The meats that we commonly use are derived from the flesh of domestic and wild animals of herbivorous habits and from fowls. The flesh of carnivorous animals is seldom used as food. The various kinds are obtained as follows:
Under the head of poultry we include the common fowl, turkeys, ducks and geese, the guinea hen, and game birds. Fig. 57.—Fiber cells of plain muscular tissue. Kimber’s Anatomy for Nurses. Quality of good meat.—The quality of meat is dependent on the condition of the animal from which it is derived. The creature should be in perfect health and well fed. Good beef is largely obtained from the cattle ranges of the West, but there is no reason why cattle should not be raised to greater extent in the East. Sheep for mutton are best raised where the climate is not too severe. Methods of slaughter, transportation, and preservation Fig. 58.—Cuts of Beef.
Courtesy of Bureau of Publications, Teachers College. In meat as it is purchased we have bone, fat, and the flesh, consisting of the muscle of the animal with its connective tissue. The color of the meat should be clear and fairly bright, not purplish or dull. There should be little or no odor, and the meat should be firm and elastic to the touch. Beef should be a bright red and well streaked with fat. Veal should be pink and is somewhat less firm than beef. If watery and flabby, it is too young. Mutton is a duller red, and firm. The fat is white or slightly yellow and hard. Lamb is pink, rather than red, and slightly less firm. Pork is rather pale, somewhat less firm than beef and mutton, and the fat is softer. Fig. 59.—The hind quarter of beef hanging. Cuts: A, Leg; B, Round; C, Rump; D, Top Sirloin; E, Loin; F, Flank. Bones: g, leg bone; h, socket bone; j, rump bone; k, hip bone; e, back bone; m, part of rump bone; n, wing rib. Courtesy of Bureau of Publications, Teachers College Tough and tender meat.—To understand the difference between the tough and tender cuts we must be familiar with the structure of the muscle (see Fig. 57). Each muscle consists of bundles of tubes held together by connective tissue. In tough meat, the muscle tubes are thicker and there is more connective tissue present. Exercise strengthens the muscle, and this accounts for the fact that the unexercised muscles of the young animal give us a softer meat. In the mature animal the muscles most exercised furnish the tough meat, and the less used muscles the tender. If you study Fig. 58, you can easily determine where the tough meat will occur, if you think of the proportionate amount of exercise that the different muscles receive. The tough cuts come from the neck and legs, the tender cuts from the middle Fig. 60.—The fore quarter of beef, hanging.
Courtesy of the Bureau of Publications, Teachers College. Composition and nutritive value.—Figure 64 shows you the composition of several common meats. Meat is valuable chiefly for its protein, fat, and mineral salts. The juices of the meat in the muscle cells contain nitrogenous extractive materials which give flavor, and are possibly stimulating, but they have no food value. From the bone and also from the connective tissue, gelatin is dissolved in cooking. Gelatin is a protein, but differs in certain chemical properties from other proteins, and cannot be used as the only source of nitrogen. It is a very useful protein, however, and as it can be substituted in part for more expensive proteins, it used to be called a “protein saver.” In spite of the fact that meat is a common article of diet it should not be used in excess. Other forms of protein, as those in eggs and milk, are usually digested as easily, and most people can digest vegetable proteins if the vegetables are carefully prepared. Very little children should not have Fig. 61a.—Left: Chuck rib roast, 9th and 10th ribs. Right: Blade rib, 7th and 8th ribs. Fig. 61b.—Left: 1st cut prime rib roast. Right: 2d cut prime rib roast. Courtesy of Bureau of Publications, Teachers College. Fig. 62a.—Porterhouse steak; Delmonico steak. Courtesy of Bureau of Publications, Teachers College. Fig. 62b.