The Kodak Box No. 2


The Kodak box No. 2 contains everything for picture making by the daylight method. No dark room is necessary, and even the beginner can get good results by following the simple, explicit directions contained in the instruction book. This outfit is simple enough for boys and girls, while at the same time it will make pictures which will please the grown-up people.

The Price

One No. 2 Brownie Camera, 2¼ × 3¼ $2.00
One No. 2 Brownie Developing Box 1.00
One Roll No. 2 Brownie Film, 2¼ × 3¼ .20
Two Brownie Developing Box Powders .05
One ½-pound package Kodak Acid Fixing Powder .15
One 4-ounce Graduate .10
One Stirring Rod .05
One No. 2 Brownie Printing Frame .15
One Package (1 dozen) 2¼ × 3¼ Brownie Velox .10
Two Eastman Metol Quinol Developer Powders .10
Three Paper Developing Trays .30
One Dozen 2¼ × 3¼ Mounts .10
One Dozen 2¼ × 3¼ Kodak Dry Mounting Tissue .05
One Instruction Book .10

Price, complete, neatly packed, $4.00.


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