


Census of 1910

Cities of over 100,000 population

Albany, N. Y. 100,253 Minneapolis, Minn. 301,408
Atlanta, Ga. 154,839 Nashville, Tenn. 110,364
Baltimore, Md. 558,485 Newark, N. J. 347,469
Birmingham, Ala. 132,685 New Haven, Conn. 133,605
Boston, Mass. 670,585 New Orleans, La. 339,075
Bridgeport, Conn. 102,054 New York, N. Y. 4,766,883
Buffalo, N. Y. 423,715 Oakland, Cal. 150,174
Cambridge, Mass. 104,839 Omaha, Neb. 124,096
Chicago, Ill. 2,185,283 Paterson, N. J. 125,600
Cincinnati, Ohio 364,463 Philadelphia, Pa. 1,549,008
Cleveland, Ohio 560,663 Pittsburgh, Pa. 533,905
Columbus, Ohio 181,548 Portland, Ore. 207,214
Dayton, Ohio 116,577 Providence, R. I. 224,326
Denver, Colo. 213,381 Richmond, Va. 127,628
Detroit, Mich. 465,766 Rochester, N. Y. 218,149
Fall River, Mass. 119,295 St. Louis, Mo. 687,029
Grand Rapids, Mich. 112,571 St. Paul, Minn. 214,744
Indianapolis, Ind. 233,650 San Francisco, Cal. 416,912
Jersey City, N. J. 267,779 Scranton, Pa. 129,867
Kansas City, Mo. 248,381 Seattle, Wash. 237,194
Los Angeles, Cal. 319,198 Spokane, Wash. 104,402
Louisville, Ky. 223,928 Syracuse, N. Y. 137,249
Lowell, Mass. 106,294 Toledo, Ohio 168,497
Memphis, Tenn. 131,105 Washington, D. C. 331,069
Milwaukee, Wis. 373,857 Worcester, Mass. 145,986

