{condensing} | con-dens´ing the milk | {conceived} | con-ceived´ the plan | {commit} | com-mit´ a crime | {deficiency} | de-fi´cien-cy in his studies | {decorated} | dec´o-ra-ted the building | {definitely} | def´i-nite-ly understood | {demonstrative} | de-mon´stra-tive pronoun | {dependence} | de-pend´ence on others | {dependents} | de-pend´ents of the estate | {depository} | de-pos´i-to-ry for goods | {expedition} | ex-pe-di´tion to the North Pole | {esophagus} | } | e-soph´a-gus leads to the stomach | {oesophagus} | {equilibrant} | e-qui-li´brant forces | {elasticity} | el-as-tic´i-ty of rubber | {electoral} | e-lec´tor-al vote | {endeavor} | en-deav´or to do good | {indorsement} | } | in-dorse´ment of the note | {endorsement} | {edible} | ed´i-ble mushroom | {entry} | en´try in the books | {entries} | en´tries in the books | {explanation} | ex-pla-na´tion of the meaning | {extraordinary} | ex-traor´di-na-ry circumstances | {extremely} | ex-treme´ly beautiful |