—Flatbone sirloin steak; Hip steak. It should be realized that in none of the European countries is meat used so liberally as in the United States, and that there are reasons to believe that we might be better off if we could satisfy ourselves with a meat consumption nearer the average of other civilized peoples—say half as much meat per person per year as we are now accustomed to use. The fuel value of meat depends largely upon the amount of fat which is eaten. If a pound of steak contains 2 ounces of fat and 14 ounces of clear lean, the rejection of the fat means a loss of fully one half of the fuel value. The following table shows the difference between raw meat of the same cut, free from bones and connective tissue, due to differences in amounts of fat. Most people would prefer the strictly lean meat. Table Showing 100-calorie Portions of Raw Edible Meat
Fig. 63a.—1: Rib lamb chops, French. 2: Rib lamb chops. 3: Loin lamb chops. 4: Left: Blade shoulder chop. Right: Round bone shoulder chop. 5: Chuck steak. 6: Skirt steak. 7: Flank steak. Fig. 63b.—Left.—Top and bottom round. Right.—Round bone sirloin steak. Courtesy of Bureau of Publications, Teachers College. For very complete and conveniently arranged tables giving the percentage composition, the food values per pound and per ounce, the weight and nutrients of the 100-Calorie portions of all the important meats and other food materials as well, see Rose’s “Laboratory Handbook for Dietetics.” Dangers from meat.—Three dangers from meat must be recognized; (1) animal parasites, such as the trichina sometimes found in pork, (2) poisons developed in the meat by bacteria when it is kept too long or without sufficient refrigeration, this danger being recognized as ptomaine poisoning, (3) bacteria, sometimes present in meat, which are directly injurious to man and which are now held to be the cause of most of the sickness commonly attributed to ptomaine poisoning. Government protection must be given us here, but the housekeeper too has a responsibility. If the raw meat has failed to receive proper inspection, we can protect ourselves by cooking the meat to a degree that will kill any parasite present. For this reason meat should not be served that looks raw or too underdone. The cooked meat should be pink rather than red. Meat poisoning may be avoided in the first place by exercising great care in regard to the odor of meat. Meat may hang to “ripen,” as the butchers say, but one must learn to distinguish between the odor of properly ripened meat, and that of even slightly tainted meat. Quite as important is the rapid cooling of meat, poultry, fish, and soups that are not to be used at once. Cases of digestive disturbance and even actual poisoning sometimes occur when underdone meat, especially lamb, veal, or poultry, remains warm overnight. Fig. 64.—Composition of meats. The effect of heat upon meat.—The fat of meat is melted by heat. The meat fiber shrinks and hardens Bearing these facts in mind, we can decide just what to do in order to bring about the result that we desire in meat cookery, for sometimes we wish to extract the juices and sometimes we wish to have all, or nearly all, retained in the meat. We are now ready to state the principles of meat cookery as follows: 1. Juices retained. In broiling, pan broiling, roasting, and boiling the high temperature coagulates the meat albumin and hardens the fiber on the surface, thus forming a coating which prevents the further escape of juices. In the roasting and boiling of 2. Juices extracted. In beef juice or beef tea, this may be done by placing the chopped beef in a jar and placing the jar in an oven, or in hot water; or for beef tea and ordinary soup by putting the chopped meat, or small pieces of meat, in cold water and heating the water slowly. 3. Juices partly retained and partly extracted. This is desirable in stews, in braised beef, and in pot roast. State for yourself just how this would be accomplished. 4. Connective tissue softened at low temperature, and with water. 5. Sterilization by continued heat which destroys parasites and bacteria. 6. Rapid cooling, when serving is not immediate. Flavors suitable with meat. Herbs. All the pot herbs including savory, marjoram, thyme, sage, pot marigold. Vegetables. Onion, carrot, turnip, celery, celery root, parsley root and leaf. Spices. Clove, allspice, mustard, red, black, and white pepper. Some nationalities use nutmeg. Acids. Lemon, tomato, and other acid fruits. EXPERIMENTS AND RECIPESExperiment A. Chop finely a small piece of meat, squeeze out the juice with a lemon squeezer and heat this juice in a saucepan. Observe the coagulation that takes place. Experiment B. (1) Apparatus.