{nonchalant} non´cha-lant manner
{piercing} pier´cing shriek
{pollination} pol-li-na´tion of the flowers
{personification} per-son-i-fi-ca´tion of the sun
{precipice} prec´i-pice of rock
{primitive} prim´i-tive man
{prestige} pres-tige´ of high position
{possessor} pos-sess´or of a large fortune
{punctuation} punc-tu-a´tion of a sentence
{palette} pal´ette for the artist's paints
{palate} pal´ate back of the tongue
{practiced} prac´ticed his lesson
{vinculum} vin´cu-lum over the numbers
{veterinary} vet´er-i-na-ry surgeon
{resonance} res´o-nance of the organ
{revenue} rev´e-nue stamps
{reverence} rev´er-ence for old age
{reversible} re-vers´i-ble cuffs
{rescind} re-scind´ the order
{requirement} re-quire´ment for entrance
{radiate} ra´di-ate the heat
{relatively} rel´a-tive-ly speaking
{relevant} rel´e-vant to the subject
{pharynx} phar´ynx, part of alimentary canal
{reinforced} re-in-forced´ concrete



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