| | PAGE | PART I | THE SHIPS, THEIR OWNERS, THEIR SAILORS, AND THEIR CARGOES | I— | The Building of the Ships | 3 | II— | What the Ships Carry—Ore | 25 | III— | What the Ships Carry—Other Cargoes | 46 | IV— | Passenger Traffic and Summer Life | 68 | V— | The Romance and Tragedy of the Inland Seas | 89 | VI— | Buffalo and Duluth: the Alpha and Omega of the Lakes | 113 | VII— | A Trip on a Great Lakes Freighter | 137 | PART II | ORIGIN AND HISTORY OF THE LAKES | I— | Origin and Early History | 159 | II— | The Lakes Change Masters | 175 | III— | The War of 1812 and After | 194 | | Index | 223 |