—If possible, 2 glass beakers, 1 square wire net. If these are not available, use an ordinary tumbler and a small saucepan. (2) Method.—a. Put a small piece of meat in a beaker with cold water, and allow it to stand. b. Bring water to the boiling point in the beaker on the net over the gas flame. Throw in a small piece of meat. Compare the appearance of the two pieces of meat and the water in the two beakers. 1. Broiled steak. (1) Wipe steak with a damp cloth. If a wood or coal stove is used, have a bed of glowing coals ready. If gas is used, have the gas broiler thoroughly heated. Grease the bars of the broiler. Place steak in the broiler and sear meat first on one side, then on the other. Continue to turn the broiler and cook the meat until it is brown and done according to taste. Steak an inch thick will take about ten minutes to be cooked to a medium degree. Chops are broiled in the same way. (2) Steak and chops may also be broiled in the pan. An iron frying pan is the best utensil. Heat the pan, and brush it over with a small piece of fat cut from the steak or the chops. The purpose of this is merely to keep the meat from sticking to the pan. The principle of procedure is the same as with (1). The steak or chops must be frequently turned, using a knife and a fork, being careful not to prick the meat with the fork. The length of time is slightly longer than for (1). This method must not be confused with the frying of steak in a pan with a large amount of fat. By this method the steak is not fried, and it is often a convenient substitute for (1). 2. Roast of beef. Wipe roast with a damp cloth. Sprinkle with salt and dredge with flour. Place in a roasting pan, fat side up if it is a standing roast. Put the roast in a very hot oven and after fifteen minutes reduce the heat. Baste roast two or three times with the fat that tries out during cooking. The usual allowance of time for a medium rare roast is fifteen minutes for every pound of meat. Roast beef gravy.—After the roast has been taken from the 3. Bouillon.
Wipe beef and cut the lean meat in inch cubes. Brown one third of the meat in fat cut from meat or marrow from a marrow bone. Put remaining two thirds with bone and fat in soup kettle, add water and let stand for thirty minutes. Place on back of range, add browned meat, and heat gradually to the boiling point. Cover and cook slowly six hours, keeping below the boiling point during cooking. Add the vegetables and seasonings, cook one and one half hours, strain and cool as quickly as possible. This is called soup stock. To clarify bouillon.—When stock is cold, remove fat which has hardened on top and put quantity to be cleared into a stew pan. Allow white and shell of one egg to each quart of stock. Put over fire and stir constantly until boiling point is reached. Boil two minutes. Set back on stove and let simmer twenty minutes. Remove scum and strain through double thickness of cheesecloth. 4. General directions for meat soups. Soup making is an art that is well worth cultivating. The expert soup maker will obtain delicious flavors by adding bits of many kinds of left overs—almost anything that is found in the refrigerator in the way of fruit, vegetables, and pieces of meat. With the coming of the gas stove, many people have given up soup making. These various left overs add much to the flavor of the soup and can be used in a thickened soup which is like the bouillon strained and thickened. The thickening may be flour, arrowroot, cold cereal, sago, tapioca, or rice. Spaghetti, vermicelli, Soup meat may be served in a soup of the old-fashioned kind, thickened and containing vegetables. In such a soup some fat is left, and the total result is a dish that makes a meal when served with bread. When the soup is a clear soup, the meat that is left may be used for made over dishes; although some practical housekeepers think that it costs almost as much to make it palatable as to buy fresh meat. Try it in an escalloped dish with plenty of tomato, onion, and some dried herbs for additional flavor. 5. Beef stew with dumplings.
