London, Harpers, 1909. o. p. 136 p. il. A historical novel of North Dakota. Garland, Hamlin. Prairie Song and Western Story. Boston, New York, Allyn and Bacon, 1928. 268 p. il. Shows the march of settlement in the Middlewest. Gates, Eleanor. The Plow Woman. New York, Grosset and Dunlap, 1906. o. p. 364 p. Novel of pioneering days in southwest North Dakota. Gordon, Hanford L. Indian Legends. Salem, Massachusetts, The Salem Press Company, 1910. o. p. 405 p. Poems of the Dakota Indians. Hanson, Joseph M. Frontier Ballads. Chicago, A. C. McClurg Company, 1910. o. p. 92 p. il. Western ballads of Army, prairie, and river life. Hough, Emerson. Story of the Cowboy. New York, Grosset and Dunlap, 1897. o. p. 349 p. il. A vivid description of ranch life in western Dakota. Hueston, Ethel. Star of the West. Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1935. 372 p. Historical novel in which is retold the story of the Lewis and Clark expedition. Hughes, Mrs. Edith Wakeman. Motoring in White. New York, Knickerbocker Press, 1917. o. p. 97 p. il. A story of a trip from Dakota to Cape Cod. Johnson, Clifton. Highways and Byways of the Rocky Mountains. New York, London, Macmillan, 1910. o. p. 279 p. il. A travelogue, one chapter of which deals with "A Dakota Paradise." Koch, Frederick H. A Pageant of the Northwest. Grand Forks, University of North Dakota, 1914 o. p. A communal drama depicting the history of North Dakota, written by students for presentation at the opening of the Bankside Theater. Laut, Agnes C. The Story of the Trapper. New York, D. Appleton and Company, 1902. o. p. 284 p. il. Narrative of the Northwest States and Canada. Lillibridge, Will. Where the Trail Divides. New York, Burt, 1907. Mackin, Marie. The Sylvan Portal. Bismarck, Bismarck Book Company, 1925. 247 p. il. A novel of life in North Dakota. Meigs, Cornelia L. Railroad West. Boston, Little, Brown and Company, 1937. 326 p. il. The building of the Northern Pacific from Minnesota to the Yellowstone forms the background of this romance. Modern Masters of Etching No. 24. Levon West. New York, William Edwin Rudge, 1930. 22 p. il. Biography and etchings of the third American artist to be included in this series. Levon West spent much of his boyhood in North Dakota. Neal, Bigelow. The Last of the Thundering Herd. New York, Sears Publishing Company, Inc., 1933. 287 p. il. A narrative of the life of a bison near the close of the era when those animals roamed the Plains States. Neihart, John G. Song of Hugh Glass. Chicago, Macmillan, 1915. o. p. 126 p. A narrative poem based on an episode taken from the era of the American fur trade. Neihart, John G. Song of Indian Wars. Chicago, Macmillan, 1925. 231 p. il. Narrative poems of early days in the Northwest. Neihart, John G. The River and I. New York and London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1910. o. p. 325 p. il. A beautifully illustrated book, very easy to read, telling of the author's trip on the Missouri and Yellowstone Rivers. Palliser, John. The Solitary Hunter; or Sporting Adventures on the Prairies. London, Routledge, Warne, and Routledge, 1859. o. p. 234 p. il. Author's hunting experiences on the western plains, told in the profuse style of the day. Palmer, Bertha Rachel. Beauty Spots of North Dakota. Boston, Richard G. Badger, 1928. o. p. 266 p. il. History and description of interesting points in the State. Putnam, Grace Brown and Ackermann, Anna. North Dakota Singing. New York, Paebar Company, 1936. 252 p. An anthology of poems by North Dakota authors compiled by two residents of the State. Rickaby, Franz. Ballads and Songs of the Shantyboy. Boston, Harvard University Press, 1926. o. p. 244 p. il. Lumbermen's songs, many learned by the editor from North Dakota men who had worked in the north woods. Includes music. Rollins, Philip A. The Cowboy. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1926. o. p. 363 p. il. The part played by the cowboy in the development of the West. Rolvaag, O. E. Giants in the Earth. New York, Harpers, 1924. 465 p. A story of Norse immigrants to Dakota based on true incidents. Rolvaag, O. E. Peder Victorious. New York, Harpers, 1921. 350 p. A sequel to Giants in the Earth, this novel tells the story of the second generation in the Norwegian colony. Roosevelt, Theodore. Hunting Adventures in the West. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1927. o. p. 372 p. Contains descriptions of hunting expeditions at his Badlands ranch. Roosevelt, Theodore. Hunting in Many Lands. New York, Forest and Stream Publishing Company, 1895. o. p. 447 p. il. The book of the Boone and Crockett Club, edited by Roosevelt and George Bird Grinnell, in which Roosevelt includes a Chapter entitled "Hunting in the Cattle Country." Roosevelt, Theodore. Hunting Trips of a Ranchman. New York and London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1885. o. p. 318 p. il. Roosevelt's own story of his life in North Dakota. Roosevelt, Theodore. The Wilderness Hunter. New York and London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1922. o. p. 296 p. 2 v. Sketches of sport on the northern cattle plains. Rowbotham, Frances Jameson. A Trip to Prairie-Land. London, S. Low, Marston, Searle, and Rivington, 1885. o. p. 243 p. An interesting story of social life and customs of pioneer Dakota. Stefansson, Vilhjalmur. My Life with the Eskimo. New York, Macmillan, 1913. o. p. 539 p. il. A fascinating autobiography of the North Dakota explorer's experiences during the expedition in which he discovered the white Eskimo colony. Tooker, Richard. The Day of the Brown Horde. New York, Payson and Clarke, Ltd., 1929. 309 p. A story of prehistoric days. Wilkins, Sir Hubert. Flying the Arctic. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1928. 336 p. il. Describes the expedition from Fairbanks to Point Barrow, Spitzbergen, claimed by Stefansson and Amundson to be the greatest flight in history. Carl Ben Eielson, North Dakota aviator, was pilot for the flight. Winsted, Huldah Lucille. North Dakota, Land of the Sky and other poems. Minot, North Dakota, 1927. A collection of North Dakota verses. |