Developing and Printing Outfits


The Eastman 3A Outfit contains every requisite for finishing twenty-four 3¼ × 5½ or smaller pictures, and by combining a variety of different articles and making up the outfits in large quantities, we furnish them at a much lower price than if the articles were purchased separately.

One Kodak Candle Lamp $0.25
One Printing Frame .25
One Glass for Frame .05
One 4-ounce Graduate .10
One Stirring Rod .05
Four Developing Trays .40
Five tubes Eastman Special Developer .25
One half pound Kodak Acid Fixing Powder .15
One Package Potassium Bromide .05
Two dozen 3¼ × 5½ Velox Paper .30
Three Eastman Metol Quinol Powders, for developing Velox .15
Instruction Book .10

Eastman 3A Outfit, complete, neatly packed, $1.50.

EASTMAN A B C OUTFIT, similar to above but providing for 4 × 5 or smaller pictures $1.50
BROWNIE Developing and Printing Outfit, complete, for developing and printing 24 pictures 2¼ × 2¼. Price, complete .90

Note—These outfits cannot be shipped by mail.


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