Wipe meat, cut in 11/2 inch cubes, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and dredge with flour. Cut some of the fat in small pieces and try out in frying pan. Add meat and stir constantly, that the surface may be quickly seared. When well browned, put in kettle, and rinse frying pan with boiling water, that none of the flavor may be lost. Cover with boiling water and boil five minutes, then cook below the boiling point until meat is tender (about 3 hours). Add vegetables except potatoes and seasoning the last hour of cooking. Parboil potatoes five minutes and add to stew 15 minutes before taking from fire. Teacher’s Note.—Broiled steak would be suitable for group work, using small steaks (Delmonico cut). A small roast may be prepared by a group and roasted after class. This meat and that left from the steak should be used in a subsequent class for a lesson on left over meat. Broiled or pan-broiled chops may be prepared individually. 6. Dumplings.
Mix and sift dry ingredients. Work in butter with a knife, add milk gradually. Remove enough liquid from stew so that when dumplings are dropped in they will rest on top of meat. Drop by spoonfuls and let cook about twenty minutes. The stew should be thickened before dumplings are dropped in. 7. Uses of left over meat. (1) Rissoles.—Run meat together with small piece of onion through a chopper. Add salt, pepper, a little cold cereal, or bread crumbs, and beaten egg, allowing one egg to about a pound of meat. Shape into flat round cakes, roll in flour and sautÉ in butter until well browned. These may be served with tomato sauce. Tomato Sauce.
Brown the onion in butter and stir in the flour. When it has bubbled up, add the tomatoes and seasonings. Stir constantly until it thickens. Strain into a hot bowl. Teacher’s Note.—One sixth of these recipes would be as small an amount as it would be practicable to use. (2) Croquettes.
Mix ingredients in order given and let mixture cool. Shape into croquettes, roll in crumbs, beaten egg and crumbs again, place in a frying basket and fry in deep fat to a golden brown. (3) Escalloped meat
A little chopped celery is desirable This is a simple method of serving left over meat that needs no specific recipe. Layers of bread crumbs are alternated with layers of meat which may be chopped or cut into small pieces. Liquid may be used like tomato or tomato juice, or soup that is left over, or plain water. The flavor may be varied by the use of the different materials that are suitable to meat. Layers of mashed potato may be used instead of bread. Poultry In selecting poultry see that the flesh is firm, that there is a good amount of fat underneath the skin, and that the skin is whole and a good yellow. Notice the odor of the fowl particularly. The skin of cold-storage poultry has not such a good color and is sometimes broken. Often the flesh is shrunken, and if the cold storage has been too long continued the odor is unpleasant. Refrigeration is allowable for a period. Another way to judge cold-storage poultry is by To prepare poultry for cooking, the “dressing” of the chicken is often done now at the market. If it is necessary to do this at home, make an incision with a sharp knife just inside of one of the legs, in the groin. Insert the hand and remove all the entrails. The skin must be loosened at the neck and the crop removed. In any case, wash the chicken thoroughly inside and out, even holding the cavity under running water. If there is hair remaining on the chicken, singe this off over burning paper or over a gas flame. The composition is essentially the same as that of meat. The white of chicken, fowls, and turkeys is thought to be more digestible than the dark meat. GENERAL METHODS AND RECIPESThe principles of cookery are the same as with the meat. Chicken soup is made on the same principle as beef soup. After straining, it is delicious with the addition of milk or cream. The meat of the chicken may be chopped fine and used as a thickening. Rice may be added or a hard-boiled egg chopped fine. Chicken may be served cold, for luncheon or supper, and is always very desirable in made-over dishes. Any stuffing left over may be used in the made dishes. 1. Roast chicken. Dress and clean a chicken. Fill the cavity with stuffing and sew edges together. Truss chicken and place on its back in a roasting pan. Rub surface with salt and spread breast and legs with butter. Dredge with flour. Put a little water in bottom of pan. Place in hot oven and when flour is well browned, reduce the temperature. Baste frequently during roasting with liquid in pan. When breast meat is tender and a brown crust formed the bird is cooked. A four-pound chicken requires about 11/2 hours. Stuffing. (See recipe for stuffing, page 237.) Mix all together. No moisture need be added as the juices of the chicken will be sufficient. Gravy.