Census of 1890 - All Occupations (persons engaged in) 22,735,861
Agriculture, Fisheries, and Mining, total, 9,013,336 - Agricultural laborers 3,004,061
- Apiarists 1,778
- Dairymen and dairywomen 17,895
- Farmers, planters, and overseers 5,281,557
- Fishermen and oystermen 60,162
- Gardeners, florists, nurserymen, and vine growers 72,601
- Lumbermen and raftsmen 65,866
- Miners (coal) 208,545
- Miners (not otherwise specified) 141,047
- Quarrymen 37,656
- Stock raisers, herders, and drovers 70,729
- Wood choppers 33,697
- Other agricultural pursuits 17,747
Professional Service, 944,333 - Actors 9,728
- Architects 8,070
- Artists and teachers of art 22,496
- Authors and literary and scientific persons 6,714
- Chemists, assayers, and metallurgists 4,503
- Clergymen 88,203
- Dentists 17,498
- Designers, draughtsmen, and inventors 9,391
- Engineers (civil, mechanical, electrical, and mining and surveyors) 43,239
- Journalists 21,849
- Lawyers 89,630
- Musicians and teachers of music 62,155
- Officers of the United States army and navy 2,926
- Officials (Government) 79,664
- Physicians and surgeons 104,805
- Professors in colleges and universities 5,393
- Teachers 341,952
- Theatrical managers, showmen, etc. 18,055
- Veterinary surgeons 6,494
- Other professional service 1,569
p. 138 Domestic and Personal Service, 4,360,577 - Barbers and hairdressers 84,982
- Bartenders 55,806
- Boarding and lodging house keepers 44,349
- Engineers and firemen (not locomotive) 139,765
- Hotel keepers 44,076
- Housekeepers and stewards 92,036
- Hunters, trappers, guides, and scouts 2,534
- Janitors 21,556
- Laborers (not specified) 1,913,373
- Launderers and laundresses 248,463
- Nurses and midwives 47,586
- Restaurant keepers 19,283
- Saloon keepers 71,385
- Servants 1,454,791
- Sextons 4,982
- Soldiers, sailors, and marines (United States) 27,819
- Watchmen, policemen, and detectives 74,629
- Other domestic and personal service 13,063
Trade and Transportation, 3,326,122 - Agents (claim, commission, real estate, insurance, etc.) and collectors 174,582
- Auctioneers 3,205
- Bankers and brokers (money and stocks) 30,008
- Boatmen and canalmen 16,716
- Bookkeepers and accountants 159,374
- Brokers (commercial) 5,960
- Clerks and copyists 557,358
- Commercial travellers 58,691
- Draymen, hackmen, teamsters, etc 368,499
- Foremen and overseers 36,084
- Hostlers 54,036
- Hucksters and pedlers 59,083
- Livery stable keepers 26,757
- Locomotive engineers and firemen 79,463
- Merchants and dealers in drugs and chemicals (retail) 46,375
- Merchants and dealers in drygoods (retail) 42,527
- Merchants and dealers in groceries (retail) 114,997
- Merchants and dealers in wines and liquors (retail) 10,078
- Merchants and dealers in wines and liquors (wholesale) 3,643
- Merchants and dealers not specified (retail) 446,262
- Merchants and dealers (wholesale), importers and shipping merchants 27,443
- Messengers, and errand and office boys 51,355
- Newspaper carriers and newsboys 5,288
- Officials of banks and insurance, trade, transportation, trust and other companies 39,900
- Packers and shippers 24,946
- Pilots 4,259
- Porters and helpers (in stores and warehouses) 24,356
- Sailors 55,899
- Salesmen and saleswomen 264,394
- Steam railroad employÉs (not otherwise specified) 382,750
- Stenographers and typewriters 33,418
p. 139 - Street railway employÉs 37,434
- Telephone and telegraph operators 52,314
- Telephone and telegraph linemen and electric light and power company employÉs 11,134
- Undertakers 9,891
- Weighers, gaugers, and measurers 3,860
- Other persons in trade and transportation 3,883
Manufacturing and Mechanical Industries. 5,091,393 - Agricultural implement makers (not otherwise classified) 3,755
- Apprentices (blacksmiths') 4,244
- Apprentices (boot and shoe makers') 1,031
- Apprentices (carpenters and joiners') 6,760
- Apprentices (carriage and wagon makers') 852
- Apprentices (dressmakers') 4,340
- Apprentices (leather curriers', etc.) 421
- Apprentices (machinists') 9,738
- Apprentices (masons') 1,927
- Apprentices (milliners') 1,204
