{vegetable} veg´e-ta-ble garden
{arc} arc of a circle
{ark} ark built by Noah
{analyze} an´a-lyze the sentence
{different} dif´fer-ent sizes
{crystallize} crys´tal-lize into snow
{chief} chief man of the city
{elimination} e-lim-i-na´tion of the unfit
{foreign} for´eign countries
{generally} gen´er-al-ly known
{guard} guard the treasure
{leisure} lei´sure moments
{license} li´cense to run an automobile
{rhomboid} rhom´boid figure in geometry
{tyranny} tyr´an-ny of the conqueror
{vertices} ver´ti-ces of the triangle
{commission} com-mis´sion form of government
{disappointment} dis-ap-point´ment is hard to bear
{abbreviate} ab-bre´vi-ate the word
{conscious} con´scious of her beauty
{color} col´or of the flower
{civilization} civ-i-li-za´tion of the Greeks
{chlorophyll} chlo´ro-phyll of the plant
{character} char´ac-ter of the man
{cavalry} cav´al-ry regiment



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