Cities of from 25,000 to 100,000 population

Akron, Ohio 69,067 Auburn, N. Y. 34,668
Allentown, Pa. 51,913 Augusta, Ga. 41,040
Altoona, Pa. 52,127 Aurora, Ill. 29,807
Amsterdam, N. Y. 31,267 Austin, Tex. 29,860
Atlantic City, N. J. 46,150 Battle Creek, Mich. 25,267
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Bay City, Mich. 45,166 Hoboken, N. J. 70,324
Bayonne, N. J. 55,545 Holyoke, Mass. 57,730
Berkeley, Cal. 40,434 Houston, Tex. 78,800
Binghamton, N. Y. 48,443 Huntington, W. Va. 31,161
Bloomington, Ill. 25,768 Jackson, Mich. 31,433
Brockton, Mass. 56,878 Jacksonville, Fla. 57,699
Brookline, Mass. 27,792 Jamestown, N. Y. 31,297
Butte, Mont. 39,165 Johnstown, Pa. 55,482
Camden, N. J. 94,538 Joliet, Ill. 34,670
Canton, Ohio 50,217 Joplin, Mo. 32,073
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 32,811 Kalamazoo, Mich. 39,437
Charleston, S. C. 58,833 Kansas City, Kans. 82,331
Charlotte, N. C. 34,014 Kingston, N. Y. 25,908
Chattanooga, Tenn. 44,604 Knoxville, Tenn. 36,346
Chelsea, Mass. 32,452 La Crosse, Wis. 30,417
Chester, Pa. 38,537 Lancaster, Pa. 47,227
Chicopee, Mass. 25,401 Lansing, Mich. 31,229
Clinton, Iowa 25,577 Lawrence, Mass. 85,892
Colorado Springs, Colo. 29,078 Lewiston, Me. 26,247
Columbia, S. C. 26,319 Lexington, Ky. 35,099
Council Bluffs, Iowa 29,292 Lima, Ohio 30,508
Covington, Ky. 53,270 Lincoln, Nebr. 43,973
Dallas, Tex. 92,104 Little Rock, Ark. 45,941
Danville, Ill. 27,871 Lorain, Ohio 28,883
Davenport, Iowa 43,028 Lynchburg, Va. 29,494
Decatur, Ill. 31,140 Lynn, Mass. 89,336
Des Moines, Iowa 86,368 Macon, Ga. 40,665
Dubuque, Iowa 38,494 McKeesport, Pa. 42,694
Duluth, Minn. 78,466 Madison, Wis. 25,531
Easton, Pa. 28,523 Malden, Mass. 44,404
East Orange, N. J. 34,371 Manchester, N. H. 70,063
East St. Louis, Ill. 58,547 Meriden, Conn. 27,265
El Paso, Tex. 39,279 Mobile, Ala. 51,521
Elgin, Ill. 25,976 Montgomery, Ala. 38,136
Elizabeth, N. J. 73,409 Mount Vernon, N. Y. 30,919
Elmira, N. Y. 37,176 Muskogee, Okla. 25,278
Erie, Pa. 66,525 Nashua, N. H. 26,005
Evansville, Ind. 69,647 Newark, Ohio 25,404
Everett, Mass. 33,484 New Bedford, Mass. 96,652
Fitchburg, Mass. 37,826 New Britain, Conn. 43,916
Flint, Mich. 38,550 Newburgh, N. Y. 27,805
Fort Wayne, Ind. 63,933 Newcastle, Pa. 36,280
Fort Worth, Tex. 73,312 Newport, Ky. 30,309
Galveston, Tex. 36,981 Newport, R. I. 27,149
Green Bay, Wis. 25,236 New Rochelle, N. Y. 28,867
Hamilton, Ohio 35,279 Newton, Mass. 39,806
Harrisburg, Pa. 64,186 Niagara Falls, N. Y. 30,445
Hartford, Conn. 98,915 Norfolk, Va. 67,452
Haverhill, Mass. 44,115 Norristown, Pa. 27,875
Hazleton, Pa. 25,452 Ogden, Utah 25,580
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Oklahoma City, Okla. 64,205 South Omaha, Nebr. 26,259
Orange, N. J. 29,630 Springfield, Ill. 51,678
Oshkosh, Wis. 33,062 Springfield, Mass. 88,926
Pasadena, Cal. 30,291 Springfield, Mo. 35,201
Passaic, N. J. 54,773 Springfield, Ohio. 46,921
Pawtucket, R. I. 51,622 Stamford, Conn. 25,138
Peoria, Ill. 66,950 Superior, Wis. 40,384
Perth Amboy, N. J. 32,121 Tacoma, Wash. 83,743
Pittsfield, Mass. 32,121 Tampa, Fla. 37,782
Portland, Me. 58,571 Taunton, Mass. 34,259
Portsmouth, Va. 33,190 Terre Haute, Ind. 58,157
Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 27,936 Topeka, Kans. 43,684
Pueblo Colo. 44,395 Trenton, N. J. 96,815
Quincy, Ill. 36,587 Troy, N. Y. 76,813
Quincy, Mass. 32,642 Utica N. Y. 74,419
Racine, Wis. 38,002 Waco, Tex. 26,425
Heading, Pa. 96,071 Waltham, Mass. 27,834
Roanoke, Va. 34,874 Warwick, R. I. 26,629
Rockford, Ill. 45,401 Waterbury, Conn. 73,141
Sacramento, Cal. 44,696 Waterloo, Iowa 26,693
Saginaw, Mich. 50,510 Watertown, N. Y. 26,730
St. Joseph, Mo. 77,403 West Hoboken, N. J. 35,403
Salem, Mass. 43,697 Wheeling, W. Va. 41,641
Salt Lake City, Utah 92,777 Wichita, Kans. 52,450
San Antonio, Tex. 96,614 Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 67,105
San Diego, Cal. 39,578 Williamsport, Pa. 31,860
San Jose, Cal. 28,946 Wilmington, Del. 87,411
Savannah, Ga. 65,064 Wilmington, N. C. 25,748
Schenectady, N. Y. 72,826 Woonsocket, R. I. 38,125
Sheboygan, Wis. 26,398 Yonkers, N. Y. 79,803
Shenandoah, Pa. 25,774 York, Pa. 44,750
Shreveport, La. 28,015 Youngstown, Ohio 79,066
Sioux City, Iowa 47,828 Zanesville, Ohio 28,026
Somerville, Mass. 77,236
South Bend, Ind. 53,684

