{enough} e-nough´ money to buy it
{envelope} en´vel-ope was sealed
{envelop} en-vel´op with a wrapper
{faucet} fau´cet for cold water
{facet} fac´et cut on the diamond
{fuchsia} fuch´sia growing in the garden
{fatigue} fa-tigue´ after a long walk
{guaranty} guar´an-ty bond
{hyperbole} hy-per´bo-le of speech
{handkerchief} hand´ker-chief in his pocket
{invisible} in-vis´i-ble enemy
{infallible} in-fal´li-ble judgment
{immigration} im-mi-gra´tion into America
{emigration} em-i-gra´tion from Germany
{irresistible} ir-re-sist´i-ble force
{friction} fric´tion of the wheels
{foundry} foun´dry for making boilers
{judiciary} ju-di´ci-a-ry powers
{legislature} leg´is-la-ture of the state
{lodgment} lodg´ment of a complaint
{length} length of the cloth
{meridian} me-rid´i-an of Greenwich
{malleable} mal´le-a-ble metal
{maritime} mar´i-time city
{hypocrisy} hy-poc´ri-sy of the faker



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