{tyrannical} | ty-ran´ni-cal government | {technically} | tech´ni-cal-ly speaking | {trinomial} | tri-no´mi-al equation | {trousseau} | trous-seau´ for the bride | {systematically} | sys-tem-at´ic-al-ly arranged | {synthetic} | syn-thet´ic rubies made in France | {syndicate} | syn´di-cate with large capital | {synthesis} | syn´the-sis is combination | {suburbs} | sub´urbs of the city | {substitute} | sub´sti-tute for the original | {stimulus} | stim´u-lus to work | {parliamentary} | par-lia-men´ta-ry law | {proprietary} | pro-pri´et-a-ry rights | {solecisms} | sol´e-cisms of speech | {soliloquy} | so-lil´o-quy of Hamlet | {silhouette} | sil-hou-ette´ against the screen | {scientific} | sci-en-tif´ic treatment | {symbols} | sym´bols used in chemistry | {accede} | ac-cede´ to our request | {accessory} | ac-ces´so-ry before the fact | {accident} | ac´ci-dent on the railroad | {accomplish} | ac-com´plish his purpose | {consummate} | con-sum´mate his desire | {conspiracy} | con-spir´a-cy against the king | {concurrent} | con-cur´rent with the event |