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State. Number
Value of
Value of
The United States 6,398,491 75,788,000 $28,457,789,000 $6,302,777,000 $1,270,528,000
Alabama 262,720 20,713,000 216,510,000 71,163,000 16,279,000
Arizona 8,078 1,242,000 42,116,000 4,918,000 1,779,000
Arkansas 214,275 17,377,000 245,137,000 62,992,000 16,806,000
California 87,670 27,883,000 1,315,718,000 132,842,000 36,393,000
Colorado 45,839 13,448,000 361,680,000 45,335,000 12,761,000
Connecticut 26,431 2,176,000 71,527,000 65,094,000 6,865,000
Delaware 10,800 1,037,000 34,810,000 18,117,000 3,202,000
District of Columbia 214 6,000 5,466,000 835,000 62,000
Florida 49,834 5,231,000 93,288,000 24,335,000 4,429,000
Georgia 290,499 26,866,000 369,120,000 108,483,000 20,883,000
Idaho 30,741 5,269,000 219,346,000 25,074,000 10,459,000
Illinois 250,853 32,471,000 3,081,564,000 429,630,000 73,533,000
Indiana 214,741 21,264,000 1,325,475,000 264,750,000 40,880,000
Iowa 216,807 33,905,000 2,799,025,000 454,694,000 95,273,000
Kansas 177,299 43,261,000 1,534,552,000 199,101,000 48,244,000
Kentucky 258,742 22,159,000 483,127,000 150,655,000 20,793,000
Louisiana 120,270 10,519,000 189,071,000 49,611,000 18,951,000
Maine 59,773 6,291,000 85,923,000 72,753,000 14,476,000
Maryland 48,769 5,051,000 163,023,000 77,751,000 11,845,000
Massachusetts 36,512 2,870,000 104,273,000 87,025,000 11,512,000
Michigan 206,376 18,913,000 612,143,000 284,914,000 49,771,000
Minnesota 155,759 27,623,000 1,016,889,000 242,621,000 52,243,000
Mississippi 273,820 18,419,000 250,715,000 79,580,000 16,726,000
Missouri 276,081 34,516,000 1,441,529,000 268,976,000 50,769,000
Montana 25,946 13,499,000 225,819,000 24,666,000 10,522,000
Nebraska 129,419 38,553,000 1,613,077,000 198,480,000 44,215,000
Nevada 2,660 2,585,000 34,876,000 4,277,000 1,558,000

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State. Number
Value of
Value of
New Hampshire 26,913 3,242,000 $44,327,000 $41,215,000 $5,870,000
New Jersey 33,161 2,562,000 122,357,000 90,784,000 12,955,000
New Mexico 35,032 11,225,000 98,496,000 12,934,000 4,101,000
New York 214,650 21,998,000 703,214,000 473,008,000 83,330,000
North Carolina 253,425 22,400,000 342,545,000 113,170,000 18,415,000
North Dakota 74,165 28,392,000 729,896,000 92,139,000 43,887,000
Ohio 271,383 24,074,000 1,283,827,000 366,919,000 51,115,000
Oklahoma 189,438 28,717,000 647,178,000 89,295,000 27,002,000
Oregon 45,128 11,628,000 409,949,000 43,622,000 13,135,000
Pennsylvania 218,394 18,556,000 627,185,000 408,115,000 70,547,000
Porto Rico 58,371 2,085,000 73,968,000 8,752,000 8,711,000
Rhode Island 5,191 442,000 14,837,000 12,619,000 1,753,000
South Carolina 176,180 13,469,000 267,931,000 63,902,000 14,067,000
South Dakota 77,314 25,952,000 901,134,000 102,317,000 33,762,000
Tennessee 245,509 20,011,000 370,783,000 108,823,000 21,260,000
Texas 416,377 109,226,000 1,613,513,000 209,200,000 56,533,000
Utah 21,426 33,540,000 98,891,000 17,987,000 4,451,000
Vermont 32,598 4,653,000 58,255,000 54,072,000 10,162,000
Virginia 183,762 19,476,000 393,837,000 137,081,000 18,079,000
Washington 55,744 11,663,000 515,918,000 54,224,000 16,653,000
West Virginia 95,876 9,961,000 205,610,000 56,848,000 6,962,000
Wisconsin 176,546 21,012,000 909,462,000 288,096,000 52,783,000
Wyoming 10,980 8,543,000 88,877,000 8,983,000 3,765,000

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