—Pour off liquid from pan in which chicken has been roasted. Add 2 tablespoonfuls of either chicken fat or butter. Stir in 2 tablespoonfuls of flour and let bubble up. Add one cup stock, in which giblets, neck, and tips of wings have been cooked, and stir steadily until thickened. Add 1/2 teaspoonful salt. 2. Chicken fricassee. Clean and cut up a fowl. Cover with boiling water and let boil 5 minutes. Simmer until meat is tender. Remove chicken from kettle and place pieces in hot, greased frying pan. SautÉ until browned. Put on platter. Melt 4 tablespoonfuls chicken fat in pan. Add 4 tablespoonfuls flour. Stir and let bubble up. Add 2 cups chicken stock, stir and let boil until thickened. Pour over chicken on platter. Laboratory management.—A lesson on poultry is a very expensive one and difficult to manage so that each may have a share of the work. Such a lesson is suitable where the pupils have had work in previous years and are used to working in groups. Preserved meats and poultry.—Smoked and salted meats are valuable foods, although the nutritive content is somewhat less available for digestion. The salted and smoked meats need long and slow cooking below the boiling temperature of water. Canned meats and poultry of good quality are now in the market, and they are convenient and useful when not used to excess. Buy well-known brands. The government inspection of canned meats is of great importance, for the individual cannot protect himself. Canned soups are convenient for those who cook by gas and who live in small quarters. Buy good brands even if they are somewhat more expensive. The best firms manufacturing canned Other parts of meat and poultry.—Some of the internal organs of the animals and fowl are used for food. Most of them are comparatively cheap, and may be made palatable. The liver and kidneys are organs having to do with the waste products of the body and objection is raised to their use on that account. If used, they should be soaked in cold salted water, put into fresh cold water, and allowed to heat very slowly. This water should be poured off, and then a brown stew can be made. What flavors are pleasant with liver and kidneys? Make your own recipe for liver or kidney stew. The heart does not contain waste products. Why is it tough? What process would you select to make it tender? Even when softened, it would not be attractive or very palatable without further treatment. It is hollow, somewhat as the chicken is before roasting. Look over the recipes and flavors suitable to meat and see if you cannot make your own for Baked Heart. Sweetbreads, the pancreas, are highly prized on account of their delicacy, and are costly. They may be broiled, or served in sauce in pastry cases or in patties. Calf’s head and brain.—The brain is sometimes used as substitute for sweetbreads. From the meat and bones of the head soup and stew may be made. EXERCISES1. From what animals are meats derived? 2. What are the chief values of meat? 3. Why should its use be limited? 4. What actual dangers may arise from its use? 5. What precautions must be exercised by the government, inspector and the housekeeper? 6. We are told that chicken pie should have the crust pricked or lifted when it comes from the oven. Is this reasonable? 7. How may you judge good meats in the market? 8. Why is the neck of beef tough? For what would you use it? 9. Why is porterhouse steak tender? Why is it not used in a stew? (It would make a delicious stew.) 10. What cuts would you select for stewing and braising? 11. Make a list of the cuts of beef and mutton and lamb, pork, etc., in your notebook, with the best methods of cookery for each. 12. Add to this list the current prices of each in your locality. 13. What is the size and cost of a 100-Calorie portion of beef round? 14. With this in mind, calculate how much round steak you would buy for dinner for five people. How much porterhouse? 15. Explain the structure of the muscle. 16. What takes place when meat is seared? When is this process used? 17. Explain the principle of soup making. Devise an experiment to show the effect of salt upon the pieces of meat. What is the nutritive value of soup meat? 18. Explain the principle of stewing meats. 19. What is the difference between broiling and pan broiling? 20. What are some of the best ways of utilizing left over meat and poultry? 21. Which is more economical, croquettes or an escalloped dish? Explain fully. 22. How may you distinguish poultry in good condition from that too long in cold storage? 23. Why is good poultry not a cheap food? 24. Discuss making soup versus buying canned soup. 25. What are the advantages of canned meat? The possible disadvantages? |