Developing and Printing Outfits |
The Eastman 3A Outfit contains every requisite for finishing twenty-four 3¼ × 5½ or smaller pictures, and by combining a variety of different articles and making up the outfits in large quantities, we furnish them at a much lower price than if the articles were purchased separately. One Kodak Candle Lamp | | $0.25 | One Printing Frame | | .25 | One Glass for Frame | | .05 | One 4-ounce Graduate | | .10 | One Stirring Rod | | .05 | Four Developing Trays | | .40 | Five tubes Eastman Special Developer | | .25 | One half pound Kodak Acid Fixing Powder | | .15 | One Package Potassium Bromide | | .05 | Two dozen 3¼ × 5½ Velox Paper | | .30 | Three Eastman Metol Quinol Powders, for developing Velox | | .15 | Instruction Book | | .10 | | | $2.10 | Eastman 3A Outfit, complete, neatly packed, $1.50. EASTMAN A B C OUTFIT, similar to above but providing for 4 × 5 or smaller pictures | | $1.50 | BROWNIE Developing and Printing Outfit, complete, for developing and printing 24 pictures 2¼ × 2¼. Price, complete | | .90 | Note—These outfits cannot be shipped by mail.