- Apprentices (painters') 2,321
- Apprentices (plumbers') 4,624
- Apprentices (printers') 4,635
- Apprentices (tailors') 2,625
- Apprentices (tinsmiths') 2,037
- Apprentices (not otherwise specified) 35,698
- Artificial flower makers 3,046
- Bakers 60,197
- Basket makers 5,225
- Blacksmiths 205,337
- Bleachers, dyers, and scourers 14,210
- Bone and ivory workers 1,691
- Bookbinders 23,858
- Boot and shoe makers and repairers 213,544
- Bottlers and mineral and soda-water makers 7,230
- Box makers (paper) 17,757
- Box makers (wood) 10,883
- Brass workers (not otherwise specified) 17,265
- Brewers and maltsters 20,362
- Brick and tile makers and terra cotta workers 60,214
- Britannia workers 904
- Broom and brush makers 10,115
- Builders and contractors 45,988
- Butchers 105,456
- Butter and cheese makers 11,211
- Button makers 2,601
- Cabinetmakers 35,915
- Candle, soap, and tallow makers 3,450
- Carpenters and joiners 611,482
- Carpet makers 22,302
- Carriage and wagon makers (not otherwise classified) 34,538
- Charcoal, coke, and lime burners 8,704
- Chemical works employÉs 3,628
- Clock and watch makers and repairers 25,252
- Compositors 30,060
- Confectioners 23,251
p. 140 - Coopers 47,486
- Cooper workers 3,384
- Corset makers 6,533
- Cotton mill operatives 173,142
- Distillers and rectifiers 3,314
- Door, sash, and blind makers 5,041
- Dressmakers 289,164
- Electroplaters 2,756
- Electrotypers and stereotypers 1,471
- Engravers 8,320
- Fertilizer makers 732
- Fish curers and packers 1,279
- Gas works employÉs 5,224
- Glass workers 34,382
- Glove makers 6,416
- Gold and silver workers 20,263
- Gunsmiths, locksmiths, and bell hangers 9,158
- Hair workers 1,254
- Harness and saddle makers and repairers 43,480
- Hat and cap makers 24,013
- Hosiery and knitting mill operatives 29,555
- Iron and steel workers 144,921
- Lace and embroidery makers 5,256
- Lead and zinc workers 4,616
- Leather curriers, dressers, finishers, and tanners 39,332
- Machinists 177,090
- Manufacturers and officials of manufacturing companies1 01,610
- Marble and stone cutters 61,070
- Masons (brick and stone) 158,918
- Meat and fruit packers, canners, and preservers 5,830
- Mechanics (not otherwise specified) 15,485
- Metal workers (not otherwise specified) 16,694
- Mill and factory operatives (not specified) 93,596
- Millers (flour and grist) 52,841
- Milliners 60,842
- Model and pattern makers 10,300
- Moulders 66,289
- Musical instrument makers (not otherwise specified) 652
- Nail and tack makers 4,583
- Oil well employÉs 9,147
- Oil works employÉs 5,624
- Painters, glaziers, and varnishers 219,912
- Paper hangers 12,369
- Paper mill operatives 27,817
- Photographers 20,840
- Piano and organ makers and tuners 14,683
- Plasterers 39,002
- Plumbers and gas and steam fitters 56,607
- Potters 14,928
- Powder and cartridge makers 1,385
- Printers, lithographers, and pressmen 86,893
- Print works operatives 6,701
- Publishers of books, maps, and newspapers 6,284
- Roofers and slaters 7,043
- Rope and cordage makers 8,001
- Rubber factory operatives 16,162
- Sail, awning, and tent makers 3,257
- Salt works employÉs 1,765
- Saw and planing mill employÉs 133,637
p. 141 - Seamstresses 150,044
- Sewing machine makers (not otherwise classified) 880
- Sewing machine operators 7,126
- Ship and boat builders 22,951
- Shirt, collar, and cuff makers 21,097
- Silk mill operatives 34,855
- Starch makers 746
- Steam boiler makers 21,339
- Stove, furnace, and grate makers 8,932
- Straw workers 3,666
- Sugar makers and refiners 2,616
- Tailors and tailoresses 185,400
- Tinners and tinware makers 55,488
- Tobacco and cigar operatives 111,385
- Tools and cutlery (not otherwise specified) 17,985
- Trunk, valise, leather case, and pocket-book makers 6,297
- Umbrella and parasol makers 3,403
- Upholsterers 25,666
- Well borers 4,854
- Wheelwrights 12,856
- Whitewashers 3,996
- Wire workers 12,319
- Wood workers (not otherwise specified) 67,360
- Woolen mill operatives 84,109
- Other persons in manufacturing and mechanical industries 76,714
p. 142